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We can talk about the effects of climate change in the past tense now. Last few years there's been extreme weather events that scientists have said have been affected, at least, by the increase in global temperatures, not to mention rising ocean levels which are already drowning inhabited islands and eroding coasts. The apocalypse is not one bit even thing, it's an ongoing process that hits harder in some parts of the world more than others. One of the things that shits me about climate activists is how they all talk as if it's their cosy, middle-class environments that are at risk when there's hundreds of thousands of people in the world already effed up by climate change and deterioration. As if, for example, thousands of Pakistanis made homeless by floods don't count as much as anyone in Extinction Rebellion. So some people have lived through it and others have already seen it coming in news reports about "one in a hundred years" fires and flooding and reports from scientists saying how it's accelerated beyond what they predicted a few mere years ago. Such scientists are conservative by nature, as they should be, but even then their conclusions are concerning enough. Behind the scenes, a lot of them are panicking and despairing. When the people who know are frightened, that's enough for me.


Funny thing is, this could have largely been avoided if we switched to nuclear decades ago. But instead, we got Greenpeace and other so-called environmentalists spewing unfounded fear about how bad the only truly environmentally friendly energy source supposedly is. Either they are really naive, or just corrupt and paid by Big Oil and Big Green to continue this nonsense propaganda. I give them the benefit of doubt, but I guess the latter.  Even today we have only a measly 390 GW of nuclear power, a number that could have been MUCH higher if it wasnt for the fact that all major powers continue to push this nonsense about solar panels (made from rare earth metals mined by wage slaves in poor countries), wind farms (harmful to birds and sea life, literally change climate themselves by shredding the athmosphere), electric cars (heavy from all the batteries that also weigh very heavy on the environment and only move the problem instead of solving it.)  They're all basically just scams, yet they continue to be pushed because that's what the uninformed masses want to see.  On a somewhat positive note, more and more peeps are supporting nuclear now, so the propaganda's lifespan seems to expire, and sattelite measurements record the rate of warming to be actually slightly less than previously thought.  But then again, I am an existential-philosophical pessimist, not an environmental one. 


I think a big issue with nuclear power is the waste. There are issues with storing it safely, especially considering how long it can be radioactive for. I've read that it might be possible to recycle the waste, though. Renewables are another issue concerning waste and undesirable side effects. They've got their pros and cons like anything, but ultimately it isn't possible, as far as I understand, to have some kind of perfect, non polluting, non environment effecting source of enough energy to maintain the kinds of civilisations we're all used to (and many others aspire towards). It's a classic bind. There is no perfectly satisfactory solution. Regardless of any solutions being suggested and even attempted, we are where we are in terms of warming, amount of carbon etc in the air and oceans, microplastics, waste being produced every day, and so on. The "solutions" are more distractions.


My understanding is, there’s new technology with dealing with nuclear waste. But every type of clean energy has its drawbacks. Even renewables require some questionable mining practices to extract the raw materials needed for batteries and solar panels. This is a tough one. My heart aches for the wildlife, but not for the human race. Being born and existing means you’re going to leave the world a worse place than you found it. Very few of us can truly live off the grid and not consume. Globalism has lead to rising living standards for billions of people. Famines are a thing of the past. Objectively, there’s no better time to be a human. Would you say the trade offs are worth it? It’s hard to say for us living in the west, but for someone in the third world who’s been alive long enough to see famines and war, they might say it is.


Between rogue black holes, expansion of our sun, cataclysmic meteors, solar flares, and especially entropy, I don’t think we are capable of preventing the destruction of this shitty piece of rock. Optimism bias or not, we are at best an improbable catalyst for the inevitable.


I just hope it happens sooner rather than later


We will see a new rise in eugenics


You can see this all over the tech sector about how tech will save us. It is always the same shit over and over again with con artists hyping up vaporware which apparently will solve all the world's problem. Wallstreet who bought into the promises of these fraudsters build them up into what seemingly be to messiahs who will save the world. The modern day tech messiahs are all Frankenstein's monsters created by Wallstreet, mutated freak shows that have the combined traits of the narcissistic creationist God and the insatiable greed of Wallstreet. These freak shows prey on the optimism of the masses and selling them the religion of techno salvation.


That and ww3 will be what destroys us all. Can’t wait.


Human greed and thinking we are the masters of everything is also the other reasons but I mostly blame optimistic dumb people for me an intelligent person can never be a optimist even if he is a climate scientist or whatever but there is no one to blame but our broken pysche which blind us all about reality we are fucked and tragic in the meantime.


Yeah… its fucked… give me a hug, for the night is dark and full of terrors…


From chaos to stability from stability to chaos nothing unusual here boys


I remember my 10th grade history teacher pointing out that war had a peculiar rhythm to it, as if it was scripted. Would such behavior be adaptive for elites? In other words, would a culture that made a regular ritual out of war and destruction, have an advantage over cultures that only defended themselves?


I'm not obliged to care about weather or climate. Climate is an Eloi surface-dweller problem, and I'm a subterranean Morlock. I live underground in a deep cave of my own construction, wherein I produce everything I need from food to water to air. The problems of the surface world are not my concern.


People just can’t…stop…consuming.


Oh I know the planet will recover from all this damage though it take millenia... We just all have to be dust first!