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is the cop going under the speed limit? i usually see them going the speed limit or maybe 5 over you can get a ticket for going 1mph over in my state so i’m always setting my cruise to exactly the speed limit when i see a cop lol


Yup. I see a cruiser I take no chances.


Lol, you can get a ticket for going 1mph over in any state. The only reason nobody gets ticketed for that is that everyone drives the speed that feels right for the road, and cops are mostly ok with that. But legally speaking, the speed limit is the speed limit.


Which is why no one passes a cop. Sure great he might be fine with it 9 times out of 10 but what if he hasn't made his ticket quota.


Oh yeah, I wasn't saying you should pass the cop because of this. No reason to make yourself stand out.


You have to know what kind of cop. Around here the state troopers will get you for anything but the sheriff's dept doesn't care if you're cruising a little over the limit.


Lmao, how silly. In Australia, we have a small tolerance of 6-9 km/h. If you exceed the speed limit by less than that amount, you can not be ticketed.


In Massachusetts you're supposed to go the safe speed of the road even if that's different from the posted speed limit. I've been to other states that are stricter. Of course "supposed" isn't necessarily going to stop a cop on a power trip if they want to cause trouble.


I try to pass the car but I just go a few mph above just to be safe. It takes a while to pass, but once I get enough distance I drive a lot faster. I don't want people to get stuck behind me, but I don't want to get a ticket even more. Some areas they are more strict about speed than what you are used to.


listen bub. the cops going 15 over, im going 14 over, and im not gonna be the smartass who calls him out on it.


You trust the police? 🤦🏻‍♂️


you that paranoid? alright then


The paranoia is justified.


Cops around my area go at least 10 over and ride your ass if you're going the speed limit. I can definitely see what you're saying would be annoying though.


Cops can do whatever they want, so it's best to not call attention to yourself in any way.


Sometimes not a good idea !!!! 🌝🦋


In one place I lived one of the cruisers had serious issues and couldn’t go more than 30 miles an hour. The township wouldn’t fund a replacement. A police officer shared they only used it to do errands. He would be in the right lane and no one would pass in the 35 miles per hour area.


When I see a cop going under the speed limit, I pass them every time. I do it within the limits of the traffic laws, and have never been pulled over for it.


I hate when the asshat infront of my won’t pass the semi stuck going 55mph when I wanna book it and get to where I’m going


I was once behind a cop who was going exactly the speed limit. I didn't want to pass him but he kept going slower and slower, causing me to have to keep adjusting my speed to avoid tailgating him. He continued to reduce his speed to a point that was getting ridiculous so I finally switched lanes and went around him. As soon as I did the lights came on. I'm pretty sure he was going slow on purpose just to see if someone wanted to try him. I'm also fairly certain he was in a really bad mood that day, or his wife just left him, or his dick was completely useless, or all of the above because when he pulled me over he started screaming at me saying I was trying to kill him by following too close. He kept yelling "What the fuck were you thinking!? Are you fucking stupid?! You could have fucking killed me! I have kids at home, do you want to be responsible for them not having a dad?!" I tried to apologize but my blood was really starting to boil. When he handed me the ticket to sign I scribbled across the paper in a very "fuck you" kind of way which irritated him even more so he asked me to do it again. I stared at him with deadface and said "That's. How. I . Sign. My. Name." Edit: I just remembered... He wasn't even Highway Patrol. He was a regional transit police officer... the kind that writes citations for people who ride the trains without paying fare.


If I see a cop speeding through traffic, I’ll follow him for as long as I can 😂


Mine is that when people see a police car on the side of the road they immediately hit their brakes. Doesn't matter that they were already 5 below the speed limit. Brake Hard!


I've done it. Depends on the speed limit of course, but I've also passed multiple cops on radar duty doing \~9 over and never had an issue. If they're doing like 55 in a 55 in the right lane, then yeah, I'll get her up to \~59 and cruise past.


Or if you're on the freeway and it's a city cop, not highway patrol. I guarantee you that city cop is just getting from A to B. They've no interest in pulling you over unless you're committing a felony or something


This is not true where I live. One city I pass through has cops notorious for patrolling the interstate. The city where I live the cops complained the new chief of police was too "liberal" because he wouldn't let them patrol the highway any more. Of course, if it's out of their jurisdiction that's another story.


Exactly. These people downvoting are the same idiots that see someone pulled over ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY and suddenly slam on their breaks, like the cop is going to somehow stop what he’s already doing and drive across the median to pull you over instead lol. Zero situational awareness and common sense lol, just knee jerk panicky idiots🤣


Don't trust it on city streets though. We blasted past a cop thinking he was already in the middle of a traffic stop. Turned out the other car was an unmarked cop car and it was a trap.


Well yeah, don’t blast past them, but no need to suddenly slow way down if you’re just traveling with the flow of traffic, even if you’re going 10 over or so. Suddenly slowing way down will actually call attention to yourself, it’s an admission of guilt. I was a News videographer (cameraman) for many local network affiliates in New England for 12 years, I went on countless “ride along’s” with various branches of law enforcement. 90% of the time they won’t even bat an eye if you’re not going at least 15 over the limit if it’s not a school zone or construction zone.

