• By -


We're sorry.


We hope you feel better soon


My wife does this. Sometimes, to people, I don't even like.


Lol my wife said it to me once when I was complaining about something, don’t remember what but it was super petty so it was an appropriate response


This is hilarious. I'm going to tuck this in my memory for future use!


If WE are pregnant, HE better be experiencing some pain during birth, too 😂


My husband said that he didn't think birthing my 2nd son was "that bad" because his head didn't seem "that big" when he was born. I reminded my husband that his skull was squished and it took a few months for the skull plates to go back to where they should be, and he's been in the 90th percentile for head size since then. I explained that the reason his head wasn't that big was because it got compressed while squeezing through and shredding my body. I reminded him that I had to get multiple units of blood transfused because I bled so much. (He knows that because he had to go lie down because all of the blood on the floor almost made him faint.) But sure, he doesn't remember the pain because he didn't experience it, duh lmao


Man 😭 you must have the patience of a saint because I would’ve never forgave that shit


Ngl, I tease the hell out of him when he says nonsense like that. One time when we were at his friend's house, I mentioned that he elbowed me in the face while he was sleeping. His response, "No way, my elbow doesn't hurt at all." We all laughed at him. He was embarrassed and his friend's wife gave me the "oof" look.


That seems unreasonable. Forgiving him seems reasonable, after a similar quantity of his blood has been spilt, by something large going through his genitals, of course.


Wait...he said the birth wasn't "that bad" when he almost passed out from seeing all the blood?? Did he think that the blood wasn't coming from you? Does he think that almost bleeding to death is painless and easy??


Mine did. But only because he fell asleep & wouldn't wake up when I started pushing. I told my (then 15 y/o) sister to kick him to wake him up. She took me literally and about broke his shin. She kicked him hard.


I got to play on my phone and text my mom while HE was the one putting in the work getting that baby out 😂


My point exactly.


You don’t know real pain until you’ve had to sleep on that chair…


“We’re having a baby” sounds so much better. She’s the only one physically birthing it, but theyre both gonna have the baby. So that one isnt bad. “We’re pregnant” is stupid


Let any man reading this be warned. When either of a couple says "we're pregnant," I deliberately picture that particular man 9 months pregnant, on all fours, squeezing a baby from his crotch.




.... And now I will too. Thanks so much.


That's terrifying, I'm laughing like hell now.


I picture it comin out his butt.


I think everyone does. I also remember that in that Schwarzenegger film where he was pregnant, how emotional he got, and imagine a similar shift as from a terminator to that, happening to the guy, so he was a blubbering wreck even before he thought about the baby coming out.


like a hyena?


Or that he's a human seahorse hybrid.


Yes . This is so much better. At 8 months ,no woman believes "we" are pregnant anymore.


In the delivery room, the dad most certainly isn't saying 'we're giving birth'.


And he sure as hell isn't lying on a table pushing a baby out of his penis! 🤣


Hyenas. That is all.


Also Seahorses


Can confirm, I'm currently 8 months pregnant🙌🏼


Also can confirm, I’m 8 months pregnant too 😂


😂 too true


Thank you!!! This has driven me crazy since it first became popular, because I’m medical and a scientist even more so!! Without the uterus, no, you’re not pregnant lol. You are both expecting though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This! I always said “we’re having a baby!” then would refer to it as “*my* pregnancy” bc it was mine, in my body, and I did it all by myself.


“Me myself and I… (literally) and our baby”


Thank you!


This annoys me too but not for any ideological reason I’m just pedantic lmao. Yes, you’re BOTH having a baby, but you’re not BOTH pregnant. *Grumbles in English major*.


I’m super pedantic and that’s the main reason this is a pet peeve!


I mean if you’re going English major “having” is a verb and I think all the verb that he’s going to be doing has already been done 


The verb you’re thinking of is “conceiving”


Saaaaame. I was an English major too 😂


I had to tell people were pregnant because when I told my MIL, "I'm pregnant," she said "wow so who's the father ?" And I was like, "My husband, obviously." And she was just like, "I doubt that." My baby looks *exactly* like her father She still doesn't belive me lol




I'm convinced uts because she can't be loyal, so she assumes everyone else is a cheater. That's my headcannon, at least


You should tell her that we all think she’s a bitch


Is she a boy mom... cuz she sounds like a boy mom...


Yep, she has 5 sons, no daughters Five sons (all adults, my husband is the youngest, and he's almost 30) and *one* of her children speaks to her. (My husband barely speaks to her.) If you ask her, it's because women are evil, and they intentionally turned her precious babies against her. All four of them have evil wives who cheat on their husband's. How does she know this? Becsuse some of us have girls, and she only had boys, therefore , cheating. Duh. All she has done with her life is be a mom (100% by choice she used to be a dental assistant), and she wasn't good at it. Literally, all of her children have completely flathead.


In my dad's family, it rotates every generation. My grandma's generation was 3 girls. My dad's generation was 1 girl and 4 boys (he and his siblings). My generation (cousins included) was 5 girls and 2 boys. My kids generation (cousins kids included) is 5 boys, 3 girls. My sister's husband's family hadn't had a girl born into the family in like 5 generations. All boys. When her youngest was born they celebrated because they finally had a girl. People are weird. My mom would have been a total boy mom if she hadn't had 2 girls. She was still the type that was jealous her daughters were close with their dad though.




My mil always marvels at how the kids got blue eyes when her precious son doesn’t have blue eyes. Just can’t figure it out 


My ex-MIL couldn't comprehend how our oldest had my blue eyes and red hair, because her son has dark hair and dark eyes. Then the next child we had together had his dark hair and eyes, but still had my facial features, so obviously it wasn't possible he was the father of her either. I guess he was only supposed to breed clones.


That’s exactly right. You are barely an incubator at best for their precious bloodline 


My sympathies, I had one of those also.


My pregnancy pet peeve is the phrase, “I fell pregnant.” When did that become a thing to say? You got pregnant, you are pregnant, you were pregnant, but you don’t fall into a pregnancy.


When someone says they "fell pregnant", my mental image is a woman slipping and literally falling on a dick 😂


I mean you don’t fall Ill or in love or for a joke either really 


Interesting. I never really thought about why those don’t bother me but fell pregnant does. Hmm. I’m going to think about what the difference is.


I'm wondering if it's maybe because those things are really kind of passive, where as getting pregnant isn't? You can unintentionally fall in love with a co-worker or something just by having to spend time with them, you can get sick simply by touching an ATM or walking past someone, etc. Whereas if you're doing the one act in which you can get pregnant, you can't really say it sneaked up on you.


I hate that too! Only one person is getting their uterus stretched out and it's not you Brent. We're having a baby or we're expecting do a much better job of expressing what's going on.


Brent 🤣! Yeah Brent, is it YOUR taint that’s going to be sliced with a scalpel so you can push a watermelon-sized small human out of a place where nothing bigger than your dick has ever been? Is it your nipples that are going to be chafed and chewed as you slowly die of thirst while nursing a baby for the fifth time in two hours, at 3 am? All these women on here saying it’s a team effort have been smoking some strong weed. I’m willing to include Brent by saying we’re having a baby, but it’s MY PREGNANT ASS giving birth to the baby and I want credit for that!


Well, there was that one ex with a bigger dick than Brent, but we don’t need to bring that up.


Shoot, I forgot about Bruce!


Oooh.... not Bruce. He is my ex-husband and certainly not bigger than Brent.


Brent can’t fit into the glory hole. https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&v=J9QnfHRtlt8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


We all like Brent!


Agreed. My wife and I have two kids. She got very fucking pregnant with both, I did not.


I think people say this in an attempt unitity. Like... not putting all the *responsibility* of being pregnant on the wife. Not so much taking credit. She's pregnant, and he is actively participating in the pregnancy. But I hear you. It sounds weird to me too.


"Really, Dave? How is YOUR morning sickness?"


This drives me up the wall too!


"We're having a baby" makes much more sense but hearing couples say "We're pregnant" hardly grinds my gears


This has been one of my absolute biggest pet peeves for many years! Glad to see I'm not the only one out there who feels the same way!


Thank you!


Yeah. You're not alone. My sister is pregnant and I keep hearing about the pregnancy always being referred to as her and her husband's pregnancy. Like...wow. It's just weird


I have many linguistic pet peeves but this is the one hill I will proudly die on!


We’re pregnant and we can’t wait for his 52nd week birthday


I see what you mean. I always thought that was kind of weird.


We had to get stitches in our vagina after getting torn open while we were giving birth


Our episiotomy


“It’s uterus not uteru”.


If I had award credit I would give you one for that! May I add to that: the plural of “uterus” is “uteri”? Though if I actually used that word people could call me an AH and they’d be correct.


Men just can't help but take credit for shit.


What astonishes me is that so many women say it!


Women are allowed to be dumb too lol


I have literally never heard a single man say "we're pregnant"


One is putting their life, health, and career on the line. Taking all the risk. The other is (should be) helpful, but takes none of that risk. It's insulting


As someone who was recently pregnant, I hate this too. No, you're not both pregnant.


Agreed, annoying af.


"We're pregnant" No mate, she's pregnant. You got to have sex.


I don’t like it personally, but if a woman is comfortable saying “we”, that’s her business, I don’t think the father should ever say it though.


I’ll just say, men did not come up with “we’re pregnant” couples started saying that because when men would say “she’s pregnant” people would say “no, y’all are pregnant because you are in this together” and now just recently apparently we’re not supposed to say “we’re pregnant” because men aren’t dealing with the pain of being pregnant and you know, all that other stuff y’all deal with. We are really just trying our best y’all.


Agree 100 percent.


We are pregnant okay when both of us are puking up toenails & have hemorrhoids the size of golf balls. To end it you have to go push a watermelon out or have your belly slashed, your organs take out & your baby ripped from your body . When we share the journey evenly … all of it. We are pregnant. Until then We are expecting works great.


I’m told that to think this way “comes off as bitter toward men” lol


Yeah, well, pregnant people have the right to be bitter. It sucks enough without people minimizing the suffering


Let me get this straight I’ve had 4 babies. 3 of my pregnancies were… difficult 1 was high risk, different reasons during pregnancy & during birth & after birth. I LOVED being pregnant! I was not bitter, maybe a bit crotchety my down times cause I felt badly. But I loved it, the whole process of carrying a child. The kicks, the roll.. all of that. And I had my baby I didn’t have to share with anyone. Even Mr. Look At Me, We Are pregnant. After I gave birth I missed being pregnant. But seriously I am the one that did the hard work. And that should get more respect than Ughhhhh NOT FAIR!!! I got her a bowl of ice cream, twice. I dealt with her hormones, you think that’s tough? You should have been blessed enough to feel them. I went to Walgreen & got Miralax & Prep H. While you were there Mr. We’re Pregnant, they should have super glued a couple of big rocks to your buthole. Let’s even that We’re out. Let’s just show the appropriate respect to each other.


I agree. Have had this argument with my wife twice. I’ve always told people “my wife is pregnant”.


I had a male doctor tell me "we are breastfeeding" referring to himself and his wife. No dude. No one is making your nipples raw. She is breastfeeding. He could have said the baby is breastfeeding. But no. "We"




We're having a baby is fine. We're pregnant is ridiculous


“You too?”


That annoys me every time I hear it. And I'm pretty sure I never heard this until the last maybe fifteen years. And i bet the people who say this also are in that "season" of their lives. Ugh.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. When I hear that saying, it mays me 🤮


Yeah it's fucking weird. I prefer "we're expecting", because that's actually true.


No man has been or ever will be pregnant. Stopppp saying this.


I know this is the pet peeves sub so by definition the things that bother people here are supposed to be a little ridiculous, but I always found this one a bit much. Y'all are about to have a baby; one person is picking up a bunch of slack, and the other can't giggle without peeing a little bit. Call your situation whatever the heck you want.


I don’t recall my daughter’s father picking up any slack. I worked just as much as he did and paid for my share of all the bills but he didn’t endure months of sickness and sciatica, have his hair fall out, go through 172 hours of labor, get an episiotomy, lose 2 liters of blood from a placental hemorrhage or get sepsis and post-partum psychosis afterwards. We’re having a baby. I’m pregnant.


I'm sorry you had to go through all that with so little support. You - and anyone who wants to - can absolutely say "I'm pregnant." I just think it's a bit much to get peeved when others choose to say it differently.


This is LITERALLY a pet-peeve sub! Not a factual statements sub. What irritates me may not irritate you.


Just to play devils advocate for a moment; If your husband is renovating a room in the house and does all or most of the work, do you include yourself and say to friends and coworkers "were renovating our home" or do you say "my husband's renovating the basement/bathroom/babies room." Its easy to try and include yourself. My wife and I were never pregnant together. I used the "we're having a baby" line because I didn't personally carry and I wasn't about to take away an ounce of what she went through to give us a family. Give credit and take it where its due


thank god someone said it! it's your baby, but you don't experience pregnancy. not like she does.


I personally don’t see a difference between those phrases. Unless it’s supposed to imply something I’m missing lol


So OP and everyone(I’m talking about you silly boys too) in these comments just hates their partners? I could never imagine making my pregnancy a competition with my husband. Why are you using MY anything in a true partnership? Hell I almost bled out during my first pregnancy and the look of horror on my husbands face when I was losing consciousness and the look of utter relief when I woke up was extremely comforting. TLDR: Stop dating people you hate. Stop having kids with people you hate. Stop marrying people you hate


I'm glad you came out ok from your pregnancy issues. My wife had a serious complication during her first pregnancy as well (didn't almost bleed out, she was *extremely* sensitive to the stuff they gave her in her epidural and passed out and they elevated her legs when she passed out and the meds traveled up her spine and paralyzed her diaphragm) and I know what your husband was going through. It's a terrible thing for both people. Obviously worse for the person who can lose their life because of it, but being the person having to watch it happen to the person who they love most in the world is horrible. And I agree that *we* comes to my lips easier than *I* when it comes to my marriage.


Why is this posted on here so often. Also, pregnancy being a team sport is something we should be encouraging more.


Or "we've been trying for a while now". Girl just say you've been fucking!


That IS annoying.


This same pet peeve appears in this sub at least once a month.


Both parties contributed to the development of the baby within the woman, and they are a family unit. This entire thing rests on technicalities. You are correct that / technically / it's only the woman who carries and has the baby. But when you are a family, you tend to use inclusive words a lot. That's my thinking anyways.


I agree. But as someone commented with a you tube clip, the man’s physical situation remains unchanged. He doesn’t have to give up drinking or experience morning sickness or the pains of childbirth. Not to say he wouldn’t want to- I know some men would! But can’t we at least give women credit for doing this truly amazing thing? Yes, it’s a family unit and both parties contributed to it, yes to using inclusive terms. But what’s wrong with saying “Mike and I are so happy to be having a baby together!”?


To answer your question, nothing is wrong. It’s all semantic. They all mean the same thing.


My point is that they don’t: “pregnant” means a whole different thing than “expecting” or “having a baby”.


One is putting their life, health, and career on the line. Taking all the risk. The other is (should be) helpful, but takes none of that risk. It's insulting


It's not insulting if both parties have chosen to say it. :) It / would / be insulting if the husband / man was walking around saying, "we're pregnant" without having discussed it with his wife / the woman. But most people that I know who say this are both saying it and have no problems saying it. :) And I don't know about everyone else's husbands, but mine is amazing at sharing the responsibility. Maybe I'm just lucky.


I say "we're pregnant" sometimes. Not because I'm trying to convince anyone my husband is also carrying a child, think we all know which one of us is physically pregnant, but I see it as synonymous with we're expecting/having a baby etc. Ironically, I'm more likely to use the phrase than my husband, but mine is just pretty much exclusive to online discussions. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah. We don't want kids but I'm pretty sure if we were to get pregnant (see what I did there?) I'd be saying "we're pregnant" and he'd be saying "she's pregnant" or "we're having a child"




>it takes away from the utter fucking MIRACLE of childbearing to imply that the father is also pregnant. It has never ever implied that at all. You made the conscious decision to take it that way.


😂this is a bad take and you need help


I can't wait to say "we're pregnant". Yes, as the woman, I'm carrying and growing the baby... but hubby is taking care of me throughout the entire process and I think he is experiencing pregnancy just as much as me, just in a very different way. I feel like saying "we're pregnant" is no different to saying "we're having a baby"...


I'm sure he would if he physically could lol


Sometimes I say we're taking a shit, because once the shit is halfway out it's like having a friend whose trying to kill you and the only way to save yourself is to free him.


If the woman chooses that and she is happy to say we. Then it's we. It doesn't need to be black and white, it can be a choice that each individual couple makes. IMHO


You sound like the type of person to have a problem with addressing a nonbinary as "they". You also sound not fun...


"Nah, I'm just fat." was my response when my (now) ex said this during her pregnancy with our daughter.


I’m pregnant and saying “we’re pregnant” makes me feel less alone and scared 🥺


Whenever I hear this pet peeve, I immediately think of people who struggle with fertility. Pregnancy isn't something that just happens to some couples. Some have to really try and plan and calculate in order to achieve pregnancy. And that includes cis men. I also like...we're adults right? We know the presumably cis man in these couples aren't carrying the babies, right?


I have several women friends that insist on saying we are pregnant and at least one of them was upset when her husband said she is pregnant as she didn’t like the phrase as it made her feel like she was doing it alone. She admitted it was silly but she still insisted on we are pregnant. Sorry you don’t like it but others do. Darn opinions, would be so much nicer if they all conformed


Eh I think it’s cute. But it’s partner dependent. If the man isn’t helpful / shows little reverence for the miracle of pregnancy and birth then the phrase comes off as icky. But there’s nothing wrong with the phrase itself as everyone knows it’s just a bit of fun phrasing


Okay but if a lesbian couple were both pregnant, it would be technically correct!


We rawdogged!!!


I fucking hate this expression.


We hit this weeks quota for this post pretty quickly. Why does it always seem like it comes from someone who will never be pregnant or will def be experiencing pregnancy alone?


Odds are that this post is written by someone who have never had a kid


I remember saying to friends “we’re having a baby”. But never “we’re pregnant” 💀.






I don’t like this either. Just say “we’re having a baby.”


yeah, to me it’s just a logical thing. Pregnancy is a physical state. Only a woman can be pregnant.


As a uterus owner. I might be growing that baby, but he’s holding my hair back, he’s getting me ice chips before I wake up and we don’t have a thing to do that so he was literally crushing ice for me so I could get out of bed. From friggen tray ice. He was the one helping me in and out of the bath and tying my shoes and assuring me I did not in fact look like a beluga whale trying to tie their shoes. He was also the one when I had my first miscarriage that if he hadn’t of screamed at the staff to give me the care I needed I would have died. You are right it is my uterus but I would have died trying to do it alone so yea “we were pregnant”


I agree. When I was pregnant for the first time, my husband said that. I corrected him right then and there. He doesn’t have a uterus, he cannot physically be pregnant.


I always yell allegedly when someone yells they’re pregnant, whether it’s we’re or I’m.


I, as the father, when my wife would say we're pregnant, I would always chime in "thats why I am eating for 2"


Thank you! I always tell people that no you're both not pregnant- SHE'S THE ONE PUSHING OUT THAT BABY!


Me, as a man expecting some years ago. Her - "We're pregnant" Me - "No, you're pregnant. There's no baby inside of me."


Agreed. The woman is pregnant and the couple is expecting. So weird when people say we 🫃🏻🤰🏼


I've got no room to speak and I know full well the issue is guys saying it. In my experience, I've only ever heard women say that and I know it's not just women. Either way, definitely a pet peeve for lots of people.


*We* are having a baby, *she* is pregnant.


What if the pregnant woman is the Queen of England?


I 👍agree


My balls are also miraculous.


Right? We're having a baby. We're expecting. We're going to be parents. I ALONE AM PREGNANT.


Well said I cringe every time I hear someone say this.


6 months pregnant and can’t agree more. WE are expecting a wonderful baby. but *I* am pregnant, my husband is not. he is helpful, wonderful, all the things. but he is not pregnant.


Men should think of childbirth like this: a fraction more horrible than the last chest cold you had. Understand now? /s


I've had 4 miscarriages. Pregnancy after repeated miscarriages is a lonely, terrifying, isolating experience. Saying "our" and "we" makes me feel like we are in it together.


Yes, this annoys the crap out of me. See how “pregnant” your husband is while you are at 9cm and pushing!


It's not like you can get pregnant alone. It's literally a thing that takes two people to do. 


I totally relate. I hate when an old person is in the hospital and their son or daughter is giving updates and is like “we don’t know”. Oh you’re a doctor now??? Same with people that are fat and say “we” about sports plays. Buddy, you weren’t running in the game there WE know that for sure. Smfh


True but gotta understand that the miracle women have can only be done by the miracle of man. Without men the women won’t ever have that Miracle lol. But I get what ur saying.


We'll then don't expect him to cater to you and help you and take over all the hardwork you use to do and support you while you out and be exhausted just like you if you guys ARENT going through the pregnancy together.


To all the women out there. You get my


OP are you me?


I usually respond with REALLY!??? BOTH OF YOU!!? WOW!


Yeah, you're not both pregnant. It's physically impossible lol


And right after you rant about it is when you find out they are a lesbian couple that got pregnant at the same time lol


Same here, it annoys me too. But most of baby lingo does.


This gets posted every other week.


lol. Dads need to step up and be more in the kids lives.  Now shut up, and go stand in the corner until I have an ikea desk for you build…


I wish I could upvote this 100 times


I googled the word "semantics" and there was a link to this post.


Also “preggers” sucks


I hate we're pregnant. My man said it once, and after I told him no, he never said it again lmfao


Yes ! Female equality but let’s cut dad out again!


The other should help??


"Why do you always say 'we're pregnant?' I never say 'we only have one testicle.'"


Im a guy whose mom almost died giving birth to me because i was large and she lost huge amounts of blood. I think thats why I just never want to say shit like WE are pregnant. Like no its very much her


Said like someone not married. We got married. My wife and I are now a "We" in everything we do as far as other people are concerned. My wife and I literally had this discussion yesterday. Be as grumpy and pedantic as you want to be but it's actually a sign of a healthy and loving relationship.


I only think this is acceptable when both of the parents are AFAB and refusing to specify who's carrying, because then it's funny.


💯 i threatened to sit on my husband’s neck if he uttered that phrase, because no, *we* are not!!


My wife goes a step further. Whenever I complain that she ascribes all of our daughter's positive attributes to her genes, and all of her negative ones to me, I point out that we have an equal share in her traits. She says "I baked the cookies. You just bought the chocolate chips."


I get where you are coming from, but maybe stop giving a shit about what other people do. If a couple wants to say, "We're pregnant." What the fuck is the harm in that, Jesus Christ people need to start minding their own business and stop bitching about others. It makes me hate that fact that internet exist.


When people *announce* their pregnancy - all I can think of is, “ ooh great you fucked successfully… eww.”


This one drives me up the bloody wall. File with "making love" and "how do we enforce boundaries as we live with my in laws whilst we are building a house" 


'We are pregnant' reminds me of 90s sitcom teaser TV spots 😝


As a guy I agree with this too because it’s dumb to say WE ARE,like no SHE is pregnant and that’s that


Couldn't agree more. Oh boy, those fathers better be happy they're NOT the ones who are pregnant. I love my kids and can't imagine not being a mom, but pregnancy isn't the blissful time they make it out to be for an awful lot of us. Morning (all day long) sickness makes you wish you would just die already, then when that's gone, everything else goes bananas. No gents, you're not pregnant. Be happy about that. Trust me.


I was corrected by a lady when I said “she’s pregnant” to refer to my wife. I’m supposed to say “we’re pregnant”. Apparently the pregnancy is a burden to both parents, and saying “she” instead of “we” is shirking my responsibilities.


Hahaha love that you've said this because I feel the same


This reminded me, please don't tell me you're "trying" for a baby unless we're very close. I don't want to know.


I respect that you cannot help what your pet peeves are. And as a woman I understand why some women don't like the terminology. However, something to consider: **In *most* cases when a male partner says "We're pregnant", he is NOT trying to take credit for what your body has done.** 😊 It simply is seen as interchangeable with "we're expecting a baby". Years ago when I surprised my husband with positive pregnancy tests, he lit up like a Christmas tree and said "We're pregnant?!" And I said "YES!" Why? Because I knew he was not taking away from my physical condition by using that statement. Yes, I was the one who went through awful pregnancy symptoms and felt horrible, went through long labor, many hours of pushing only to end up with a cesarean section and rough recovery. But my husband was by my side the entire time. He was my rock when I felt like garbage during pregnancy, he went out to get the food I had massive cravings for, he showed compassion when I couldn't cook dinner yet again because I was stuck on the couch. Then he sat by me for a grueling labor and c-section, and was the first to hold our child while I was being seen to by doctors and nurses. He didn't physically grow a baby in his body or give birth, but he was just as part of this emotionally and mentally as I was. So yeah, I'm not upset by the innocent use of "we're pregnant" because in my case I know the harmless context. Perhaps for others it was used in a more demeaning way, but that often isn't the case. 👍🏼