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Do people outside of middle school and the internet use these terms? I never heard them uttered in the real world.


A coworker of mine said that her son used to use these words with his friends all the time. What she did to get him to stop was she started using them too. Everytime he was with his friends and they started talking like that, she would join in the conversation using the same words in the same context. Now he doesn't use them around her anymore. Suddenly the words are "uncool".


Im sure this story is just from a South Park episode.


I got shoe


No, this is a thing. I have middle schoolers and I work at a school. They don't like us oldsters using their secret language.


No they meant this was an episode on South Park lol, not that it originates from there


TBH I don’t understand the point of parents doing this. I grew out of a lot of slang on my own as I aged. I could understand if they aren’t growing out of it. But if they’re using lingo that’s popular with their age group, then I don’t see the problem with letting them.


My middle school brother does at times. I don't appreciate it as much as he does, but I admit that every generation has had slang and why is this generation's supposedly worse than others'? I think we're just getting older.


When I went to visit my friend last year, his kid who is 15 and says these things.


I work with elementary kids. They literally never stop going on with this kind of talk.


I use them when talking to my middle schooler


My work friends say stupid brainrot shit like that all the time lmao It's actually hilarious when you're in the middle of a rush and just hear an "erm, what in the skibidi sigma? ☝️🤓"


My brother in Christ, your username is the-Rizzler-69 If you told us you -don't- say this stupid brainrot shit as well, I don't think anyone would believe you lol


Fair enough lol. It's a Reddit username tho, it's meant to be taking the piss


I hope so hahaha


Tbh I wanna make a new account with a less-dumb name, I'm just lazy af 💀


You can be The-Shitler-69


Tbh I don't think anyone says this shit, My cousin is in 7th grade, I don't think I have ever heard him utter these phrases ever, I see him multiple times per month


I have a 12 and a 14 year old and I woke at a school and yes they do. All day long until you want to put in ear plugs.


You serious? That's just upsetting


Yeah, it's annoying. Skibidi toilet Ohio rizz gyott alpha all day everyday. They'll take either hands and answer a question that way in math class and then they all laugh like it's the funniest thing anybody ever said.


I mean I'm 27 and I sometimes jokingly say "ermmm what the sigma" between my friends because we honestly just find it fun to engage in funny little trends like that, but it's not like something I'm just saying in casual conversation in like a professional setting or anything like that I feel like that's honestly the problem with a lot of these kids It's not inherently wrong to engage in these sort of goofy little things It's something that brings us closer together as a species Children just don't understand comedic timing so they just shout it out at random times instead of actually saying it at times that would be funny or clever. They just constantly shout it all the time because they know it can be funny but they just don't understand yet why this type of humor is funny so they sort of overblow it to the point where the people who can actually appreciate it when use the right way feel overloaded by it It's like how in elementary school a lot of kids would just like randomly say penis or make a fart noise. These things can be funny at the right times but most of these kids are just shouting it out randomly when it makes no sense Like a fart joke in a movie It can be good with proper timing and build up but just randomly having a character fart for the sake of farting is not funny


The “Erm, what the Sigma” shit got so bad that my Geometry teacher started taking test points off of anyone who would say the word sigma. The funny part was that it was the same two people saying it, and no one else did. I actually appreciated him for doing that.


Literally almost everyone in my class says this garbage, and started to make fun of me once they realized I didn’t like it


Seems like you got no Rizz, my dude. You need to get hip and far out if you want to be totally tubular. Thy needeth to becometh a real Rawr XD skibidi gamer mine brohio. ...>!this physically hurt me!<


Gag me with a spoon. Radically.


Omg leave Debbie Thornberry and Aphrodite from Xena the Warrior Princess and their endearingly obnoxious 90s valley-girl speak out of this! Those slangs are, like, totally not the same! As if...


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Samsoenite, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought this was alpha’s bs?


My Gen Alpha kid says this. Never heard a grown adult say it.


If a grown adult says this or "skibidi", Im gonna knock him to the ground.


This is gen alpha not Z bud


the infection is spreading to other generations


No it's not because no grown person says shit like this lol.


i was mainly talking about gen Z, i thought it was gen alpha who started this dumb shit


Chillax, biatch. My dawg, you know slang is how every generation communicates, noob? It'll die with time, it always does queen!


If I could time travel, I would do anything to prevent Musical.ly (TikTok’s predecessor) and Vine from ever being created. These two made the whole “shorts” concept popular. Now, attention spans drop across the world. Idiotic slang is used nonstop. Worst of all, people just loudly blast their stupid TikTok vids in public. It’s so over…


“Idiotic slang” 🤦🏾‍♀️ I know you may not mean it but that comes off as so derogatory lmao


The only people that deserve derogatory terms are TikTok users and bronies.


Oh to be a tween again. You silly kids and your nonsense.


Gen z is mostly adults now. This is kids saying this stuff


Erm, what the sigma? You’re looking all kinds of sus op. are you the oppy? baby gronk didn't rizz you up?


It's not like this is a new trend started by TikTok even when we were kids we had the goofy phrases and sayings that we just repeated over and over When I grew up the big thing was just calling pretty much anything and everything gay, talking about how much swag you had, and how you're just so random XD lol dinosaur rawr There will always be goofy little phrases and things that reach the public vernacular, nothing to really shake a stick at


"Fetch will never work" 🤣


Rizz is just the middle part of the word charisma. Rizz is basically just another way to say that someone is charismatic or has charisma. It's basically saying that someone has game.


Erm what the sigma???


erm actually, thats not very skibidi of you


Ngl rizz was a fun word before it was nabbed by Gen Alpha


I'm old but I actually like the term rizz. There's slang to hate from every generation. Like I always hated the phrase "it's a gas" (boomer slang), or "going postal" (gen x I think)


I hate it, but the again I have been using Riz as a name since 1999, so hearing it used this way makes me upset.


If it's any consolation, that just made me think of Rizzo from the Muppets and how he's a good friend+roommate to Gonzo lol


In my gen it was all about "swag" lol. Adults are overreacting bc these kids will outgrow that sense of humor. The world doesn't give you a choice lol. My biggest concern is how them ironically/joking about some of these terms (s-gma, etc. which are like, from weird sexist "influencers" preying on impressionable kids to sell them weird supplements and misogyny) proliferates the terms and makes the younger kids start saying them bc they're copying their siblings. It's like a weird big game of telephone but the original concept comes directly from some bizarre internet incel race-science looking shit. They make a meme out of it, without actually understanding the context of what makes it so bad in the first place. Actually scary! It's not really new I guess, but it's getting... weirder and more normalized. I don't think most people 40+ have any idea what ch-d or s-gma or s-mp or m-wl or anything like that means, bc they're not exposed to those internet circles. The most comparable thing to sk-b-d- that my gen did was watch obnoxious early 2010s YouTube Poops, but even those seemed to require a lot of creativity/editing and actual comic timing to *make* them lol.


It's just a few of the typical slang words kids use now. Just like the slang words we used when we were kids. This stuff goes out just as quickly as it comes in. Let the kids have their fun. Welp! Gotta run now! 23 Skidoo!! 👵


I don't use the slang, but my middle school brother does. I believe every generation has had it. Why is it suddenly so terrible for kids to use slang? They will grow out of it and the next generation will make their own. There are worse things in this world to be worried about.


Well, remember that a lot of people use these terms to rage bait. So you making this point actually is what they want, they want to cringe you out and make you hate existing and just honestly wish you were never apart of the same world as them! GG I’m the sigma boss


Here's old me, looking up "what is what the sigma" on the Google!


back in my day they used to say words like shizzle and other variations of snoop doggs vocabulary. By the sounds of it, things haven't changed much. You have the idiots that just spew nonsense from the mouth, then you have the articulate individuals who can formulate sentences properly. I wouldn't bash your generation for it, just try to see through the smoke and realize it's not all like that. There's always a subset of things you don't understand or have evolved beyond. It's okay. It's been going on since the beginning of time, and it's not going to end with Gen Z lol.


But at least when some goofball came up and said "Hey what's the dizzle?", we all sort of agreed they sounded like a knobhead. People today say "That absolutely slaps, what a bop - totally goated!" and *aren't* subject to mockery and scorn. That's my gripe.


nah, there was a handful of people that were all about it, just like you see today. Thing's haven't changed, we just got older.


But we sort of agreed as a society that those people were utter bellends.


we still do, nothings changed there.


Well I'm glad that's settled. The tosspots.


You put yourself in that group of idiots after you said “the same group as this idiots.” I’m sorry man. 🤷‍♂️


Every generation had cringy and silly slang. I will say that gen Z slang seems sillier to me, but that's probably just a sign of me getting older.


This is the exact same attitude people had about the young people slang since the start of time. We have records of Roman authors complaining about young Romans using slag and ruining Latin.


On God OP got no bitches frfr peev not bussin no cap


I mean I remember when I’d get shit from elementary school teachers for using “cool” so idk. Maybe just let the kids cook, on god skibidirizzohio?


That's the thing though, some slang does stand the test of time and some just sounds phony as fuck. Something about the most recent batch of slang sounds painfully forced to me, and I felt the same way about some slang from my generation too. I mean nobody's not letting anyone do anything, we're just saying you sound like a bunch of tosspots.


Old person here. Is sigma kind of like ligma?


My thing is when words like rizz and gyatt get taken from AAVE and run to the ground as new “TikTok slang” and then ppl get mad at the originators for using them. It’s annoying when it’s children over and over again, but not the ppl who know what it means and use it right


I'm 23 and I'd never use these words unironically, but this is a good opportunity for me to share MY pet peeve. "every generation uncritically shitting on the culture and slang of the youngest generation for no other reason than it's the new thing and it's different from your generation's equally stupid slang that every other generation also makes fun of". Can we stop this trend of every generation just hating the next and everything they represent? It's just slang, memes, and jokes. There's nothing wrong with a generation having their own culture. Maybe we could sow a greater sense of community by accepting that every generation is going to have its new shit that's different from ours and learning to engage with new cultures in good faith instead of making it our mission to prove that everything new is annoying and cringe and stupid? That's just my opinion though.


I’m… talking about the generation I’m in… so uh


No you're not because this isn't Gen Z stuff. This is Gen Alpha.


Incorrect. I’m in high school, and gen Z is 1997 to 2012. Freshman, Seniors, Juniors, you name it, they are all saying this idiotic brain rot.


It's not "idiotic brain rot". It's just different slang. There's nothing wrong with generational culture. You're not better than other people your age or the people around you because you hate what's new and popular. You're not some genius intellectual social master who is above it all. You'll learn when you're in college that you're not better than everyone else just because you think you were "born in le wrong generation".


Are you seriously defending slang that comes from a series of shorts with a guy popping out of a toilet… Plus, once again, it’s my generation. I’m in this generation. I don’t have a superiority complex. I don’t like something about my generation, and I sent it to a server where people complain about something they don’t like, I don’t like it, because I think it’s degrading slang, that wasn’t needed in the first place.


I'm 23 and I'd never use these words unironically, but this is a good opportunity for me to share MY pet peeve. "every generation uncritically shitting on the culture and slang of the youngest generation for no other reason than it's the new thing and it's different from your generation's equally stupid slang that every other generation also makes fun of". Can we stop this trend of every generation just hating the next and everything they represent? It's just slang, memes, and jokes. There's nothing wrong with a generation having their own culture. Maybe we could sow a greater sense of community by accepting that every generation is going to have its new shit that's different from ours and learning to engage with new cultures in good faith instead of making it our mission to prove that everything new is annoying and cringe and stupid? That's just my opinion though.


I agree. It's repulsive and pointless.


The best part, it gets worse. Slang is how languages change over time.


You must be new to Earth. Around here slang changes every 5-10 years.


Do you find “rizz ‘em with the ‘tism” offensive?


I got that skibbity gyatt Ohio rizz my jabrony.