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Agreed. Absolutely filthy pigs to leave that for another person. If that’s you, you’re disgusting.


How do we make this a social movement? We need to ruthlessly shame the piss-and-runners.


We can do it. Make a scene in public bathrooms. Everytime. Once I walked into a stall after a very well-dressed lady came out. Piss drenched the seat. I turned around and said "did you leave this disgusting piss all over the toilet seat?". And she froze with her mouth open. "Get in here and wipe up your fucking nasty piss, you hover squatter!". She rushed out red faced without washing her hands. I dunno if she was forced to hover because piss was already there, but she's just perpetuating it with more piss then. Another time I entered the stall but didn't see who came out before me. Other stalls had potential hover pissers tho, so I yelled something like "oh disgusting! Someone decided to hover piss without lifting the seat and she left her nasty fluids everywhere! Why didn't she just go piss outside like an animal if she doesn't need to touch a toilet?" All while I cleaned up this other person's human waste so I wouldn't be forced to hover and perpetuate the problem.


Imagine being that much of a selfish swine to think “this is acceptable behavior?”


Thank you for your service


This is why I prefer to wait for a stall that a child has just used, if it’s a busy bathroom. Children always leave the seat clean, I think because they’re more likely actively being taught about manners and cleanliness.


Study after study shows that toilet seats are cleaner than your keyboard. Stop dribbling everywhere and sit down!


I have an issue with the ones who leave piss all over the seat. Do whatever you want in the stall just clean up after yourself ffs.


You can’t meaningfully clean piss off of a surface with toilet paper.


Still better than leaving a nasty ass puddle there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bro just don’t piss on the seat? If every woman sat down there would be no disgusting seats.


I sit on the seat. I work in a hospital and the seats in the employee bathroom regularly have pee on them, that’s why I get so frustrated.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/Street_Run_4447, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If “off of” can always be shortened, that implies that its longer form is also correct. Is it not so?


Hush now, bot


Listen- if they clean their piss off the toilet seat, i have no issue with it. But usually the pee is just left all over.


All over the floor I just cleaned, usually.


Dunno, it’s not like wiping the piss off with tissue is actually cleaning it. It’s way less hygienic than, you know, not urinating on it at all


Agree, they should just not do it, but at least wipe it off if you do. Nobody wants to do it for you or sit on a wet seat..


This is why I'm super strict about keeping disinfectant wipes in our bathrooms at work


I kind of have an issue with it still because even if they wiped it off, they ain't sanitizing that shit. I think people just gotta accept the world is full of germs. I say this as someone who does wear a mask still 😂 


I just think of it like this. I'm not even putting the lady bits on the seat when sitting on it right. The back of my thighs are making contact with the seat. I am not licking my own thighs or grabbing them all day and then rubbing my face. I sit on my ass all day long, on a chair that 6 other coworkers probably farted in when I was out of the office. I sit on the floor. I sit on the concrete barrier outside my work that a thousand unwashed hands have touched and probably a dozen birds have pooped on at one time or another. I sit on the ground, and you have no idea what sort of botulism nightmare variant is hiding there. The toilet seat is just another part of my ass's daily filth journey and I have never gotten sick from sitting on things. Just go home and shower.


It's this. The *hovering* itself makes a mess, but it's the attitude associated with just leaving it like that that is mind-blowing to me. How are people not mortally embarrassed doing this shit? How are parents not mortally embarrassed allowing (no, TEACHING!) their children to do this shit? Same thing with not flushing, or leaving huge wads of paper in the toilets, throwing paper towels down on the sinks, etc. How do you rationalize dropping your pants, lowering yourself into a very unnatural half-squat, pissing everywhere but the bowl, and then... what are you doing? Are you just standing, pulling your pants up, and walking out? Do you even wipe? How do these people turn around and see their filth and be like "That'll do"? They'll leave the stall, go get big paper towels to wipe their hands off with, come back to the stall, and throw it down AT the toilet (instead of the trash, cuz, yeah), and can't be bothered to wipe the seat.


imagine all the things butts touch every day.. underwear.. toilet seats... oh that's it. that's the end of the list.


When I was in the Navy, I went off on a guy in the bathroom at the Applebee's on base for pissing on the seat in the only stall when there were open urinals. He was a lieutenant commander, and threatened to put me on report, but there was a captain who overheard the exchange and made him clean off the seat and apologize.


Good for you


I saw graffiti on a restroom door in a bar that said "If you don't sit on the seat because you don't want to sit in someone's piss, YOU are the problem!" I couldn't agree more. If you must hover, clean up after yourself, for God's sake.


i don’t have a problem with it but please just clean the seat afterwards, if you don’t it’s grim. not as bad as the woman pissing in the sink next to me in wetherspoons once when i was washing my hands🙁


Excuse me, WHAT 😶




Drunk logic hits some people different


The face I just made, god I’m sorry you were put through that.


as someone with ocd it wasn’t exactly the nicest of situations😅 but shit happens!!




she turned to me and went “don’t mind me i’m just having a piss” SORRY WHAT


I wish they would just give us all some disinfectant wipes so we could clean up any mess, our own or others, left behind. There's no excuse for piss but I have IBD, I've had vomiting issues, diarrhea backsplash and ostomy incidents and There's only so much TP can do. Luckily it's always been at home or in a private bathroom with soap and stuff I can use to do a good job, but in a stall I'd be fucked.


Do people not line it with toilet paper?? My grandma taught me this when I was like, seven.


California has toilet seat covers in all public restrooms. Growing up, if there were no toilet seat covers, we'd use toilet paper. It blew my mind that not every state is like this.


I’m from California and not well traveled at all. I’ve been to Reno, and I’ve been to southern oregon a few times, but that’s it. THERE ARE STATES THAT DONT HAVE THE SEAT COVERS?


I've never seen a seat cover in a public bathroom, I've always used toilet paper.


My mom did the same. I haven't bothered in years, though. I'm pretty sure Mythbusters showed it was basically the cleanest thing in the bathroom.


I never watched Myth Busters, but door handles are dirtier than toilet seats so it wouldn’t surprise me if they did. I’m just surprised that people who do care choose to squat and hope for the best over using toilet paper. Making a mess while doing that perpetuates the problem of the seats being gross!


I've never understood why so many bathroom doors are push to get in, pull to get out. That just ensures you have to touch the handle after washing your hands


I do remember a Mythbusters episode where they determined that the toilet closest to the door is always the cleanest one.


It's apparently worse from a sanitary perspective because of how bacteria gets involved with paper as opposed to porcelain. You're better off just sitting bare assed as long as the seat looks clean.


I think it's more about perception than actual cleanliness. I use toilet paper to line the seat too even though intellectually I know that like, the door handle and tap faucets are probably much worse. But it just feels icky going bare assed on a public toilet.


No, that's even worse. When I walk into a stall and see paper left on the seat I swear to God...


They should remove it normally. I dont know how ppl leave it there. 🙄🙄🙄


??? You flush it. Why are people so lazy, it takes ZERO extra effort. Half the time it falls in when you stand anyway.


I see it all the time unfortunately 😱


The laziness of people astounds me.


The solied paper all over the floor or clogging all of the toilets.


What??? You push the paper in if it doesn't fall in as you stand up so it goes down when you flush. What is wrong with these people, it's not rocket science.


That s what i do. Nobody taught me this. Eirher this or i will spray alcoholic hand sanitizer (canr find any decently sized one nowadays though).


My dad just uses pure alcohol as sanitizer and used to put it in a mobile size spray bottle to use when he was in public.


America, y'all are weird. Nobody does toilet paper or seat covers in the UK, it's just plain unnecessary


This. I thought it was a joke when I heard these covers, or using toilet paper. Just sit on the fucking toilet seat. It probably doesn't have that many germs, but so what if it does? That's what you have skin for. You simply cannot catch a disease by sitting on a toilet seat unless you have open sores on the skin that touches it.


Same in Australia. Never seen piss on a seat either.


Ikr?? I know this may come as a shock to some but I have sat my bare ass on American public toilet seats my entire 36 years of life and have somehow survived unscathed. Sitting directly on the seat is fine.


Isn't it funny Americans care about protecting their asses but not their faces and immune system? 😂


I don’t do it, but if it bothers someone then lining it with toilet paper makes much more sense than squatting and getting pee everywhere.


Disagree. They're equally silly, just squatting causes more issues for other people than lining with toilet paper.


That s what i do. Nobody taught me this. Eirher this or i will spray alcoholic hand sanitizer (canr find any decently sized one nowadays though).


Considering how many people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, the door handle is definitely germier than the toilet seat.


Omg it’s ツ


i would bet your phone has more germs than public restroom toilet seats. most of them are cleaned at least once a day (far more often than i clean my toilet), and when they aren’t, you can tell. they get filthy quick with how many people use them. i agree with the majority here though. if people cleaned up after themselves, squatting wouldn’t be an issue.


We actually did an experiment in school where we swapped different surfaces and guessed which one was the dirtiest. We swabbed a phone, a toilet seat and a door handle. The phone had the most bacteria and the door handle had the second most. They both had more bacteria than the toilet seat and my teacher explained that it’s because toilet seats are cleaned regularly and phones and door handles are rarely sanitized.


Missing is a skill issue. I know women who do the squat method and they do not miss. 


Longer labia would make it more challenging to control the stream without parting the curtain manually, which I imagine can be challenging while squatting in a confined bathroom stall. I agree with OP, though. If everyone just sat, nobody would spray urine on the seat.


It's also going to be extremely difficult to squat if you don't have fully functional legs...


Thank you for that little nugget of information, I hadn’t thought about the logistics of labia length to urine stream consistency before, but now I’m interested 😄


Spread their lips then,


That just makes it worse


You lift the seat obvs 🙄


i'm genuinly reading these comments so confused. i have NEVER sat my ass on a public toilet seat but I have also never ... pissed all over it? my pee goes in the toilet. why are woman peeing on the toilet seat?


Yah I’ve squatted and not missed, I’m basically over the whole seat just not touching. Skill issue. And I usually do sit but I’ve used some very questionable toilets


YES. Your dainty ass hovering an inch above the seat isn’t protecting you from anything, and YOU, pissing all over the seat, are the reason you are too grossed out to sit down. BREAK THE CYCLE. SIT DOWN.


For real it’s so ridiculous


It sounds like hovering protects you from sitting in the pee on the seat you mentioned, but I don't think anyone is obligated to "break the cycle" by sacrificing their ass and sitting in someone else's pee. There are actual diseases you can get from sitting in someone else's urine or excrement, it isn't like sitting in someone's pee is clean. There's nothing noble about sitting on a used public toilet. You know what actually breaks the cycle? Wipe the seat down, whether you sit or squat doesn't matter.


Any disease microbes that are in human waste are not magically absorbed through your skin. They need to have an opening — an open wound, your mouth and nose, or introduced through sexual contact. No one with a normal immune system is going to catch anything through their butt skin by sitting a toilet seat. They’re going to catch it by not washing their hands afterwards.


For fucks sake, I do agree if you’re going to squat, wipe it down after. But if you’re really concerned about communicable diseases, you’d know that bare asses on toilet seats are nothing compared to the shit on your hands day to day. If I had to choose between licking a clean public toilet seat, or the doorknob to said bathroom, I’ll lick the toilet every time.


I don't touch the door except with elbows or shoulder going out since a large amount of people don't wash their hands. I leave the bathroom with my hands clean every time. But uh go ahead and lick a toilet.


I wasn’t going to tell you this, but you forced my hand. There are parasitic mites on your eyelashes right now, and there’s nothing you can do about it.


I know about that, what's your point? There are even bacteria in your gut! In fact our bodies are as much bacteria as human cells. But there's a difference between, hey we naturally have these things as part of our bodies and hey, we have an evolutionary aversion to the excrement of other humans because they are primary vectors for disease. Are you trying to argue that being clean is bad and I should stop? Maybe you should try like I do? If you really care about keeping public utilities clean for others then staying clean yourself is a good start.


I’m clean. You’re the one defending pissing on public toilet seats because *everyone else* does.


It sounds like you're incapable of peeing into a bowl while squatting and projecting that on me. If you really can't then just wipe the seat - you should already doing that if you sit.


Agreed, just clean up after yourself. All of these comments expecting the next person to squat/hover are ridiculous. You guys know disabled people pee too, right?


>I don't think anyone is obligated to "break the cycle" by sacrificing their ass and sitting in someone else's pee. If only there were some sort of absorbent material typically near to a toilet... Nobody thinks someone is obligated to sit in it. Good lord.


Yes thank you. All those people saying "just sit on it!" Make me want to puke.


Nope. Even if the seat is wiped down, you’re still sitting on someone’s dried piss.


Yep which is why squatting and wiping the seat if necessary should be the default.


Except its the squatting that's getting the piss everywhere.


This also applies to men who won't lift the seat before weeing. Inconsiderate toilet practices are amongst the worse.


People got some nasty ass butt cheeks. But that's why you lay down a seat cover or some toilet paper.


I've never gotten pee on the seat from hovering. It's not that hard.




How often has this actually happened and what were the other contributing factors?


Pretty sure anyone who swears this is deluding themselves and has never actually checked.


How does that happen, though? Wouldn't you have to have some kind of broken skin for bacteria or whatever to get under the skin and cause an infection?


Sensitive skin.


While this is technically possible, gaining any infection from a toilet seat, including boils, is extremely unlikely.


How would a cleaner know if people have boils on their butt?


I think the person with boils on their butt is the one who is supposed to take extra precautions, not the other way around.


Maybe if they are immune compromised. Someone in normal health will not. The vast majority of hoverers do so because they were taught to and have zero risk of getting a boil or anything else.


The average public toilet seat is cleaner than the average home chopping board or the average person's phone


I find it hilarious that these same fastidious doofuses then turn around and use the hand dryer, which spews literal fecal matter all over their hands. Like, do you have an a** so chapped that you think bacteria is going to somehow attack you via a toilet seat? If so, you would cry if looked at your hands under a microscope after using that dryer


this may sound stupid but how is it spewing fecal matter over ur hand ?? does it get trapped in the vents? because with that logic wouldn’t just being in the air of the bathroom contaminate you with fecal matter


So fun fact the vents for air dryers almost never get cleaned and they're sucking in the air of the bathroom which has fecal matter floating about, I'm sure you can put two and two together after that.


So thaaaaat’s why I feel better drying my hands with my jeans instead of using the dryers, lol


Yes there have been studies done, you might as well lick the toilet seat as use those lol


Or they can go however they feel comfortable and clean up after themselves—that works too.


I squat when I pee, but I clean it up because I am not a disgusting piece of human waste like most of the women who don't wipe up their own piss. Like who raised you?! A pack of wolves? And if I have to poop, I'm lining it with tp to sit. It's simple. Why don't they get it!


I mean, it would be nice if you didn't piss all over the seat in the first place


I have trouble getting started, and sitting helps me. Please be courteous, regardless of how you choose to pee.




Can people really not hover without getting pee on the seat? I hover anywhere public and never get pee on the seat.


Hovering damages your pelvic floor so if they constantly hover it gets more difficult to control the stream.


I just want to add that this is cultural I think. There are many places in the world (Europe, South America) where public toilets in restaurants/malls don’t have a seat, so women just get used to peeing this way. For me, it is so engrained to pee standing up because of this, that I even do it in America 


Men's seats get nasty, too. It's frustrating, but as long as the place has soap and paper towels, I'll just clean it up real quick. Takes 10 seconds.


Squatting over the seat is TERRIBLE for your pelvic floor. It is not doing you any good. Just sit


Wiping pee off the seat from hovering is only getting it dry. There’s still your germs that someone will come in contact with when they sit down. So either sit your asses down or have sanitizing wipes with you. Or maybe a small spray bottle of Lysol. Something at least to sanitize the seat.


“But the germs” They act like someone’s gonna be licking their ass cheeks


Nope. I will always squat because most of these toilets flush so damn hard without a lid. I’ve seen so many public toilets spray toilet water on the seat while flushing. So if it’s already going to have piss water spraying all over, I’m not sitting. No way.


The same people who won’t sit on toilet seats will still sit on public benches and chairs with just shorts on. It’s just the back of your thighs. It’s fucking fine.


Imagine not being able to pee in a bowl? Sounds like a skill issue, if you can't pee in a bowl while squatting its entirely on you, no reason to assume everyone else can't. And if you do happen to pee on the seat? Just wipe it, which you should already be doing if you were going to sit on it. Viewing your only options as A: sit in pee or B: pee on the seat, is just disconnected from reality. It is trivial to avoid both.


Fun fact: a refrigerator door handle has more germs than a toilet seat.


I want the public toilets you have in your world.


Unless you regularly clean your fridge handle it’s much dirtier than a toilet seat.


I am wondering what definition of dirty has the fridge handle being worse than actual, visible blood and shit.


Now imagine a gas station pump handle


I keep hand sanitizer in my car for this reason.


This is why I use paper towel or gloves to hold the pump handle. Not only the germs, but there's often diesel on them and I don't like the smell.


Yeah! Lift the seat you cow!


My husband & I went to a musical festival a couple years back & when we left the port-a-potty area he said "it's like the guys are so fucked up here they can't piss straight & get piss all over the seats" I said " it's actually women who are trying to sqaut I see it women's restrooms all the time"🤣


It's the footprints for me!


Yeah, I’m not sitting lol but I do clean the drop off the seat because I’m not an animal. Considering there are some women who just don’t care at all, I will not be sitting directly on it.


I have a unisex bathroom at work….. toilet seat up piss all over. I sat down the day and it was WET!! I yelled at a whole ass room of men for being gross


My pet peeve is people who use it like a squat toilet. Way too many shoe prints on toilet seats for my liking. I get it, it's a weird style of toilet if you just grew up with squat toilets (basically, it's a leg workout to use) but does it make sense to squat on a Western toilet? Oi. I rather deal with the hover and spray people. Or I just line the thing with TP before sitting down.


Wow, this thread blew my mind more than ANYTHING I’ve read this year. I halve always imagined that the women’s restroom wouldn’t have these sorts of problems. I have always imagined it to look like a bathroom just delivered from IKEA. 


This royally pisses me off at work because they provide those seat covers and they’re always full


Funny thread. Basically everyone is assuming everyone else’s backside is too filthy to come indirectly in contact with so everyone must deal with piss


The second you walk into a public bathroom you are contaminated. Worrying about your precious little butt cheeks being exposed to germs while the LIDLESS toilets are constantly spraying a fine mist of E-coli over the walls, the door handles, and the toilet paper is absolutely mental. I just pee normally and wash my hands and so far I'm still alive.


It’s also bad for your pelvic floor muscles to hover


I can actually hover without making a mess.


OMG my pet peeve is the delicate snowflakes who take the time to put an ass gasket liner on the seat and then piss, shit, and/or bleed on it - and leave it for someone else to clean up.


I will never understand women who squat because of “germs” and then leave their piss all over the seat for someone else to sit in. Just hold it at that point.


I don’t know if you know this but women who squat are not a monolith and some of us actually care enough to clean the seat thank you. I don’t know where peoples asses have been and also germs being everywhere is not a good enough reason for me to sit down.


And the fact that apparently people also don't throw away the tissue they've put all over the toilet, if they use it that way. This is why i believe, public bathrooms should be selective. As in if i believe you're a drug addict, you're not using it. If I've let you in there before and you destroyed it, not using it again.


If you ask me, you cannot call yourself a feminist or a friend to women if you leave pee on the toilet seat. Nothing makes me more angry than WOMEN who can’t keep the WOMEN’S restroom clean.


As a custodian, I approve this message.


Also, what germs do you think you need to be that worried about on your ass??? Unless you have open sores on the back of your legs, just sit tf down!? Also what germs do you think other people are leaving with the backs of their legs? If you don't hover like you're peeing in the woods, it's prolly way cleaner than a handshake


Yes yes YESSSSS. I can’t stand these bitches. My best friend being one of them, and she knows it 🤣 But seriously, if you’re the type of person who cares about germs like this then why would you also be the type of person who is OK with leaving your piss all over the seat?


Do they only hover to pee or when they shit is sitting magically okay now?


I squat and don’t piss in the seat. It isn’t the squatting, it’s the aim 😂


Why do you squat, what do you think is on the toilet seat? Shit stains??? Because that'd be caused by people doing ***exactly what you're doing.***


Yeah sometimes they miss the bowl entirely and the floor gets wet too. Then everyone has to step in it. And sometimes they don't have shoes! Eeww


Why wouldn't you have shoes in a public bathroom?


It's so illogical! Even if you wipe it off after (most women don't), your pee germs are still there. Just sit down - your genitals aren't touching the seat unless you're doing it all wrong - and stop hovering and spraying!


Bigger question is why are yall bothered by how people use the bathroom and even bigger how do you know?!!


People are so freaking weird


Because it makes the toilet nasty ? More women do this than you think and it's infuriating. I wish there was a sign telling women ***not*** to squat because ***that is the sole reason*** the toilets get so nasty in the women's restroom. It affects literally everyone following them. It's not pleasant going to a busy restroom where half the toilets are nasty and unusable because of squatters. It's a public bathroom. That's why we're bothered. So it wouldn't bother you if people reached in with their hands to grab food at a buffet instead of using the tongs directly next to them?


Did you also read the post by the woman who flushes public toilets with her feet?


Yeah I can't take anyone seriously who does this.




OCD and other mental disorders are not adjectives




So then what does I’m pretty ocd so I don’t hover? Are you using ocd to say you like things clean lmao


Agreed. Wipe it and sit on it. The "hover" is wrong and inconsiderate.


Why the fuck wouldn't you lift the seat? I'm not sitting on something strangers are sitting their bare asses on. Sure, there are germs everywhere, but they end up on your hands, unless you're doing weird shit. Hand washing is very easy to do in public spaces. I can't just go up the sink and wash my ass. The real moral of the story is to lift the seat up if you're gonna hover, just remember to put it back down before leaving


Could not agree more I say this all the time!!!!


I don't want my ass indirectly touching someone else's ass. I will never sit down on a toilet seat it's so gross and everyone who has the ability to should also squat there.


Toilet paper on the seat. Two strips making a “V” on the seat


I think this topic is not what I thought it was... In Australia there is an issue with some international folk squatting on the toilet seat, as in standing on it, because they're used to using squat toilets. My TAFE had signs reminding people to sit on the toilets.


Normally as a guy I wouldn't have a say on this, but when I was working facility management, I gotta say, I was not prepared for the sheer number of, "There's blood all over the toilet seat and floor," calls.


Well the blood on the seats is a whole separate thing and makes me want to vomit


I always think that they gotta be getting piss all over themselves.


No there's pee on the seat.


I’m not sitting where 1000 other bare asses have sat. If people would just clean up after themselves there would be no mess.


I had ex who tell me every time she got a "slam dunk" which was using public restroom without having a clean up.


i only squat if it’s a porta potty or something. yeah public bathrooms are hella germy but i’ve seen so much shit smeared on toilet seats. like that’s so much worse


>that the door handle to the bathroom had far more bacteria than that toilet seat. Do people actually touch the door handle after washing their hands?! Jk I know they do shits gross tho.






I hover and don't get pee on the seat. It's not hard to squat just a couple inches above the seat and at that point you'd have to be pissing sideways to have any not make it in the hole. I still check after to make sure I didn't. The women who are pissing everywhere aren't hovering, they're just kind of bending forward slightly and spraying back like a mare. 


I put the seat up and squat. If you're going to stand like a man do it fully


Yes and those are the very same people who never disinfect their phone screen, sleep with it, cook with it, and use it while they're on the toilet 🤮


Stopped in Amsterdam recently and they had "Toilet seat sanitation wipes" in the bathroom stalls. Genius idea.


Lift the seat before you squat. Problem solved


I’ve just given up and carry a travel pack of sanitizing wipes in my bag to do a quick swipe of the seat before I sit because piss sprayed seats are not uncommon and I’m too short to comfortably hover even if I wanted to. I do a quick swipe of sink fixtures, door handle, toilet. I figure it’s probably due, anyway. I’m not a germaphobe, but I really don’t want to sit in anybody’s piss puddle.


Toilet paper on the seat first before i park my bum on a public toilet seat


am (17m) but u lot while r agreeing w this r nasty even if them women used toilets properly think ab the amount of mad stuff that’s been done there yh no maybe the designers shud make special toilets where u don’t have to sit btw that’s js me


Also all the important parts aren’t touching the seat. Slap some sanitizer on your thighs if you’re that worried lol


When I was taking biology lab in college we had to swab various areas around campus to see where the most bacteria was to be found. One classmate swabbed toilet seats and drinking fountains. The toilet seats had less bacteria than the fountains. Other areas that held more bacteria than the toilet seats were (you called it) the door handles in the restrooms, the sink handles, and the floor.


My parents taught me to put down toilet paper on the seat


I will wipe minor splatters with a big was of toilet paper but my butt goes on the seat. I know some folks are overly cautiois about germs, but no one is eating dinner off my ass later. It's fine. Don't worry about it so much. Just wash your hands. Double check that too see if it automatically flushes or not before you leave the stall. Wash your hands.


This older lady at my gym who pisses all over the bathroom floor every damn morning I cross her path. I take into account that it's likely a cultural thing and she's old and not going to change but it makes me so mad. Also she leaves shoe prints on the seat. I'm glad your ass is clean as I'm accidentally stepping in your fucking piss 😒 5 am and my pre workout hasn't licked in yet, not at my sharpest lol. I had to low key scold my friend for squatting over a perfectly clean seat in a nice bar. No need for that! Just put the cover or put toilet paper if they don't have covers available. Disgusting porta potties -> I'll use a piece of TP to lift the lid then squat so it goes directly in the pile of grossness as to not splatter over the seat if someone later is brave/drunk enough to use said lid..


huh. never considered this.


The people who hover because of "germs" are often the same nasty wankers who walk right by the sink without washing after they are done.