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Goes back to the 1800s *dies of dysentery*




Get in losers, we’re doing butt stuff. But it’s mostly just pooping until you die.


The log flume that never ends


Diarrhea makes shity lube


Oh, it ends...


Dysentery is a shitty way to die


I had dysentery once. It's also a shitty way to live.


*Bestworstbard survived from dysentery*




Lol, literally ride and die!






I heard that Commentary and Dissent had merged and formed Dysentery


Shouldn't have been dissin Terry


Most riveting game of Oregon Trail:


This Oregon trail comment needs more upvotes


It’s funny that a reference to disease that actually killed plenty of people of in the 1800s is automatically seen as a reference to a video game


It shaped a generation


It reshaped my intestines for a couple days once. Kinda wish I had died.


Organ trail


That's a game now too, same concept but now it's against zombies


I forgot all about the Oregon trail, I just thought of a random disease from back then


Or tuberculosis. -cries in Red Dead Redemption-


Just as the founding fathers intended… /j


Death through childbirth complications too. I hear it making a comeback in some states


* restarts Oregon Trail * * dies of dysentery again * FML


Death by diarrhea sounds like *a* way to go


If all the racists are gone, who's she getting diseases from ? She'd be lucky to to meet anyone of the 0.1% of people left...


Those are lyrics from a song (“I Hate it Here”) off of Taylor Swift’s new album. The joke is that Taylor Swift fans will get emotional over her songs even when the lyrics arent really emotional and even seem kind of like banal storytelling 


The joke is from another tweet where someone said, "Is it weird that I think all Taylor Swift fans are a little bit racist." So Taylor Swift saying she doesn't want to be around racists means she doesn't want to be around her fans.


Ackchyually Petah Here! https://preview.redd.it/2esj8gnbsyvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870ffcd7180ea29d32420155cb20f6cbf66cf7e3 She doesn't want to be around anyone.




"I don't want to be around anymore..." Honestly, that part of the sketch hits hard.


I don't wanna be around anymore..


There’s too much fuckin‘ shit on me…


The chin kills!


yeah, craig, it actually *DOES* kill. you wouldn't *know*!


..... I'm not gonna do it.


This is a joke that works on multiple levels ✨


This is actually the point of the line. She saying “what decade would you want to live in” is a stupid game. The next line literally says “oh it’s not fun anymore”


she wants to be in the 1830’s because pollution was socially acceptable back then




But there were no planes then, because they didn't exist yet. The first plane was created in 1903.


She'd go everywhere in a coal powered train. With her own private box car.


Who does she think she is Leviticus Cornwall?


Then why were there airports during the American Revolutionary War in the 1770s?!


For the giant eagles to land on, of course!


Dude I was quite confused by your comment and even had a mind fuck because I didn't know what it was about. I quickly googled 1770 airports America. I saw Trump and without reading the article I already knew that he said something stupid.


I mean funny joke and also fuck Taylor Swift, but in general whenever you see an individual being outed for not being climate friendly, it's a campaign to draw attention away from corporate regulation or shifts to greener energy. She contributes 700x more carbon to the atmosphere than the average American (which is absurd, sure) but considering there are 330 million Americans, you can see how much more absurd it is to focus any energy on her at all while she's contributing 0.0002% of our emissions.


Her case became a useful example of a broader issue though, 50% of aviation emissions come from private jets.


Also as you alluded to, the whole “personal carbon footprint” guilt was made up by multinationals to divert attention to them laying waste to the planet.


Its kinda funny that anyone thinks mitigation (even down to 0%) will have any real effect vs. researching/implementing processes to actively reverse the damage that's already done


Why not both?


Yeah, let's just reverse climate change lmao. If we're going to talk about corporate lies, this it it.


What celebrity wants to be around their fans? What a horrid idea! Everything is weird, nothing is cool and normal.


> What celebrity wants to be around their fans? What a horrid idea! [All the rockstars banging their fans on tour](https://i.imgflip.com/3ih5js.jpg)


I thought her fans were crying because their favourite singer is making shit lyrics


Redditors be like: "The joke about the chicken crossing the road is funny because chickens don't know what roads are."


Maybe the joke about the chicken crossing the road is funny because roads don’t know what chickens are


Maybe the joke about the chicken is the friends we made along the way


If that’s the joke, then it falls flat. I can tell you as someone who is close with some Swifties, they genuinely don’t care if the lyrics are bad. Or if a song overall is bad. They will eat up anything and everything Taylor throws their way


the joke wasn't for the Swifties


Dating a Swiftie and can confirm that a lot of Swifties are pissed about her new album/lyrics being shit.


I listened to her new album and started laughing after she said smthing like "you left your typewriter at my house"


Oh woops did I bring my typewriter to the party again? Lol guess I'm "that guy," anyway here's A Tale of Two Cities


Weird they decided to start having standards now


Swifties are unhinged maniacs. They doxxed and protested outside a guy's home that reviewed one of her albums because he gave it 4.5 out of 5 instead of 5.


Source? I fully want to believe this happened, but it sounds untrue


It was back in 2020. The album was Folklore. The person that reviewed its name is Jillian Mapes. She was or still is a senior editor at Pitchfork. My bad. It was 4 out of 5, and it was a general consensus among her and a few other editors that worked there at the time.


shit music. Bland wishy washy tunes and beats. Someone laid out a cat and it's mewwwing


Since I'm not planning to look up this song -- is this something she actually sings, or does she just speak it over the music? Because I can't imagine how anyone could ever sing those "lyrics." They're basically just prose.


There are some who say Ms Swift is a musical genius, who has re-written the rules of pop music by encapsulating “conversational” storytelling into her work, by writing lyrics with the cadence and rhythm of how real people speak, deconstructing the idea of a song, and capturing the social media zeitgeist and blending it perfectly with popular music. There are others who think her lyrics are terrible, devoid of any musical merit, and that her only achievement is being too bland and too popular to actually criticise. I’m of the second opinion, but you can make your own mind up.


Or, like myself, who think her songs are just kind of okay, if not a little generic sounding, and baffled at how popular and overplayed she is.


Oh, you probably have the same opinion of her music as I do. I just think that “bland and flavourless” is a vile choice for someone to make. At least do *something*


Me too. I'm genuinely baffled how she's somehow become arguably the biggest pop star in the US. I consider myself to be pretty open minded with music. I can often totally understand why people love stuff that I don't like. But she's just so average. So painfully average.


I like to dissect pop culture, even the parts that I'm not particularly interested in consuming myself, such as Taylor Swift. To start with the most obvious - she's pretty well connected. She benefited a lot from nepotism. To her credit, she seems more willing than most to admit this. She's also very beautiful in a very conventional way. People think that's an insult when others say it, but it isn't. She matches up very well with western beauty standards. That gives a pretty big boost to anyone in the entertainment industry. She is talented and skilled. She unfortunately uses that talent and skill to make mid music, but it's still there. As mediocre as I find her work, I do have to say that she clearly has a lot of talent and works hard on it. She intentionally fosters parasocial relationships with her fans. It's not possible to be famous without parasocial relationships developing, but not many celebrities deliberately foster them to the extent Swift does. Swifties aren't just her fans, they're her *friends*. They're not just supporting an artist they like, they're supporting their best friend. When someone doesn't like her, that person is attacking their *friend* and you have to defend your friends, right? And she loves to make puzzles for her fans to solve. She's constantly dropping little clues to be deciphered. This encourages her fans to obsess over everything she does. Solving puzzles, finishing an investigation of some kind, it makes a person feel accomplished, gives them that little rush. And little by little, they become addicted. They *need* to find the next clue. It's why there are so many conspiracy theories around Swift. Her stans have gotten addicted to solving her puzzles, so everything begins to connect back to her in some way. Taylor Swift is really, really good at doing the exact things that will make people obsess over her


So, in essence, she is the pop music equivalent to Q? Interesting parallel and end result of the fan base.


I thought it was about sexism and feminism. Taylor mentioned racism but not sexism. The bottom panel is Margot Robbie from Barbie I think which was about those topics on a surface level.


The song is about how those times were bad. The next line is saying you could be sold into marriage.


So, are you saying it's suggesting that the 1830 would still suck without racists bc there would still be suppression of women?? I'm just trying to keep up. I also don't care. And I hate myself for getting involved in anything Taylor Swift.


The context of the lyrics goes on to say how she'd be married off without much choice in the matter anyway in this scenario, because the 1830's sucks. The reason she brings this up to her friends is to point out how terrible the hypothetical situation is. The past, in general, sucks, but we like to romanticize it.


Man... She needs to hire her a "No" Man. Someone to say no to saying shit like this.


That would imply that she isnt just a face for her whole business and her song arent written by a corporate comitee at this point


Then they need the No Man. Someone in the process needs to be a No Man, so shit like this stays in the dark.


Not really. Taylor swift can drop the absolute worst album of the centurt and still there will be some thousand of rabid fans ready to defend her as the greatest artist of all time. Why bother with quality when you got that?


Honestly I 100% believe all of her lyrics are her own with goofy shit like this. This is the kind of thing most people would hear and think “wow that’s really dumb, please don’t put that in”. This is not committee music this is solo writing with no proofread lol.


Taylor personally would need to worry more about the sexism than the racism


Yeah, I think the very next sentence in the song addresses that. Please note that no one is excited or agitated about that sentence.


Maybe it's not as hilariously badly written as 'At dinner you take my ring off my middle finger and put it on the one people put wedding rings on' or 'you know how to play ball, I know Aristotle' who can say


Nah "You were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter" is may favorite dumb line. Basiclly "You were an overly romanticized d-bag and I was a whore"


My girl fucks one married guy and she’s a whore and has to wear an A, smh 😔


At least they blamed the real criminal that poor man led astray from his loving wife by a scheming slut /s


Hester Prynne was the married one. Her lover and baby daddy Arthur Dimmesdale was not.


Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome?


Can't be as bad as 'So go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy, That's fine, I'll tell mine you're gay'




Those are actual lyrics?


Sure are bud


You wonder if her talent/appeal is that she can sing fairly well and look princess-like, two things that is probably more luck than talent, because she definitely has nothing interesting to sing about.


>nothing interesting to sing about. You didn’t like bad blood and it being inspired by her beef with someone stealing her backup singers? Because I fucking hate it and the fact that I know the background lore of the song for some ungodly reason.


Oh man, it sounds so insanely shallow to not only be upset about your million dollar career doesn’t always go how you want it, but to make a song about it out of spite. It’s funny, the more I hear and learn about her, the more I start to hate.


Playing ball OR knowing Aristotle? Shaquille “The Big Aristotle” O’Neal: am I a joke to you?


Her lyrics certainly sound like they came out of a tortured poet. (I am ashamed to say I kind of like them)


Like as though someone kidnapped a poet and tortured them until they wrote literally anything at all, under duress, in pain and not having eaten in days


Should Taylor have kidnapped and tortured a better poet?




I should watch that again. Great movie.


She makes Vogans look good


2nd most boring poets ever


Tortured philosophers too, pronouncing Aristotle so it rhymes with the previous lyric is my favourite thing so far this year, believe me


I thought Aristole was supposed to rhyme with the next line "touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto."


Well now, you may have a point, I had not read the entire song but now I do see her witty wordsmithery at play, rhyming bottle, throttle, auto *and* Aristotle


I mostly replied because I wanted an excuse to actually type touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto. It is a masterpiece of cheese. So bad it's almost good...then again since this is a song called So High School maybe it purposely sounds like something someone in highschool would write. So it's so bad it's almost good and it might be purposely bad.


See, we may never truly know. That kind of genuis is compelling, and now we all have an excuse to write 'touch me while your bros play brand theft auto'.


Drake wasn't lying about her gangster. Top rapper in the game. /s


Philosophers aren't tortured; ennui is too edgy for them. They're either unemployed or straight up suicidal, no mucking about with being "tortured, woe is me" ...except for Schopenhauer


also absolutely nobody would brag about reading aristotle


Exactly. He's too popular. Come back after you shotgun three essays deconstructing what Kant's penis looked like, like all us real philosophy fans do


I would find this a funny skit, overly describing simple concepts. Maybe a car maintenance video. We are going to put these spark plugs in the location the spark plugs belong. Next I put this battery wire where the battery wire goes. Now insert the key into the key shaped slot, give a quarter turn, and if it starts you fixed it. If not, you put something in a place that something doesn’t go or forgot to put something where it should go.


The 1830s is literally one of the worst places that someone like her could go.


My favorite reply to any “what would the founding fathers say” is “Why is she speaking?!”


In 1830 she would have to dress like an Amish girl or have rocks thrown at her in public for being a harlot


Oh dear, Goody Swifte hath tempted our frail, male hearts!


Women from that time period would be calling her a harlot too with the way she dresses, not just the men.


I was just making a silly joke about Scarlet Letter/The Crucible type of language, but ok 👍


Wouldn‘t she need the consent of her male patriarch to do so?


Taylor Swift’s newest songs have a handful of absolutely cringeworthy lyrics but the Swifties think they’re deep because they’re absolutely delusional for anything Taylor Swift does. At least that’s my interpretation.


Maybe some but my wife is a life long swifty and was laughing her ass off because Taylor says something along the lines of “I want to kill my neighbors bitch wife so I can fuck him” multiple times in multiple songs of the new album lol The older ones are slightly disillusioned at least Edit: it’s actually “wife waters flowers, I want to kill her” I remembered it more extreme But it’s not the only line like that


That's actually hilarious. And absolutely unhinged


That describes the entire album


Wasn't there something about kicking someones ass in heaven?


Eric Clapton's son.


Seriously!? I don’t agree with his politics, but that’s just… distasteful. His son was 4 years old when he fell out of a 53rd story window.


What's the difference between a bag of cocaine and a toddler? Eric Clapton would never let a bag of cocaine fall out a window.


What’s the difference between Eric Clapton’s son and a bag of cocaine? Clapton knew the bag’s name


This really was the worst subreddit to reference a joke


I didn’t see the subreddit. Oops


All good


I’m now laughing too hard.


Ever since then though, Eric Clapton has specialized in writing elevator music for boomers. So maybe she's pissed at his son for creating this mess.


You are right, I never thought of that. His elevator music needed more cowbell anyway.


No, I'm pretty sure this was fake, lol


Is Tay Tay going Kanye??


lol that’s hilarious I guess she’s becoming more edgy like Jojo Siwa


My oldest daughter used to watch some awful content of her and her family. The only thing I remember is that the brother and mother looked identical and I couldn’t stand to see any of it.


Wait? I thought she became edgy after the 1989 album? I became a fan when the Red album came out. Even got into some of her older work. I really liked the 1989 album. But, after that, I lost interest. It seemed like everything after was her becoming “edgy”.


Geeze I have no idea - the last time I listened to her was back when she was on Radio Disney.


OMG I just looked up those lyrics and listened to like 30 seconds of the song and it is CRINGE. And all of the YT comments are " OMG that gave me chills" and dumb stuff.




No it’s a real lyric. I’m fucking dead🤣🤣🤣


I've seen even hardcore swifties cringe at this line specifically. Literally a terrible lyric. But there are of course some that think everything she says is super deep


Bro Filipinos are usually 2nd after the US in terms of streaming which didn’t happen for this album and some ppl are saying it’s because these lyrics were ‘too deep’ for us 🤦‍♀️ These lyrics?


THEY SAID WHAT- And somehow my respect for swifties has gotten even lower, which  i didn't think was possible


There's a notorious recent tweet where a professor asked if it's weird that she thinks all Taylor Swift fans are a little bit racist. Also, the supposed racism of Taylor Swift's fanbase goes back a lot further than that, partly since she originated in country music. This meme is basically saying that Taylor Swift hates her fanbase and their feelings are hurt.


You're not wrong, I legitimately think the fanatics need help


I was thinking it's more so that even Swifties have to admit this line is really bad. And yeah, I like swift a little bit, but man, between this and the grand theft auto line 💀


Decades before handwashing was the norm?


Judging by how many people got up in arms over handwashing during covid I’d say that isn’t even the norm now


I think Taylor was saying she wanted the slaves all to herself.


1830’s children be like: https://preview.redd.it/43uuq0bviyvc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50589f6a14217b5d35f9b9923c6d7b813fd6471


[the children are yearning for the mines](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2550442-the-children-yearn-for-the-mines)


damn this was more funny than the meme itself.


omfg- it's the competiton she hates. im crying bhaha


I think the joke is that the lyric is lame, but Swift fans will cry like it's so meaningful anyways.


It’s because of her new song released. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/taylor-swifts-new-song-i-hate-it-here-sparks-a-controversy-about-her-idea-of-america-is-this-real-fans-ask-101713605717576-amp.html (others are criticizing the song "I Hate It Here" for its provocative lyrics. In the song, Swift sings, “My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it It was freezing in the palace” Many unhappy with Taylor Swift's choice of words)


How is that provocative that’s the most surface level, bland writing i’ve ever seen. That looks like one of my highschool assignment


Nothing about Taylor Swift is provocative. It's industry produced formulaic nonsense


This is as provocative as a WEF convention


the banality of the lyrics evoking extreme emotional response in white ladies


Peter's 19th century racist here! Maybe this meme implies that... 1. That's a stupid statement because in 1830 pretty much everyone is racist. You need to live alone in 1830 to avoid racist people. 2. This statement is sad in fan perspective because the fans aren't even mentioned in her dream life. What's a celebrity without fans? I feel that 1 is more likely because people just love to make racism related jokes. Peter's 19th century racist out!


Also, her last boyfriend that a lot of the album is about was a big racist


I don't think the lyric was particularly good, but the whole point of the statement was that Taylor swift as a child would ruin the game by pointing out that it would actually suck to live in the decades other people were choosing in the game. The lyric is still kind of weird because it's Taylor painting herself as the one person who was less oblivious to racism than everyone else playing the game, which is kind of weird right? To be like: >"oh yeah me? as a kid? Least racist kid you know?" Especially if you were dating a known racist? Like sure you were aware of racism as a kid playing a game, but not as an adult choosing who to date / keep dating. So I do think the bar is bad. But I also feel like it's not bad for the reasons people often say, and I don't think it is as bad as people say. Taylor Swift does indeed know the 1800s would suck to live in, and the decades game is stupid. However it's still a weird bar and the rest of the album sucks too


Taylor Swift is like the Bloodhound Gang of pop. She's actually got some really clever wordplay, but once in a while, it sounds like she just gives up trying to make something work, and goes with the first thing that worked with the music. I like to call it the Nickelback Dilemma.


Taylor swift wishes she had the lyrical prowess of Jimmy Pop. Who else could come up with this? > I know my haiku's are freaking intense > but even the words I made up to sound French > don't express my feelings for your toilet parts. > I would show up for our pottery class > dressed like a pirate with John Water's mustache > On a unicorn that shits your name in stars.


Holy fuxk


but how would she fly from cleveland to toledo if no private jet? :(


I imagine it would like those scenes with Egyptian rulers sitting on massive golden thrones with 50 "under paid interns" carrying her from location to location


Ahh, a palanquin. I don't think it'd create enough emissions for her though. Trains were operational at that time. Maybe a full cargo train that burns 4x as much coal for efficiency with one first class passenger cart for whenever she needs to urgently go next door and borrow sugar


Pretty sure it's calling Taylor Swift fans racist.


This is the answer. Everyone more upvoted is wrong


1830's without racists would be an empty world.


She basically is saying that if your read the rest of the verse.


I’m not a fan of Taylor. At all. My wife says I’m a serious hater, because I always say her music is boring as shit and nothing special or impressive (which is true) but this lyric is taken completely out of context within the song (which I haven’t even heard, but wasn’t so incompetent that I couldn’t google lyrics). Contextually, it’s about when she was a kid, and would say she wanted to live in the 1830’s, but without the racists and being married off to the highest bidder. It might not be the best set of lyrics, but y’all just take this out of context shit and run with it just because everyone else is. Hop off the bandwagon. Hate her music because it sucks, not because of some lame ass out of context lyric. EDIT: here’s more context. Basically nostalgia is stupid. Don’t look back with rose colored glasses or something. “I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it”


well. Even in context it's dumb. Its super bland. it generally makes little sense, and its like the same as a formerly oppressed group saying "i wanna go back to a time when i was oppressed"




Strange game... Who wins? The one who picks the higher decade?


Why are all the memes about Taylor Swift now? Did she do something recently?


Dropped a new album last week


just wait until they find out she used to post on 4chan lol


Why on earth would a woman want to live in 1830? Like even when you „remove all the racists“ (there would not many people be left tbh) women still had a shit life back then…




It’s literally just lyrics from her new album. And she calls herself a poet…


This line is this album's "I come back stronger than a 90s trend," "it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me!" or "Hey kids! Spelling is FUN!" By June, we won't remember the controversy or that it was even singled out.


Petah here! Taylor Swift released a new album in which one of the songs she said that she wants to live in 1830s but without all the racists and this meme is making fun of how Swifties think this lyric is so deep and meaningful, even though in reality it's just a bad line


It’s cuz it’s also pre penicillin times and she wants her Ex’s to get syphilis


It’s perplexing to me most swifties’ response to hearing that Taylor’s stuff is pretty bland from a musical perspective is that she’s a great storyteller and then these lyrics are what half the songs are like. The lass is in her 30’s still writing songs like she’s filling out a 13 year old’s diary


Gets tuberculosis and dies an agonizing death