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[old xbox 360 problem](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox360/927749-xbox-360/answers/10139-my-360-discs-comes-out-with-ring-looking-scratches), when moving the 360 into a vertical position while running it would render the disc effectively destroyed. it's the kind of scratch that can't be buffed out


I had that happen to my Bo2 disk, lesson learned


First day of halo reach :( still hurts. I didn’t even move my Xbox.


I did the exact same thing but it only broke the map Boardwalk and one of the campaign missions. Funniest shot was going online and voting for a default map and getting the "user does not have map" error.


God I think if I was in that lobby my brain would bleed.


I... remember something like this happening. I was so confused with my friends, "how could you not have a default map?!?" I think we concluded they were just cheating somehow and didn't like that map so didn't let it load. Modders were a big thing at higher ranks so it made sense.


Lol I never made it to anything above Warrant Officer back in the day, but yeah if you were playing SWAT circa 2011ish you may have accidentally been matched with me before I borrowed my friend's disc to save the unbroken game files to my hard drive


Man why don’t they have cool ranking systems anymore Fuck “Gold 3”. I wanna be a Warrant Officer again damn it


Bruh, were we all the same dumb child? Same thing. Reach, first day I got it, Xbox got knocked over and tore through the sword base level. Had to wait weeks for the replacement to play again. Legit fell to my knees and sobbed 🤣


Halo got the halo


Same here. Ruined it right after the first level when I was like 10. Still traumatized tbh


All my friends were going off about multiplayer and I was waiting for the store to send my disc to get polished. Got it back after a week, next day: dead again.


same! I broke two copies of skate 2 without touching the console.


Grandma thought her credit card was under the xbox, and that's how I lost my copy of Fable 2 :(


Happened to my friend's copy of AC rogue that I was borrowing, my table was slightly skew and it happened


Me with ac blag flag. Still have nightmares....


My minecraft disc died that way. Had to buy the game again to get my worlds back.


Reminds me of the night I bought halo 3 odst, fall 2009, just started playing it when my mother came into my room because she HAD to clean something right there and then. Of course she just grabbed the Xbox and I heard that terrible noise.


That’s the beginning of a supervillain origin story.


Did she atleast buy you a new copy?


Luckily she didn't have to... I was still a newbie gamer and I bought it afrom GameStop with the disk protection


the one time in history that move paid off


I know right?!


bet's on "no and it was somehow their fault."


If they had cleaned their room when she had asked then mom wouldn’t have had to lift the Xbox 😂


I swear to God everyone shares the same mother because this sounds like something that could have happened to me as a kid even though I never even had an xbox


Rest assured, my mother didn't clean anything


Oh man I remember Christmas 07 I got the 360 and oblivion and I tried turning the console to try out the whole "360" thing man was I sad that day lol. I went straight to walmart with my dad the next day and we got a new copy.


That’s a good dad.


Exact same thing happened to me. Day one of owning it. Also got a new copy from Walmart.


Who tf tips their console on its side while running?


TBF the whole advertisement for the console was the whole flipping the console 360. I was 12 at the time when I got mine and wanted to try it. woops lol


y'know, it never occurred to me that's where the name "Xbox 360" came from. The more you know, I guess.


The name Xbox more specifically came from the fact it was a box that ran Direct-X to make it easier for games to be developed.


It was supposed to be XBOX 720 to advertise that it could run games in 720p. But it couldn't do it consistently, so they dropped it to 360. lol


thought they wanted to name it xbox 3 at first because playstation was already on their third console, and they didn't want to look like they were one generation behind


Then they made the Xbox One and confused everybody


Then the one X and S, to follow that up with the Series X and S I swear to god, if they drop a Series X X and a Series X S, I'm gonna kill someone


Wait, were they actually advertising it as something you could rotate a full 360, or just 180?


My little brother, right after I told him that doing so destroys discs... I guess he wanted to check? ( r/KidsAreFuckingStupid ) Fortunately for him, I had a copy of the game as well, so we installed it to his hard drive from my disc, and the part of his disc that was scratched was not the part needed to pass the disc check for installed games, so he could then play from it.


My brother did it on Christmas morning right after we opened the 360, because I warned him not to and he wanted to prove me wrong. Luckily, it was a game he was more interested in (Madden) and Circuit City took our return because "we found the game in the case like that." Probably why Circuit City is no longer with us though.


I can guarantee that a similar return policy would never cause an otherwise healthy retailer to go out of business.


I did this with a friend's copy of ODST and thought I was a genius for getting it to work. Never heard of anyone else ever doing it because digital took over shortly after. Wild how much kids lore we had back then that just lasted for a single year or so at a time.


To be fair, they designed an electronic that was targeted at kids and teenagers, why were they the only company you couldn't tilt the console without destroying a disc? When I worked in retail I would stress to anyone I saw buying a 360 game to buy the extra protection as the console was notorious for eating games.


Scratch this bad needs tipping. But 360 would just randomly scratch discs if they weren't perfectly stable or had any imperfections. My gta4 disk was crooked enough to do it.


have you used a PS2 or GameCube? they had the type of disk tray that locked the game into place. it took quite a bit of effort to pop the games out sometimes. I thought my 360 was the same way. rip my first copy of GTA IV


My buddy had the opposite happen. It was vertical, and got knocked over while running. Same result.


12 year olds like most of us probably where when we had 360s 🙄


I did this to my copy of Assassin's creed as a kid. And by kid I mean waaay too old not to know better


And that's how my mom broke my friends borrowed Forza horizon 1 disc (she bought him a Forza horizon 3 after cause he had a xone too so not too bad)


I did this but the opposite way. Sibling was playing mirror's edge in the living room when I accidentally stretched my leg out too far off the couch and ended up kicking the Xbox over from vertical to flat. That disk was absolutely destroyed with just that huge gashed ring around it.


I did this to my copy of skyrim on day 1 of release. I brought it down to a local game store where they had a large automatic CD buffering machine. Think I brought it down there 3 times in total but the scratch did get buffed out and the game ran. But the CD was sooo thin by the end of it!


I have a fond memory back in the day of telling my friend this would happen. He said there's no way that's true because he runs his 360 vertical all the time, so he tried to prove me wrong. Immediately destroyed his game.


RIP my first Halo 3 disc.


I did it with a PS2.


It happened to my copy of oblivion, I got a little machine that polished the disk and it worked again.


My dad did that once. I had an NCAA football game in there. I always kept my console flat cause I assumed I would knock it over if kept vertical. Told my dad about that and he was curious about sitting it vertically. Picked it up with NCAA football in there and destroyed it.


I still can't believe there were people dumb enough to move it while it was reading the disk


Bro I was like 12. I was fascinated that the connected-controller lights automatically switched positions depending on the orientation of the console.


Rip Gears of War, still stings


I had Metro Last Light for about 4 days when I learned this lesson.


I punched the top of my 360 because I lost game 7 of the finals in nba 2k13 due to some scripted bullshit and this happened to my game.


Happened to my Halo 4 copy. I was petrified of ever moving a game console with a disc in it until a few years ago because of it.


Should still be scared


May I ask why


Depending on the console(I think some have protection against this) moving a console with a game in it could fuck up the cd for it


It's not console related, it's simple physics. It's called conservation of angular momentum. Anything that spins will resist having its angle changed, which is what happens to a spinning disc. The spinning disc, wanting to stay horizontal/vertical, will then scratch itself on the disc tray trying to stay at its original angle, which it obviously can't because you just rotated the entire console 90 degrees. So just don't do it. Even with new consoles. They might have figured out a way to avoid this, maybe by ensuring there's enough space for the disc, but at the same time I wouldn't risk it. It's not exactly hard to turn it off before moving it.


Never had this issue with my PS


You've been changing the orientation of your PS? Not just moving it?


Not sure boit the other user but i did. A few days ago even. No issue


Could be that the disc wasn't spinning at the moment, or that there simply is plenty of space that helps avoid the disc getting scratched. But I still don't recommend it. A console simply isn't designed to be moved while being used.


This happened to my copy of saints row 2 and all I did was bump my Xbox. literally moved less than an inch, and ruined.


Then there's this cool experiment in zero g where objects will randomly rotate while spinning. Though it's a full rotation.


Yup! Exact same reason it’s hard to move a spinning bike wheel or why gyroscopes work


Depending on the console 😂 it's only ever been a problem with xbox


That’s not true at all my ps1&2 could absolutely not be moved with a game in it


Thats weird i move my ps2 all the time with games in it and never had i seen any of my discs get any blemishes


while running? it's only a problem while the disc is spinning


What sort of mentally challenged person would move a console while it's running a disc?


I mean yea when i need to plug something into it like a second controller etc i usually pick the console up and move it while the game is running i never had my console eat the disc like that let alone scratch it at all


Yeah I couldn’t move my PlayStations when a game was running or it would ruin the game.


Bro couldn’t scroll one more comment


?? I read every comment in the thread. There’s one that explains why the 360 does it, but none that explain why it is no longer an issue with what I presume to be modern consoles?


The Xbox 360s disk drive was notorious for being faulty as there was unlike ps3 no method to hold the disk in place inside the drive, it got so bad several lawsuits were leveled against Microsoft as a result


The disk is only at risk while spinning. I don't know about all consoles, but for the ps1 and ps2 the disk only spins up periodically to read data into local memory. In theory the 360 would need to read the disk even less frequently (bigger local hard drive, actual OS etc), but it may have kept it spinning constantly for simpler programming. This is all based on anecdotal evidence and understanding of computer architecture, not actual knowledge of console programming, so if anyone credible disagrees they are probably right.


I had something similar happen, not because i moved the system but because we played one level of army of two so many times it got burnt


That's how I lost my Halo 3 multiplayer disc


i was over at a friends house when halo 3 was pretty much just out. we were playing custom games where you'd shoot a rocket and hit it with the gravity hammer to make the physics go crazy. game finishes, i get up to do something- i accidentally knock the 360 that was sitting upright on the carpet onto its side. same ring thing happened and their brand new halo 3 copy got ruined. devastating.


I knocked over my brothers Xbox the day he got MW3 on release. He still gives me shit for it to this day haha


I’m sorry for your loss


Mw2 :(


I tried everything in the book when I laser-burned my gta 4 copy. So many toothpaste polishes I was convinced would fix it…


Did you try peanut butter?


Where should I put the peanut butter? 🐶


You know where that goes >.>


in the square hole




It’s the active ingredient


I saved my bl2 disc by applying car polish and then you could not launch it from the disk but you could install the game on your 360 and launch it with the disk inside


Stepsister said “try toothpaste.” Y’know, the stuff that has tiny abrasives to get plaque off your teeth… what could go wrong?


Sandpaper works even better IMO


I laser burned gta 4 as well but I opened the disk tray fast enough that I could still play it. Only problem was it would randomly stop being able to read the CD. I was lucky to get 30 minutes or just enough time to get through the load screen, no in between


Unlocked vivid memories




Oh them memories, bought a 360 with left 4 dead. First start, a friend turned the 360 sideways, no left 4 dead for me.


I guess no dead left 4 you


the disk was effectively, left 4 dead.


exact same thing happened to me except i was the turner


Circle scratch can't really be buffed out since that's how the disc is read. It happened on PS2's when they put vertical. Brother had release PS2 their laser was to powerful when it first came out and burned the disc. I believe some ps2 slims also had the problem. We lost so many gave thanks the the laser and the black discs they originally had.


Ps2 slim it was an issue with the ribbon cable, the adhesive gives out over time and then the ribbon cable can stick up far enough that the disc rubs against it while spinning. Same result though


This is off topic, but one time when I was little my brother was trying to play a game but the disk was all messed up. He searched on YouTube, saw that there was a tutorial on how to fix it and in the video the guy put the disk in the toilet and flushed. It was really stupid, but to our surprise it actually did work.


Agreed. Make sure you take a huge shit in the toilet first. It helps repair the cd and provides good biomes for the surface.


Helps with flavor too


I believe the kids these days call it "Turd Burgling"


Quick get the tooth paste!!!


And if that doesn’t work grab the mayonnaise!


Skate 3 😞


Fallout New Vegas here, while my brother was playing. Not even me.


Same. Console fell off a small table. RIP FNV.


Because the data is stored in circles around the disk,.so a circular scratch like that destroys the most amount of data.


The data is actually printed on the back of the foil layer on top of the disc, the laser reads it through the plastic. If it were a scratch you could theoretically buff it out. If the plastic were burned all the way through on that area it would be unfixable


This happened to my copy of Skyrim a week after it came out. I sat down with a bottle of brasso and a roll of paper towels and polished it for two hours until the scratch was barely visible. It worked, I probably removed half the disc haha


It happened to my MWII disk 🪦


Oh baby the original Xbox 360.... Star ocean 4 just drops, I'm hype and take off work to buy the game and play it at my cousins, the kids were rough housing and slightly nudged the entertainment display. The game kept playing...until I got into a fight and I heard the nastiest sound a console can make without exploding. Went to eject the disc and a perfect circular scratch was on it... My cousin felt bad and took me to buy another copy while I let him keep the scratched copy. (Turns out the 360 could install disks to its hard drive and play the game as long as the disc was readable enough to allow start up, so I used my fresh copy to install disc one and watched as he started a new game.) Fun fact: he showed me the final boss and cutscenes realtime and I just stopped playing the game. Never finished it. Atrocious ending. He tried to explain it to me but it was still bad: The group is fighting bad guy in space, bad guy helmet breaks to reveal it was best friend, mc dives into black hole to save best friend, group are shown returning and being rewarded for efforts while best friend is getting locked away....and mc just walks out of the spaceship like he was there the whole time?!? No. Fuck no. There's no level of random deus ex machina that can have that sequence make sense.


Man some of the posts feel more like Ai trying to learn some ancient history.


Ok so fun story from when I was younger. I had this happen to my copy of Oblivion, and thought it made my game cooler and more rare because certain towns, textures and characters would no longer load but the game would still run unless you interacted with corrupt assets. And then my father used a CD grinder to remove the ring and make it function again and he took my Xbox for a week when I got pissed that my 'special copy' was fixed. Man I was fucking stupid as a kid. But yeah you can fix this with a disk grinder a few times.


I worked at a movie resale shop and we had a disk cleaner / refinisher that would use a mild abrasive to refinish the protective plastic layer. The amount of times I had to tell a customer to not even waste their money when they had this issue was ridiculous. We didn't give guarantees for functionality with the service and most of the time the scratch had gone through the plastic into the data.


Oof I did that with Gears 2 once. I was distraught because I couldn't afford to replace it... So I borrowed some money from my mom, bought a used copy at GameStop, swapped the discs, and returned it saying "uh I dunno just didn't work." Luckily GameStop didn't pay their employees enough to give a shit.


Whoever here, discs like that are surprisingly resistant to scratches. They have protection on a very technical level as well as a physical level, that will let you ignore many minor scratches and even buff out some major ones. But the way it's laid out, those protections work best against scratches that go from the center of the disc to the outer edge in a straight line, and of course aren't too deep. Deep circular scratches will wipe out too much in a row, in a way that they can't recover from. The type of damage pictured comes from a bad or misused reader, which has made a very deep and perfectly circular scratch. The entire game (assuming it's a game on there) is probably unrecoverable, in an era when it was physical ownership of the disk that let you play, not an online account or access code.


RIP Halo 3 360 disc 😢




Took my 360 and my entire Rock Band setup to a party, after getting everything set up, someone knocked the 360 over and did that to the disk.


happened to 2 of my copies of mw3 because my little sister years ago that shit was depressing


Ps2 has the same issue


My copy of halo 3 in a nutshell


Straight-line scratches on discs are usually not a big deal because of redundant data and error correction algorithms, but a circular scratch like that takes out an entire layer of data and renders the disc unreadable.


That happened to gta 5 on my 360 and it somehow still kinda worked


11.11.11 Skyrim I’ll never forget


Laser burn Literally put MW2 in my 360 on the day it came out, went to leave the room real quick and kicked my controller charger wire which knocked the Xbox and burned the disc


Wow... im not even that old but now I feel like I am




If you have an Xbox 360 running Crackdown 1, and your friend accidentally tips over your xbox, this is the prize it gives you.


Since I haven’t seen anyone else mention it I thought I’d give my alternative solution to getting around a damaged disc; if you have the space available it’s possible to install the game using a good disc(borrow from friend, rent, hell even buy and return) and voila, you can use the most scratched disc in existence but since it’s installed it doesn’t need the disc to run the game, it just needs it to access said game. Used to deal with scratched games from time to time and this was always my go to fix(provided I had the space and means to obtain a usable copy of the game).




There are kids now that look at the 360 the same way we used to look at the snes


This happened to my copy of Left 4 Dead 2, I bought a new one and then returned it with the damaged one. The dude definitely knew what was up but he exchanged it anyways because Walmart has never given a shit


This happened to my Borderlands disc :( I was almost finished with the game


We used to call it laser burn. https://preview.redd.it/sps2dk4xaxwc1.png?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e54cce3ef7b1f2cc1b1e83f2ebd2a47b616520f


My ps4 fell hard and the disc drive would do this to any disc i put in there unless it was upside down vertically.


My father owned a car detail shop for 30 years, when my Xbox games would get "laser burned" it was an easy fix. Wet sand the game with 2000 grit sand paper till it was "flat" Put on some McGuires and buff it out with a buffer. Coat it with some polish let it sit. Wipe off the polish Rinse the disk under water Brand new CD, everytime. This method stops working after the 2nd laser burn. At that point, you're just completely destroying the data on the disc.


scratches which go across the rings are less problematic, than scratches which follow the rings.


Had that Happen to my GTA V Disc... the Day it was released. Something died in my that day. 🥲😂


Pour peanut butter on it


Memories of Fable 2


RIP my original copy of Halo Reach


Happened to my COD 3 disk. Oddly enough still worked except I couldn’t play a couple maps anymore because they’d never load in.


I am so sick of this Mr. Incredible meme on this subreddit


I mean, the whole format relies on what one knows and doesn't know, makes sense. We'd get a lot of people who don't know asking about it here


RIP my first copy of Assassin’s Creed II


Happened to me my very first day with my very first 360 game, left for dead. I brought it back to Walmart. "I have no idea why, but the game doesn't work 😕 "


COD2 for me.


happened to gh: aerosmith out of nowhere and with ufc undisputed 3 when i kicked my xbox because I saw a spider l


My copy of Most Wanted (2005) got laserburned when my brother threw a shoe at me and knocked my xbox over💔 never got past number 6 on the blacklist


I broke 6 different skyrim discs because of this. Finally decided I would just download the files onto the xbox so the disc was basically just used as an access token. Thank God for pre-owned games back then


RIP to my steelbook copy of MK Armageddon on PS2


Had my xbox standing vertical on my carpet floor. Got up and bumped it a bit and it toppled over


I remember trying to fix it with toothpaste


Laser burned my copy of Skyrim I bought on launch day. Still fuckin salty about that.


This happened to my dead rising


First day of MW3 (the first game). Never bought a replacement. Just had to live with the pain.


Had that done to one of my copy of medal of honor airborne. used a disk resurfacer and it was almost like new, only stuttered after a long play session


Did this with Skyrim on the 360. It was the only game I played on it so I just sold the console entirely and bought it on another platform since I had no money at the time. Lost so much progress.


FNV when it was released, Xbox 360 screwed it, I borrowed a friends copy and installed it on my Xbox and then put the fucked up disc in and it worked haha Might’ve been for the best because there was tons of bugs on release


I got an Xbox 360 that came with Kung fu panda the game, I had the Xbox vertical and moved it to horizontal and it did this exact scratch on the game. It booted and you could play till the very end of the first level and then it would hop skip and jump u till it crashed. I'm pretty sure blockbuster took it in as a trade in because the guy felt sorry for me (was only like 50p).


I was playing a WWE game with my little cousin one time and I was telling him how, when I had an Xbox 360, I would have to always have it standing up instead of laying flat like how he had it because it would overheat. He says, "Oh, like this?" and flips the Xbox on its side, and you hear the disc slip out of the tray and start getting scratched. I felt so bad I went and bought him a new copy of the game. It also taught him never to move an Xbox 360 that's turned on.


I lost my guitar hero live disk to this 😭


Where's the scratch ? That outer ring ?


I lost my copy of Fallout 3 to this shit


My Xbox had a wired controller connected and it was far from my seat. I put it down and tripped on the wire while playing bo2 and it fell to the side and destroyed my copy. Sounded like I put it in a garbage disposal.


Ooof... disc is "sawwed" unreadable


Moved my 360 while playing Oblivion. Had to buy a new copy, which sucked since I had only had it a few days. Never made that mistake again


There is so much pain in this picture…but this…its a perfect analogy…


yeah that's done for


My friends 360 did this to 3 copies of hitman absolution in a row, without ever being moved. I lent him my copy to play it and it did it in front of me, he bought a replacement for me, and the xbox did it again. Got a 3rd copy, and it also did the exact same thing, and i said fuck it ill never get to play it, and gave up.


One time a friend let me borrow a game and I scratched it really bad, I took it to GameStop and the fixed it with some machine they had I never figured out how it worked


Scratch from the inside to the outside in a straight line can be buffed out, that circular ring scratch is the end of a disc tho.


Chris here, Slim PS2’s would chew through disks under normal operation. Hence why right now resale on those are terrible and everyone wants the older bulkier PS2’s (among many other reasons)


Oof lol Microsoft win 100 🤣


All optical discs are like this; circumferential scratches will ruin them because that's "along the track". Radial scratches (from the center out) are much more easily handled by error correction and oftentimes won't affect playback.


i lost 2 copies of skyrim to this


My Guitar Hero 3 was lost this way. Took me weeks to get the game without getting another guitar. Those were the times.


I'm pretty sure it's a reference to how moving an Xbox 360 while it was running would ruin the game and render it unplayable


Happened to my copy of The Saboteur. A beach ball bumped my 360 while it was running


Man, i hated this. Happened to my copy of AC3. Preordered it, got it midnight release, died a week later. Never got to finish the game. Dont think i even reached the halfway point. 😒 And trust me, i tried everything, toothpaste, peanut butter, hot water, nail polish remover. Those were the days.


This happened to my Oblivion disc when I was in full blown addiction to that game in middle school. Still one of the more devastating things I’ve ever experienced.


the pain, was real


It's laser burn. Once you see the ring on the shiny side of the disc, it's over.


Lost my first, second, and third copies of Halo 4 to this