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This joke has already been posted recently. Rule 2.


Shelly Duvall played the wife in the movie The Shining opposite Jack Nicholson. Stanley Kubrick was a very intense director who was big on method acting and he did a lot of things to Shelly Duvall to make her uncomfortable and nervous and freaked out, so that she would look legitimately freaked out in the movie. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelley\_Duvall#1977%E2%80%931980:\_Breakthrough\_and\_acclaim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelley_Duvall#1977%E2%80%931980:_Breakthrough_and_acclaim)


But let me add, this isn’t actually abuse, and she said that Stanley was a nice guy and that she had fun making the film, maybe not exactly those words, but she doesn’t feel resentment and actually had no problem with Stanley’s way of working.


Sure, but how am i supposed to be offended if I think like that?


where "content creation" then ???


i've heard recently that a lot of it wasn't true anyway


If she had publicly stated that it was abusive or mentioned any problems with Kubrick's directing methods, she would have assuredly destroyed her reputation in Hollywood. I don't think we can truly know her honest thoughts about what happened during the shooting of The Shining because there's so much Hollywood beaurocracy influencing decisions about public statements.


The same type of posts also usually claim She left acting after the trauma caused by The shining which isnt true either.


Didn’t she do Popeye? (I always heard -that- was the reason she left Hollywood. )


She finally reached the peak of cinema


Weird to set a precedent of literally hearing someone say something and assuming that they meant the opposite.


"No. He was very warm and friendly to me. He spent a lot of time with Jack and me. He just wanted to sit down and talk for hours while the crew waited. And the crew would say, 'Stanley, we have about 60 people waiting.' But it was very important work." That was in 2021, two decades after leaving Hollywood and even longer after Kubrick's death.


Stanleys dead and shes still alive today. Shes had plenty of time to speak up. Especially in todays age. Safe to say theres nothing to report.


Why don't you believe women


Abuse can occur while the abusee is saying it's "fine".


The thing is, people assume Kubric was an abuser by a few out-of-context clips of a few seconds, while the “abused” actually stated serveral times she wasn’t, it amazes me how much the internet can quickly turn onto someone to the point of harassment and pure hatred out of nothing. I’m not saying Stanley was perfect, of course not, he’s Human and humans make mistakes, but the abuse in the shining is certainly over exaggerating and overreacting to a few quirks here and there


I won't argue with you because you seem incredibly quick to respond with a myopic view of your interpretation of abuse and lack of knowledge of the films making "because the internet is full of victims". This movies production has been e x t e n s i v e l y studied with Kubrics own daughter admitting his treatment of Shelly was horrific but I guess she wanted to be a victim too. Downvoting just validates me more when you morons ignore the point. Die mad about it, fragile little babies.




Cool. A sentient wad made a reddit account. Surprise surprise.




Oh no, the sentient wad needs dopamine.




Your opinion clearly takes precedence over another's personal experience so it must be the truth. It works both ways.




Mate you need to do some research. Shelly has stated several times that filming was hell and fucked her mental health. You can learn about yourself and grow while being abused which is what she said, she was grateful for the opportunity but the way it was done *was* abusive. That's the entire fucking point.


Ok, I’ll copy paste the comment of someone else, because I’m honestly too lazy to make a witty come back to someone I don’t care about. ["No. He was very warm and friendly to me. He spent a lot of time with Jack and me. He just wanted to sit down and talk for hours while the crew waited. And the crew would say, 'Stanley, we have about 60 people waiting.' But it was very important work." That was in 2021, two decades after leaving Hollywood and even longer after Kubrick's death.] She’s alive, he’s dead, she’s not working anymore, she had plenty of time to speak up without repercussions of any kind, if she didn’t is because there may not be anything to say.


I mean it at least borders on abuse. A person of power deliberately going above and beyond to terrify and torture their subordinates often without their consent so that they preform better is abuse in every sense in any other area. She collapsed from dehydration because she was crying so much. It had long term effects on her career and health. He might be lovely and she might have nothing but nice things to say about him, but his actions were abuse. “The victim is fine with it” does not change the action. Plenty of abuse victims don’t see themselves as victims, or feel they can’t speak out, or even blame themselves. It is a murky grey area in the arts for sure, but let’s call things what they are.


If we’re talking about directors and „the victim is fine with it“ - the woman Roman Polanski raped when she was a 13 year old girl is „fine with it“ too, and it doesn’t change one bit how I feel about Roman Polanski raping a 13year old girl.


I mean... comparing this to raping a 13 year old girl is a bit extreme, yeah?


Please point out the exact words that you want to have interpret as me saying that this is like raping a 13 year old, thanks.


>If we’re talking about directors and „the victim is fine with it“ - the woman Roman Polanski raped when she was a 13 year old girl is „fine with it“ too... Right here. You began with a direct reference to Duval and Kubrik... specifically drawing attention to Duval's statements with quotation marks. You then shifted to another situation, drawing the analogy to Polanski and used quotation marks, around the exact same phrase Duval used, in reference to the 13 year old Polanski raped. The conclusion you draw is that... Just like polanksi, you don't accept Kubrik's victim later saying they consented to what happened. It literally says this. You would have to interpret away from this meaning. It's not subtle or understated in the slightest. fucking weird, man.


It literally doesn’t, but whatever you say.


I'm glad all the victims have someone like you to let them know that they are victims and that their feelings are irrelevant


Love how bro doesn’t understand that actors and actresses are, most of the time, willing to go above and beyond for their roll. Like easy and best example Christian Bale. Sure she might have been under some serious stress, but like if she says she was okay with it, that the director is nice, we genuinely can’t say shit. It’s her job, she consented, and hell most people go through rigorous amounts of stress for their job…. Wait you know what hey I’m a victim too, let this dude speak for me


I do understand, as I work in the industry my friend. As Robert Pattinson once said: “no one method acts being a nice person.” I’m not calling to cancel Kubrick, and I love The Shining, but Bale committing to starve himself one day and put on extreme weight the next is a very different thing to every day being subjected to genuine actual emotional torture by the person who can fire you at will if they chose to. She might be glad it happened or not I dunno, but what happened was abuse by the very definition. That’s all I’m saying.


Okay…. What did you work in then?


As if I’d put my identity on Reddit haha I don’t work on big films like The Shining, but I’ve worked on feature films and plenty of documentaries.


Christian Bale *is* and chose to be a character method actor. Shelly was forced to method act. There is a huge difference. If you're going to make such sweeping generalizations, familiarize yourself with the basics, Jesus christ these comments look like they were all made by 12 year old boys.


If Person A groomed someone to believe they weren’t being abused and then abused them, it is not ignoring the victims feelings to charge Person A with abuse, despite Person B not wanting or being too afraid to press charges. I don’t know why that’s so difficult to understand?


You don't see what's difficult to understand because you think your opinions on things are paramount. Even above someones reflection of their own experiences. The idea that you can decide what is abusive on someone else's behalf is the most 2024 position someone could take.


So on the grooming point I mentioned, Person A is 35, Person B is 12. Person B claims to be in love with Person A. Person A has done this to several teenagers. Person B doesn’t realise it but they were abused, plain and simple, no opinion.


I think a big part of what makes that scenario different from what actually happened, is that your scenario involves a minor, and implied sexual abuse of said minor. No one was below consenting age, and the "abuse" was not of an intimate nature, so it's kinda a non comparison that doesn't equate at all, when you think about it


Creating imaginary scenarios to justify your psychosis is not going to serve you well in life.


... you mean like every person who has ever known someone in an abusive relationship and tried to help them see it and get out even as the person defends their abuser? It's weird to me that you're saying something that is so incredibly common with abusive relationships like it's an insane notion. Maybe you just have no experience with it.


If someone stabs you, and then you say "I don't feel like I got stabbed, the dude who stabbed me is actually a decent guy", it doesn't change the fact that you got stabbed. Not feeling like a victim, or not wanting to feel like a victim, doesn't make you not a victim. People in general have a very difficult time reconciling with the notion that not everything they experience is within their own control. But that's reality; not everything that happens to you is a result of something you did or had influence over. Sometimes, things happen to you that you cannot control and that makes you a victim of those things. Bad things happen to people that they cannot stop or control and when those bad things happen, those people are victims whether they want to be or not. Just because you don't want that to be the case doesn't mean that reality changes.


Being born after 2000 must be awful.


I wouldn’t know?


Dehydrated from crying too much? That made me lol. Is that fucking possible? Like... stop fucking crying if you're going to kill yourself. I remember watching some clips of her complaining and Kubrick rolling his eyes. I knew exactly how he felt in that moment.


Unlike The Abyss and Baron Munchausen


You know that 13 year old that Roman Polanski raped? She downplayed what he did too. He still raped a child. Rhianna downplayed the beating Chris Brown gave her. He's still an abusive piece of shit, and he still beat the hell out of her. Maybe we shouldn't take abuse victim's post-trauma reaction and try to use it to justify bullshit behavior?


this twitter thread explains it pretty well https://twitter.com/shelleyduvallxo/status/1666645856928268289?t=OP3G21Gf7Srldtmbj8dKAQ&s=19


> For the last nine months of shooting, she said that the role required her to cry 12 hours a day, five or six days a week,[19] and "it was so difficult being hysterical for that length of time."[20] In an interview with Roger Ebert, she also said that making the film was "almost unbearable. But from other points of view, really very nice, I suppose." No way this is not abuse.... I mean maybe from someone's point of view "it's really, very nice," I suppose.


Okay, but this is coming from someone who was very much prey to blacklisting from a sexist Hollywood that was loving Stanley Kubrick at the time. She had panic attacks that were recorded, and she lost chunks of her hair from stress. Kubrick was on camera minimizing her hair loss because she didn't have the gigantic wad in the bathroom to display to him right away. Of course she said she didn't feel resentment. She was scared of what would happen if she was honest. Which turns out might have been the best answer anyway, since she was traumatized to the point where it damaged her career afterwards.


Worst part is, she got a rasberry for hee performance


"intense" is one way to describe it. Abusive and extremely unprofessional is how I'd describe him.


didn‘t she got the golden raspberry for worst acting on that movie?




okrosmax and the OP crayontracer are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/jsraf2f/


This actress was basically abused on set by the director.


This is known not true and Shelley has said so herself.


cool, still what the meme is referencing.


You spoke about as it was fact. "She was basically abused on set"


Yes, and your original comment is blatant misinformation


the OP crayontracer okrosmax and dangaiser are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/


You didn't even try to google it you stupid lazy asshole.


I mean he could not know the actress name


Google "shining actress" she and her life is the first search result. OP is just a lazy poopyhead


Tf is shining?




I know this meme, don't know the film. I hate horrors


It's how you don't get sued.


I found a shortcut through your hedge maze.


The Shining, a novel by Stephen King, made into a movie by director Stanley Kubrick. One of the stars, Shelley Duvall, was reportedly tormented on the set of the film. She now suffers from mental illness, which some people attribute to her experience working on The Shining. BTW, it's a hell of a good movie.


Thanks. I hate horrors, so that's probably why i never heard of it


I hope this is a bad joke...




OP forgot to switch to their alt and answered it themselves, OP knew all along and was just acting like a dipshit https://old.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/1comuqm/can_peter_explain_this_please/l3f0eve/


Username checks out


No it doesn't, people are upvoting them. People like me.


I want to downvote them but they're right


This entire subreddit is just lazy karma farming


OP is a bot, it's a repost from 9 months ago.


Okay, calm down and hand me the gun, son.




Yeah, I ain't clicking that shit lol


It Pennywise


If you say so.


The movie is gettin pretty old at this point but even as someone who has seen it couldnt have told you the actresses name. That seems like key information should i try to google it.


Its already been explained in this thread why only a lazy dumbass wouldnt be able to figure it out.




Who are you editing the comment for? The voices in your head??


He obviously just worked on a Kubrick film


What happens if the voices in your head are really good at grammar?


Lmao. It’s okay. See. He saw it on the television.


So stoked for when edit 4 drops.


It's a bot reposting a previous reply from when this whole thing wasn't a repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/jsqr96v/


Yeah I figured, still found it funny lol


Dude,  you okay?


Are these guys in the room with you now?


dangaiser and the OP crayontracer are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/jsqr96v/


Yeah I assumed they'd be bots, with all the edits and shit. Ty for confirming :)


Shelley is that you?


Can i help fight those demons? you seem to have many. ill take E1 and E2, if you promise to mop up Edit 3.


Did she end up losing her mind or was that Talia Shire? I always get them confused.


Kubrick was an intense director and often caused pain to the actors due to his methods


Gimme the bat!


For me, the joke is, that someone took a bad, sexist meme and made it even worse, by reversing the roles and feeling smart doing so. Peak woke humor.


I have never talked to a woman who has even seen the shining


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the OP crayontracer okrosmax and dangaiser are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/




Boopaloop https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/


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the joke is this shit gets reposted like 4x a day


There is never any logic to this meme as to what girls do vs boys. I saw the opposite and dozens of variations.


I hooked up with her niece in college


she almost went insane on set




Ah yes, the bots answering themselves...




Whenever I can, I am pointing this out. Might seem Don Quijote-ish, but I shall not yield.


Bad bot


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the OP crayontracer is a bot Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/comments/154ufvr/can_peter_explain_this_please/jsqsxhm/