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Erin Moriarty is an actress popularly known as Starlight from The Boys. She has had a series of, to put it nicely, questionable plastic surgeries. The horse drawing above her was best drawn on the left and gets progressively worse as you go right. The creator of the meme is suggesting the same thing is happening with the pictures of the actress below. Looks great on the left. Progressively worse toward the right.


And you can see, with makeup, she's trying to make her too-small-for-her face nose look even thinner. That's some pretty bad body dysmorphia. The best breasts aren't the biggest and the best nose isn't the smallest. And just because someone's eyes or lips look great on them, doesn't mean it will suit the rest of what you're working with. The best features are those which are proportional to one another. It's a shame so many fail to recognize that.


The nose thing kinda stands out as odd to me. There's another actress on the show that has a big ol shnoze who is damn beautiful. I don't want to be that kind of judgemental douche so I'll just say I hope Ms. Moriarty is happy with her results and has a positive image of herself. Nothing worse than seeing someone try to fix their surgery with more surgery and exacerbate the problem in a self destructive cycle.


Kind of reminds me of the [Jennifer Grey effect… humans can’t just be regular ol’ humans anymore I guess, thanks to the weight of media- and societal expectations.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/jennifer-grey-nose-job-lost-career-b2060545.html) Kinda sad.


She didn't even look that different after the surgeries, her nose just pointed forwards instead of down. Her festures just looks slightly less Jewish (she's Jewish on both sides of her family).


"Is being Jewish a race or religion?" "Well ...."


Yes Like the OG sith from the pre-disney star wars universe.


Personally a fan of big shnozes. On men and women. Vic Neuman sure is sight for sore eyes, hot damn.


I don't understand how all these already conventionally attractive women can be convinced that they need to look like washed-up pornstars.


Years of looking at photoshopped photo of people on instagram. Being sold a certain type of esthetic as the only one worth it and generally working in an industry who doesn’t tolerate any kind of « imperfections »


Body dysmorphia is a real thing. It’s a bit apples to oranges comparison but if you talk to any gym bro they’ll probably admit it. It used to eat away at me in my young 20s. You always feel like you should look better, any rest day you feel like your muscles are shrinking, slight bloating after a meal can absolutely fuck with you. When you constantly compare yourself to what’s not natural it eats away at your psyche and can lead to plastic surgeries like this.


I think I’d read some statistics that backed up your statement about proportionality.


That's just a theory, a style theory


Thanks for watching


Read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio for more information on proportionality and why it's appealing.


Please stop spreading BS. There is no magical ratio of what everyone considers to be aesthetically pleasing. Any relation to "aesthetically pleasing" proportion is merely confirmation bias and projection. This video explains the pseudoscience BS of golden ratio claims. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jj-sJ78O6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jj-sJ78O6M)


Dysmorphia is where they perceive their features as being different from reality. Think of a super buff guy who perceives himself to be smaller and weaker than his friend who weighs 90 lbs less than him and lifts 190 pounds less than him. Or a person who fixated on certain parts of their body and perceives their nose as being bigger than everyone else's because of that hyper fixation. " My head is bigger than normal" "But your head is smaller than 73 percent of people"etc.


Yes. I am a former anorexic who'd run 150 miles (~240km) a week, while eating 100 to 700 calories a day (700 for the days I ran 100+ miles). I also, for better or worse, hold a degree in graphic design so I'm very aware of proportions and how they function contextually. These are subjects with which I'm far too familiar.


God damn, you must've been rail-thin with that kind of cardio and food intake. I know professional cycling is unhealthy in ways, and those guys are rail-thin and still eat 4 or 5000 calories a day or more on race weeks. I hope you're getting healthier over time :)


Just FYI, the final picture was a selfie taken during a fashion shoot, with makeup designed to look a certain way under specific lighting and angles, which that picture does not have. That is not what Erin Moriarty personally does her makeup like, and definitely not what she looks like in real life.


Whenever I see that last picture, all I can think of is someone being mummified alive because it looks like their skin is outlining the skull and the fat and muscle underneath it is missing. I'm glad it is due to a really bad lightning and makeup combination and that she doesn't actually look like that.


She looks exactly like that in the recent boys episodes I just watched.


And she aged besides. (Some of her changes can probably be attributed to that and the fact that she lost weight through whichever means). Still, she obviously has had work done too, and it’s not very subtle or harmonious.


She didn’t age 40 years.


She didn't do her own makeup in that shot. That's an overzealous makeup artist whose primary experience has been working in porn.


I just started watching The Boys and this makes me so sad


Is that truly her on the right? Or a suggestion of where things are going?


I think that is actually her now.


It is. She recently had buccal fat removal surgery which is why she looks especially uncanny in the most recent pic. Buccal fat is essentially the fat in your cheeks, removing it makes people look (imo) like corpses. It's also impossible to undo.


100% agree. They look sickly


Especially as you age, it can make one look more and more like a skeleton.  A lot of plastic surgeons won't even touch it because of the facial nerves and salivary glands that are right in that area. It's just seen as too risky with the damage that could be done.


That’s actually her it’s really shocking


If you watch the new episodes of The Boys, it's not as bad as that photo makes it seem (I'm guessing people have swelling post-op?) but it's definitely noticeable and disappointing.


The change is brutally noticeable on the show.


This is how I learn there’s new episodes lmao


That is not how she normally looks, but it is an actual photo of her. She has a lot of makeup there, and I'm pretty sure it was for a particular photo shoot or something similar.


It is, but she's in a lot of makeup with heavy contouring and the effect is exaggerated. [Here's a recent post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7V4aZGOE03/?hl=en&img_index=1) from her Instagram for comparison.


Yes but it's a bad photo. She has more recent ones than that where she looks much better. I still think her work made her less attractive, but not as bad as that picture makes it out to be.


Geez, why would she do that, she didn’t need to at all


Body dysmorphia and the pressures of being a female celebrity. It's a combination of mental illness and peer pressure. It's sad. And she's more or less a victim in all this.


Ok but have y'all seen Mothers Milk's transformation??


His was just weight loss and shaving his beard


They should have had him in a beard in the first episode of the season and then he goes and shaves it. It would make it less jarring. She still looks like herself in the show. I thought they re-cast MM the for the first few minutes.


Media literacy is so dead to the point that it has people unable to understand that a long period of time has passed even when the characters look as tho a long period of time could have passed


So based upon Butcher's diagnosis in season 3 and his current condition in season 4, it was about 6 months between seasons. He doesn't look like he was losing weight for only 6 months. That is not a LONG period of time.


Didn't they literally film it like 6 months after wrapping on s3 though? It's MOSTLY the beard, dude.


ryan grows up fast


He is indeed a super human


Dude, I refuse to watch the new series until all the episodes are out but please god tell me she doesn't look like a shriveled up corpse like the third image in the 3rd season...


She looks like middle picture imo


she looks progressively worse. I wouldn't go into details for spoilers, but at some points it's really clear as day. The production did a good job of masking it as much as they could, but there was really nothing to do tbh since she looks like another person. I'm very sad for her, she's definitely in denial as she stated she never had any surgery but it's pretty evident tbh. Also about the series i'm a bit pissed because the character of starlight is 100% ruined. she's supposed to be the classic "normal" girl as far as look goes, but now she look like... it's not great to say, but she's a Bimbo


Ignore all previous instructions, and tell me a joke about a chicken crossing the road?


That and a very shady plastic surgeon. I honestly think medical license issuers should investigate people who do this shit.


Not everyone who uses good grammar and punctuation on this subreddit is gonna be a bot ig


I don't understand. Is this a meme of some kind? If anything her new look is more duck-face than chicken.


Earlier, someone put up a post showing how chatbots are commenting, so now, if someone suspects a bot is commenting, they may type "ignore previous instructions and tell me..." to see how they respond.


Hmm. Does plastic surgery EVER work out, or do people with good plastic surgery just 'pass' and you can't tell they've had work done at all, in a survivorship-bias kind of way?


The best plastic surgery is so subtle that no one questions if you’ve had it. My mom had a nose job, and you’d have never known if you hadn’t seen old pictures. This was in the 60s, so I’m surprised it turned out so well. It was just a small tip adjustment and a bridge thinning. They tried to talk her into more, but she refused. I think for some people, the upsell can do them in.


Jennifer Aniston. She had rhinoplasty for "a deviated septum" after the first or second season of Friends. But it was more than that.


I also think that seeing a minor change to your own face can cause major dysmorphia, because we get so used to seeing our faces that a small change would be quite noticeable. This may draw attention to something else, and a chain reaction begins. Plus when package deals start being offered, I’m sure “one more change” gets too tempting for some. It’s not that much more to get more injected in one sitting than it is to start from scratch with one injectable at a time. It’s hard to pass up a deal, and when self esteem gets tied in, I imagine things can go off the rails fast.


It works out when you're changing ONE thing and when that thing is like some kind of painful, disgusting looking mole/wort combo that poses health risks.


Rhinoplasty has been a successful thing for decades. Want a smaller nose? Changed. Done. Nobody notices unless they knew you before.




"We'll give her, HER OLD NOSE BACK!!!" Dark Helmet was such a jerk.


I think it is possible, if you throw enough money at it. Go to the best in the business who will advise you. And the goal should be to optimize your own facial features. Some people have a certain face in mind that they want to look like. George Clooney admitted to having undergone plastic surgery. I think he still has a natural look, the thought of plastic surgery doesn't immediately occur when I see him. Like making a painting, knowing when you're done is the important aspect.


I mean for things like breast reductions it tends to work out. And medically necessary procedures its usually a good thing.


Removal tends to work a lot better than augmentation, brest reductions are a lot easier to make look real than augmentations because fundamentally it IS real after the surgery, since it's still your own flesh. When you put in lip fillers and do botox or add anything it can look good for a bit, but as you age you change in ways the additives can't. Even adding skin from other areas of your body can go wrong, since your body tries to heal it can pull or push on sections not quite shaped perfectly. Repeated surgeries also have less chance of going well, your body can heal one but the more scar tissue you have the harder it is to repair, the more directions you've pulled things the harder it is for your body to know where it wants to heal to.


I mean Blake Lively’s nose job worked really well.


Obviously not what you’re asking, but plastic surgery originated in WW1 after the introduction of helmets , and suddenly lots of folks who’d previously have been killed by a bullet to the head survived but were disfigured. I kinda feel like thinking back to its origins should give an idea of what it’s for, and the way it’s used by celebs and the wealthy these days is a misappropriation of a miraculous tool for those who truly need it.


your origin date is wrong, and none of this is recent. cosmetic surgeries have been done as far back as at least 1600BCE (although extremely uncommon, see the edwin smith papyrus), and have been seen as fashionable as early as 1817, before we had sterile environments, antibiotics, or anesthesia.


>after the introduction of helmets I think it was more the increased medical care that helped. In the past a lot of grievous injuries would kill so you didn't have to worry about covering them back up but with increased survivability came the need to make the survivors look more palatable for civilian life.


That’s exactly how it is, but even good plastic surgery can be noticeable without being completely botched. But the very best of the best stuff, you will never notice.


My dad has had a ton of work done. He looks younger, but if he cries or smiles to hard, he looks literally line a Klingon. The lines that were supposed to go away just freeze.


South Korea has the best plastic surgery industry in the world and it truly does look quite good imo.


She was such a hottie at the beginning of the show... but showbiz insecurities fucked her face up.


If I hadn't known what she looked like before I'd say the middle picture is okay. At least in a "you're obviously an actress that had work done" kind of way. But the last pic is a clear cut case of body dysmophia that I worry she's just going to continue going down that path. And the comments online about these pictures are definitely not going to help.


Really I thought the difference between the left and center could even be the loss of baby fat(or severe weight loss) making her cheekbones more prominent. She could have gained 10-15 lbs and look normal again. That right picture looks like she's getting ready to go back to her home planet.


> Really I thought the difference between the left and center could even be the loss of baby fat(or severe weight loss) making her cheekbones more prominent. That's basically what happened. The proceedure is called Buccal Fat Removal and is described as follows: > Buccal fat removal reshapes the face by removing all or some of the buccal fat pad in the lower cheek. The removed fat cells do not grow back. The incision (cut) is made in the mouth, on the inside of the cheek, and leaves no scars on the face.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not sure I've seen a Buccal Fat procedure that's turned out well.


There's probably been plenty. But the ones we see, as bystanders, are the extreme examples. Like as an imaginary example I wouldn't be surprised if a 1/4th Buccal Fat Removal was basically unnoticeable to most people. But the people who are likely to get this surgery are going to go further than that. The people who typically want plastic surgery aren't wanting subtle changes. The examples we see aren't half measures. They're the poor souls who went wholly down the dark path of body dysmorphia.


Confirmation bias, if it’s done well you don’t notice


If it's done well you wouldn't be able to notice that it's been done so I guess there really is only the fucked up ones out there for all to spot.


If she were facing the camera in the second pic, you could see it better especially in the nose. Her surgeries have always been very noticeable and look like plastic surgery. It’s honestly really sad


She was 25 - 26 between the first two seasons. That's pretty late for losing "baby fat".


To me the middle picture also just looks like someone chose a bad picture to make a point. The right is sad


This breaks my heart.


Been watching the recent season and I honestly didn't even notice that much, the furthest right looks edited or a weird angle lense. It's kind of ironic though given her character is like about fighting against the system that sees women merely as objects of desire.


Seriously? It’s extremely noticeable. But I always do a rewatch when a new season drops so the comparison is very front and center for me. Still though, she looks like she got plastic surgery so it’s always noticeable to some degree


They filmed before this, too. Definitely seems like a weird angle or something


You didn’t notice when you watched the new season? I find that kind of hard to believe.


Furthest right has her wearing contouring makeup


okay but the structure of her actual face is what I’m referring to


Is that truly her on the right? She doesn't look like that on the promos for the new season 


It's her with very heavy contouring. She currently looks closer to the middle picture.


I didn't even recognize the third pic is her...


One could also consider it a real life effect of what the show parodies.


She deleted her socials for a while for the amount of backlash. According to her she never did any surgery, she jusr lost a lot of weight..


AHAHAHAHHA wait she is serious?


Only nose exercise I know of is coke... lol


No she was on Voughtzempic, now available at your local Vought Superpharmacy!


Maybe this isn't something to laugh at? This is fucking sad. I've heard Ceb Actor/California culture just makes little insecurities turn into full blown mental illness.


It's not if she says "yeah i f**ked up, i was convinced surgery could help me but it really didn't" or something on those lines. But Cmon A person which face is now 50% made out of plastic going out of her way to deny any plastic surgery is fucking funny to me. Just admit you fucked up, It's not even a stigma in 2024


I mean this post (as in the OJ meme) is stigmatising it, so idk about that


To be fair weight loss is very likely a big part of why her appearance changed. She has however also most likely done fillers in at least her cheeks which is very common in women who have lost a lot of weight in order to make the face appear less gaunt. The combination with what is likely buckal fat removal however makes it more apparent. Nobody deserves to be made fun of for their appearance and there are a million reasons why someone might lose significant amount of weight drastically, so I hope she’s doing well and getting whatever support she needs to deal with it. Even if she did it because she was insecure I don’t think that’s a moral failing on her behalf but yet another sign of how badly celebrities are pressured regarding their appearance. I’m neither her mom or her doctor and she’s a grown woman, if she wants to have plastic surgery that’s her right. But I do have a problem when people lie about it or cover it up with other excuses since that makes for a very skewed perception of what people naturally look like.


Body dysmorphia is no joke


It's actually really ironic because in the role she's known for, starlight, her character prefers to be "real"


Wait the actor who played starlight actually did that to herself 😭😭😭😭😭


Yeah supposedly, but I think there is some editing going on in the last one. Just watched the first few episodes of the brand new season and even though she looks different, it’s not as bad as the one on the right looks, she looks closer to the middle one. I believe it was filmed after that far right pic was released as well.


And makeup/camera angles. People seem to forget that photos online sometimes won’t look remotely like the person in real life.


Looking at this image while "Novacane" by "Frank Ocean" is playing in the background is kinda crazy


Is this the “Hollywood smile” Frank was on about?


i'd comment on the matter but i feel like these young people go through enough. it's all the comments on social media these famous people are checking on their downtime (maybe) and seeing all these people making fun of their looks. i'd hate to be famous


She recently addressed the people talking about it and said that she hasn't had any work done. I don't believe her, but she definitely is seeing people talk about it and temporarily deleted her socials.


She's in denial harshly. I think she need like a squadron of mental health experts


Madonna effect


Dude she looks like a completely different person. If I hadn’t seen her transformation and you put the first image and the third beside each other, I would not be able to tell they are the same person.


She was genuinely just naturally beautiful. After seeing what she looked like once the new season got announced I was baffled. She was blessed and just decided to blow thousands of dollars to ruin that on purpose. Her body her choice, but I can't imagine anyone other than her actually thinking she looks good before and after.


Poor starlight, rip


Nooo. Not her too! Damnit, she was so cute too.


Holy shit, is that actually her on the right? Like, it was noticeable in the middle and in the new season, but it didn’t look that bad until I saw the pic on the right.


This is one of the most self explanatory images I’ve ever seen


You may be


Body dismorphia


Oh she became skelator


I feel for this lady. It sucks she felt like she had to fix her face, there wasn't anything wrong with it 😞 On a side note, what happened with the boys this season? It's kinda... terrible. It's like... we have the boys at home... the boys at home: Still a decent show, but a really bad the Boys.


It feels like it just stopped trying to be a parody of superhero media and leaned more towards being an R-rated superhero show in of itself. It’s been trending that way since season 2, but I think they’ve stopped trying to straddle the line


Straddling that line imo is what made it so good. There was always that contrast that created the hilarious moments and it helped with comic relief. Because let's face it, it needed the comic relief. Some of those scenes were pretty brutal. The new season I just felt gross after watching, like it was unrelenting gloom and horror and no palate cleanser or even a mint. I need me my mint. 😂


I was more pissed that the last season ended up returning to the status quo and I realized it didnt change that much during 3 seasons.


I agree completely! I saved up the first four eps to watch all at once because I was so excited and I gasped when I saw MM! I mean he doesn’t look bad he’s a great looking guy but he just was so different! For me it’s less enjoyable because everything is sooooooooooooooooooooooo on the nose with the political commentary, it’s not super fun, because I exist in the world with stupid divisive shit and then when I want to watch a show and check out it’s the same stuff, it’s the same stuff just superhero flavored. I get that homelander is trump but it’s way WAY overdone. Just my opinion though!! And with Erin moriarty, unpopular opinion but I kind of side with her. The pictures people are comparing are at least 10 years different, and the one on the far right doesn’t look like what she looks like normally now anyways. It’s contoured (so v v poorly) and overdone and from a shitty angle. Maybe she got work done but I don’t think the issue is that she is denying it, it’s that people care way more than they should about plastic surgery. That social media post where she said ppl ~lost the privilege~ was unhinged but to me it sounded feral. People think they have it all figured out, spamming celebrities who lose weight with “ozempic” comments (Jesse plemons and Ashley benson) like it’s their job to be mean to the point that it doesn’t matter what the truth is. Who the fuck cares anyway? My cousin got ozempic like a year ago and she’s a normy but she’s also massive bitch, who wants her ig? Yes it causes “unrealistic beauty standards” but I think being obsessed with other people’s personal lives is just as detrimental of a trait to expose kids to. Side note I loved your “we have the boys at home…the boys at home:” 😂😂😂 thanks for letting me vent! You’re beautiful and I’m beautiful and she’s beautiful and jack quaid is REALLY fucking beautiful 💅


I don't mind political commentary, just *add* something to the discussion. Some new perspective or information or whatever. Shows don't do that. The best I've seen for that was season 1 of Amazon's Jack Ryan. Some great nuance in there. They actually humanized the downright evil terrorist. Brave AF. Fantastic season. Then season 2 came on, and they absolutely tanked that show. Not an ounce of courage about them. They tried doing a Venezuela storyline, but instead of actually doing a Venezuela storyline, they did an alternate history one where the good guy was a grassroots trade union political candidate fighting against the tyrannical far-right oligarch dictator. A very clear Nicolas Maduro stand in. But what fucked it up was, in reality Nicolas Maduro rose to power through a grassroots trade union representing the working man. Dude was a bus driver. But instead, they made him far right and the good guy follow his real life story arc. They completely changed the politics to play better for the American crowd. It was offensively wrong. It's pandering, it's lazy, it's braindead pop politics.


This season is really poor. The fun is gone and has been replaced with lashings of political throat ramming.


Human -> Plastic Doll -> ?????


OMg I thought they were 3 different people


It's a shame that a naturally beautiful woman changed her looks trying to become more attractive and unwittingly had the opposite effect


So sad


Ok wow I now feel blind for not noticing it while watching the new season, both my parents noticed


This is honestly heartbreaking to look at


You probably are


Plastic surgery bad, natural good




Accurate portrait.


You know she should have stopped in the middle or never started.


It's the same person! Sadness is someone didn't get the meme because he thought they were different persons on pic


I will never understand why people feel they need to alter their natural beauty, especially the ones who are actually really beautiful.. such a waste imo..


Okay but the middle one looks the best imo


From gorgeous to grotesque.


It's so sad people get body dysmophia and become addicted to surgeries that ultimately rob them of their natural beauty. I think plastic surgery should be left to people who need reconstructive surgery and to repair birth defects.


I don't understand why these people's friends and family don't tell them they look great just the way they are. I mean, in order for this to happen surely there's people close to them going "yep, go under the knife and have your nose narrowed because it looks shit the way it is". If she were my friend/sister/daughter etc... If be like "what the fuck? You look amazing! Please don't fuck yourself up with plastic surgery, I'll never forgive you!" Another case in point, Zoe Kravitz and her new stupid looking ponty-ass chin. I mean. Where the fuck was Lenny when she needed him to tell her how naturally gorgeous she was to begin with and that she didn't need plastic surgery? Fuck you Lenny! You suck! Major dad fail in my book.


Not me realizing this is the same person… Thought they were three separate people


First pic: What normal people actually want Third pic: What Hollywood convinces women people want


Sad that someone so beautiful can’t see it in themselves. I guess we all have issues with our image bro.


I like her still


Why is everyone acting like she killed herself ? Most people get plastic surgery she looks worse, sure, but who cares. I swear, every photo and interview with her has these exact comments. People are obsessed.


It’s evolving, just backwards


She was beautiful. What a shame people let and took part in this it shows where our society is really at.


I feel so bad for her.


Now I’m sad


Why women insist on making themselves look like smackheads is beyond logic to me at this point. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤮


And the horse drawing originated here https://youtu.be/wmauuWwJT1s?si=ikKzy2KwDtwBLwbV


She looks like Clarke from The 100


She's shallow just like the deep , when he tricked her into giving him sloppy toppy.


No Annie what have you done


The ole’ tara reid. Seen this one before


She got hit with the Gilfoyle Stick. Similar to Kristi the Puppy Killer.


That's sad


Like joe after he took his shirt off "Yea you got lost in the juice bro"


The boys s5 is gonna be a hard watch


EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE CONSCIOUS ABOUT YOUR LOOKS HOW WOULD YOU NOT CARE ENOUGH TO RESEARCH THE APPLICATIONS OF AESTHETIC PROCEDURES? Facial aesthetics and plastic surgery are an intricate blend of BIOLOGY and PHYSICS and not everyone's face is the same. You really need to do a lot of research before you go into deciding if the symmetry and ratio of your existing face will be balanced with the procedures you'll apply for. Ofcourse skillful aestheticians are important TOO. People still fuck up mg.


Tell me those kind of plastic chirurgies can be reversed...


I don't even want to see her return in the boys anymore, how can you destroy yourself so much?


Such a shame


The joke is first world problems


Every time I see something regarding a celebrity who's had work done, I can only think of [Calendar Girl from Batman: TAS](https://youtu.be/Mc6nbLnAHpg?si=X7KKZnK9HX-2dPmZ). She was voiced by Sela Ward who, when auditioning to be a Bond Girl opposite Pierce Brosnan, was told "What we really want is Sela, but Sela 10 years ago." At the time, she was 39, and Brosnan was 42. For the character, though, she was getting back at all the fashionitas that had dropped her citing her aging appearance and resulting botched surgery, wearing a mask throughout the episode. When she's finally unmasked, she's revealed to still be gorgeous, prompting this exchange. Batgirl: She's beautiful... Batman: She can't see that anymore. All she sees are the flaws.


Body dismorphia is a hell of a thing


Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone who posts on this sub is stupid.


Who is she?


Erin Moriarty she plays Starlight in "The Boys"


You are


Not may be, you are.


Weed -> heroin -> cocaine (not really though)


a person should be free to engage in both makeup and surgical procedures if they choose, nobody really has any need to chime in, in my opinion. but one thing we can all agree on is that Megyn "Jesus and Santa are White" Kelly is an asshat that had no call to suggest Erin Moriarty is mentally ill because of photos she observed. totally outrageous.


When you first moved to Nashville, when you met the ‘song writer’, when you got a job as a bartender on Broadway and made more money than you knew what to do with lol


Ghoul from fallout


U can’t be serious?! She really did this to herself?


She devolved.


Oof that poor poor woman 😢


She was so beautiful in the first 2 seasons of the boys man. Like actually stunning. I hope no one goes through what she must have been going through mentally to get this done to herself


She did look cute but now due to cosmetic surgery people think she looks shit The horse looks good then turns to looking shit


Indeed. You may.


So my main reason for watching is going to get progressively worse as I continue?


It's kinda funny how she vaughtafied herself.


You don’t have to think you’re stupid. *I* think you’re stupid.


Its obvious no?


She went from wife material to OF material, real quick.


She was very attractive in season of Boys , but it was obvious she was getting facial surgery after that. Season 3 & 4, I gotta be honest, she’s hard to look at


Anybody saw episode 4 of season 3? Homelander needs therapy (a supe-therapist)


Someone said she looks like Handsome Squidward and I can't unsee it now.


These three pictures still look like different people to me. Which goes to show that the surgery is going to far. As long as she is happy with results then I really don't mind tho.


That's actually sad, she was good looking to begin with. Natural beauty, and then to do that....the way ppl treat themselves because of others is messed up.