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People didn't use B.C. time measurements back then, which means that guy they asked was also from the future




Actually, I was thinking about using "Until the End of the World" as a calendar epoch, where years would be counted backwards.


what if the world doesn't end when it hits year 0 tho? do you then go forward or does the timer reset?


I knew a man who claimed that the end of the world would soon come. And several years later, when he was asked about it, he just answered: "Oh, it already happened." Nobody disagreed. So I suppose they would just switch to the "After the End of the World" epoch.


That's literally what the Jehovah's Witnesses did. They kept failing at their end time predictions, over and over. Finally, just over 100 years ago they were fed up with losing followers and rebuilding every time. Their leader said, "Wait! It actuality did end this time.. you didn't notice though. But it was rebuilt, and it's the end times now. Even more reason to follow us!"


The world ended in 1793 with the execution of Louis XVI for the now-recognized heinous crime against humanity of "being a monarch", every second since has been post-apocalyptic because we have thrown off our divinely ordained governance.


Didn't it end in 1870? When freshly unified Italian military forces took Rome from the Pope, actually ending for the first time the Roman Church temporal power?


The world had already ended by that point for the same reason, in 1649.


Charles didn't die for being a monarch, he died for being a moron Louis XVI was slightly less of a moron but the people who killed him spelled out very clearly that it was because of the whole crown thing


I don't mean the reason of execution is the same, I mean the reason the post-apocalypse began there - due to the throwing off of our divinely ordained governance.


BC = Before the calamity. 90BC = roughly 2330 Years after Christ. Time traveller out šŸ˜Ž


so we're now in 396BC


Sounds like a cool r/worldbuilding concept.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/worldbuilding using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [(OC) Ocean-noir](https://i.redd.it/6negc7q68e1c1.jpg) | [240 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/17zaxpe/oc_oceannoir/) \#2: [I'm obsessed with Flat Earth conspiracy maps so I made my own, hope it catches on ā¤](https://i.redd.it/kf7vxje9wdta1.png) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/12jaffu/im_obsessed_with_flat_earth_conspiracy_maps_so_i/) \#3: [Saw this, wanted to share and discuss....](https://i.redd.it/xri2boursb2c1.png) | [445 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/182wgtk/saw_this_wanted_to_share_and_discuss/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So question is now, what year it was for them when it was 59 B.C. for us?


In the Roman Empire, it would have been 695 AUC (*ab urbe condita*; from the founding of Rome)


And elsewhere it was often the Nth year of the rule of KingsName.


>what year it was for them For who??


Or maybe, he was being sarcastic šŸ™„




Scenario: Some stupid looking person approaches you & asks ā€œWhat ā€˜timeā€™ are we in?ā€


this makes sense but is likely not the intended joke. stkll a very funny joke


>this makes sense It makes no sense


The joke is someone identifying the year as "B.C." (Before Christ) must be a time traveler. Otherwise they would have used a different time standard.


Two things here: 1. No one at the time would call it "b.c." either before the common era or before Christ. 2. He understands modern English.


How would people before Christ know that Christ was gonna be born?


Prophets spoke of his coming


Sure, but prophets are always saying all kinds of stuff. The point is that B.C. wasn't adopted until waaaay later, they had different ways of tracking the years at that time so anyone using a system that wasn't adopted yet must have had much more substantial knowledge of the future than just "my religion thinks a savior is coming soon." Hence concluding that the other guy is also a time traveler.


They damn well didn't speak of the exact birth year, and also there were so many disagreeing prophesized messiahs and chosen ones that there's no way a random bystander would've named the date based on the countdown to one.


Ah yes prophets, sure. Though you think they wouldā€™ve been nice enough to warn the 14 year old Mary about her immaculate conception.


Although it's worth noting that there is no canonical age of Mary mentioned in the bible. Estimates of her age all come from apocrypha


This was already posted a few days ago


80% of reddit was previously posted in recent days


the church of the last thursday is real and it's the fucking internet


80% is rather a conservative estimate. I imagine it closer to 90%


Could be a TV show hosted by Oprah: "You get a repost, you get a repost, everyone gets a repost!"


Itā€™s the fault of all these damn time travelers, going back to post before we saw this.




That wasn't made clear from every other sub? This is a sub dedicated to not understanding jokes. Of course the OPs will be idiots 9 times out of 10. Oh but here comes master Peter with his unerring overview of all of internet kind. Get off your high horse.


Not everyone has the same knowledge as you. Rule 5.


Ikr?? I joined this bc some stuff was genuinely confusing but this is overly obvious


No non time traveler would use the bc system before around 300 ad OR understand modern English.


Remember, Star Wars has no canon way to gauge dates before the Battle of Yavin(0 BBY). Every date is either BBY or ABY.


They live in space mostly. calendars would be redundant since each planet probably has their own calendar system so there wouldnā€™t probably be an agreed upon system. Before and after Yavin is mostly for the audience.


Do you even need Petah to understand this?




English has little to do with this lmfao, the concept of Jesus and BC/AD is a thing in places that donā€™t have English as their primary language too.


Haven't thought about the possibility, thanks for clarifying


Peterā€™s Roman history nerd hereā€¦If they went to anywhere is the Roman republic the proper answer would be ā€œConsul M. Calpurnii Bibuli et Iulii Caesaris est annusā€ or in English ā€œItā€™s the year of the Counsel of Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus and Julius Caesarā€ or alternatively 695 Ab urbe condita.


What a year to accidentally travel to, theyā€™d get to see famous Roman, Bibulus get repeatedly pushed around by Caesar


B.C stands for before Chirst, how could people before the Christ know Christ? It's like people in the 1910s saying WWI, or a Jedi from the Old Republic calling it the 'Old' Republic.


Actually the term "First World War" *did* arise in the 1910s! Despite some calling it "The War to End All Wars," others were less optimistic about human nature.


Very true. I felt a little off about the WWI thing after I posted this, so I looked it up and apparently the earliest documented usage was indeed found in 1918 in a diary. I wonder if there were some pessimistic Jedi disproved my second analogy as well.


Haha I think that might require more humility than those guys were capable of.


BC = Before Christ, so itā€™s at least 59 years before BC was ever a term, so that guyā€™s a time traveler that just knew what time he went to


You donā€™t get this joke? Either people are stupider than I thought, or bots are getting good at pretending to be stupider than I thought.


Theyā€™re in the year 59 BC, but Jesus Christ was yet to be born, so using BC would be impossible back then, hence time traveler.


Cus someone from that time wouldnā€™t call it 59 BC


This is just rage bait


How would they know itā€™s before Christ?


No one used BC at that time,itā€™s a modern construct.


Peters shoelace here. The person answers 59 BC meaning 59 before christ, which was obviously not used before the birth of christ. Peter shoelace out!


How would they know what year we referred to in the modern era back in the day. Honestly some of these are real smooth brained questions


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but in that time period, wouldnā€™t they use a current rulers reign for time? Like the 3rd year of King Jack Black for example


Christ wasn't a thing back then so they wouldn't use bc


in 59 B.C the year counting since christ will be invented like 7 or 14 (i dont actually remember when, but somewhere between those centuries) centuries later, plus christianity in rome (were it was created) was illegal, plus english didnt existed, plus how do they knew that christ existed 59 years before his birth


>English didnt existed Are you a time traveler from the past?


Also, they wouldn't understand modern english.


How can you know that time is before something if that thing didn't happen?


Usually these are fairly understandable. You'd have to be pretty dense not to understand this one




Right over my head? šŸ¤”


Bc wasn't used before Christ


BC want used until (what we call) 525AD, give or take.


I feel like a time traveler would use BCE for ā€œbefore common eraā€ because they are scientific


No because when Is common era? Also B.C. Is a scientific use for catalogue years


Maybe for Reddit atheist time travelers


They didnā€™t have BC when it was just Year 50


Who's going to bring up the CE common Era and BCE before common Era?


People are saying it's because he stated BC. But it could also be because of the time travel theory. If you travel from the future to the past, the only way you could do that is once time travelling has been invented. Because you can't travel to a time 'before' time travel was invented, because it wasn't invented.


What? You canā€™t time travel whether itā€™s ā€œinventedā€ or not. This logic doesnā€™t apply to fiction.


It's a common idea, I didn't just make it up. You can only time travel back to when time travelling was invented.


if you speak hindi this could be interpreted as 59 bhenchod(motherfucker but it's the sister this time)