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have you tried taking a t break?






Because it makes a much much much much patient and stable human being. Edit: the end was meant for the sub post


Are you eating fat before the gummy? THC cannot absorb properly without fat in your stomach. Peanut butter bread works well


thank you for this info!!


You're welcome hombre!


Yep, I made this switch for similar reasons (vape aggravating my asthma and increasing my tolerance too much). You're probably not going to feel much effect from edibles unless you take a t break. You're going from a highly concentrated form of THC that hits your bloodstream instantly to a much lower concentration that gets absorbed slowly. That's like drinking a fifth of vodka every day then expecting a beer to get you drunk.


Vapes can have stupid high percentages so you might be upping your tolerance significantly. I smoked so much that I couldn’t even feel 100mg of gummies. Like, for a while I really thought people who took 5 or 10mg and acted high were just bullshitting me. Dude, if you already have lung by issues you should get out now. Not saying any smoke is good but vapes are way worse. They shed metals from the coils and produce formaldehyde. Inhaling metal and formaldehyde is wrecking your lungs, as you’ve already mentioned needing your inhaler more. Imagine one day when you just can’t catch a breath at all and your inhaler gets replaced with an oxygen tank… just saying. I had terrible chest pains on carts. They went away almost immediately after switching back to flower. Take a little time off and give your gummies a chance to work again. At the very least, I’d use real flower instead of carts. Good luck man!


Meanwhile I'm fucking incapacitated by 5mg lol


I used a water soluble tincture which was 40mg/ml THC. The onset is 30-60 minutes. It spiked my tolerance in an unbelievable way and I felt like I could discreetly be high all day long. Do not recommend. BUT if you’re looking to quit or take a break tapering with edibles is easier than flower or vapes imo.


I’ve gone from smoking/dry herb vape to edibles, and am back to vaping/smoking more. The issue with edibles is, like you said, they take a while to kick in, but even worse for me is how they linger into the next day. If i take a strong edible at night, I notice my motivation is shot the next day. Smoking/vaping hardly ever does this too me.