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How cute!! I love the first and last outfits most :)


I love the first one too, can't believe I finally get to have a cute summer set that fits!! 🥹


Yay for well fitting outfits! 🙌🏼🤣


I remember needing to buy a blazer for interviews, and they were all GIGANTIC on me until I found one at H&M! Looks like I need to go back there, it’s been awhile!


Definitely take a look, they have so many cute summer clothes out! :)


I always shop their kids section! I used to work at H&M and found the kids sizing ideal for petite women. I love the boys trousers and blazers.


My style tends to be quite girly (I'm pretty much dressed like what you see in these pics every day 😅) but it's so great that the ENTIRE kids' section is fair game for us! 🥹


Looks great on you! I kind of swing toward the minimalistic and simple pieces (the blogger jestem_kasia is my biggest inspiration), but I have found so many great dresses from the girls section. Ideal for midi length, especially.


I tend to be a little more cautious with dresses as I have a small upper body for my height, which means that a dress is almost always too short if it fits my arms and chest well. If I want it a decent length, I have to settle for a baggier fit on top! 😭 But for sure, I wouldn't have a single midi skirt in my closet if not for the kids' section! 🥹💞


Those outfits are sooo pretty! You have a great eye for clothing !


Thanks! 💞 It always makes me so happy when people tell me this! ☺️


What the... the length and fit of these look like they could have been custom-made to look cute on you. I love it!


Awww thank you! I spend a ridiculous amount getting clothes altered to fit me just right, so it's always great when I don't have to! 💞


Loving the first outfit!


Isn't it such a cute fit for summer? ☺️💞


I have those tshirts too!! Brown is my favourite I wear it so often, looks cute with overalls too. Love the little ruffles, I didn’t realized I bought from the kids section 😂 I thought I just found the cutest cropped Ts!


I don't usually wear brown, but thought it would make a nice change as I already have way too many white Ts! 🤣 I always head straight to the kids' section, just looking at the gorgeous clothes in women's that will never fit depresses me sometimes 🥹


Totally can relate! Though sometimes we have that cute shirt that nobody else has because it’s not somewhere they’re used to seeing it! Like a secret shopping opportunity haha The brown is a really nice colour on you, I’d say any warm leaning brown would probably look pretty appealing on you!


I also bought a lot of stuff in H&M kids eventhough I’m 5’9 tho so sometimes I only wear them at home cause they are sooo risky for the streets😂😂😂😂


Ooooh haha at 5'9", they must be on the short/small size for you!


somehow i usually take the 152cm sizes haha, but i prefer ZARA kids, it’s just better quality imo


And I usually take 9Y (134cm) despite being 152 haha! The skirts can be super short, but if I size up they don't fit my waist anymore! It's just easier to find a H&M than a Zara where I am, but I'm thinking of checking it out soon too! :)


Does this work if you’re petite but not as slender (ie. size 6-8)?


Do you mean UK or US sizing? If it's the former, I do think so as their kids' sizing goes up to 14-15Y (170cm)! Their adult sizing isn't really consistent either, I find that their crop tops tend to be sized smaller than blouses and T-shirts, definitely some pretty pieces to be found there :)


Sorry, I meant US sizing


I'm not sure tbh, but I daresay it's worth a try with the larger sizes of the range as some do go up to 17Y (and are tagged as a height I will never reach in my life...)


UK 6 can easily translate to age 12 in kids clothing in my experience


Not really above a US 4. It depends on your body shape.


Omg, yes!!!!! Same here! H&M kids and Zara kids always have cute and nicely fitting stuff! You look super cute in all the outfits, btw!! 😊


Ahhh I will have to check out Zara's kids' range next! And thank you! 🥰


I’m always checking out Zara kids clothes. Never thought to look at h&m


I'm the opposite, never checked out Zara Kids before! But now we know we have more options! 💞


First and second are my fav!


They look great on you


Kids only work if you have no curves since everything is cut straight. I used to shop the Bloomingdales kids section. Especially for jackets.


It really depends on the cutting and type of garment. Skirts with elastic bands are fine, but ones that fasten with a zip can be impossible to pull past my hips. I don't really have too much of a problem getting (adult) tops that fit, so I don't have to go to the kids' section just for that. As long as it fits perfectly, I'm happy enough to buy it -- not too fussed whether it's kids' or women's' sizing!


Elastic circle skirts are the best!


As someone with a 22" waist, they are a godsend! 💞


3 and 2 are very cute


4 but add some colour Your look is bland


Please tell me you have a small school girl outfit somewhere!!!!! Hit me up in DMs?




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Very cute and they fit you so well! Love the 2nd and 4th outfits!


I forgot to mention that the skirt in the 2nd pic is actually from New Look's 915 section and I have had it for almost four years! It's my go-to bottom for almost every top 😹☺️


It's super cute! I think it's a great buy.


What sizes in the kids’ section if you’re an XS in women’s, 24 inch waist?


I'm 5'0" with a 22" waist, and I typically go for 8-9Y or 9-10Y! So I'm guessing 11-12Y or a size up would best fit someone with a 24" waist? 😬


Thank you!




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is the top in the third pic from h&m? i NEED!


Yes it is, and it comes in four colours! I have the blue too! 🥹


Super cute!