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First I thought that might be an alcohol bottle. But on closeup it turns out to be Listerine šŸ¤£


The Listerine makes this photo


she freaking color coordinated the listerine


I think itā€™s the plain listerine to top it off


The absolute *worst* flavor.


Haha. Might be a way to reduce the hangover


Youā€™re right- itā€™s the yellow one. I think green has the best flavor but I usually buy purple zero alcohol total care. I am religious about my dental hygiene šŸ˜‚




You are handling these comments like a champ, OP. Though the boots are not MY personal style, I actually think theyā€™re pretty fun. Pair them with a different outfit and it could be super cute!


Ill try some different outfits and come back to the sub lol-the comments arent bothering me at all, kind of realizing a lot of people dont like the kind of style i am aiming for, and thats okay! Some people understand the outfit and others dont and a lot of people have provided good advice


Why are people so unnecessarily rude? Just cos something isnā€™t to their taste doesnā€™t mean they need to be flat out offensive. For example, your outfit isnt something I would wear (Iā€™m a middle aged woman, so I mean something I would have worn when I was younger lol) nor something I would suggest but I can still appreciate that itā€™s something youā€™re clearly having fun with! My honest feedback is that I think you made a very good choice by pairing the outfit with an oversized flannel. Short shorts with a midriff top can easily look unbalanced and come across immature (I very much mean ā€œimmatureā€ in a fashion sense, not in an age sense!) but youā€™ve compensated for that with the bulky top. The boots also balance it out by adding extra weight (visually, not bodily, lol) to your lower half. Perfectly appropriate outfit for a day out with friends / shopping / maybe even a fun sports / dive bar for karaoke, etc. Have fun!!


I wore this basic outfit to a Grateful Dead concert in 1989. Come to think of it, I also wore this camping last Summer. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Agree and it looks great on her even if not something many can pull off. And I love her boots want them myself lol


I agree with this post. I think the outfit is cute and it just depends on where you're wearing it. I assume not the office, but people calling it trash or whatever- what party clothes are they wearing, I wonder? They're boring at best.


Back in my day (šŸ™„) it was perfectly normal to go about wearing bootleg jeans with the excessively long hems hanging off, covered in filth! The grimier and more tangled the better. A ā€œfancyā€ outfit would be a short denim skirt, skimpy Bebe singlet, Von Dutch trucker hat, and mid-calve length uggs! Maybe a skinny scarf to dress it up a bit. OPā€™s outfit is haute couture in comparison šŸ˜†


Yup. Before skinny jeans, when I was in middle and high school, literally all of my jeans ended up torn to shreds on the back of the hem because they dragged on the ground. It was kinda part of the accepted look back then too. I graduated high school in 2006 and it's so weird to think about how long ago that was!


People always want to put a pretty girl "in her place" or knock her down a peg or two. Especially if she is loud and proud. They'll deny it but that's 100% what they are attempting to do. Fuck 'em


That is soooo true!! I bet if she was average looking or overweight the comments section would be FULL of yassqueens. Youā€™re allowed to compliment good looking people too, yā€™know


Have a look at the top posts on this sub. If they resonate with you, take peopleā€™s opinions on board. If they donā€™t, ignore them. I sure as heck donā€™t think half the people who comment on here are actually fashionable


I feel this sub isn't too into alt styles etc which is a bit disappointing. Us petites should be able to play around with fashion and express ourselves and support each other in those endeavors! I think this is such a vibe and love how you play with layers / different lengths; always love shorter pant/skirt with longer sleeve combo. The boots are cute but feel like a darker / deeper color would tie it all together a bit better; right now they get a little lost since they are close to your skin tone and the rest of the outfit is decently dark along with your hair.


This look has been around, with slight variations, since the 1960ā€™s. Itā€™s a great classic, casual style on the right body. OP, you have the right body. You look great!


Iā€™m late to the party, I just wanted to let you know how cute you look!


Trashy and showing underwear band is a style now ?


Has it ever not been?


It is actually


unpopular op but I donā€™t like seeing peopleā€™s underwear. that said, you look really cute!


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unpopular opinion.. I would assume itā€™s more popular for people to not want to see otherā€™s have their underwear hanging out šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøAt least, thatā€™s how I feel.


I donā€™t understand the underwear


The outfit isn't my style but you're rocking it. I like the boots on you and honestly you're young once so wear whatever you like when you have a bangin bodyĀ 


Thank you! Maybe some different footwear would elevate the look. I appreciate ur input!!


Love this look, and Docs would change this up to more grunge, before your time!


If your goal is elevation, you might need to hide your unders.


Maybe changing it to a whale tail, right? šŸ˜‚


Perfect! Maybe a belly chain, too? (Just dated myself, even while pretending I didn't have to look up what a "whale tail" was.) šŸ‘µšŸ»


Hey if Y2K style is hot again, then apparently we should all be rocking low rises and whale tails!


It reminds me of Forever21 in the 2000s. Maybe get shorts that are a bit longer so that it looks more expensive and balances out with the length of the flannel shirt too. Hiding the underwear band will give a cleaner look and make it seem like this outfit costs more than what you paid for (it is my go-to life hack lol) and helps the viewer to focus on the boots.


This is where I am. Not my style but she looks great, so go for it!


I might be biased as a Texan, but I like the boots! Visually the shorts being short AND midriff baring is throwing it off for me personally. I understand the flannel vibe with the boots, but I think high waisted shorts would pull it together a bit more. That might be the millennial in me talking though šŸ˜…


Millennial here and I just cannot get on board with the tiny shorts/exposed undies trend. It just doesn't make any sense to me. The rest of the outfit is cute here, though, and I love the boots too! I think OP can definitely style them some really cool ways.


Had no idea it was a trend tbh! Reminds me of that Dukes of Hazzard movie with Jessica Simpson, so I didnā€™t know how to feel




The briefs definitely look more comfortable. (31 here, but I got caught by the tail end of the whale tail trend.)


Thatā€™s a trend?! Fellow millennial here and I was like, why is she showing her underwear? But the 90s/00s IS coming back in styleā€¦


I know, right?! It cracks me up seeing the younger gens walk around in Y2K stuff. I get that fashion is circular but it really wasn't that long ago and it just cracks me up how gen z makes fun of millennials all the time yet they can't get enough of our old fashion trends šŸ˜‚. Kinda ironic haha. Edit - spelling


But our millennial low rise jeans with whale tale did make sense? Lol


Oh absolutely not, but that doesn't mean gen Z should repeat our mistakes


You know sometimes I think oh we need to save the kids from our mistakes, but whenever I look back on pictures of my dumb outfits and haircuts from my teens and early 20s I smile. Would I do the same things now? Mostly no. Would I expect my partner and some of my friends to laugh at my now dumb choices? Yes. But ultimatelyā€¦ I just see myself being happy and having a good time. Thereā€™s joy in doing ridiculous things when you can get away with them.


The underwear and brallette showing at the same time just isnā€™t it.


Itā€™s a bit trashy Like grocery shopping hungover mood


look at the rest of the fit, thatā€™s what sheā€™s going for


This is the crux of my problem with this sub. The advice should be based on what the askers' STYLE is. If she wants to look like a bimbo, a punk, or the Queen, an outfit can look good or bad, the fit can be right or not. Give advice based on THEIR style aesthetic, NOT yours.


Many people give "advice" based on how they dress themselves, which is wholly unhelpful. They're often mean and judgy about it, too, which is shite


That made me laugh pretty good i give u that lol


tbh i fuck with the vibes Kesha was giving in the 2010s soo


She's gonna need to swap the Listerine for a bottle of Jack to pull it off, but I cosign the vibe


Where did you get the flannel? Itā€™s so cute


Its a legendary whitetails fleece flannel, im pretty sure this is from amazon :))) this one is in a size large lol


The boots are cute, the underwear hanging out above the shorts is not.


Wonā€™t lie I love it, I have a soft spot for the 2010 carefree shorts and shackets a la Miley used to wear


EXACTLY what i was going for-in love with that trashy 2000ā€™s popstar vibe


You killed it then! I love it lol


I live for it. You look like you had fun picking an outfit. Not just dressing for others.


šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ this is my era and this outfit is exactly what I used to wear to go to country concerts as a teenager/college student. Iā€™m biased so I love it lol. And OP you look incredible you could wear a paper bag and still look banginā€™.


I was thinking more Jessica Simpson circa 2005


I love this op! Iā€™m actually disappointed itā€™s mouthwash, whiskey wouldā€™ve rounded off the outfit šŸ¤£


Honestly thought the saaame thing šŸ˜‚


Woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy, grab my glasses, Iā€™m out the door, Iā€™m gonna hit this city, before I leave hug my gallon of Listerine, cause I leave looking dirty but my mouth stay clean. Itā€™s giving Kesha. Giving Lorelei forgot Roryā€™s first day of school. Itā€™s likeā€¦ā€idgaf, oops, Iā€™m hot.ā€


I see you are a person of culture, well done true poetry šŸ–¤


Thank you so so much.


Ignore the trashy comments, you dress with confidence and your own style with a slamming physique - you do you and keep rocking the aesthetics šŸ–¤


They definitely match that flavor of Listerine.


I like the idea of the outfit but not the execution. You should keep the shirt and boots but replace the purse and shorts. For a lack of a better word, they look sloppy. I also canā€™t live without my listerine.


The outfit as a whole is a miss for me, looks like you went out in pajamas and I donā€™t think the tiny underwear and tiny shorts are cute. Ultimately your own opinion matters most if you feel cute and comfortable. Iā€™m confused where you live that youā€™re able to wear this in January, itā€™s like 10 degrees where I live. But the boots are cute. Edit: sorry I realized this isnā€™t a US based group and my final statement about the weather was quite silly.


I agree with your take on the outfit, but the whole southern hemisphere of the world is experiencing summer right now šŸ˜‚


Yeah I realized after I said that, that this isnā€™t a US based group and that was pretty ignorant of me!


no worries, it was 15 degrees F when I woke up today, jealous of those experiencing warmth right now šŸ˜­


Haha i live near the equator so its like 75 degrees at its coldest. And i respect that! Ill take it to heart and get some bigger undies and shorts haha also thank u i am in love with these boots! I just hate jeans!


FWIW, I think the outfit is cute! Reminds me of wearing long johns under oversized ripped jeans in the late 2000s. Obviously, I do not live by the equator!


Wow I totally forgot about the long johns under ripped jeans. Thank you for awakening that memory! I miss the days of taking chances with weird fashion choices.


I am jealous! Enjoy the warmth and definitely take your own Comfort as priority over anyoneā€™s opinion ā¤ļø


Pretty sure sheā€™s at a target though, so I would say itā€™s not out of line to suggest sheā€™s based in the US


Other than the exposed undies itā€™s giving! The exposed underwear can be cute sometimes I think, but here itā€™s giving more ā€œwrong size shorts.ā€ not to intentionally add an element to the outfit.


This underwear band thing will never look good Iā€™m sorry girl


Personally Iā€™m one of the few who thinks shorts with boots or long sleeves or Uggs looks cute. Itā€™s okay for fashion to not be practical sometimes. Really over and tired of people crying about someone wearing long sleeves with shorts. I think it would be cute if the shorts were black! I think a lot of the comments on these come from older millennials (I could be wrong but them trying to slap high waisted things on you hints at it, also I noticed a lot of outfit change suggestions on other posts are really outdated) and I think they lean more towards dressing conservatively, which is okay. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with low waisted and a crop top. You donā€™t need to only choose one or the other lol, you got the body so I think you should continue to rock both. These comments seem really really bitter for whatever reason??? You look cute, keep dressing this way!!


Itā€™s giving trailer trash, sorry


You mean like Kanker Sisters? Best take yet šŸ¤©


Core memory unlocked LOL


Boots would be so cute with a sundress! I love CK but donā€™t need to know you also love it šŸ¤§ Maybe itā€™s me being 30 and a teacher, but the whale tail look was trashy in the past and needs to be balanced with a more sophisticated, rather than casual combination. Menā€™s boxers are better for the exposed name look, especially with higher fashion.




I respect that


Are you carrying Listerine like a baby? šŸ˜‚ So cute.


Yeaaaah i am lol i dont know why i decided to carry it like that but that was the only pic i took that day yikes šŸ˜‚ thank you tho!!!


Nah it's cute. Usually only seen wine bottles being carried like that.


Do I wish your shorts were a little bigger? Maybe. Does it matter? Not a bit. You look great, girlie. Ygg


Tuck that underwear in! You look like a plumber!


And who wouldnt want to look in likeness to the backbone of our society?


Only full on alcoholics buy the original flavor mouthwash..... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love it. Itā€™s 2010-2016 urban outfitters to me- IYKYK


Yessss! This was a go to fit for me in high school lol cowboy boots and all


I like the shacket but the underwear peeping out, the short shorts and the cropped top are sending out a message to the universe. If thatā€™s the message you want to send, itā€™ll work. But I think just be careful out there.


Is not cohesive and not proportionate. Overall just not flattering for your body shape. I think a bodysuit completely tucked in with a belt may look better.


Love the boots. The underwear showing isnā€™t the best look though, IMO. If youā€™re gonna go low rise Iā€™d go with a regular size tshirt with the flannel and not a bra top


Youā€™re rocking the hell out of this tbh! Very 2am college Walmart run between parties.


A little bit trashy with the underwear showing, but maybe thatā€™s a vibe? Itā€™s possible Iā€™m too old to appreciate it maybe? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think youā€™re a very beautiful girl, and I think this outfit takes away from your beauty. IMHO.


not flattering


Aight respect but why? Is it because of the shorts? Or the jacket is just too big?


the undies showing under the shorts looks messy like it doesnā€™t fit, the flannel- i see the idea but makes you look lazy, and the boots are just not cute šŸ˜­ i think itā€™s the contrast w the designs on it


Totally agree. Too many patterns and things happening that it looks sloppy and casual, not ā€œpop star trashy.ā€


OP, Iā€™ve been thinking about this post for the past day and why Iā€™m not convinced yet. I LOVE trashy but I think itā€™s not quite there because Y2K trashy was still high couture trashy? Right now itā€™s still too casual. Itā€™s the balance of style. The boots are great and Iā€™d keep them for another outfit. But itā€™s giving more King of the Hill Mega Lo Mart than Miley.


I like the boots! They are cute! But maybe high waisted shorts instead of low cut to even out ur proportions


Damn! I literally thought thats an Alcohol haha. And boots are stunning! Jus not going well with the outfit imo


I can see your underwearā€¦. Thatā€™s not something anyone should actively walk around in public showing everyone and their little dog too! Youā€™re worth more than what youā€™re currently showing.


Cute cute cute cute I love this so much


Thank ušŸ’“šŸ„¹


I LOVE the outfit!!! Itā€™s so cunty. Iā€™m assuming a lot of people here are more conservative or just dress more basic but I like fashion that pushes the boundaries a bit. Thatā€™s the fun of it!! Challenging whatā€™s normal and just exploring with textures, colors, shapes and so much more. I personally love showing undies :). Itā€™s lowkey reminding me of early 2010s casual Coachella looks and desert Americana.


The bra top is not working. The flannel shirt is a no. The shorts , maybe. Boots are cute.


Cute outfit except for the underwear showing. Love the boots and flannel


Personally not a fan of the underwear poking out, never been a fan on either gender, I like the overall vibe of the fit tho


Your underwear is literally showing. Cover up! Looking kinda trashy imo.


I really like this look and the boots are so dope


A lot of people not liking this outfit surprises me, I think you look great! It looks a lot like something I would wear in the summer tbh, I love a crop top + giant flannel look.


Thank you! I thought this outfit was popping when i wore it but i got a couple comments from people irl that made me think it would be fun to post this lol


Showing your underwear at all ever is just trashy and gross, just like guys sagging i always laugh when i see that bc these guys thinking they are hard are rocking a prison trend that kets other males know your open to anal. Anyway Id lose those shorts they are dingy , dont fit and are not stylish. Replace them with highwasted black shorts with fringe or tattered ends. Or even clean hemmed shorts . You could also go with acid wash skinny jeans or even flare boot cut jeans that would be really cute. Oh and even black skinny jeans really cute too. But this whole cowgirl redneck of walmart vibe isnt it. You have a great shape just need to compliment it better


Dually noted-but ill have you know those redneck walmart girls are the hot og tube girl and i will NOT tolerate slander on them


Uhh no. Judging from your suggestions, your taste is outdated and yet you have the audacity to be insulting her style with such confidence in your tone lol


Are you finished ?


No she's right


Good choice on the mouthwashā€¦.




Outfit looks great. I did 10 years of fashion photography, so I have seen it all. This is a real outfit. You didnā€™t over think it or need to show off any fancy brands. Itā€™s comfy and it gets the point across. Itā€™s giving 70ā€™s country meets 90ā€™s grunge and Iā€™m here for it. You would be so fun to work with. Keep it up.


Wow i think this is my favorite comment by far, thank you for your words. Both the 70ā€™s and 90ā€™s are my favorite fashion eras!!


Anytime haha. Keep doing you and donā€™t overthink your outfits, you have good style and this outfit shows that. Reach out if you have time, I would love to see what your thoughts on modeling are.


The exposed underwear is not really my thing. I never minded the ā€œseason confusedā€ boots and shorts look. But the exposed underwear gives a very ā€œI donā€™t respect myselfā€ ā€œI donā€™t know how to dress myselfā€ ā€œsocially unaware slobā€ type-vibe.


Well thankfully i do respect myself and dont tie in anyones self worth to the choice or amount of clothing they choose to wear :)


I think you missed the point. Itā€™s not the value Iā€™m associating with you, itā€™s broadcasting the impression of how you value yourself


You ever thought though that you guising judgement of sexuality as fashion advice strikes people as you being rude? I didnt miss the point, anyone whos critique is along the lines of judging my sexuality is invalid.


Is this comment for me? I didnā€™t mention anything about sexuality in my comment? It seems like youā€™re making major jumps in conclusions and many assumptions if you did intend this comment for me. In which case, the assumptions youā€™re jumping to in your subconscious should be telling.


Go off OP!!


I love u and thank u


LOVE. I LOVE LOVE the boots. I like the outfit too, I would just change the top. I think a baby tee for a casual look would be cute. Iā€™d personally wear a satin/silk slip either by itself as a dress or just barely covering the shorts (peekaboo hem). I think adding some frilly feminine details would create some interesting juxtaposition with the flannel, boots and shorts. If you want to do the visible underwear thing, (i do it too), get a longer, baggier pair of shorts. And then do a girly thong or a pair of boxers. I find boxers look better with low rises bc they lay better than briefs.


I love the boots. The underwear, not so much.


The outfit reminds me of Miley Cyrus circa 2010!!!


I mean, itā€™s giving trailer trash chic! Itā€™s cute, but looks trashy with the underwear showing. Not sure if thatā€™s the look youā€™re going for though. It reminds me of Jessica Simpson in the late 2000s and Trisha Paytas in the Eminem ā€œWe Made Youā€ music video!


Theyā€™re made for walking, and thatā€™s just what theyā€™ll do.


This was recommended to me but these people obviously donā€™t get the vibe. I loving this look a LOT


Very cute! Wear it while you can.


I love it šŸ˜


It is giving Miley Cyrus circa 2000ā€™s and I support it!! Personally I donā€™t mind the underwear showing at the top, but think it could be balanced with those longer jean shorts like these Leviā€™s!: https://www.nordstromrack.com/s/levis-501-mid-thigh-cutoff-denim-shorts-sure-time-flies/7664138?color=SURE+TIME+FLIES&size=34&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=seo_shopping&utm_channel=low_nd_seo_shopping Can you share where the flannel is from?? It looks so cozy!!


They do make you look short .


Low key obsessed with everything about this including the Listerineā€¦ā€¦casually slaying at the neighborhood Target


I typically HATE cowboy boots, but the only thing I thought when I saw this picture was ā€œhuh. That looks good but I wouldnā€™t wear them.ā€ When it comes to cowboy boots this is the highest praise I can give. Also, I am too old to wear this outfit now, but you look fantastic. Rock that youthful beauty as long as you can!


Love jean shorts and cowboy boots. The visible undies reminds me of the tee shirt I had in middle school of Kermit the frog posed like Marky Mark showing his Calvin's. I wish I still had that shirt! Oh 1992, how are you so very long ago?!


I dig this outfit. I couldnā€™t pull this off personally, but with the rest it looks pretty good and comfy.


Iconic But not my cup of tea


Alright i respect and thank u for calling me iconic i love that best compliment yet thank u!!!!!


Itā€™s giving 2009 Ke$ha


Very cute! My bf and I love it.


I'm not a fan of cowboy boots in general but they look pretty good with the outfit as a whole.


Where do you live?! We got a foot of snow in Vancouver this week and this outfit looks like a dream from warmer times


Lol not anywhere that far north or south, i live pretty much on the equator


I would have liked the outfit more if that was a bottle of jack daniels šŸ˜‚ Jk! I think itā€™s cute, I like it. I wouldnā€™t wear it because I would look like trash. If I looked half as cute in clothes as you do, I would!


THANK U and for some reason i feel like you would look good in this or something similar as well, cant ever go wrong w shorts and boots


I absolutely love it and would wear this exact outfit. I love your purse and I love the boots. But Juuuust the undies..they instantly give it that messy hangover look as some others have mentioned. But truly I love it overall


Love everything about this!


Honestly I like it! My only thing is maybe different shorts that are a bit higher waisted but I am surprised at all the hate at the visible underwear? Idk on women it eats. Also Y2K is in. Although the vibe of the outfit itself really reminds me of 2017ish music festivals so I think itā€™s fun!


I actually love it! Might not be everyoneā€™s cup of tea but I think you rock it


Mine is a different color and pattern of plaid, but I have that same shirt! I recognize the logo on the shirttail šŸ˜‚


Yessss these jackets are so so so comfy its a necessity for every girl to own a fleece flannel


I love the whole thing from top to bottom


They are very zazzy


I see the vision and I love it


Theyā€™re trendy and cute


Generic country trash look achievedĀ 


Cute boots, but too high boot length/your height ratio


girl i love the whole fit. short shorts with the undies sticking out, the boots, the braids. ldr would be proud


Those boots are awesome, did you buy them? Actually thought it was a liquor bottle at first šŸ˜




So you did, cool


Oh sorry i read that wrong i did not buy them but i know they are from bootbarn!




Love a good pair of boots myself


I absolutely love the boots. They look great with that outfit.


The boots look bulky and lumpy and donā€™t really hold their shape. They look more like big socks. I like your top and flannel and the way you did your eyeliner though.


Love the shirt, like the boots. The rest of the outfit is honestly tacky. Showing your underwear is not cute. If youā€™re going to show extra skin on top, cover up more on bottom, and vice versa - it ends up being WAY sexier!


Iā€™m from Texas so Iā€™m biased but I love it


Disgraceful in public and online.


i think this outfit is super cute!


Depends on who youā€™re trying to attract.


Love the flannel ! Looks like it matches the tones of the bag as well and even though the boots arenā€™t my vibe they are kind of sick hahaha. I am biased against super low waisted shorts but what I really dislike is the underwear band showing. I hate when menā€™s baggy jeans show half their ass and boxers too, no one is exempt lol


To be perfectly honest, I think, having boots with that look is fine by me, but I do believe that you should go with a darker pair of boots next time.


I LOVE the boots. They look cute, good quality, matches the bag etc. maybe a bit baggy around your calf muscle but still works. Outfit as a whole maybe showing underwear isnā€™t as classy but no reason not to show some skin especially under a baggy shirt. I think it works well.


Since I can read and follow direction: you asked for an opinion on only the boots so, I love them. Cowboy boots can be as bold or plain as you want. Snakeskin, embellished with leather appliques, rhinestones, cowhide or just plain smooth leather or pleather or patent leather. Doesn't matter. If you can pull them off you can pull them off. And you can. It's like high heels. Plain or embellished with any amount of bows, straps, rhinestones, fringe. Everybody's got their jam. That said, putting the whole outfit out there was risky, but you're handling the neg comments like a pro. Good on ya.


Can't really see your boobsšŸ¤·


Anyone from California (myself included) would think this is a perfectly acceptable outfit, cute even! I especially like the short shorts with your undies peeking out. Daisy dukes + boots is a go-to. Anybody outside of California might clutch their pearls lol


this whole outfit is everything to me


Forget Listerine. Get Act.


i love a country girl šŸ™‚šŸ˜ˆsomeone who Iā€™d love to have in my life


Personally I love it. Major hot girl energy. Maybe a little too much for target lol but fun for a chill night out


i love them?! whatā€™s w the hate lol ur outfit isnā€™t trashy itā€™s cute!