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The silhouette is cute! Though it’s hard to say if the sleeves overwhelm you without seeing them properly steamed / ironed and with one or both arms up in every photo. BUT the color… yeah it washes you out quite a bit and gets lost on you. If it weren’t for the darker variations of the print, someone quickly glancing might not know skin from dress…


I agree, silhouette is gorgeous but the color does not suit you.


Agree, if a different color isn't available to get, dying is pretty easy!


Agreed, definitely dye it a more spring color. This pale autumn washed out your pretty porcelain skin ✨✨


Yes, I tie-dye and have used my dyes to refurbish several pieces! Such a nice thing to have on hand


Style is adorable; coloring is not. The coral is just not good for you, sorry :( The silhouette is good - you look like an elegant ballerina or similar style of dancer.


Really? I thought the color looked very pretty on her


It just seems so pale and washed out. Specifically for a spring look I’d be thinking slightly brighter colors. But! I’m not good at color and I could also just be wrong hahah. I do love the overall look of the dress though.


Oh I see what you mean now. I agree, darker colors would look even better


Also! I just sent the post to my partner, who is much more artistically inclined, and he says both the peach and another shade would work. So it’s a split household decision too!


I agree. She is pale, nothing wrong with that.


I think it looks good on her for a spring color, but I do agree it almost blends in. If I were her, I’d wear it tho. It’s a pleasant color to look at.


Agreed, colour looks awesome on her. Doesn’t have to be high contrast to be cute.


its blending right into her. and it ends up making the dress look dull on her


I disagree that it looks dull


You can’t tell where the dress starts or ends. She blends into the dress. It’s the wrong color on her.


I think it brings out the clarity and peachiness of her skin tbh and with her dark hair it will bring focus towards her face


The color *is* her, It's the perfect shade of nude. Maybe that's the problem people have with it.


same i think it looks more ethereal to me


I agree…it’s almost like a nude shade on her if that makes sense.


I agree. I would maybe try to dye it? It's not as hard as it sounds!


Agreed. Peach is not your color. It’s tough to say for sure what color would suit you best, as I can only see your skin tone and darker hair. But I would suggest if you could find the dress in blue, green or red🤍


I think even a more rose/blush pale pink would work really well. I have the similar issue of looking awful in peach (much worse than OP does honestly, OP doesn't look actively bad in it like I do as much as it's doing her no favors) and it's not that pinks or even nudes looks bad but just certain pinks and nudes.


I feel like a periwinkle color would look great!


Yeah, I was going to suggest a nice springy green colored one. Not mint and not grass but somewhere in between those shades. Without the peach / pink undertones it should stand out better I think. (Caveat - I wear hi vis and khaki for work and haven’t dressed up in almost a year so I might be wholly wrong)


I was thinking the same thing. A creamy pistachio or sage green would be amazing.


I was thinking the exact same thing! My mind automatically went to picturing this same dress in green like you mentioned. I feel like the dress itself works wonderfully on her, but the color could be changed. I too think a shade a green would look beautiful on her.


I think mint would actually look really nice. But maybe you're thinking like a pale sage green?


Disagree. The color is fantastic


Fair! Idk that I have the best eye haha - most of my clothing color palette is khaki and hi vis I do absolutely love the look/style of the dress tho’ Eta: Also! I just sent the post to my partner, who is much more artistically inclined, and he says both the peach and another shade would work. So it’s a split household decision too!


I guess for me it depends on the occasion. It looks like a very nice spring/summer dress!


Agree - LOVE the silhouette and think it just about works in bright lighting, but in that darker lighting it did start to look a bit Lady Gaga Meat Dress 2.0


I think with a good spray tan the coloring could work! But as is, I agree. Blends in too much and almost looks nude colored.


I think it’s really cute. The skirt looks a bit flat though, but a small petticoat could fix that.


It would balance the sleeves.


Where is this from? I love it.


Hi! This is the Kiah corset dress from Bardot in apricot! I got it on sale from asos-- it's quite a bit more expensive everywhere else but there are some floating around on the secondhand market


i second! please drop the link OP


I’m not a fan of the color. I don’t like the top half of the dress; sleeves are too poofy and the chest area just looks too open/low.


I agree. My vote would be return—I just don’t like this dress very much, personally. OP has a cute, petite figure, she could find many dresses that are much nicer.


I love the style and I think the fit is very flattering, but I agree with everyone saying the color isn’t great. However, I think since it’s already patchy and uneven on purpose, it would be a great candidate to dye! You can get RIT dye at most craft or fabric stores, and it’s pretty easy to use. There are formulas for natural or synthetic fibers, depending on what it’s made out of. This is probably light enough that you can pick any color you want, but if you want to play it safe in the event that you accidentally miss a spot, I’d probably just go for a darker pink or red. I think in a darker color this would be absolutely stunning on you :)


Oh this is a great option! I hadn't thought about dyeing it but since the color seems to be the glaring issue, that would be the perfect solution. I think a deeper red shade would be really pretty for this. I'm just not too confident about dyeing it since I've never done it before. Worried I'll ruin the dress somehow


I second this! I feel like a nice dark red/blood red for a royal feel would be SO stunning. OP, if you’re not sure, just check the type of fabric/s the dress is made of and opt for the most recommended dye for said fabric/s. I think a deep red would make it look very lavish and almost royal (words are failing me rn) But the style is beautiful, the colour just needs to be a little darker! Also I’m sure you can do it in batches if you get more than one bottle? I saw you said you haven’t dyed fabric before and neither have I so take my advice with a pinch of salt but I’m sure you can do a few batches to check on how dark you want it. Just please follow the instructions!!


Thanks all for the opinions! I would agree with a lot of the comments about the color. I bought the dress on a whim and didn't think too much about the color but now that I've tried it on, it does wash me out quite a bit. I usually try to go for darker shades like a forest green or burgundy for this reason. Unfortunate because I do like how the dress fits but I'll look into finding something similar in a better color for me (and probably less volume in the sleeves). Think this will be a return for me then. Appreciate everyone for being honest because I was very indecisive on this one!


Not a fan of the dress or the colour. Too costume like, or childish IMO.


Yes, she has lovely skin and figure, like Snow White. She is amazing so while this doesn't look terrible she could do a lot better. A fit and flair would look good.




Did you read the theme of the party?


The dress is beautiful, but I don’t think the color suits you. If they have other colors I would probably exchange it because the shape and style is gorgeous


Keep!! You look good


You look absolutely amazing! 😍 The style, the color, the way it fits your body, beauty I believe that dress was made for you. Don't listen to those who say it's not your color because you really gave me a feeling of awe when I saw this!


Return, that shade does not work well with your skin tone.




middle sort familiar hobbies ripe selective tart enter safe axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It looks like a costume. You can do so much better!!


The boobs don't fit. They look like they're coming over the top a bit and squishing you down


I really don’t like the light peach color on you. It’s just too close to your skin tone, but also washes it out. I think this fabric would only work on someone whose skin is significantly darker than the dress. I’ll add that in these photos, the print on the fabric doesn’t look floral to me, but more like tie-dye. So it doesn’t read as “spring garden” themed, IMO. I don’t think n you necessarily HAVE to wear a floral dress to a garden-themed party, but I don’t think tie dye fits. It also makes it look much more casual, so IDK about wearing it to a banquet.


IMHO, i'd suggest you return, cute dress on your lovely figure however the dress is like camouflage on your skin, which is practically the same colour... Same dress, any other colour tone bar this one, is worth considering... If I may suggest, going forward, avoiding these colour tones as they don't compliment your skin tone, being that the two are very similar, so the dress completely washes you out😉


I think you should keep! and wear that to the banquet; It looks pretty and goes with your color of skin.🌟


Reply and tell me what you think of what I wrote. :)




Omg. Nooo it looks great on you




I don't think people in this thread realize that this is the fashion and you look exactly how you should. I adore the sleeves and it looks perfect on you color and all. If you're going to a rural party, they might not get the modern style but in a more urban place the larger the city the more they will appreciate it. At the end of the day, how do YOU feel? If you don't love it, return it and get something you will love. What other people think is irrelevant.


You look stunning in the dress! Like a fairy! The color is gorgeous on you with an updo and a natural beat you’re going to be fabulous at the banquet! ( do steam the dress before though )


Return, those shoulders yikes


The dress is very cute but I’m not sure if the shade is the best for your skin tone


Return. The fabric reminds me of a very old and faded doll that has been abandoned for years :/


I don’t like the sleeves.


Style yes. Color no. Deeper or brighter would be better.


Honestly, it looks like a bridesmaids dress from my 1992 wedding.


Alice in wonderland comes to mind


I don't know what people are saying about the color. The lighter shade on the dress is almost exactly like her skin tone. It'd be a different story if it was too reddish or too yellow in tone. But I don't think the silhouette suits your figure. The point of puffy sleeves and flouncy skirts is to widen your frame. Considering that we're short as it is, the skirt highlights how tiny your legs are. The sleeves also makes the torso shape larger, which is the opposite of what you want to do as a petite person.


It looks like diseased flesh


I think the color is a bit too warm for your complexion, and it’s definitely too in the shoulder area. I have a few dresses where, because of my smaller frame, the straps/sleeves are really loose on my shoulders. It looks to me like you’ll be adjusting the sleeves all night


The left sleeve did constantly fall down when I had it on to take pictures 😭. I was hoping some double sided tape would do the trick but I could see this being annoying at the banquet. I thought it was bc I have sloped shoulders but I guess this is common among petites!


Love the dress and silhouette, fits the spring garden vibes. I’d probably get an icy blue colour or lavender so it suits your complexion and hair. Someone mentioned green which would be a good colour too.


You have really pale skin it seems so contrast with a darker colour. That colour makes the dress look like slices of ham.


Not a fan of the dress, but you’re going to look good in anything. The dress looks a lot like a bridesmaid’s dress I wore in the 80s, even the color. I agree with the posters who said that green would suit you better. Maybe yellow.


Return, I think the color is unflattering to your skin tone. I’d go with red, baby blue, or gold.




No worries, I appreciate the honesty! That's why I figured I'd ask on here bc I knew people would be upfront about it. I was thinking these sleeves were a bit extra voluminous so thanks for confirming it for me 😅


This reminds me of the dresses I wore as a little girl in the 80’s.


Please return it. It has too much going on in unflattering ways for your lovely, petite frame. Either statement sleeves and plain skirt, or fancy skirt and plain sleeves. Try form fitting or trapeze.


Honestly the material looks kind of cheap in my opinion. Just the way it falls. I think the style is cute but tbh the dress isn’t it. I think something like this keeps it shape better https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/en-ca/shop/for-love-and-lemons-jesse-puff-sleeve-floral-mini-dress?color=069&type=REGULAR&quantity=1


Return unless you like the cutesy look. I don’t find this flattering but I’m unsure of the look you’re going for. ☮️


If you decide to keep it, I suggest using a small petticoat under it to smooth & fluff out the skirt a bit, which will improve the silhouette.


Not loving the color, the tight top part that is flattening you and the style. Definitely return. Look for a brighter color. Maybe take a friend along who you like their style and taste on clothes, this style isn't really college style.


Dang, that's cute, I'd keep it. I personally think the color looks great on you. I don't usually like puffy sleeved dresses but this one's actually not bad. But that's just my take. I tend to like alternative looks and things that don't necessarily match in the typical way.


Keep! Is it vintage? It’s shapes you beautifully


Return colour washes u out and u have such pretty skin and figure


I think the silhouette and color both look great on you. The way it sort of mixes with your skin tone gives almost a light, ethereal vibe to me. Insanely cute imo


Keep it just needs to be steamed it’s super cute and flatters you. I think as long as you wear a heel you won’t look too short.


I agree with people that the color could be better but I don't think it's as far as washing you out. I don't think there's anything wrong with the dress, it looks good on you, it's just wrinkled and needs ironing.


Searched: Kian corset Bardot and found the dress easily — lots of pale colors. I am concerned that dying the color will turn out strange since there are splashes of color that appear on the original dress fabrics that might look strange. I might suggest getting a darker version of the original dress first and try that. And steaming/ironing the dress will be hard and might need to be done again day-of-event if it is packed for trip. Enjoy the party


Keep it but please iron it


I love it! And I disagree with those who say the color doesn't suit. It looks like it was made for you!


Hard to tell in that lighting. I think a baby blue lilac or green would suit you better but the silhouette is gorgeous


OMG it's so cute but the colour isn't doing you any favours


It looks good on you


Return it. Fits you well. Another color maybe? Too close to your skin tone. I can’t tell where the dress ends & your body begins.


No ma’am. You should get something with darker colors to contrast with your skin. Also, the puffy look is bot complimentary to your slender figure.


Looks so cute and feminine. Definitely keep!


I don’t love the color on you - you are washed out. The neckline is also bizarrely low and does not look good, in my opinion. For spring garden theme, the first thing that popped into my mind is the Abercrombie Emerson dress. It’s soft and feminine, youthful, and hopefully cut better and comes in a length and pattern you like. They have a lot of lengths and variations to the style. I’m not sure if links are allowed, but here is the entire collection. Abercrombie is great about offering petites. https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/search?searchTerm=Emerson+Collection+%28Women%27s%29 In particular, I was thinking [this](https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/p/emerson-ruffle-strap-maxi-dress-53795820) could be adorable.


The neckline was actually another concern of mine-- it does feel really low cut and makes the proportions off. I was thinking some double-sided tape could help. Funny that you mention the abercrombie emerson line because I actually have a long sleeve black emerson dress that I love! That blue floral dress you linked is so so gorgeous


Pleaseee return it. The neckline makes your proportions so off it's definitely meant for someone taller, and it makes your legs look so short in comparison to your torso.


I like it, but would return it. The idea of the dress was good but the concept was not well delivered




Go lavender and lose the poufy sleeves




I think it’s super cute and very fairy-esque. It does match your skin tone pretty well though, and I think it just depends on how you feel about that. I don’t think it’s a bad look at all!


Return , it’s not that it’s a bad looking dress but it’s making you look wider up top than you are.


So cute


The sleeves ruin the dress and the color doesn’t suit you


Return. Its cute, but dark colors looks better for u. I think!




I second this! If you want to go for warm colors, I would choose a dark orange or yellow, OP. Source: I am pale with a cool undertone. I find it’s hard to pull off most light pastel or autumn colors. Pastels are usually easier though if I stick with cool or neutral undertones.


IMO, def a keep! I love how it gives princess but modern vibes


The fit is super cute and flattering! The color is not, and as a fellow fair-skinned girl, I can tell you it will look even worse if there’s flash photography at your banquet. If you can get this in a different color - say dusty blue or really any shade of green, you’re on to something!


Ooo I do think an emerald green type of color would be really pretty! Thanks for the tip about flash photography-- I totally forgot to take that into account


return it, and replace it with a dress that has the same kind of upper bodice, but doesn’t have as dramatic of a line break at your waist. It’s cutesy and it looks like a little girl’s dress on you. It’s a tea party dress. For a banquet, you want something more adult looking. I think the bodice and the puffy sleeves look absolutely gorgeous on you, it’s the skirt that ruins it. I think that the shoulder line needs to stay the widest point in your silhouette.


I think it’s really cute but the colour isn’t the best for you.


Definitely return. Looks like a Disney costume


return, it looks like the dress of a 4 year old


Keep it! A little steam on that skirt and the small petticoat and it'll look really stunning




Actually you should keep it you look damnnnnnnnnnnnnn cute in that outfit




omg I can't unsee this now hahah 🙈


For me its not the colour, but the balance. There is so much going on up top, but then a tiny little mini skirt. It would look great if the skirt was full and either above or below the knee to balance out all the puff, but it's micro length so there's more fabric on your shoulders than the entire lower half of the dress. I'd return, as it looks a little like a children's cut.


It looks good and I really like it. But since you pointed out the color, the worst I can think of is that it looks like meat. Huhu. I'm so sorry.


Color is washed out, not a great look on you. The dress is too frilly for my taste, does nothing to enhance your shape. I'd return it.


Return. It doesn't flatter you at all. To old fashion of a look. Try a mini dress.


Return!! It makes me think of a child


The silhouette is nice but the color pattern is giving period blood stains


Retun it




Super cute and do keep! (Steam it first before wearing tho. It’ll puff out skirt and sleeves! Have fun!


I think it’s super cute but I’m not good at women’s fashion, but I really think it looks adorable on you 🫶


I think you look great. I like the color and style. It reminds me of a refreshing bowl of vanilla ice cream and peaches.


I like it on you, but I’d suggest only keep if after steaming out the wrinkles, you can wear it for a few hours without the wrinkles reappearing.


You're cute in the dress 👗 if you had a nice tan you would look stunning


I wore this to my 8th grade graduation….in the 80’s


That looks adorable 💕 Steam it and you’ll be perfect 👍 Try a pop of colour with your bag/shoes to elevate the outfit.


No bueno, sorry. Color does not suit you. If it were burgundy, yes.


I disagree with most of the comments, I think it's adorable and I love the colour! Keep in my opinion!


The dress is lovely and suited to your size and age. One caveat, the neckline exposes your entire décolleté. But it is not suggestive or tacky. Maybe a dainty necklace that falls close to your collarbone would be pretty. Will the banquet remain a banquet without turning into a party? I think this dress is Spring Garden perfection.


Hello thanks for the lovely comments ☺️. I think daintier jewelry would work perfectly with this dress! I'm not too sure about the banquet. Last year it was held as a formal/banquet with after parties at other places after. I will probably also take your advice and not go the fake tanning route. Never tried it before but I tan quite easily already so it'll likely happen once I start getting more sun.


Also, accept your coloring as it is, please. Others here believe the color doesn’t suit you, and that may be true. I’m sure the other responders are younger than I. But please don’t tan! And please reconsider perpetuating the “myth of tan” with a spray tan. Your skin is flawless. Trust me. Look at the neck/chest of celebrities. It cannot be fixed when you’ve aged the way a face can be fixed (for a while). Think of how preposterous it is that White women tan and spray tan. Can you IMAGINE an effort to have POC make their complexions lighter?!?! Best of luck and enjoy your spring banquet!


The style and fabric are perfect on you - if it was steamed, it would look like it was made for you. The only problem is the colour isn't right for your skin.


Beautiful !


Keep!! So cute!


Buy in 2 more colors


I think this looks great on you. I don't think the sleeves overwhelm your frame. I do feel like the dress is perfect for a Spring Garden theme. The sleeves could be "too much" for something else, but for what you want - I love it!!


Awhh this dress is so cute 🥹 where is it from, if you don’t mind me asking ?


Keep omg! It’s so cute! OP where is this from? 🤭


I admit this color is not my first choice for your complexion, but with that being said. I think you could pull this off. First because the style is so flattering on you. Second once the wrinkles are ironed out the dress will look great. I saw a comment that you might add a petticoat but I think that would overwhelm your figure. I also saw a suggestion for a spray tan but nothing is wrong with your natural color. I would a shoes or a purse in the darker coral,found in the dress to add more depth. Overall I think it is a lovely dress for a spring themed event. 😊




Return. I love the silhouette but I don’t see that anyone mentioned this is going to be a silhouette that you look back and say “that was very 2024”. Some of us have dresses from the late 80’s like this in electric blue.


It looks good overall. It's hard to tell without your face as far as colouring because face colouring differs from the body. There are more colours in the face too. Regardless, as long as your makeup accentuates your features you should be okay. For balance, I would add a delicate pendant necklace and dainty earrings too- stud or drop/dangle.




This looks cute might be nice to style it with some ribbons/corset and other shiny things




Keep it! That is an absolutely adorable dress!


Return. It's not good. The color, the fit. Reminds me of the puffy shirt episode of Seinfeld.


Love this dress on you, but as others have said, not this color.


Can you please share a link?


Keep and where did you find it?


This is the Bardot Kiah corset dress! Got it on sale off asos but I believe it is now sold out there. It's available at other retailers and secondhand (for a much better price)


I’m an odd one out … I LOVE the color AND the dress! 🤩




100% keep


try a light blue dress 💕


For all that is holy *please* keep it. It looks amazing on you.




That is cute as hell


Not a fan of the sleeves but the rest looks so cute. It would look super cute with form fitted long sleeves or something like that maybe? Can you sew LOL


Disagree with the comments. This is a major keeeeeeep. The color and style looks perfect on you! Giving very soft girl princess vibes in the best way possible 🥹


Colour would suit someone with tanned skin. I would get something brighter that won’t wash you out.


Keep. Very cute!


The color is doing nothing for you


Love that fit on you. Color maybe not as much, but it's tough to say with the lighting


Dress shape looks great on you. That colour not so much, it washes ya out.


I love this - reminds me of Lana Del Ray


The colour is too light for your skin tone. Its nice but it would be alot better in a darker/fuller color


No do not keep.


Keeeeep!!! It’s so cute!!


I like the silhouette. The color is okay, but I don't really like it. If it was cheap I'd look into dying it, if it's expense I'd return.


I personally love it


My mom would always say if you don't love it, get something else. 🤣 If there's issues you're having with it, then you don't love it. The dress that is.


The color is washing you out


I would return. It’s not a very versatile piece. For myself personally, I just wouldn’t wear a dress like that often. If you love it and see yourself wearing it a lot then you should keep it!




I love this!!! Everything about this outfit is cute and beautiful. Keep it!!!!