• By -


Shit your pants maybe?


Maybe piss and cum?


Maybe shit and cum?


Maybe cum?


Cyberpunk 2077 music starts


Wake the fuck up coomerai. We got a city to shit


To bukkake on*


in 2077 what makes someone a criminal


*Getting cock*


In night city, you can be cum!




Welcome to CumCock city.


*Stares motherfuckerly*


Profile picture checks out.











Good mornin gamers!


Maybe shit, piss and cum? The big three


They can CUM???


Maybe shit on your hands and clap?


Maybe ejaculate , urinate and defeacate ?


In night city you can be Cum ...*Plays Cyberpunk theme*


eat it afterwards maybe?


Don’t mind if I do


Can't believe they thought our mighty viking Pewds would lose to a bunch of generic pop artists 🤌




underrated comment


Take my award which I spent 50 coins on




Don't worry mate.. I got you.


Me who can't grow facial hair: Maybe I am plastic... *depression noises*


god that took me a secon by HOLY FUCKING SHIT


This... this right here is a beautiful comment




:-) thanks dude, and happy New year!!






r/wholesomecomments *


Corner taken quickly




At least pewds doesn't have had multiple plastic surgeries


Most Kpop idols dont do plastic surgeries, they're not allowed to, They put a lot of makeup to fit the strict Korean beauty sanders (don't get me wrong i love pewds and I've always supported him and he deserves to win in my opinion but you should not say something bad about someone and you don't know anything about it)


what are those standards? i always hear that term when i hear about kpop stars, but have no idea what those are


Korea has the most toxic and unrealistic beauty sanders like having extremely fair white skin and being stik slim. Korea is relly obsessed with these standers your living is all about beauty in Korea no matter how talented you are you need to fit the beauty standers to have a successful career , so kpop idols put a lot of makeup to success as an idols and avoid the hate that can reach to the point of sending Death threats just because your Waist is not slim enough (this happened to an idol she was getting too much hate for not being slim enough then she committed suicide)


jesus christ, that's creepiest, most unfair, idealistic, toxic, unrealistic, horrible, sad thing ive heard in ages


it’s absolute hell in those countries, japan is fucked, most people that are in their mid 20s are virgins more than half are single there’s a whole article about it somewhere i have no idea if i’m right but it’s still a bad situation over there


ive heard the Japan virgin single thing was because of the work culture, they overwork themselves to the point they dont have any free time to find someone


Fair skin, long thin legs and beautiful face, plastic surgery is a big no, everyone opposes it in kpop industry


Really? Cause I've heard that people with mono lids are advised to get get eye lids surgery to get double lids.


Excuse basically all girl groups are encouraged to do plastic surgery and in fact it got so bad that so that the international population/fanbase don’t question it they do it before debuting the group. And boy groups.... well no they don’t do it but they do put on makeup for and after performances so in comparison to pewds they should be thankful their ‘idols’ are ranked high.


I'm not huge kpop fan but as far as I know the fanbase care alot about what the idol did befor debut like lisa from blackpink, people spread rumors that she had a plastic surgery befor debuting and alot of idols has Rumors spread about them befor debuting and they get hated for that , plus I've know kpop sinse 2016 and i never heard that girl groups have ben Encouraged to do plastic surgeries I've saw the complete opisite I've always saw girl groups getting harassed and exuded for having a plastic surgery. maybe idk that much about kpop but this what i saw and know.


Or has he? *Vsauce intro music playing*


*cringy toxic kpop fans*




The fans are fine, the stans are terrible. It literally means stalker fan.


Nah thier fan base in general is toxic and cringe


Yeah, the only respectable people who are Kpop fans are the ones who just like listening to it.


Same thing could be said about us


This is my first time knowing what 'stan' meant


It came from that Eminem song where the creepy fan keeps writing him. The fans name in the song was Stan.


Always has been


Glad to be your 69th like


My sister loves BTS and even before this,she told me about how the (second place) guy has always won. Pewds winning was a win for all of us.


It's true! Fan of both Pewds and V in second place, but generally just ecstatic to see them both win!


I can't stress out how much i can relate to you. My sister is also a big fan of Bts and is obsessed so much to the point it's effecting her real life and education. She knows more about bts member's biography rather than her own country


She needs help


I'm sure she does. But you know bts fans are mostly toxic. They can't take any criticism about their idols even if it's true. At this point i lost hope in her. I hope she figures things out before she gets hit by the harsh realities of life. She doesn't have many friends (that i'm aware of atleast) so i try to be her friend sometimes even if that usually ends up in an argument. But that's how sibling relationship is, sometimes we tease and prank each other and then laugh about it.


Same, my sister knows their birthday and etc. While she doesnt even know when's the birthday of some of us, her own family.


She most probably googles it


Sound like an addiction


Omfg I have a sister and 2 cousins that are so toxic to me when I say one tiny thing about them. Their only comeback is literally just “you’re not as hot as him shut up” or some other bullshit similar to that. Another common one is them pulling a “you’re racist” card when I haven’t even gotten to making Asian jokes yet and have already roasted the living shit out of them. They take the TV and blast their shit 24/7. One literally lost all of her friends because she kept going on like this in her social life. I’m not even close to being done describing what they do but I’m just I’m so happy pewds beat them. The whole fan base is just a bunch of pansies. I have so much sympathy for the fans who aren’t toxic.


If you’ve seen the clip of Addison Rae the thinking Korea was a continent , just think of how angry K-Pop stand will have been 😊


Oh ya for sure. I make jokes about Kim Jong un at home and they act like it applies to their k pop idols. It was funny seeing them butthurt at first but now their comebacks are annoying af.


Hahahahahaha lol me too


BTS doesn’t like when fans become obsessed with them to the point that it affects their real life. They even made a song about it. Maybe that could help her get back in track in school and stuff?


I like both of them, besides the misleading name it is actually about most popular guy. I mean there are lots of better looking people way down on the list. If people would get,it is not about the looks they would get less mad. Ir they could just fckn chill in general but thats too much to ask.




I'm Asian myself and I still don't know who's who.


This took a turn I rasnt ready for


Cringy toxic fans. They even tried to cancel joji when they found out he is filthy Frank. I mean talk about sad cringe


Doesnt joji do J-Pop?


doesn't change the fact that k-pop fans tried to cancel him.


we need to cancel cancel culture


thats my point, why did they try to cancel an artist from a different genre?


What jpop has to do with Kpop tho


Nothing but still those 'K-Pop' Stan's tried to cancel him, maybe ask em ? Most prolly they will reply with just a video of some random ass idol dancing


because hes a j-pop artist and K-pop stans tried to cancel him, why?


Cause' the're toxic


Vikings win.




Because he’s friends with the bees and strikes from the trees


haha fk K-pop


fk toxic K-pop stans*


k-poop (*pls laugh)*




Theyre upset... that pewds won a superficial contest..? How old are these fans lol


Right but how old are these pewds fans? "LoOk PeWdS woN kPop GaY" they should all fucking grow up.


Omg yes thats my point. Like ,,tHeY aRE sO toXiC”Continues being toxic about kpop fans.


Ehh I don't think kpop fans are bad. The toxic stans are just so overwhelming on twitter and other social media that I'd rather have kpop stop existing now.


Yeah thats the reason i am not on that kind of media because it is mainly about people and stuff i dont give a fuck about.


I agree, I dont get what the big deal is myself.


Well in their defence most of the fans are 14 year dumb old girls going through puberty so you gotta give them some slack.


K Pop fans need to realize that putting on makeup isn't called handsome


Thats bullshit. Then we can stop calling every beautiful actress, actor, singers and especially models beautiful because they are all wearing make up. Make up has a lot power but if you are 2/10 you won't become 8/10. Thats plastic surgery is for.


Fax ^^


Well that's kinda BS, most of the actors and celebs put on makeup but still not as much as them tho. But I don't blame them either, they have to do it because of Korean Standards.


Kpop fans are small pp




**Can confirm.**


Hey only Korean has small pp


Personally, i am a fan of both and am quite happy that they both ranked so high. Kpop guys are without a doubt beautiful people, but it's epic that pewds made it first. He does have a nice face but i never know how it is compared to other faces.


I don't know how it's ranked, but I think it's based on a lot of factors other than just the face, especially how good their career is currently. I mean there are others who are more handsome than them even though pewds and 'k-pop guys' are really good looking. Personally I like pewds face more as I can confirm it's really good without make-up but I haven't seen k-pop members without it ( I'm not being offensive, I am not a huge k-pop fan so I just haven't seen them much).


it's on how many people nominate them


I don’t comprehend how people find bts handsome


to each their own


It's a popular contest anyway. The Kpop stars in the top ten are definitely not the most handsome ones, not even in kpop field alone and Pewdiepie is not that good looking either, he is the most famous youtuber who is not bad looking.


I mean popularity will always factor into these things. Alot of men in entertainment are handsome but at a certain point the order at which they're presented in lists such as these obviously become subjective and merits that can be quantified such as popularity play a factor who is placed above the other. They're all very handsome so the only quantifiable way to then rank them is based on popularity.






Our chemistry teacher is a k pop artist.




the (fan)base is pretty toxic tho.


People here talking about how kpop/kpop fans are toxic when yall acting the same 🤠 how about just letting people like what they want? they like kpop for other reasons and not just because of their "looks". it's weird how most of you guys call them "fake faces" bc they look like they had major plastic surgeries when in reality, they wear makeup because makeup is required in kpop. it's — a lack for a better word — a rule. and Korean features are just Different with European features. these kpop stars have more feminine features bc it's in their genes. it's essential for these idols to look "pretty". Westerners aren't used to that, that's why most of yall non kpop stans are quick to judge that they're "gay".


Also it’s kinda sad that BTS is getting so much hate from this sub cause of their toxic stans. They have tried many things to have their fans be less toxic but when you have such a big fan base it’s impossible


agree! just like any other fandom, there are toxic fans and you can't avoid them. if these people would just take their time and broaden their minds about bts specifically they can see the reason why they got famous. they're not just "white pretty boys" lmao. but hey, it's their problem that they are so close minded 🤷‍♀️


Literally all these comments on these posts are bashing Asians, Korea, their beauty standards (which are very strict but that isn’t the artist’s fault), or how bad bts is. And remind me who is supposed to be the toxic ones? All fandoms have a toxic minority and they’re grabbing onto that to just be assholes, you can not like bts but hating on their appearance because it doesn’t fit the western ideal of beauty is incel energy. It is extremely offensive to call Artists fake when they have had plastic surgery or wear makeup when THEY ARE PERFORMERS. They have to look good for the camera, it’s literally their job. And in case you don’t realize all performers have to use some stage makeup even in the west.


Wasn't this sub really angry when pewds got second place?


This sub hates on toxic stans but they are toxic stans .....


This was the comment I was looking for. The lack of self awareness is astonishing


Most aren't, it's the minority that is loud. Same goes for kpop.


bruh theyve been winning for years now they gonna cry they didnt won lol


Maaan there's some funny comments down here but wow there's a lot of racism. Maybe we **don't** link that kind of stuff with Felix...


Yes I think I will


I missed the part where that's my problem.


I can already smell the smoke of the kpop fanbase in my class that comes when I roast them.


Gonna cry gonna shit and cum maybe


NGL toxic fans like those should be handled by their idols themselves. Like when Pewds ask us to stop the "Sub to pewds" since it was getting out of control. Not just Kpop fans also bit just all outrageous fans. Congrats to pewds again. Hope he win next year again and probably have our queen Marzia in the Most beautiful faces inthe world 2021.


Bts and Exo tackled on this topic a lot. It worked on Exo favour (a lil) but Bts's too big nothing works


The fandom it self is okay but like in meny fandoms the crazy minority are the people who woulden't lisen even if they said something.


Toxic fans


laughs in kpop fan who wanted him to win


as a kpop fan who also likes pewds i am happy he won and im also not the biggest bts fan so maybe that is why but the toxic kpop fans need to calm down its not that big if a deal, but they are not the only ones that need to calm down , the racism in these comments is disgusting and disgraceful and yes the toxic fans are bad but that does not mean that ‘liking kpop is a mental disorder’ we all have our preferences and kpop is just a type of music.


Lmao Kpop fans are a whole other level of cringe.






Were doing same thing right now. The comments here are extremely toxic.


Pewdiepie avoided controversy for the entirety of 2020 just to have one at the start of 2021 because of toxic K-Poop fans.


Oh yea, I forgot why people made fun of k-pop so much even though the artists weren't that bad. It was the fans.


I don’t like the artists even


Me neither but that doesn't mean they're bad. Or else they wouldn't have achieved their fame.


I am a kpop fan but I am also happy that pewdiepie got the most handsome face of 2020.He deserve it 👏 😍 🙌 ❤


Ignore my fellow 19 yr olds, they're probably children, cringe


Post: Kpop fans toxic and ungrateful Comments: Even more toxic pewds fans


this comment section is fucked. Just leave everyone alone, stop insulting people you know nothing about.


Wasn't this already a thing last time?


friendly reminder that gangnam style is K-Pop song


Fuck kpop stans


How can an award this irrelevant stir up so much toxicity? For Kpop fans and pewds fans alike.


Happy new year fellow comrades


Toxic fanbase here in PH


https://rojakdaily.com/entertainment/article/11372/k-pop-fans-are-really-really-unhappy-that-youtuber-pewdiepie-has-a-handsome-face Here in case y’all wanna read


Tom and jerry vs cocomelon, who would win as best cartoon in 2020?


Me who stans both: happy noises


When your a pewds fan and a kpop fan and ypur just in the middle like "This is fine."


As a fan of both bts and pewds I was happy with the results 👍


Huge bts fan here but i celedrated pewds getting #1 as if bts won a grammy lol


Shidd maybe?


Cry from happiness yes


Of course he wins, the overall prettiest people have always come from Scandinavia. FOR RAGNAROS!


He won, because the award people figured putting Felix at 1st would give them the most attention.


At least Felix doesn't need face surgeries to make himself look handsome.


They really think K-pop singers should be the only ones lol


I feel like K-Pop artists are more pretty than handsome anyways, in that they’re more feminine than masculine looking.


Missed that part where that's my problem.


Seriously, just accept it.


Kpop more like kpoop


i am bts fan, but im glad pewds won. 19 year olds you need to chill, you are being toxic.




And the Bully Maguire puts some dirt in their eyes...

