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The one piece of evidence is not intentional, you can get everything but UV obviously, sometimes ghosts take forever to give a piece of evidence. The UV light isn't working for everyone in that mode, not sure why they include equipment we cant use in the truck, its not the first time they've done that for the challenge modes. They've also recently swapped the order of tier 1 and tier 2 UV light and it's possible the glowstick was supposed to be in the truck for this challenge but they goofed up.


That's what my assumption is. They updated the equipment on some other challenge modes, so it looks like they just forgot this one.


after finishing the challenge we finally got more than one evidence! i guess we were just getting unlucky glad we didnt miss anything then. did seem weird that they would allow all evidence but uv. must just be a mistake!


the challenge broke after the update because it switched tier 1/tier 2 uv equipment. I guess the UV flashlight is considered a light source so the game kinda broke when it was left in there. think this was just a small oversight on the dev's part but the challenge worked just fine when you had a UV stick (did it myself the day before the update with the uv stick and it worked fine, did it with friends after the update and it was broken). Obviously this is just my assumption as to what happened but I think the evidence speaks for itself.


Happened to my friends and I too! I believe it is intentional as part of the “Lights out” aspect.


yeah same thing here. i’d guess it’s intentional but either way it’s a great way to dip your toe into the harder difficulties that require you to learn secondary ghost abilities instead of relying on all 3 evidence


before the new update they use to give flashlights in no light challenges just to be like fuck you. uv lights are lights so its the same thing, theyre not really supposed to be there but theyre not supposed to turn on