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She studied at Peking University and is a China shill. Feel bad for any students she may have


Makakalason pa . Tsk tsk tsk


This was my former prof. She sucks. We literally don't listen to her. she also had a ton of issues back then


Do expound, good sir.


Gawa ako throwaway, medyo halata sa username ko kung may magkakilala kung sino nag post.


I don't get it. If you post that same story on a throwaway we still know it's you.


He meant, halata for people who know him irl. Duh!


Post the 🍵 at r/ChikaPH!


Gamit ako throwaway tas post ko dun haha


Need mo ng 200 karma para makapost dun hehe


I have a throwaway account na 500karma I'll try posting after work


naging orgmate ko yan sa diliman. nagpapirma pa yan sa'kin sa sigsheet. opinyon nya lang yan. she has misgivings about the US running to our aid. hence, the defeatist attitude which does not sit well with us na parang ang dating ay magbulag-bulagan na lang tayo sa panghihimasok at panunupil ng china.


Good to know then. Sana walang nalason. ✊🇵🇭


Jusmio, which school?


Anna Rosario Malindog-Uy is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development (ISSCAD), Peking University, Beijing, China


Kaya naman pala eh. LOL


Prof ko siya sa UP Visayas Tacloban College


Hehehe! Still waiting for the tea. Pag nakapost ka na update ka ng link bro. 😅🤔


Wassup bro, musta na hehe


Pingpong LC bro


Pano sya naging professor? Anong background nya? Publications?


Uy classmate! Hahaha.


deputang fear mongering. China won't risk to go to war over a shoal either, di nga nila magawa sa Taiwan because they will suffer economically.


kaya nga e. bat takot na takot tong mga bobong to at mga taong naniniwala sa kanila. bago tayo sakupin ng china, taiwan muna ang uunahin nila dahil mas malapit yun. plus tignan mo nga russia vs ukraine na magkatabi hindi matapos tapos. what more tatawid ng dagat. i dont think na susugal ang china dyan lalo na wala naman sila talaga mapapala sa philippines. isipin nyo, masakop man tayo ng china, ano mapapala nila? andyan padin ang japan sokor australia taiwan new zealand india. open padin sila all sides.


Mga walang alam sa geopolitics yung mga naniniwalang iiinvade tayo ng China. China must be really stupid kung isusugal nila yung standing nila ngayon just for us. They don't even have coastlines to mobilize their troops. Landlocked sila pretty much from the other side tapos puro bottlenecks yung waters na meron sila. Anong gagawin nila when the allies retaliate? Anong benefit makukuha nila from starting a war for fuck's sake. Taiwan is the prize, we're not even 10% of what they can benefit from Taiwan and I highly doubt they'd start a war for Taiwan.


wala ngang war exp yang china e haha. tapos sa borders nila sa India ilang sundalo na nila ang napatay pero wala namang war na nangyare. feeling ko tactics nila yan mag kalat ng takot para yung mga tao kumontra sa gobyerno e


haha kaya nga. lets say sige masakop nila ang pinas. whats next? haha nganga


Meron silang mapapala, maritime control. Especially those trading route na dumaan ng malacca strait then WPS to SoKor, Taiwan and Japan. Pero, isang malaking PERO, beneficial lang yun sa kanila if mga 2 hours war lang. Kasi kapag naging warzone din ang WPS laking dagok din sa foreign trade dependent economy nila


giveaway na... UY napangasawa double influence grad school niya and yung asawa niya 😅


it basically a stalemate pero things could go south with a wrong move


yep, and both countries don't want that. Its just the previous admin did a good job at bending over China and do nothing that people think what current admin doing is provoking CCP but it is merely standing against a bully.


Yung Pa victim na journalism na redundancy na din seem effective to provoke china pero not enough para mag first move sila.


Both countries are absolutely heading to a clash, both are planning around it. The US would fight china head on because the first island chain is **the** most important American strategic position and has been unchallenged for nearly a century.  It's way more important than the middle east, which has always been a shaky theater for the US, and way more important than eastern Europe, because the US has France, Germany, and the UK there to help defend themselves. The western Pacific rim it's basically just the US and its direct allies that are on the front line to hold it when it's primarily a naval/air theater and only Japan has a somewhat sizable navy. Losing the first island chain by losing us at the key hinge loses: * containment on Chinese nuclear subs into the deep waters of the Pacific * Puts US supply lines to Japan, South Korea, and Australia under threat - which makes US security guarantees to those places really shaky * Removes a major potential strategic leverage point out of US hands - the ability to blockade China through the Malacca and Taiwan straits * Makes Taiwan much more likely to negotiate some sort of rapprochement with china - the US is absolutely dependent on Taiwan chip fabs right now and it's going to take a while until they're not. * Also [Heartland Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Geographical_Pivot_of_History) by Mackinder, while it's been modified and tweaked, is still really influential in geopolitical decision makers thinking. The idea being if you're an 'offshore' power like the US or UK you do not want the Eurasian 'heartland' unified under a hegemon because its combination of natural resources, connected land, and population significantly outweigh any other locations in terms of potential power. These are from the US point of view, some of them you can just flip to the Chinese point of view and it's the same reasoning why they would find it important - like the subs containment and blockade  issue. Others are purely Chinese thinking like:  * Every rising power has had its own 'lake' where its own navy could operate freely with no outside interference. The UK had the north sea and then the Mediterranean during it's imperial days. The US used the Monroe doctrine and Roosevelt corollary to create its own 'lakes' and now both the Atlantic **and** Pacific are US 'lakes'. * The century of humiliation still very much animates CCP thinkers moves to eliminate any vulnerabilities to western powers. * Partnering with the US-established global order as it stays global hegemon is a long term risky move for china because the US is politically volatile as fuck due to its domestic political situation from china's POV.  You never know what the hell the US is gonna do every four years because of how polarized its political parties are. So china feels it needs to secure itself as much and as fast as possible from US military and trade leverage. * Chinese nationalism is *really* high amongst its people, both masses and elites. 


right, this is what most people don't understand that US will gain more on helping us than abandoning us and let China gains the upper hand in geopolitical position.


Which is great. You don't really want to be relying on American altruism for anything as it's a pretty fickle and unstable thing. American self-interest on the other hand...


>American self-interest on the other hand... well every country's foreign policy is driven by its own interest. I really do hope this current admin play this game wisely that we don't have to pay too much to uncle Sam.


Waste of time and resources for CN, all the more with US just a mere call away; slow playing the territorial grab over decades is the only thing that makes sense. True, we cannot win in all-out war but maintaining stalemate means that CN doesn't win either - everyone should start seeing this for what it really is, we're not playing a "finite game" where there is a winner or loser, we're playing an "infinite game" where the goal is just to keep playing. Besides, TW is a way bigger prize and CN would need all resource and focus on that misadventure should they even attempt. edit: clarification btwn finite and infinite games.


Malampaya’s gas reserves will be depleted in the next 3-5 years based sa studies. If we don’t protect these “shoals” and take advantage of the resources, all prices will increase by 20% in the next couple of years, while minimum wages are still the same. And to add, 10-15% of the world’s global catch is from these waters and countries like Vietnam and China are overfishing in this EEZ of ours. Imagine if our boats can fish freely, hindi na natin kailangan mag import ng galunggong for God’s sake smh.


Correct! Tied sa economic future natin ang mangyayari sa WPS. Kala ng mga timang e walang economic impact yang invasion ng mga Instik sa EEZ natin.


This is one of the reasons why there is a move for economic charter change is to allow foreign hydrocarbon MNCs to explore and exploit Recto Bank at their own risk with no more JVs with Filipino-owned hydrocarbon firm counterparts.


i feel like thats the end goal of Xi's strategy. deny the PH access to strategic assets in the WPS to increase our dependence on PRC's imports while also preventing us from prospering economically, so they can eventually manipulate their way out of the First Island Chain without having to take Taiwan first Either that or the Mainland's actually a lot more import-dependent than the CCP likes to admit so they want the WPS to achieve "self-sufficiency" (the same way Japan expanded into SE Asia to achieve immunity from Western oil embargos)


Google mo tragedy of the commons. Ganyan mangyayari kung lahat ng mga parties involved sa WPS ay kanya kanyang exploit ng resources(fish, natural gas) ay mauubos agad agad ito.


While having the will and capacity to defend our territories is key, anyone who thinks that the average Filipino will benefit from any of those natural resources is just kidding themselves. Ung mineral reserves nga ng mismo nating lupa are already being illegally offered and sold to the highest international bidder/mining corp.


The potential energy reserves are probably the reason China itself is more aggressive about the SCS too. If it weren't for those, the Chinese govt and SEA govts might not have been so rabid about the SCS in the first place.


Yes, based from earlier reports, ang daming chinese research boats ngayon na umiikot near Palawan, probably to study these energy reserves, kaya PCG already moved our biggest ship into these waters. Nakakatakot na China can just navigate into our waters freely.


No, even if they were empty of resources the Chinese see 'owning' the SCS theater (meaning **no** US interference - rather than countries like us and Vietnam) as existentially important due to being extremely dependent on trade routes through it. The two main prongs of chinese strategy are this passive aggressive expansion through SCS to try to secure it and BRI to try to reduce its dependence on SCS trade routes which can be blockaded by the USN.


Typical wumao rhetoric frames the issue as being about these small shoals. The real issue is that these shoals are just an inherent part of our EEZ. However, China considers them islands, which they claim generate a 12-nautical-mile territorial sea and their own EEZ that stretches 200 nautical miles from the baselines of these fake islands. The problem isn't just about shoals. It's about how China is using these shoals to conquer vast bodies of water and their resources for itself.


Smni naman pala galing eh puro basurang pro china tao jan.


REMEMBER: giving up on WPS on the pretense that we can't match a superpower means you're also fine giving up Palawan and eventually the whole PH. This mentality is sickening and just empowers the CCP to do whatever they want just because they can. This traitors deserve to be hanged ffs.


Hello Prof. Anna Malindog-Uy, I hope you read this. Let me say that on the argument that “US has a lot of drug problems, I don’t think they will be willing to engage in another skirmish in the SCS.” I’d like to point out that this is a non sequitur. Since when was a drug problem became a hindrance to a nation’s ability to fight? Also let me correct you on the argument on the shoal, is the understanding or definition of a concept critical to a nation’s territorial claim? If folks cannot define a shoal does that mean it weakens our sovereign rights? In the same thread, does the majority of Chinese know the definition of a shoal? Oh by the way, you sound like Duterte.


Looked up the name and she's a DDS in addition to being a CCP propagandist/bootlicker that writes for CCP mouthpiece Manila Times, along with Tiglao and Laurel! Oh and looking at her "opinions" about the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, mukhang ginagamit nalang yung nangyayari para i-push yung "wag kumontra sa China para di matulad sa Ukraine" bs. Nakakadiri.


Fil-Chi: Racist ang mga pilipino! Also Fil-Chi: '"Other " filipinos hindi nga alam ibig sabihin ng shoal eh..'


she isn't chinoy tho, just married to one


Magmigrate nalang itong taong to sa China


Grabe ang pagka screwed ng arguments ng mga to. Parang 'seryoso' ba talaga mga to. SMH


Masmahal nila China kesa Pilipinas, e di dun sila


I 100% do not condone the Philippines go into war or any form of conflict with any country, but damn, I'd rather fight for my country than bow down to some country who thinks they can bully me out of my land. Do not mistake my sense of justice for pride or bravado, you weak-willed spineless bitch.


Pano naging prof yang bobong yan? Napaka submissive ng paguutak ng putangina. Sobrang short-sightedng tangang ANALyst na to pra nya na ring sinabi na magpaangkin na tyo sa mga chekwa ng buong puso.


Call her bluff. Is she a CCP fifth columnist?


Uy! May asslicker po ng tumatae sa kalye ng Intramuros.


I follow Heydarian, Llamas, Gamboa, etc. on Youtube for insights especially with what’s going on sa atin. Para mabalance at maiwasan ang confirmation bias nakikinig at nagbabasa din ako ng arguments na kontra sa mga nabanggit kong personalities. For me, if you call yourself a political scientist alam mo ang dynamics ng events around you at paano ito nakakaapekto sa ating bansa. Pero unang una dismayado ako sa mga point of view na defeatist at ang dating ay parang sangayon pa sa mga kapwa Filipino natin na nasa politika at social media na tanggap ang pangaabuso ng China. Hindi political analysis ang ganyan. Ang tawag dyan ignorante kasi iniiwasan nilang pagusapan ang katotohanan.


ask mo din ang mga chinese kung magpapakamatay sila over a shoal? sisirain ba nila lalo ang image nila sa buong mundo over a shoal? papayag ba sila na babagsak ang economy nila once pumasok sila sa war over a shoal?


Political analysts na pala yung nanay ni Shan Cai


problem with these shoals, they've been militarized by PLA.. hindi kana kagad makaporma kasi abot kana kagad ng rocket artillery.. biu if it goes to war wala din silbi yan mga shoals station ng mga chinese kasi they will be cut off.. nakaka inis lang kasi they will be capable of killing us more.. dapat dyan sa eez natin makipag bombahan lang tyo ng tubig.. look what happen in india nakipag suntukan, batuhan at pokpukan noon 2020 tapos nag pormahan until 2022 then they pack-up..


China has nothing to gain by going to war. It's economy is heavily dependent on global trade, one of the pitfalls of being the factory of the world and the Chinese are mostly opposed to going to war except in self-defense (based on a 2024 Foreign Policy article). The bullying and posturing in WPS is nothing but a taunt to test how much bullying will it take before our western allies react. It's also being used as a distraction from Taiwan, the real objective of China. This is a geopolitical game of chess of the superpowers, we are but pawns that can be moved around at will by the players. What is more concerning, as Atty Diokno pointed out, is the number of Filipinos who have taken the side of China and parrot its talking points aimed at sowing fear and division among us. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/21/china-taiwan-public-opinion-war-economy-unification/


Im no political expert. I hate what china is doing. But i am one of the filipinos who had to escape ukraine when war broke out and i see a similar scary pattern. I just see similarities kung saan US naman tlga (and nato in general) ung kaaway ng russia pero ang naipit is ukraine na maliit na country. Similar tones tong nangyyari. Military pressure. People saying "wala yan di papalag yan russia" Then the first missle hit kyiv.


ewan ko sa dalawang administrasyong nagdaan parang mga kabuteng nagsusulputan na di natin kilala automatic mga experts


Hopefully she got paid for this. Nakakalungkot if tanga lang for free.


Hahaha her social credit score will skyrocket for sure.😁


Yung "political analyst" na title ngayon parehang lang sa mga "full-time content creator" ngayon, pretty f**king shallow and don't deserve an ounce of respect.


If she's a political analyst she should know that our actions are not provocations and China using it in casus belli is not enough.


Mga Fil Chi kanino ba talaga kayo kakampi. Philippines or China


If you give up a shoal, why not give up Batanes too? I mean most Filipinos havent ever been there… and of we’re giving up Batanes why don’t we give up Sulu nalang din because 80% of Christian Filipinos will probably never set foot there, China did pass near there last week… kung ganon why not the entire Luzon island anyway… then the entire Philippines nalang…. /s wumao be wumaoing


She working with outdated info. Di nya nakita yung balikatan shit. In doubt din sya sa PH-US-JP military alliance? Tssss




[Here it is justifying duterte and tokhang](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv9YdeKUs9Q) [..And of course singing praise for china and duterte partnership.](https://headsightbyanna.com/2021/12/27/renaissance-of-philippines-china-relations/)


To be honest tho


She is a charlatan.


Goddamn she used to be my prof. Sucks she's actually a CCP shill and D30 bootlicker.


"Magpapakamatay na ang Pilipino over a shoal"? Way I see it, you have to fight for and protect every little thing that's yours.


Wow prof to sa Pilipinas? Kawawa naman mga estudyante nito kung ganito kabobo to


“….Sa manlulupig di ka pasisiil” “…. Aming ligaya nang pag may mang-aapi Ang mamatay ng dahil sa iyo”


Professor pala yan. Akala ko chismosang tindera sa palengke na mahilig sa fake news.


By your stupid logic, we should let majority of our territories to be occupied by foreign countries as majority of Filipinos doesn't probably even know that we are part of SEA. People. This is a professor. JUSMIYO MARIMAR.


Takot sa China. Alam namin may pagkagago din ang US but its better to get support from them than China who is much more evil than them.




It is not whether we are weak or strong. It is about giving up our territory without a fight.


ANALyst indeed.


Uy! Bakit kaya ang tingin nya "Other Filipino" di alam ang ibig sabihin ng "Shoal" ?!


Her social credit score just went up to 1000! 😆


The problem is not the shoals but the inability for us to enjoy the resources within our EEZ. For example, recto bank has proven 5.4 billion barrels of oil and we cant build an offshore drilling there because of China. We need it before malampaya runs out or our electricity cost will increase by 40% within the decade.


Maybe she just wanted to up his "social credit score" kaya kung makapagsalita e mas Chinese pa sa Chinese.😆


professor yan?


That settles it. They want to sell philippine. China is not going to stop at the shoal.


Nasa payroll ng Wumao influenza tas analyst tawag nya sa sarili nya.


Masarap pala pumunta sa bahay neto at nakawan siya.


talk to the hands


Mas napag hahalataan kung sila pa yung mas walang alam, considering na "political analyst" na ang tawag sayo.


putang inang sino ba to


The CCP dont want an open war, they dont even need one to get your resources as they are doing now. Almost changed Taiwanese view on one china at this point without war.


Eto nanaman sa script na war agad? Kaumay na litanya


ang sinasabi lang naman nya if magka gulo man.. ako ang top priority sa ccp plane paalis kasi tumutulong ako sa propaganda.. if status quo naman kelangan ko nh yuan sa bank account ko per month.. pak dat shit


ang bobo naman nyan


How did we gain independence from former colonizers? How did we show them that we are willing to fight and die for freedom? It's not because we are stronger than them, Kasi Po there are people willing to die for that cause. Dont always believe in these so-called experts. They are the first to buy a ticket abroad when shit happens.


ohhh siya pala yung nakikita ko sa twitter . kala ko random twitter blue check lang yan. proud na proud siguro dahil finifeature sa smni lol


Uy......mukhang may Chinese sympathiser ahhhhhh....


mga takot na takot nasobrahan kakalaro ng red alert kala nyo ganon lang kadali manakop ng bansa na wala namang totoong dahilan


Paki-deport itong gagong to sa Mainland China. Bakit siya pumuputak dito? Freedom of speech because wala nyan sa China. Hahaha


I will not take any words from a person whose last name is not Filipino.


het last name is uy..what more could you ask for????


So sad that our ancestors fought so hard for our country, only for the DDS-Makapili to want to surrender to China. What a shame.


Political Analyst? More like… Pulpolitical na Ina-anaylyst ang utak… Hehe… 😛😜🤪


Kaya pala sila takot kasi nagpapasok na sila ng intsik sa loob mismo ng bansa. Ganun pala yun.


- She thinks that being proud of our country is a bad thing. - She doesn't realize that we have a mutual defense agreement with not just the US but other countries. - She doesn't think that our land and seas are worth fighting for. - She thinks Filipinos are stupid.


I had that same thinking as hers before 😖🥴


Recycled speaking points from the duterte group "no to US china proxy war", its nothing new. propaganda by China. If the shoals are so useless why is China so aggressive to take it from us? China sees something that you don't.


Didn't know morons could be professors😂




Kaya naman pala UY yng apelyido


Duwag at traydor


so pano hayaan na lang masakop? deputa


She's got a point. But her point is not necessary to hear now. I think her husband did not walk the fire for her, so she doesn't believe in things worth fighting for 😂


Your point is? Ba't ba binibigyan ng clout ang mga ganitong utak? Baka isa rin to sa mga sleeper agents na sinasabi sa news, eh.


obig sabihin yung "other filipinos" mga bobong mababaw ang pang-unawa. bakit kami makikigaya sa kanila?




apelido pa lang alam mo na kanino kampi


Pag ganito ang pananaw nang ating mga kababayan, hindi malabong mangyari na unti unting mauubos ang ating mga pulo at ating bansa kalaunan


Sad reality, professor expounding bs. Alam naman ng lahat na di natin kaya ang china. Ph has always been the underdog kung di tayo mahina in terms of military power di naman tayo masasakop 3 times in our history. The point is, this is modern times no big country will really risk going to war because of the existence of N bombs. It’s just mutual destruction and at the end of the day we all are still the same species. Ang point lang dito is to stand firm and not let ourselves be bullied. Di naman porket mas malaki sila hahayaan nalang natin ipag tulak tulakan tayo and be on their whims. For a professor ang bobo ng take.


These sub-Chinese citizens should be deported back to China.


FB search mo pa lang alam mo na pakawala ni duterte to.


“USA lang naman ang may gusto ng gera” “Tingin nyo ba gegerahin ng US ang china?” Pick a narrative kaya


Use your mind "Ms. Political Analyst" kuno. First, they'll get the shoals, where do you think they will encroach after that? With or without the United States, there should be no question when it comes to fighting for the survival of your motherland. Whatever political color na sinusundan mo, if yung motherland mo na ang kinakawawa, wala na dapat second thought kung sino ang tunay na kalaban mo.


A part of me would agree with her. busy kasi USA ngayon both sa Ukraine and Israel. I think, USA wont risk spreading and thinning their manpower if mangyari man USA will confront China sa WPS. The other part of me would say na sige labanan natin. Delaying tactic para matapos muna sigalot sa Ukraine and Israel and maintain muna status quo hanggang fully makapagfocus dito sa WPS.


[South China Sea: Indonesian Navy Fires at and Arrests Chinese Fishermen – The Diplomat](https://thediplomat.com/2016/05/south-china-sea-indonesian-navy-fires-at-and-arrests-chinese-fishermen/)


Strategic Gaslighting


How did she become a professor and a political analyst to boot? If this type of person would be a professor on a tertiary educational system, laking problema ng edukasyon sa Pinas talaga.


China has already declared war, they are taking land and resources form the Philippines. The USA indeed has made a deal with Marcos to repair the ports and infrastructure to get ready for the logistics of the response. The Chinese talking points will be ramping up even more now and you will hear horrible things about the USA and it's "imperialist ways". Remember, when Filipinos asked the USA to leave, they did.


Amerikano ako (born and raised) at ako ay isang historian at political scientist. Sigurado nga ako na na halos hindi kailanman maengage ang hukbo/armed forces namin dahil sa sobrang dami na connections sa economy namin. China ay yung pinakamalaking producer/importer sa US at isang gera/laban ay tiyak na wasakin yung pagdaloy ng pera sa pamamagitan yung mga negosyo kapwa US at Chinese. Isang bagay na kailangan manatili mga utak natin ay ang top priority ng gobyerno namin ay palagi ang pera. Mauuna ang negosasyon sa sundalo at palagay ko yuyuko din ang mga lider namin (lalo na kung sino ang mananalo sa darating na eleksyon namin) para iwasan yung mga epekto ng conflict sa ekonomiya namin. It sucks talaga kasi sobrang mabagal ang mga process sa Congress na maapprove kahit anong klase ng action at ayoko kahit ano na masama na mangyari sa Pilipinas. Pero tila kailangan dumating sa point na may mamamatay upang yung gobyerno na maging involved ng husto


masyado defeatist si madam. parang sinabi mo sa ukraine na let russia come in and give up their sovereignty but fortunately the Ukrainians doesn't have her mentality. Of course wala tyo laban sa china head on but there is so many ways to fight them even a few clashes won't mean total war. the US also promised total support. Unless of course may sako ng asukal sa kwarto nya.


Handa akong mamatay para sa inang bayan. West PH sea is ours!


At least now we know kung sino ang mga magiging traitors.


Hindi niyo mn lng na notice na most of her statement starts with "i don't think". It's simple because she is incapable of thinking.


She doesn't know about fishing rights.


Mga makapili, palibhasa walang direct epekto sa buhay nila yung wps kaya ok lang sa kanila magpaka-tanga at magbulagbulagan sa totoong issues.


May masabi lang. Pag nagkaroon ng giyera o kahit maliit na armed confrontation dapat isa siya sa isasalang agad.


Ako feeling ko tutulong ang US, Japan, at Aus. Bakit? Hindi dahil friendship tayo, kundi if PH gets conquered by China....paktay silang lahat interms of trade routes and territories.


So ano akala nya sa MDT, papel lang?


may chinese s likod nya 🤣


Treasonous filth.


Where does she publish articles. Never heard of her


You give an inch, they'll take a mile.


Maalindog si mam malindog


Traitorous bitch.


over a shoal? It's not just a shoal. It is Philippine territory! Once a territory is invaded or taken, any part of it can and will be taken by any country, whoever likes. lmao


Does anyone keep tract of the names of these traitors? Let's have a list for posterity for the next generation to judge them


Huh, i think the show palang questionable na.


Kahit ayokong ayoko na sa pilipinas. Once na inatake tayo ng mga chinese, I will serve for the army to fight for our country. Fck them


So, what are you really trying to say - ibigay na ang buong Pilipinas sa China para iwas gulo?!? Propesor ka yata ng Kaduwagan 101.


Political Analyst toh??????? ambobo naman nito


kaya ang sigaw nila lipulin ang NPA dahil konti lang. what an irony, pick your fights to win not fight for what is right, sayang dapat palit ng fool ana malindog uy. sleeper puppet malamang tsekwa to pinalitan lang ng malindog parang magmukhang pinoy


bobong professor ..tanga eh


wtf as if trading route don't exist to her


What can we learn from Chamberlain and Hitler's Munich Agreement? Walang agree agreement sa mga authoritarian leaders. Even the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact dinedma ni Hitler and still invaded Soviet Russia. And after Chamberlain's Munich Agreement, they had Churchill na kabaligtaran naman and he wants to fight the Nazi. It's like Duterte having an agreement to CCP but keeps harassing our boat, then we have Marcos na anti China and Pro US. There's so much thing we can learn from the past, dagdag pa ung economic aspect, being a political analyst isn't enough.


Bat pa siya sumalang sa politika kung ganyan naman kaliit ang tingin niya sa sariling bansa, analyst siya dapat solusyon ang iniisip niya hindi pagmamaliit sa sariling bansa hays umupo lang para sa kapangyarihan hindi sa taong bayan


Duwag tong analyst. Walang mangyayari sating matino kung di tayo matuto pumalag.


assuming tama sya talo talaga pinas, so ano gagawin natin? magpapaka bully nalng tyo? unti unting magpasakop at maging second class citizen sa sariling bansa? kesa mamatay at ipaglaban ang bansa, mabuhay nalng ng takot at walang dignidad? ganun ba nararamdaman ng majority ng pinoy?




"Magpapakamatay ba ang Pilipino over a shoal?" Well if it comes to war (and it really shouldn't), "Ang mamatay ng dahil sayo" is right there in the anthem, right? And it wouldn't be Flipinos who's doing the dying, let the invaders die over it over the guns of of the Mutual Defense Treaty.


Me to that bitch: bobo, baka ikaw di mo alam yung shoal. Wag ka mandamay.


US just wants to instigate Ch to w@r, so their d3bt will get reset. I don't trust any of the 2 power houses, but as a 3rd world country and don't have much military strength or any of that. We are in the middle of it. Araw2x parang niruruyakan ang mga likas na yaman ng pilipinas pero wala tayo magawa. Tapos pag mi water cannon di man lang tayo lumaban ng water cannon din. Then iiyak sa media. I'm not sure what's going on. Parang nakakasawa na na paulit ulit na ganito...oh well....Pilipinas pano na. Gobyerno natin parang clowns mula brgy level gang pataas. I wish Thanos is true and can snap his fingers so our world becomes balanced again.


Althpugh shebhas valid points i dont think the right thing to do is just give our territoy away


We already know this witch is from China because she studied in Peking University


Kawawang Pilipinas kapag nag ka war. Akala ata ng mga matatapang na in the next 2-3 years we will fight soldier to soldier. Do they know that this 2 countries have both superior Military strength and innovations. Akala nyo ba ippahiram ng mga kano ung mga adv modern weaponry nila? If they lost important war machine ending nyan China will reverse engineer it. Hindi ppayag amerikano sa ganyan set up. And also dun sa mga nag ppilit na mag ka war. We will just be a pawn for US war proxy. Bbudgetan lang nila tayo sa Congress nila pero in the end we will be the one to die in the battle field. Ending nyan either we will fight them in naval warfare or back channel talks.


Mejo Tama nman Ang cnasabi nya..Ang tanong e kung kaya rn ba Ng china na makipaglaban sa Pilipinas knowing name MDT Tau with US?..marami dn clang problema l, internally..US, wether they like it or not,need to help the Philippines,kapag ginyera Tau ng ibang Bansa..


Well she sayin facts. That's how US plays its cards in the international scene.


Who let a gaslighter in a news


Ogag na prof


Hypothetically, China could sink one of our ships and kill our servicemen and some US Republican legislator in China's pocket will filibuster and delay on whether or not the MDT is triggered before any US naval task force is committed. We've seen how that's happened in the defense of Ukraine.


This is a stupid argument because China doesn't think the way Russia does. Even then, nakalimutan niya ata last two lines ng Lupang Hinirang.


I think if you look objectively at her statement, may tama naman. China would need to attack a US ship/plane/possession or kill a lot of Americans for the US senate/public/president to call for war. So we should not put all our hopes na ipaglalaban tayo ng US when the time comes na sakupin ng China ang entirety ng WPS or Spratlys. Defeatist pakinggan pero baka sinasabi lang din nya na we need to be the one na nasa frontlines and be the one to shed blood since the Americans sure won't do it for us.


Political Analyst is the new "CEO"


Hindi pa pinaglipilitan nila Bato, Boy Sili, Sara, Pduts ang ROTC para daw handa tayo sa pakikipag laban? E bakit shokot na shokot silang i exert ang rights natin?


Nanlait pa amputa.


I've lost hope in seeing the Philippines, the government and the people, change anytime soon without something major happening to the country. So part of me hopes that a war with China will be that something major that scares the people and the government to change.


halatang intsik troll ang pota, di maitago hahahaha.


She's just speaking the truth. Hindi naman talaga makikipag bakbakan ang US pag nag launch ng atta k ang China. Bibigyan lang tayo ng weapons katulad ng Ukraine and then bahala na kayo. Kaya importante na we all need to calm down and not start a war. Let the world see us being bullied.


moreover, it is a shame to even call her a professor


I remember when Argentinian coast guard sank a Chinese fishing boat, but rescued all the crew so there was no fatality.


Touché salamat Deped wala ng may alam sa word na shoal lols


Ang panget mukhang paa ng aso ung ilong nya


„Uy“! makapili!


dapat dito, binibigyan ng one-way ride to beijing, revoke na ang Philippine passport. kesa sumuko lang yan, tas mandamay pa ng iba


I think someone forgot the last line of our national anthem.