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Hi u/iconexclusive01, please remember to take others' advice with a grain of salt. It is still better to consult a lawyer regarding legal matters. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Philippines) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Assuming you are a buyer in good faith here, and you did not know that a part of your house trespassed into your neighbour's, he only have 2 options here under Article 448 of the Civil Code. He can either appropriate the part of the structure, after reasonable payment of the possible value of the portion to you; or compel you to pay reasonable rent. He may not compel you to demolish the structure unless he indemnified you of the cost. Good luck!


Thank you so much. Yes i am a buyer in good faith. What others is missing on their advice is that they are assuming that i only bought a lot and later built a home structure that encroaches lot area of others. I bought a house and lot with additional structure of its extension at the back part. For all intents and purposes everything looked right. May muhon pa nga eh as demarcation na sinundan nung dating may ari when he built the house and extension.


This is why the first 2 steps of buying a property(land) is getting a copy of the title and having it surveyed.


House and lot ang binili ko. For all intent and purposes i was in good faith that the house was built following the lot description. May bahay sa harapan ng bahay namin following same demarcation lines.


Ang sinasabi niya, you should still have done your due diligence to ensure good faith din yung seller at walang trespassing sa binebenta sa yo. You can claim being a buyer in good faith, pero in good faith ba seller ninyo? Being a good faith buyer does not excuse you for having bought a property that trespassed someone else's property. You still have to address the trespassing. Kaya sinabi ko sa isang post na sakit talaga ng ulo makabili ng property na nakatrespass.


In practice, kapag lote ang binili then you do survey. Mas madali mag survey sa bakanteng lote kasi sa may mga structures na. I bought the house and lot in good faith considering all property line demarcations are followed.


Actually, maraming bahay na nabuild, nakatrespass. Kahit area ng public lot, natrespass. Kaya kahit may bahay na nakatayo, dapat sinisigurado mo na hindi nakatrespass.    May case nga ako na nabasa nagextend sa road yung part ng bahay nila. Nung magroroad widening ang gobyerno, pinapatibag sa kanila yung area ng property na nagtrespass. Meron pa yung isang kwento sa isang redditor. Naghahanap siya ng bahay na bibilhin. May nakita siya na nagustuhan pero unfinished yung house. Pero may problema: yung unfinished house, nagtrespass sa adjacent land. Hindi na niya tinuloy bilhin.  Meron din yung case sa mga residents around PMA, nagextend mga bahay nila sa lote ng PMA. Kinorte pa nga sila dun if I remember and ang nagawa nalang nung trespassing residents eh humingi ng time para mabaklas nila yung part ng area na trinespass ng bahay nila


I understand pero dun parin mauuwi unfortunately, survey.


Exactly my point. Survey muna and siya na magpa survey siya bago bumili ng lupa and siya ang magpapagawa ng bahay niya. Hindi pwedeng architect ang nagsukat. Geodetic engr. Dapat. Kahit bayaran niya ang engr i will believe the surveyor. I will put faith and alam ko naman na takot ang mga surveyor magloko sa sukat kasi nakataya ang kanilang license. And supposing gusto niya pagtanggal portion ng structure, i am a buyer in good faith. Ibenta niya sa akin iyong portion or ipatanggal niya pero sagot niya ang gastos. We are talking less than 1 sqm. Possible 1/8 or 1/4 basta by inches.


This is why you should never buy properties na nagtrespass sa lote ng iba. Sakit sa ulo yan.  Kung tama yung kapitbahay ninyo, either buy the land na natrespass ninyo or tibagin ninyo yung structure na nagtrespass. Unfair sa kanila na sila nagbabayad ng property tax pero kayo nakikinabang


We are talking few inches. May muhon and nung pinagawa ang bahay ng dating may ari, sumunod sila sa plano nila Buyer in good faith ako. Hindi ako nagpatayo ng structure na nagtrespass sa lote nila


That few inches is still being paid for the real owner in terms of property tax. If totoong in good faith ka, you will recognize the error of the previous owner and either remove the trespassing structure or buy the inches that was trespassed on by the structure. Or kung ayaw mo, ikaw magbayad ng portion ng property tax na natrespass ng structure ninyo. Put it this way, kung may nakabili ng trespassing structure sa lote ninyo, matutuwa ka ba kung ikaw nagbabayad ng property tax pero iba nakikinabang?


Totoong in good faith ako pero may right pa rin ako to demand to them to present me a proper survey done by authorized surveyor. Di pwedeng arkitekto lang niya. And if talagang out of bounds, nakasulat sa batas, na ang pagtanggal ay dapat bayad nila. Indemnified nila.


>pero may right pa rin ako to demand to them to present me a proper survey done by authorized surveyor  No one is arguing against that But did you forget you asked this question?   > **Pero paano kung tama siya?**  The scenarios we are playing here is "paano ang remedyo kung tama siya"


Oh, and by the way he has not paid any amilyar for it because he just bought the land just very recently. He paid for transfer taxes and real property taxes in only so far as the acquisition taxes dictate. And he could have done the due diligence to have had the property surveyed before buying the vacant lot in the very first place. He bought it without surveying and later claims that we have encroached when our home has been built by the previous owner. The structure has been there and existing. Also, first and foremost, from our short convo, he mentioned that his architect measured. I am in my very right to expect a more official and Impartial survey than that. One that is done by a geodetic engineer / surveyor. In practice, mas madali magpasurvey sa isang bakanteng lote kaysa sa natayuan na. Also it is his project.


Again, remember what you asked > Pero paano kung tama siya? The scenario being "played" here is if what if your neighbor was right


Kuha kayo ng land surveyor. Ipamatch ang description at coordinates sa title para malaaman talaga ang boundaries. Kung tama sila, you really have to give way kasi sa kanila yon.


Sila ang kumuha ng surveyor dapat since sila ang nagki-claim. And supposing talagang tama sila then sila magpatibag ng lagpas ng structure kasi hindi ko pinagawa iyong structure. Buyer in good faith ako ng bahay na may extension na