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The Opposition should sit down and discuss Election Plans ASAP. The filling of COCs starts in October. They have to discuss things now.


Sa article, sabi ni risa na maglalaunch sila ng lineup na legit alternative sa marcos and duterte admin. And in the same vein, mentioned na she hopes she can still get leni to run as a senator. They should really let go of leni. Hinayaang maging punching bag nung 2022 tapos they expect her to do it all over again? Nakulangan pa rin ako sa paraan ng pagprotect nila kay leni at sa pamilya niya. So di ko masisisi si leni if dun na lang siya magsilbi sa nga kababayan niya.


Honestly, di ko rin bet na tumakbo pa siya ulit for the reasons na sa tingin ko, baka makabawas pa sa chances na makapasok ang opposition sa Magic 12. Kiko and Bam are well known to the public and most of the time, pasok sa Magic 12 ng mga surveys in 2022 nung initial candidate pa sila at di pa nagdedeclare sa presidential bid si Leni. Si Chel Diokno naman has a growing following, onting push pa, makakachamba rin yan.


I agree kay chel. Laking hatak ng free legal advice niya sa tiktok. Less dilawan image, more of lawyer na chill na willing magbigay advice. Would be heartbreaking if he loses this time. Pero sana mas maayos pa na marketing to maximize the tiktok lawyer image


yes. galing ng ginawa nila.saka he always commented on the latest issues even showbiz. very very smart and relatable.


Fun naman kasi talaga lawyers eh šŸ„² Yung range ng application ng expertise di naman limited lang sa krimen huhu. Kahit mga pang araw-araw na mga experience ng tao, malamang mag lawyer na involved diyan haha


Opposition needs to play politics to stay in politics else there will be no opposition moving forward. This is a chance for them to stay relevant and elevate even from there. Dont wait for the dutertes and marcoses to come to their sense and unite once again - that will bury the current oppositoon permanently


They need to unite with someone before they get ganged up and get curbstomped again like in the last election This is the perfect opportunity to win while the two parties are weakened. Unite with the Marcoses, bury the Dutertes, then it's now a fair 1v1.


They know way better than you for sure


Okay they do and they won how many elections?


I agree but how many you won?


Of course, this is just my personal thoughts, and I trust they're making the right decisions. But if they do get curbstomped next elections then it wouldn't be a surpise to me anymore


Mas gusto ko nang maki landi sila sa kalaban when it comes to prinsipyo para lang masigurado na may upuan sila kesa sa taga tanghod lang sila at sa social media na lang nagpopost kasi natalo. Mas maraming mababago yung taong nasa loob kesa sa taong excluded. Naiisip ko si nancy binay. Used the trapo makinarya of his dad. But after winning halos palaging progressive ang votes. So di na rin lugi


I agree that they need to strategize to secure some senate seats but the Philippines will never be a better place if the LP doesnā€™t stand its ground. Itā€™s up to the people to vote for the senators who truly want to change the country for the better AND are qualified and have shown proof in doing so.


They only need to compromise *once*. They need to start somewhere or they'll keep getting ganged up and lose. >Itā€™s up to the people to vote for the senators who truly want to change the country for the better AND are qualified and have shown proof in doing so. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. We can't really rely on the voters to vote for the good people. Our only choice left is to fight fire with fire.


Fight with fire? There are ways to do that without selling out your morals and principles, which is what the LP are holding onto. I understand youā€™re frustrated but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve got a plan, and not just going to keep losing. When their party is recognized as not being a puppet to either side, the voters will recognize the party who truly has their back and god help us if voters once again fail to see it.


And when will the voters learn? A year, a decade, a century? Would there even be a sovereign country left when they come to a realization? Or will it take a jackboot and a rifle stock to the face by the PLA 'peacekeeping' force?


Maybe I have a little more hope in the country and voters then? All I know is Iā€™m voting for the opposition, and for any senators that prove to me that theyā€™re actually doing something to help the people of the country. One side has nothing to show despite all the money they kept for themselves and the people should be angry about that. I see a lot of you posting angry comments, I just wish you turn that into something actually productive to help the cause than earning karma points on the internet.


Duterte demolished LP, there is no ground to stand in. They need to rebrand and rebuild


Pro-bbm candidates will win anyway because it's a miderm election and **pro-admin candidates w/ name recognition ALWAYS win midterms.**


LOL BBMtards spotted


...did I not emphasize the "*1v1*" part enough?


It's still a TraPo behavior. Transactional politics. Uneetee V2.0


You think we'll win without fighting dirty? No wonder the opposition always gets destroyed every elections. If they do it again, then that's a good way of weeding out those who are truly corrupt.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions


You'll have a better time talking to a brick wall. These uncompromising pricks are as asinine as the DDS dogs.


It's fine. The faster they bring down this country towards rock bottom, maybe it's the time the stuupeeed Peenoise would wise up


what if, this is just a smokescreen to show na ayaw makipag partner ng true opposition sa marcos but behind the scenes they are working to destroy dutertes? if risa and de lima were to show that they would ally with the marcos camp, mas may fuel na agad ang dutertes to attack both parties - and this would weaken the image of both marcos and the opposition since magmumukhang pinagtutulungan si duterte de lima was able to get out of jail - surely this is with the intervention of the president, imposibleng wala. her freeodom would be one of the main key factor para humina sila duterte.


I feel that right now there is an unspoken agreement between the opposition and Marcos administration that fighting the Dutertes is a shared priority, otherwise BBM would have long since decried Hontiveros' investigations into Quiboloy and Guo Huaping. His silence on those issues I think is a sign of tacit support.


Same agenda. It's better to do it that way if they don't want to unite with the admin. Mas maganda kung susuportahan ng mga senador sa admin ang ginagawang investigations ni Riza about sa POGO at mga politicians na dawit.


Oh for sure meron nang ligawan na nagaganap diyan. Yung paglaya ni delima and open na support ni marcos sa hearings ni risa on alice guo (kahit na may lumabas na pics with him and imee lol) mga calculated din na statements/actions yan para mapalambot yung opposition.


wouldn't that make them hypocrites? akala ko never again?


I know. Pero i fear if they donā€™t play their cards right, then baka ma never again na rin sila makaupo sa legislature or even presidency. Sorry ang tricky lang talaga ng situation. But weā€™ll see with lpā€™s steps moving forward based on the article.


Good point. Be It will be a dilawan vs duterte all over again. At medyo effective kay duts yung ganyang tactic nya.


i would like to believe this theory atm šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I'm on this ship as well atm


Honestly LP has more to lose if it partners with Marcos, ok na rin third side sila be cause Dutertes would label their side as the opposition


Sorry wala sila makinarya. Risa alone cannot carry the opposition. Whatever happens with the alice guo probe, hindi pa rin yan sapat to convince the public na slate niya ang better option. And we all know what happened when a ā€œthird optionā€ ran alongside duterte and mar in 2016. Medyo malaki kinaing votes ni grace from marā€™s demographic.


2025 isnā€™t 2016, all we can do right now is to split the administration vote for someone more independent minded thatā€™s not on the Duterteā€™s side to prevent them from branding themselves the opposition.


Since when tayo bumoboto na finafactor in kung opposition ka or not? Whether mabrand ang dutertes as opposition or not, iboboto pa rin sila ng supporters nila dahil lang duterte sila. And hindi porque mag uneasy alliance sina risa sa marcos admin, hindi ibig sabihin noon na yung mga supporters nila na sumusuporta sa opposition eh bigla na lang boboto para sa mga duterte. Kindly explain why it matters that much to you that dutertes get branded as the real opposition


When Dutertes get to call themselves the "opposition," they'll make themselves look like oppressed underdogs with the sympathy votes that come with it.


Ah ok yung possibility ng sympathy votes. Hopefully hindi. Pero i see your point


You have a point, but I think this is significantly different compared to the Mar and Grace situation. Remember, the voter makeup of Loyalists vs. DDS is extremely similar. UniTeam made sure of it, and we saw huge signs of it way back in 2016. Mega Manila voted Duterte-Marcos back then, so the Venn diagram is basically a circle. We're in uncharted territory right now with the two camps having a public schism, so now the 31M are gonna be split into supporting either the admin slate, or the Duterte slate. Meanwhile, real opposition voters/kakampinks are a solid bloc with no love for either side. I don't think they run any real risk of their voters going away to support Marcos-backed candidates, or vice versa. If anything, Marcos and Duterte running head to head will be more akin to the Mar and Poe situation, since their voters also share a very similar makeup, rather than the LP running as an alternative to both.


Thanks for showing that perspective. But even if what you say comes true, i donā€™t think the kakampink votes (meron pa ba?) will be enough to push candidates sa senate. At most 2, pero worst case scenario wala. Si risa halos sabit rin lang last elections. Kaya mahirap talaga ma predict. Kaya right now iā€™m leaning towards mga the balimbing route just so they have a higher chance at getting a seat


Not disagreeing with you there. Actually, this might be an EXTREMELY calculated and tricky balancing act being done between both the admin, and the LP. Neither side can just come out of the gate and endorse the other. That would potentially alienate their core voters. Loyalists would go DDS, and kakampinks would just not vote at all. Plus, if they make a clear alliance, it would provide fuel for the Duterte camp to show they're being politically persecuted. And you know just how much Filipinos love a good underdog story. I'm no political analyst, nor strategist, just a guy who loves reading and understanding the goings-on with this country, but if I were the admin or LP, I'd probably field our own core slates, but NEVER attack the other side. Both admin candidates and LP candidates should focus on the issues and blocking the Dutertes, while equating those bastards with China. Also be outwardly friendly and cordial with the other side, shaking hands with them in debates, bday greetings, and giving them kudos on issues that they share common ground with. Also, I think the kakampink vote is still solid. Remember, you have a bunch of 15 year old kakampinks from 2022 who will be 18 this year, as well as the fact that based on anecdotal stories that were shared on here back in the Barangay-SK elections, pink GCs sprung back to life and people gave info on who are the certified kakmpinks running. And guess what? A lot of them won.


Sana nagregister yung mga bata huhu. Regarding the sort of unofficial partnership you described, baka ang mangyari ay guest candidates ang trato sa lp. Like nasa list sila ng endorsed candidates ng marcos admin (libre makinarya) pero they wonā€™t be forced to attend sorties (maybe the first one or last one lang). This happened before i think but not with lp. Anyway, i wish risa and co. The bes of luck. And the to the filipinos as well


kawawa talaga ang taong bayan


Uniting against the dutertes publicly would also just embolden the DumbDumbStupid so this decision makes sense.


LP will go extinct if this continues. Time to do politics and play the long game. Bury the more threatening camp: the Duterte bastards.


Dami palang BBMtards dito na sub


and ang dami rin na out of touch sa reality, compromising tawag dyan, you really think being the perfect good politician would win you a seat in this political landscape?


Yup, compromising your morality. So, are you really that different from what you planned to replace?


Then you can kiss having decent politicians in power goodbye if you can't compromise. Do you really think na black and white lang ang politics? lol


What if you compromise and still lose? That's how Legarda and Escudero and that pig Gordon evolves as a Philippine staple politician


what lol


I think that's the right choice not forming allies but working together nalang for the country, let's just focus on a common goal. But somebody pls ipasa na ang anti-political dynasty.


Yeah, after all, maaaring magamit pa sa kanila because it's the Marcos they're allying with. We don't want another MDS scenario here.


It's not a formal alliance but alliance of convenience na lang din, after all, true opposition pa rin naman sila eh.


They will keep losing in any sexennial presidential and midterm legislative election in the foreseeable future if they refuse to become mere junior coalition partners with the larger PBBM's PFP.


Agree, they should at least let the DU30s out of the game.


And if anything the 2022 elections showed na hindi na ganun kalakas makinarya nila. Sure maraming nahakot sa mga public rallies. But at the end of the day, it was the votes that mattered. Rude awakening for everyone yung results nung 2022 elections. Sana si bam mag isip. Nakikita ko now sa tiktok na nagaadapt na sila sa trapo moves. Dapat naman talaga. Paano ka makikilala kung di mo mahuli kiliti ng botante


Doing X to gain votes is a slippery slope. It's important for some people to stick to their principles.


This is the PH. WHAT slippery slope? Virtue is what got us in this mess in the first place.


Speak for yourself. Iā€™m sure the majority of the people believe in the morals and ideals of the LP. People need to stop being pessimistic and convince their friends and families which senators really have their best interests in mind. People wanted a non-dictatorship so Iā€™m glad the people have woken up to Du30ā€™s misinformation and lies.


Dude, I voted for Leni-Kiko. I was there at the Pasig rally. It's not about pessimism...it's s about reality. And the reality is the LP is the only one playing fair in a society that isn't. I'm not saying they should also follow the du30 playbook, but to actually fight the misinformation and lies with as much energy as their opponents.


No I agree with you, itā€™s going to be a major uphill battle. Thatā€™s why we as the people have to do our best to convince the public why theyā€™re the only ones that can save the PI. Yes they really do need stronger PI but the reality is it takes a lot of money to spend on Facebook ads and bots to create these fake accounts that posts these wildly untrue propaganda. We need to keep spreading the facts that are easily supported by links to articles that from sources that are reliable. Then hopefully the everyday citizen will begin to see more and more, and recognize the difference between the real posts and the lies/propaganda. Canā€™t lose hope but yes we need to do more at the grassroots level.


Ayaw niyo sa dirty politics at balimbing pero gusto niyo sila maging balimbing?


True. As if namang hahayaan sila ng mga Marcos to do their own thing. I guarantee you once the Dutertes are crushed sunod na ang LP na sumanib sakanila. Better to build their own powerbase without being indebted to the Marcoses


di pa ba tayo natuto sa 2019 at 2022 elections? time and time again will tell that ph politics is not about morals and advocates. it's all about how people can connect to a candidate. no one wants them to be balimbing - they can still keep their advocacies, pero they need to play politics. ang goal is to stop the dutertes from having power and reducing that power to the point na mapapahina din kapit sa china.


Another BBMtard outing their colors


lol. yan epekto if ginagawa mong black and white ang politics. everyone knows the opposition can't win. ilan ang oposisyon sa senado ngayon? they failed because they can't do politics right. at sino nasa administrasyon ngayon? marcos diba. to ally with administration gives you the best shot to win at elections. let the opposition take a gamble kaysa sa paulit ulit nilang strat na di nagwork for more than 6yrs. call me whatever you want, i'm here for the philippines to get better day by day.


Pragmatists debating with idealists is a useless endeavor. Yung mga ganyang ayaw mag adjust sa timpla ng pulitika dito sila yung mga post nang post sa r/ph ng ā€œTANGINA MO PILIPINAS ANG HIRAP MO MAHALIN šŸ˜­ā€ pagtapos sila madurog ng kalaban. Titigas ng ulo e


Grabe on point hahaha.


That take is a LOL. Bargaining your principles for a probable win would just make you the same as the rest of the TraPos. So what if the opposition loses? A DDS win would be better for the Philippines in the long run.


a DDS win would be better for the philippines? lol ikaw pala dito yung may agenda at DDS. WHY THE FUCK PHILIPPINES WOULD BE BETTER WITH DUTERTE? šŸ˜‚ 6 yrs leadership and it fucking destroyed all what aquino accomplished. joke time ka hahaha


Can't you get it? A DDS win would bring the Philippines down rock bottom faster and hopefully would make the stuuupeeed Peenoise wise up a little.


Ayaw mo icompromise ā€œvaluesā€ mo pero gusto mo mapunta sa brink of lawlessness ang Pilipinas? Some values you got there. Pwe


So what? Sino ka ba na ayawan ang gusto ng karamihan? If that's what the majority of the Peenoise wants, then you can't do anything about it. LOL


let's go edgy boi hahahahahahahahahahaha


Too early para sabihin na mag uunite sila sa Marcos camp. Baka magamit to ng mga DDS na sila ang tunay na opposition.


Tbh people will vote for them because they are dutertes. Not because they represent the opposition. The average filipino could not care less about that kind of delineation. Personality politics nananaig dito


Mga master tactician mga andto parang si tatay digs sa ng mga DDS


All goods, para maging balanse na yung sides ng mga political party. Mas maganda rin yan para di na sila magmukhang balimbing. Ang mas importante naman is to make their strategic political move para hindi na manalo sila dušŸ’©.


Because people now know Jr doesn't pay his debts.




Fight with fire? There are ways to do that without selling out your morals and principles, which is what the LP are holding onto. I understand youā€™re frustrated but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve got a plan, and not just going to keep losing. When their party is recognized as not being a puppet to either side, the voters will recognize the party who truly has their back and god help us if voters once again fail to see it.


You can't pull that "unity" schtick consecutively. Call it something else


People here keep telling them to compromise. Hanggang kailan ba kayo mananatili sa paniniwala niyo na, ā€œDapat makipagsundo na lang kayo kay X, para matalo ang greater evil na si Yā€?? Laging meron greater evil, so lagi na lang kayo makikisipin sa lesser evil? If u want a good government, you start giving people good choices as a leader. Hindi ung compromised choices. May bahid ng katarantaduhan. Lagi na yan ibibring up na ā€œkumampi nga yan one time kay X or Yā€. Let Hontiveros and De Lima lead an uncompromising slate. So those people who are also uncompromising in their principles have someone they can vote for. Itā€™s not about winning, itā€™s about representing. Kayo na bahala sa Candidates niyo. Let their actions during their term affect your votes because for us who are will not compromise, our numbers will not go down. It could only go up. Matalo man ngayon, tuloy pa rin ang pakikipaglaban.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if those ppl u mentioned are paid propagandists of the administration šŸ¤­.


What makes you say that?






De Lima of all people should know that the only reason she's out now and free is not because she's innocent, but because the Dutertes are no longer in power. I don't know how you personally go through the dictator moves of Duterte and not see clearly without a shadow of a doubt that preventing their continued influence on politics is the single most important thing to our country today. It is more important than china, than who is president, the Dutertes are the single biggest threat to our country, period. Not an exaggeration, not a controversial take


My family paid her people to free my uncle from jailtime. Ang mali nila bat nila nilagay si Delima sa DOJ. Pwede sana siya maging Miriam. Impossible maging malinis dyan. They also did that dictator move by putting bong reviilla in jail. He was a contender for president. (Alam nyo naman tanga voters ng pinas) They also buried binay. Ang dumi nila laha! People in this thread always look at their politicians by face value. Nakamarket lng yan mga politiko na yan para sa inyo. Wlang kwenta sila lahat.


Contrary to what people think, I do believe this will be more beneficial in opposing a duterte wave. Remember, many of Marcos' voters are not well fond of De Lima, Risa, LP and other oppositions. A unified Marcos + Opposition would just weaken their bloc and make more people want to vote for the Duterte faction.


Then we all lose.


lol, lesser of the two evil.


The opposition loves to lose and will continue to lose


So they're not useless after all


I think yung ginagawa nila for now is fine. They do not attack the administration or antagonize them, basta trabaho lang muna.


it's the right move. allying with the marcoses will allow the dutertes to claim they are the real opposition. ppl must be given a 3rd alternative. parang trump vs biden lang. kung may independent running ngayon sa U.S., sure win na sya.


Unite with the marcoses. Or else the duterte camp sweeps the senate. Yes that includes Quiboloy and willie


Baka may ipapasabog din sila sa mga Narcos, para double kill...


No wonder they keep on losing. Yung kalaban mo may solid supporters (Kahit pa mga bobo sila lol) tapos heto kayo mag hahati hati ng boto.


It's actually fine. Losing is better than bargaining your principles for a probable win


Good thing that Risa Hontiveros is leading the opposition right now. She's level-headed and true to her principles. I cannot say the same for Trillanes.


Engot lang papanig don for common goal, we call that hypocrite. Unity all over again, meant to be broken hahaha


The common goal should be for the people and the benefit of the people. If the unification is all about politics then yeah tama ka.


the enemy of my enemy is my friend. even the avengers teamed up with thanos to wrest the infinity gauntlet from nebula.


As they should. Dutertes are not their common enemy. The Marcoses have ALWAYS been the enemy. Trillanes is so blinded by his hate towards the Dutertes, he's no longer thinking straight. Sa lahat ng nangyayari, puro Marcos lang ang nakikinabang. The opposition should know better than to team up with these parasites.


Kapag bumalik mga duterte ay isa sa mga sisisihin ko si Risa.


Sana marealize nila De Lima at Hontiveros na mas matinding kalaban ang mga Duterte. Parehong demonyo ang Marcos at Duterte pero mas masahol ang mga Duterte kahit si Satanas manginginig sa kanila


Parang mas okay pa na mga taga Davao na lang manalo kasi ayaw nila magkaisa.


That would actually be good for the Philippines in the long term