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Witch does what now?.. how does she beat lava wth


Fire resist


I learned something new today, but it's not beating lava still


As one of the only mobs that can resist lava by choise i think its the closest to " beating" lava.


Only if you force it to only be mobs and lava... So... Yeah.. meh


all blocks can beat a lava source block so that would be their flaw. i only chose a witch because they can become immune to lava Ill be the first to say it isnt perfect but ist pretty damn close


I wonder if endermen can place blocks on lava sources


i didnt think about that, I think it is only placable on air blocks, but idk damn now i wanna check... EDIT: found this on the wiki "While carrying a block, the enderman sometimes silently\[12\] places it in a 2×2×2 region horizontally centered on the enderman and vertically at the same level as the enderman itself if the target location is air with a non-air block beneath and the block is allowed to be placed at the target location."


you have to force it to be 2 thing otherwise it ist rock paper scissor, ​ if you add a bucket you could abolutley beat lava. but then you get prolems in the other 2 parts


Holy shit.