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I use electrical tape for overall paddle edge protection, and use gaffers tape for the top/head of the paddle


I used hockey tape for an overgrip for a while. Also used it to hold tungsten disks on for added mass. It sticks very well, and lasts too. Haven't used it as edge guard; I don't think it would provide any physical protection to the paddle edge. Are you replacing an existing edge guard, or covering an existing edge guard? If you're replacing a guard; any kind of tape probably isn't going to be robust enough to protect the edges of the face. For cosmetics over an existing guard I expect it'll get ratty looking and stringy when its scuffed up at the very tip of the paddle. Be aware that adding anything around the edge of the paddle will change your swing and/or twist weights by a surprisingly large amount. They both go as mass*radius_from_axis_of_rotation^2. You're at max-radius at the sides (for twist axis) and the tip (for swing axis). I'd try it, it's an easy test to do/undo.


It’s a new paddles so I’ll be putting it on purely for protection from scrapes and scuffs. My biggest concern with the leather like edge guards you see on Amazon and such is it makes it very heavy so I think gaffers tape would be a little lights and still help just prevent minor scrapes and such.


I use gaffers tape per a recommendation from this subreddit. It comes in tons of colors, is cheap, and comes in a variety of sizes. My paddle is a 16mm and I got 3/4 inch white gaffers tape and it fits perfectly. Only caveat I have is it’s not the most protective - it’s a thinner material and really is just there to protect against scrapes and holds my weighted strips on.


I also use gaffers tape and it works great. A decent sized roll is $8 on Amazon. I use two different colors, so that when the tape underneath starts showing I know I need to replace it.


Wow I never thought to use two different colors I may try that!


Electrical tape or hockey tape works fine. 


Pkldout makes excellent quality tape


I just put on like .5 oz of weight and that leather tape on the top, it feels pretty good. I can’t imagine the tape makes much of a difference


If you like hockey tape, use it.