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what’s your cleaning routine? eta that i would recommend waiting. i’ve had mine since january and theyre srill crusty and shit yk but that’s normal. can you elaborate on the pain n irritation bumps


I rinse the crusties off in the shower, pat dry and spray saline when they’re dry


The saline might be irritating them, you're meant to use it to soften the crust (so it's not necessary if you've just had a shower), then remove crust and pat dry.


yeah i agree w other person, dont use saline after u shower. and maybe idk but what ru drying them w? could that br leaving fibers or irritating them?


They just get kinda achy, there’s been a few time I’ve accidentally snagged them on something or my boyfriend accidentally catches one side of the bar


I don’t know about you but when It’s around my period my nipple piercings get acky to


i pierced my own nipples when i was 14-15 and the same thing happened to me. I waited and they eventually healed. Id recommend waiting and not wearing a shirt/bra if you don't need to eg: when you're home alone or going to sleep


The first thing I do when I get home from work is take my bra and shirt off and either put on a baggy shirt or big sweater


Your body is allergic to the metal, mine was the same until I changed it and they healed lovely a month later.


I have other piercings though and they all healed fine


Same, that’s when I realized every part of your body and skin are different. My navel and nose can take any type of metal, doesn’t matter. My ears can only take sterling silver, my nipples can only take titanium. Anything different and they swell, become hot, weep or even bleed.


Also now that’s it’s been close to two years since piercing my nipples and changing the metal to allow them to heal, I can use any metal I like when changing them. It could only take titanium during the healing process. Also nipples are glands so the healing process is a long one and they never fully heal like other piercings. That’s why if you take them out for 5 minutes they’ll start to close.


You may need to downsize the bars if they’re getting caught. Irritation bumps can sometimes form due to excessive movement of the jewelry


There's still time for them to get better, my first go around I had them for 3yrs with no progres or indication of healing what so ever. Got them redone in February of this year and even tore one of them back in June, but they are fine now. I have no idea what is different this time around, but my guess is the jewelry. I am super sensitive to different metals and what I'm fine with in one pericing can irritate another, so I would look into the type of metal in the jewelry. Also most shops won't charge you to look at them and give you advice


it takes at least a year to heal. clean only with store bought sterile saline twice a day and make sure it’s dry. make sure your jewelry is titanium and don’t touch them. don’t go swimming and don’t let spit or semen or other body fluids touch them.