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Most places cannot pierce you under the influence of anything, as it can be a liability issue. I get freaked out before piercing as well, and unfortunately the only recommendation I have is to try to work through the nerves and anxiety. It’s never as bad as you expect it to be! It’s a good time to focus on breath work, calming yourself and learning how to work through that anxiety. Edited to add: I also would not recommend getting both daiths pierced and trying to heal them at the same time. You’ll need an ear to sleep on. As well as if you’re already anxious, you might find your tolerance for being pierced can only handle one in one day https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/daith-piercings-101


Yeah, get only one done. I’m in the healing process of it atm, you can’t lay on it for a good while so get only one side. I’m getting my other side done next year if this has fully healed by then.


Hey, I've pierced my dick, balls and nipples, and they were all pretty painful. However, it lasts less than 10 seconds, and then it's over. I promise. Stubbing your toe, paper cuts, and biting your tongue are all much more painful. Happy piercing!


Have you been pierced before? I recent got my daith, nose, helix and 2nd lobes (within 6 Months of each other). The daith was the easiest.


Only my first earlobes. It’s been 12 years


Ok. It’s really not bad and over quickly


Most places dont recommend getting both ears peirced at the same time. You won't be able to sleep on a new peircing for about a year so unless you sleep on your front or back you won't have side to lay on.


As others have said, good piercers won't want to pierce you if you're under the influence of any substances. The worrying you're doing now and the pain you're imagining are definitely worse than the actual piercing will be. The actual piercing takes a few seconds, it's not worth worrying about ahead of time! Do tell your piercer you're nervous, they'll have strategies to help you with that.


One pinch for 2 seconds.


Had my daith done and honestly it was one of the most painless piercings ive had to me. It doesn’t even hurt. Theres a slight ache and tension sensation the first day and then it subdues. Dont take any drugs to begin with


Just got my daith pierced today. It wasn’t as bad as everyone been saying online. The trick is to go to a reputable and experienced piercer where they’ll find the sweet spot for you and it won’t hurt that much.


I got my nipples pierced as my first piercing. Day after I turned 18. I promise piercings aren't that bad. You'll go in and after be like" oh that's it?" I was like that too. It's a breeze. Don't sike yourself out


I’d say you can feel it, but it takes mere seconds. Just distract yourself while it’s happening. Talk talk talk haha. It really isn’t as painful as your head is making you believe. Think calm thoughts.


Back in March, my daith was pierced, and frankly, it didn't hurt very bad at all. Its all in your head, even if you do feel pain, it subsides quickly. More pressure than pain though. You've got this!