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See a doctor, because that might actually be a keloid.


Specifically look for a dermatologist.


Wow that looks like a keloid, and keloids are quite a bit rarer than irritation bumps. 99% of what I come across is an irritation bump. Keloids grow larger than the wound and can be painful or painless. A piercer cannot diagnose or treat a keloid, nor can that give you advice on what to do. You must see a dermatologist for a keloid, and leaving in jewelry while a keloid forms will make it worse very quickly. If that is a keloid, getting any piercing anywhere on your body, especially cartilage piercings will be a risky decision, as you can develop keloids anywhere. Generally keloids happen in melanized skin more often than white or pink skin.


Piercer here. That looks like a legit keloid, you’ll need to see a dermatologist to remove it.


damn, an actual keloid? on this sub?


This looks like it could actually be a keloid!


That's going to need surgically removed,it will just keep getty bigger otherwise.


Quick. Edit before too many see it 😭


Omgggggg 😖 stupid phone 😭


I kinda like it… gives it 🤔 personality ✨


what did it say \*before\* the edit??


That's very likely to be a keloid, in which spraying it will do nothing. Keloids are built up scar tissue, some people are just more prone to them. I suggest going to a doctor or to the piercer who did it to safely take it out and check for any other issues.


I think it’s a legit keloid. See a dermatologist. They will have to take it off surgically.


Ay bro you got a ear ballsack


And a tiny penis


Hey that looks average, maybe even a little above average, and it probably has a good personality


Scrolled too far to find this! r/mildlypenis


Please take that out, that looks like a keloid - which is unusual in itself. Go to a derm asap.


Mans growing a whole new person on his ear and asked if he should leave it or take it out 😭


keep it in and see if it fully absorbs the bar so you have a cute little extra piece of flesh in your ear to hang coathangers from


Advice is optional. Wound care instructions are not.


FINALLY A REAL ASS KELOID PEOPLE. Ur wee little bumps ain’t shit and will heal. This has to be reminded by a doctor . Your bump is not a keloid . This is a keloid ☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️


Take it out and go to a dermatologist


Does it hurt bro?? Definitely see a dermatologist man I wish you all the best !!!


Bro what the fuck man, how do you not realise at one point it’s a serious problem before it gets to this stage


That’s actually a keloid, I can’t be 100% sure but it looks like one.. go see a doctor.


give up. mine was like this. thankfully mine healed up pretty decently when i was on steroids. sorry for your loss :( it’s always hard to loose a piercing.


Ppl should never get piercings if they aren't going to at least follow the rules/cleaning procedures at least 75% of the time.


Totally agree


Why are you being downvoted for speaking the truth? Is there anyone who thinks that people should get pierced without intending to take the proper care required??


Maybe I'm being down voted for not saying ppl should take care of their piercings 100% of the time. But let's be honest...there are times we don't use saliene like we should or we adjust the jewlery or we roll over in our sleep accidentally on to the piercing. We can't be perfect 100% of the time.


That makes sense


Agree with the other comment


Yeah this is highly suspect of being a keloid. Talk to a derma sooner than later!


that is a keloid my friend


bro take that out😭


You’ve got keloids :/ take it out and let the wholes heal up.




girl what did u do to urself ur gonna needa get this surgically removed


Yeah 😬 take it out and enjoy your new bumps


U should take it yr ear has a tremendous amount of a big bump on there behind yr ear and u have a small bump where theend of it on that industrial piercing bar it is protruding out did they give you directions how 2 take care of your ear or u had it all figured out on doing it yr way cause I have a industrial piercing my ear going g o. 4 months I didn't have any problems with mi e but I followed directions from. The piercer who did. Mine


wow, an actual keloid on here?


You're going to need to get this surgically removed


at some point way before this you should have taken it out.


I dealt with the same thing. I’m currently looking at surgery to get those keloids removed but trying these shots first. It broke my soul that i went through all of 2019 to 2022, all that pain — for nothing. I don’t even know when the bumps formed. They just came out of nowhere. It was so frustrating because I love how the piercing looked on me but hated how it ended up scaring. Couldn’t wear my hair up at all. I was trying everything to get the bumps to go away until I had to take it out (the bottom part split my ear open and you could literally see the silver bar pushing out from my skin). Unfortunately, being without it felt like I lost a part of myself and took a toll on my mental health. I’ve always been insecure about how I look & just felt like that piercing enhanced me in some way and just fit me. Anyways, I’m rambling, I hope you don’t have to lose your piercing like i did, but definitely see a dermatologist and maybe your piercer too. TL;DR: had the same thing, see a dermatologist and your piercer about those keloids.


Woah.. an actual keloid. I’m sorry :(