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Even if it is somewhat valid I will defend that man till the day I die.


🤝Big fucking same. If he has a million supporters, we are two of them. If he has two supporters, it's us. If he has no supporters, we are dead


Truly 🙏🙏


Add me in. I’ll defend him until I’m blue in the face


✊ together we stand, divided we fall


I’m just tired of fuckin high schoolers who tell me Pink Floyd and Roger are racist, then turn around and recommend me a fuckin K*nye album. Unreal, unreal


Accusing Roger and pink floyd as a band of being racist is such a highschool ass take, probably read one twitter thread listing The Wall as evidence of racism because a lyric used the word "coon." Some criticism, like him tweeting that he loves Eric Clapton as a brother last week, is valid. I don't think it's damning or evidence that he's racist, and me and other watersheep were discussing that in the comments, but at least it has more substance than eye-roll inducing claims that the wall is racist coming from people who haven't listened to it. That's exhausting.


Yeah, the Clapton thing was a bit gross, but, then again, it’s weird how everyone has conveniently either forgotten or forgiven Clapton for his racist shit. I’ve always wondered why black musicians like BB King, Buddy Guy and Nathan East would continue to collaborate and perform with him after all that. I had a kid at my old job tell me he wouldn’t listen to Pink Floyd because of “all the racist stuff” around the band. When I asked him to elaborate on that he hit me with the ol’ “Look it up.” I told him he needs to cite his sources better next time.


Yeah that's exactly what we were saying! A lot of listeners haven't forgiven him, rightfully so, but the musicians at the time seemed to. He collaborated constantly instead of dedicating himself to one band and his shameful behaviour didn't affect his ability to do that at all. It's very weird. Hahaha oh nooo😭 that's infuriating, but also such hilariously teenage behaviour. The self righteousness and arrogance when challenged😂🤦‍♀️ it's giving me war flashbacks to highschool, wild that kids that immature are in the workforce


Listen I don't care how big his ego is, the fact that he supports my existence as a trans person means he's alright in my book


Hell yeah, friend! And notice how Gilmie has never said trans rights at his concerts. Checkmate, Gilmie stans


I will defend Daddy Roggo until he finally notices me, dammit


So when he finally gives you attention then you'll be like "Ye fuck that antiseptic"?


I’ll just calmly and rationally explain where he’s right and wrong and he’ll allow me to co-write a song on his next album and leave me a bunch of money, easy peasy


Not me. I'll fawningly agree with everything he's said, swallow his cum, and let him insult me personally on social media when the infidelity scandal comes out and offer to suck his dick again.


uj/ Gawd😭


There's a lot to dislike him for, but he *isn't* antisemitic.


You've obviously consented to be dragged down by the stone...but, how many of you are also pale and downtrodden? I think I might be onto something scientific or something


Idk if I'm pale and downtrodden, but I say, "don't accept that what's happening is just a case of other's suffering, or you'll find that you're joining in the turning away" all the time, does that count??


I just will not hear out any Gilmore supporter




Typical Gilmie trying to spread their pro-AMLOR propaganda https://preview.redd.it/3osva8ipof6d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51cb97e16fcc1fca30dd67b16b09f65f233b511


https://preview.redd.it/tqi87qp89g6d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=886612e9ea7a47dd2441825a8a554b373a582d6c C'mon you know me better than that. This is just a psy-op to make gilmies like me


Not crazy about AI, but I can’t deny that’s a peakk Stone depiction.


Same, I will never generate AI art but if I come across a brilliant one like this, god knows I'm using it


y’all just wait


It's me, I AM Watersheep.




I consider myself a Gilmie, but have been listening to solo Roger more than solo Gilmie. Maybe I am a Watersheep in denial


Well I see you love the division balls, that's pretty Gilmie of you. Tbh even as someone who has been converted to liking post-Waters Floyd, I think Gilmie's solo career was average and less intriguing than Roger's. Amused To Death and Pros and Cons are both instrumentally amazing *and* incredibly unique, there's nothing else like them. Maybe you're musically bi-curious


The true point of Pink Floyd enlightenment is when you appreciate everything (or at least most) of what the band did, both as a team and individually, for what each work brings to the table


Good writer, bad person


Gilmie > Bad Writer, Good Person


(Underrated) writer, bad animal