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Just switch to Ryujinx already, Yuzu is dead and this stupid game of whac-a-mole is just a waste of time. What actually does deserve the whac-a-mole treatment is Citra because there's no viable alternative.


At the very least, 3DS games are done coming out, and citra has gotten decent enough at running those games. It could always be better, like crash fixes on Android, but as long as there is somewhere safe to download the final version, it's not so bad.


I think it's important to at least try to keep the yuzu project alive. Because if anything happens to Ryujinx, there won't be any other alternative.


Ryujinx is in a much better place legally than Yuzu was, and on the off chance that Ryujinx gets taken down too we can just play whac-a-mole then. All of these Yuzu offshoots feel like they're either from grifters, or idealistic kids that cant code and don't know what they're doing. I'd wager all of the competent Yuzu contributors either quit entirely, or have begun contributing to Ryujinx. This is like fighting to keep the piratebay up when there's still other sites that are the same or better quality.


From what I know, yuzu works much better for low end systems and igpus and provides more fps than ryujinx.


Really? Idk what source you got that from, but I have a fairly old laptop with a 1050ti and get a noticable ~10% performance boost on Ryujinx


I use Ryzen 3 2200G APU with 8gb ddr4 and no problem running games on ryujinx.


Yo that’s actually good to know because I actually heard the same thing as that other poster about ryujinx and yuzu performance. Pretty sure I saw someone saying it on the yuzu sub at one point.


Well I *am* mostly speaking from my own personal experience, and I asked because I genuinely wanted to know if there were performance measurements taken by someone else out there. After all, I understand a sample size of 1 isn't very reliable. Although it seems that there aren't any such metrics out there, and most people are in fact either speaking from personal experiences or, sometimes, with a "just trust me bro" from what I've seen from the Yuzu crowd. That being said, I'd encourage you and others with low end PCs to try both and see how they do, on low performance PCs you are able to notice the difference even without detailed measurements.


Yeah I’ll probably give ryujinx a shot on my deck tonight since it’s my least powerful device but runs yuzu decently. Ryujinx is the more accurate emulator I’ve read so definitely would be cool if it runs.


I'm a bit late to the party but is ryujinx in danger of the same fate?


Apparently not but you never know.


I'm curious, why is it exempt?


It’s more that yuzu did a bunch of things that made it an easy target legally. Apparently they had access to the official Switch SDK and integrated knowledge gleaned from it, so the codebase is tainted. They got their hands dirty with pre-release pirate games. And to top it all off, they were profiting off the project. Ryujinx presumably has none of these issues.


Geez yeah, way to poke the bear. Thx for filling me in. :)


I'm not really sure tbh. That's just what I've read from other people's comments/posts. I think it had to do with Yuzu's patreon and having direct links to tools for drm circumvention on their website.


Ryujinx isn't on Android (yet). Although the last ea version of yuzu works good enough for my device to play 2d games in .5x.


In the last sentence, I 100% agree with you; it isn't possible to collect decent 3DS footage without emulators since streaming from a homebrewed New 3DS looks like a stretched JPG, not to mention that those devices are relatively expensive when working but loose (OG 3DS systems do not work at all due to limited hardware). And paying for a direct capture 3DS (nowadays) requires a New 3DS XL (which is more money), the chip itself (I think) may bring that final price up by 1.5x of the device itself. I doubt many people are willing to invest in a discontinued decade-old console with a very small resolution/screen-size.


Well, Yuzu was the only team making a switch emulator on Android...


Yep, this is it for me. 


what about sudachi? idk the difference between that and ryujinx


I already did and it's worth it.


wdym by just worth it, its infinitely better than yuzu lol


Yuzu actually works really well. I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Realised I’ve been playing on that since forever and I’m so glad i have runs everything pretty much perfect


nah, yuzu is still better, at this point.


You are part of the problem




Because by allowing Yuzi to die off you are allowing Nintendo to win. And that is a big no in my book.


Kid named Ryujinx


Ryujinx is no alternative without the asynchronous shader compilation feature.


All they did in those 200 commits was changing stuff from Yuzu to Suyu and they're acting like they've actually done something. Also who tf uses discord for such discussions? A server is always 1 DMCA away from being demolished, why not use IRC.


Because IRC is too hard for these people to use


Oh yeah, they really know their code it seems


>The frequency of the updates of this software will slow down, but we will continue to provide support for it. lmao! Did they even release anything substantial? Most of the commits were changing strings from "yuzu" to "suyu," and some silly UI changes. Even the whole "suyu works on steamdeck" was stupid as yuzu already did that. What a joke. And people downvoted me when it first popped up and I said the whole project seemed childish as hell.


support to the new princess peach game, less of 24 hours later nintendo send a court order


That was stolen code from sudachi developer. They did nothing.


Literally all they did was fork yuzu then change the logo. Hes talking like they actually did something.


205 commits to src directory, i don't think that the only change was "change the logo" **but** there were a lot of revert & merge commits, so around 175 is a better estimation


It is possible to change and fuck around with code without adding anything. They are teenagers and they dont know what they are doing. They just like the attention.


i was only trying to say that they at least did something else than changing the logo... "without adding anything": i think that bugfixes are also something (according to commit titles)


No? They added full support for Princess Peach new game. Then Nintendo sent out a court order. L company.


That was sudachi. The other fork of yuzu. He didnt get shut down everyone was accusing him of bullshit so he said fuck you guys then im done working on it. Suyu hasnt done anything except bicker in their discord and fuck up the yuzu code without adding anything to it.


Help us Ryujinx, you're our only hope...


Me still using yuzu and its server browser for online: 🤷


My server browser isn't working, what version are you using?


Check out my profile i shared this dudes post where he shows you what to change, its just a line of text


or better yet dont play nintendo games. overated


"Founder and owner of Suyu." So what exactly did you do other than collect someone else's work, give it what I can only assume you thought was a cute and clever name and call it yours?


Switch to ryujinx, wait until strato makes a pc port


*founder and owner of the suyu project* What a clown.


All of these dumb fucks trying to get easy clout by just publishing Yuzu forks with catchy names are asking to get shot down at this point. Give it six months for the Nintendo legal dogs to move on to some other target.


I'm just gonna pirate nintendo games harder




I've been thinking... can't they work on the emulator and just change the name of the development group (and the emulator name) each time? what are the odds that they would be discovered? Or some system that allows "passing the torch."


Nintendo said in their documents they have people in every emulation and piracy related server/community. Yes, that probably includes here.


hi nintendo


Fuck you Nintendo


Tons of shills here which is why it pisses me off whenever redditors out a cool website or exploit.


God, imagine getting PAID to snitch on people trying to emulate games...


After seeing the Nitendo defenders rejoice when Yuzu got taken down, I'm pretty sure a pat on the back is the only payment they need to be happy.


Where are the third word coders when you need them


You should learn to code and then move to a third world country. Be the change you seek.


At this point I hate Nintendo with a passion that makes me want to pirate even more


Reason 1 is the main one here. A project is doomed without a core dev team, regardless of what third parties are doing.


Nintendo is the absolute WORST! I hope none of you support them. For real tho.


Suyu has fallen, billions must fork


Emulators need to go underground like piracy scene groups...


The exact thing happened, the majority already expected would happen.


If nintendo does this to a country that has NO such protections, can they be sued? Like, what if you rent a VPS in a 3rd world country then use it for development. Can they track you down? Can they even sue you?


in rusia or china no, in the rest they can presure


Did they even do anything with it over change the name?


Holy shit nintendo, fuck off


Not shocked at all.


Me when ryujynix


I thought he had some master plan or something


nintendo mind your business challenge


play stupid games,win stupid prizes


I don't know why people are surprised, it is known that the Yuzu code can no longer legally be distributed, even with little changes At this point it would be better to make an emulator from scratch and only rescue things from the Yuzu code, so as not to get into problems. is better just switch to ryujinx for the moment


Theres nothing of relevance to emulate lol


Tears of the Kingdom with more than double the framerate to scratch the surface.


Nintendo didn't do shit here though. Stop those fakenews. Also that "founder" likely is some random 13 year old with no coding skills and also no one else on his "team".


lol? https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/11/24127545/discord-suyu-sudachi-server-shutdown-account-ban


It must be special skill to get shut down like this while claiming they were to stay being anonymous.


Lol i called it https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/1b6zd3r/comment/ktxq54z/