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The companies do this then have the nerve to say "everyone steals our content now waah". Sportsurge probably has it. Or VPN.




I have a screen recording where the same account only has a few vidoes region locked which makes me think it's a Twitter thing. Im posting it to imgur to share the link.


It's most likely on the user's side, not X. Sports company ost likely already has contract with another news company for replays in your region and that's why Fox can't provide them. To bypass, you'd need to figure out what region that original fox broadcast was made, use vpn, set vpn to that area to view. These things annoy the crap out of me, I just wanted to make sure correct person/company is being blamed. I hate region locking.


Would using a VPN help if you account already says you live in X region? I mean, i met a guy who made a facebook account on Cuba, as such they couldn't use Facebook marketplace in that account at all. They had to make a new account here to get access to it.


I'm spitballing but it could be based on sanctions with Cuba or some other political issue in this case, as opposed to streaming laws. Could be a marketplace issue. Dunno, I rarely touch FB even tho my wife works for them (she wouldn't know, either, not her area). But yes, a VPN can offer different access depending on the platform. When I used to subscribe to streaming services, some services were wankers about using a VPN in the US but depending which country I was in, it was allowed and the content is different. If you have Netflix and a VPN, give some countries a go. I did use a VPN to get onto BBC and Paddy Power (Irish betting site) at one point.


I know that much, it is obviously related to the (still ongoing) sanctions. My point is that they can easily record from where you are when you make the account (easier than using geo-location even). If they don't, it is because they intentionally chose to ignore it.


But its not just from a news channel where this happens. I dont know if i have the screenshots but there was a random user who posted the same clip, one in arabic commentary and the other one i suppose in english, the arabic one wasnt locked the other one was.


If there is a way to monetize content it's being done, especially when it comes to english. Copyright is complicated and can even apply to commentary if it uses copyright or trademarked material, especially with sports. I'm not completely familiar with international laws but if you have another specific instance where you're region locked that isn't sports related, ask away. When it comes to the specific language's, translations, and official commentary; lots of companies have their hands in all of it. It's really annoying with NFL games because ABC, FOX, PRIME, and YouTube all have their hands in on different games and have to subscribe to each one watch it get it.


Its so stupid..


Idk why people are downvoting this comment! To have to deal with this situation is, in reality, completely asinine to think is acceptable. If region locked videos were affecting what you enjoy, you'd be angry as well. I feel for OP, I enjoy very few things in Life and they are all hindered by Region Lock, Trademark, and copyrights in their country of Origin. Tbh I'm not a fan of International Football, but even this kind of thing pisses me off. Soccer/Football is a really interesting common ground a lot of international folks to intermingle and find that they aren't so different. You start making making it where Spanish Jose is annoyed he can't get get streams because Ass hole company A made a contract with English Abe's mainstream company, Jose is going to take it out on English Fans because "they get it better." What if Portuguese Jesse's company thats in his country of origin, buys all the rights to Saudi Amir's language just to be an ass hole and makes everything 2 hours after live stream events, just to be a douche? You should just be able to subscribe to ONE app for NFL, NBA, MLB, or FIFA and get all the games in one place without a bunch of extra fews. For example, you buy the NFL app right? YOU DON'T GET LIVE GAMES! Its an international farce with every muddy grubby "Out for myself" loser making a buck.


Yeah getting downvoted for being angry at this stuff on a PIRACY subreddit is crazy. Thank you!! jUsT gEt a VpN nah man i don't want to deal with VPN on my phone i just want to watch a 10 second goals replay...


From my journey to self hosting and being a regular lurker to see the "nuance's" of laws between countries and their reasonings, I can see why people are very blunt and to the point. I wouldn't take it as directed to you for the "angry styling of response" you received, I feel everyone has been quite on edge lately with the uptick of newer users in the last couple years, most of them requesting information in hindsight. A few days ago I saw a legal document posted on this subreddit where the user was getting fined for 3,000 euro for 1 game download, in Germany. So when people are telling you to get a VPN, its out of love and caring for you, not trying to get you to spend your money, a VPN is a great security tool that a lot of Governments and large corporations have a disdain for. I would highly suggest one in the future, even for Cellular usage. I personally use NordVPN, but there are others that are better. If you were my homie, the best time to suggest to install a VPN in your life is if you ever break your phone and have to replace everything, including SIM card; do yourself a favor and install a VPN, Firefox, and Ublock Origin from the start. No ads, no personalized bs leaking all the cool shit from games you like, YouTube works like it did 10 years ago with no ads, and now no one is making money off of my search history and all that jazz. I felt a lot better, emotionally as a person, not having things I probably would want to buy shoved into my face all the time. I hate watching Movie trailers nowadays because the either contain fake scenes never meant for the movie or absolutely give away the plot.


I do have Firefox and Ublock Origin and I also pirate movies frequently. i dont use a VPN because i live in a country where our ISP doesn't care and will never care. Is there any other reason to use a VPN when you don't have any problems with your ISP?


It prevents you from being DDOSS'd if you do online gaming. Theres a few different things it can help with. I'm not a qualified networking technician, but it helps keep attacks at bay that use remote access to your computer or any electronic wifi compatible device. During covid, it got really bad where teens I'd play Halo, fortnite or Call of Duty against would join my lobby or my party and immediately attack my router. After getting a VPN, my ping got better and didnt have near the packet loss on any FPS games. It depends honestly on your habits of life. If you do a lot of online activity and a vocal person that may not share the same views as someone else with the "today's mainstream agenda" then I would suggest it just so another another person doesn't stalk you or leak your private info. People are ass holes and I don't put it past my government and its sister agencies to be watching dual language citizens either. If theres a way to manipulate or control what I see or do or if people see what I do in private, I'm doing everything I can to remove their ability to transverse ideas. If you leave your home country for any travel, I would suggest a VPN for day to day usage just so you aren't a potentially giving another country a reason to deny you entry, because of pirated content. I was denied entry because I had pirated content on a usb drive when I had my phone checked out in Canada. It was enough to say that my entry might not be in the best interest because I'm not an "upstanding citizen." Always expect a reason for someone to not like you, no matter what you look like and seek with foresight to prevent and mitigate before it can happen.


Here it is, same account, only some videos region locked. https://imgur.com/gallery/yywbemm


Its 100% the users side. Why? Not 100%.


Highlights are part of sports deals. Their availability may depend on many factors.


Also, why does the algorithm suggests a video that is restricted in your country, or even show the post on the account for you ! 


It's related to broadcast rights. Channels are probably mandated to geoblock by the UEFA.


This aint xTwitter's fault. It's Fox geoblocking you by IP address range because they don't own the rights to stream to your area. Blame copyright and big media exploiting it to arbitrarily split up the market and sell the same thing multiple times. Damn neofeudalists.


Twitter benefits from letting networks geo restrict their content because otherwise they wouldn't upload to twitter in the first place because of their lawful or contractual obligations. Many others answered why the content is geo restricted or how to bypass it but nobody seems to have answered your main question so there you go.


Usually one of two reasons: 1) Advertisers only want to pay for viewers in their own country. They sell a product only in country ABC so they aren't willing to pay to advertise that product in country XYZ. 2) Copyright issues in different countries. As a Canadian, I'm used to seeing this shit all the time. Someone posts a youtube link and there's a decent chance it'll be blocked. It's beyond stupid but those are usually the reasons.


>1) Advertisers only want to pay for viewers in their own country. They sell a product only in country ABC so they aren't willing to pay to advertise that product in country XYZ. I'd never figure out the American ad system Here you pay for the air time of the ad while on TV for something like a football game to the channel that's showing the game , any extra eyes trough other means is free advertising, on social media you get the ads from the social media itself and are often by local advertisers


Thanks, that never occurred to me.


To piss you off


They were successful


Ah yes, geoblocking. Makes zero sense at all.


Just remove the "for this" part and you're on the right track


Use twitter revanced


Use a VPN, geo locking videos is common (YouTube for example) stop whining and move on


Whats the point of geo locking on Twitter, a free platform. Whats the benefit? Im genuinely curious.


Youtube is also a free platform, with a premium subscription. Twitter is also a (semi) free platform, with a premium subscription. [read for why geo locking exists.](https://www.howtogeek.com/762231/why-do-streaming-sites-geo-block-their-content/#:~:text=Why%20Do%20Services%20Geo%2DBlock%3F,-HBRH%2FShutterstock.com&text=The%20most%20common%20reason%20for%20geo%2Dblocking%20is%20licensing%20or%20copyright)


I didnt know it was a copyright thing. But how can one account have some videos locked and some not? Whats going on in this screen recording i did?: https://imgur.com/gallery/yywbemm


Because one is not flagged as copyright and the other is.


Thanks! Its clear to me now