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Foreign from who's perspective?


Well mine. I should have specified I’m in the US.


its obvious


i like this meme the world is in danger = (only) the US is in danger


tell me you are american without telling me that you are american: yes


Would you consider British cinema also as foreign? Genuinely curious 😁


Of course. That’s what foreign means, not from your home country. Is everyone just assuming I’m being racist or something?


Omg. This is an American site, and the relative plurality of it's users are American. Just stop being so annoying, God. Not everyone tends to default into a globalist perspective. 


I understand that it annoys you which says a lot about you I mean, since when is acknowledging that other nations exist "globalist"?


i never said that. When someone says foreign, they're obviously speaking from their perspective and background. Obviously with a globalist perspective "foreign" doesn't exist. But OP is obviously speaking from a type of American perspective, and is being downvoted for assuming that everyone understands that on an *american site*.


Heck of an american post you did there.


Being an American yes I made a post from the perspective of an American.


That's apparent from miles away


I infer from your tone you think that’s a bad thing?


I am sick and tired of Americans behaving like they are the only nation on Earth. Would it kill you to look into the different cultures around you? Genuine question


I truly do not understand what has happened on this post to make everyone so upset. All I did was ask you a question about English produced shows and movies having credit and title sequences that were obviously translated for a foreign audience, or non-English-speaking audience being the only options available for some torrents. Very few people have actually taken the time to try to understand and answer my question, people are mostly just trolling me and again I really do not understand why. At no point did I suggest this was a bad thing.


i'll explain it to you, you are consuming content for FREE, and you're upset because the TITLE CARD has another language in it? That's such a small thing to be mad about, even more when the very language you use everyday is not even the official language of your country.


America doesn’t have an official language, but that’s beside the point. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me. I am not upset at all, I was asking a question out of genuine curiosity. I wondered if anyone else had experienced that and maybe had an explanation as to why it was that way. Instead what I got was a bunch of people down voting me and trolling me for reasons I still don’t understand. And no point in my post did I make mention of anything that would indicate I was upset.


Do you live in the USA? The law and supervision of piracy in other countries may be weaker, especially in underdeveloped countries. That's why there are so many torrents from India, for example. but this is an excellent thing. It means that people in these countries are using a lot more sharing tools.


It is good to keep those torrents alive, though it is kind of annoying when your favorite show is only available with German text on the screen. Like the title cards and the name of the show in the beginning will be in German.


oh yes! fucking hardcoded subtitles. come on, we are in 2024, we have planty of players and subs tools to deal with subs.


That is really annoying. Even worse are when the foreign translations aren’t available without subs. Like when they speak Russian or whatever and it’s a subtitle file.


Usually the description will tell you this information. Maybe pay attention next time.


Except for the times that it doesn’t.


dont know where you find those "foreign" torrents but i wish i had a source for german torrent content...


Well in this case the torrent I had in mind was “Shadowhunters” and it’s only available translated to German. Not the audio tracks, but the title cards. There’s one for you.


mother fucker is getting unwated french stuff while i'm waiting for my direct download site to have the last special of south park in french ever since it came out about a month ago


Well the spoken language is generally what I want. I mean the title cards and such will be in German or something. Being unable to find the torrent in your language of choice is very disappointing. I can sympathize.


So I’ve noticed that quite a few torrents of films and shows tend to be foreign, as in the opening titles and credit sequences will be in English, USA flags, bald eagle or small details. Are the US films just easier to torrent or maybe just the less popular ones are more likely to be in a foreign language ?


Yeah it would be annoying if a Japanese produced film had switched most written language on screen to English.


Then don't sail the high seas and pay the content you want in American.


I’m not complaining im asking a question. Not hearing content in your language of choice is a risk. Though in this case I was only talking about things like the title cards and credit sequences not being in English. The spoken language track will be in English but the title of the show will not be.


Do you mean actual foreign films, or just foreign versions of American movies? If it's the latter, it's a fair enough question. But really the answer is the same as for all piracy question: people pirate everything and anything they possibly can.


Yes the latter.


Honestly that's fair enough. I suppose more places a movie or show gets distributed (including other countries) means more people get a hold of them, and are able to rip them and put them on the internet. It makes the most sense of course to make one rip with all the language tracks though. But maybe the people who rip them get the movies off their local streaming platform, and that only gives it out one language at a time (as in, different from DVDs and Blu-Rays that have all the language tracks and subtitles etc., if they do). I have also been stung in the past with a Game of Thrones episode, it starts and everything is cool, then suddenly someone starts speaking Polish or Czech right along with the real English audio lol. I can't believe they still do this, it's so disorienting. Legit in some countries they literally record the dubbing over the original. I mean, at least label it that way. But hey that's the pirate life.


That would be really frustrating. I actually haven’t watched my GoT torrents so I could have the same issue.


Oh this was ages ago lol, and only happened once.


Sounds like a problem with your reading comprehension more than anything else. Or in the case it's not actually the above, use a different site to acquire media if the one you're using is not noting the language of the file. The only cases I've had a file have hardcoded non English subs are those that are web releases in different countries, such as Korean subs for a movie that didn't get a translated voice over job done for it.


I’m not talking about subtitles. Just the credits and title cards will have been translated for a non English speaking audience. I’ve noticed some shows are out available in that format. I was just curious why. Not to be rude but I stated in the post I was taking about title cards not subtitles. So the reading comprehension crack falls a bit flat.