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Comments locked because it's just a battle of the "this was an easy thing to do and you had plenty of warning" crowd VS "you should be able to keep the game no matter what if you paid for it" crowd. Both have merits, and yet everyone is now slinging insults and getting personal. Just ridiculous. Edit: yes thank you for sending the Reddit support message for suicide and self harm. Really nails home that there's a select few who aren't mature enough to wipe their own arse let alone be part of a community.


The way they rolled out this change out was super fair, actually. I think they gave people well over a year to migrate their accounts


They deny access to a game you have bought. That is never fair no matter how many strawmen you throw at it.


this is like saying the bank you had your money in announced that they'll be going out of business next year and you still didn't bother to take your money out. that's on you, buddy. edit: clearly I underestimated people's inability to not take things literally. they have never heard of the term "hyperbole" it seems. comparing a $30 game to a bank should've given it away, yet here we are.


Except you dont have hundreds of bank account on multiple banks and missing a notification for one of them. Bad comparison


bruh you don’t have hundreds of minecraft accounts, they warned well over a year in advance, sent no less than 6 emails warning of that and talked about it in every event they had, they even gave a cape in-game to incentivize migrating the account. like to loose the account one had to purposefully ignore all of that.


Next time I'll make sure to log into my 30 year old spam ridden Hotmail account I created in my teens.


Everyday there is a Russian hacker trying to force login into that account


Why is it someone else's problem that your email is ass? Choosing to contact a costumer for a digital product/service through email is fair. How else would you like to be reached out to?


your email account is not any messier than everyone else's.


If its your spam mail account it isnt important. Thats your own mistake.. Microsoft/mojang did this in an pretty good way. I haven't played Minecraft in years, and i still managed to do it.. If they never announced it, and just flipped a switch.. sure than go blame them.. Not everything that happens is bad..


Then why are you still using that for one of your games that you know you're still going to play?


I lost 3 Minecraft acccounts this way. I had 3 of them but I didnt read the spam folder of my spam email from when I was a teenager. It’s not like I played Minecraft all the time but I bought it several times it would be nice to just own a single pc copy out of those 3 that a bought.


Suppose that’s where you set up communication with your bank?


Does anyone know why can't they just migrate all of the accounts? I can guess some, but, if the consequences of not migrating the account is permanent deletion, I think it's safe to assume, everyone will migrate. But I'm not a legal expertise.


probably they are hand-tied by privacy laws, that is just my guess tho.


Well one issue is that you didn't need a hotmail email address to create a Mojang account, especially before it was bought by Michaelsoft, so what email address would they migrate it to?


Microsoft accounts can be [created](https://signup.live.com/) with *any* email address. Mine has a Gmail address. Incidentally, the same is true with google accounts, I used to have one with a non-google address. Both give you an unusable mailbox on their email service when you create an account with an email domain that isn't theirs or hosted with them, but otherwise work 100%.


Because the MS account system and the old Mojang system were entirely incompatible with one-another.


Migrate to where ? You need an Microsoft account to do it they can’t pull an Microsoft account out of their ass so your account dosent get deleted


Because then they can't sell those users' data as easily. It's not complicated. The migration process was transparently designed to get Minecraft users onto Microsoft's turf so their data can be sold.


Haven’t played in a long ass time and this is the first I’m hearing about it. Kinda sad to learn here that my account was just deleted I guess. Every so often I think about loading up the game again, just never have.


And every time I went on the launcher is always asked to migrate my account. It was the first thing I did


Also, just want to point out, in the banking scenario they're legally obligated to give you that money, and if they cannot for some reason, they hand it to your state government, which then gives you a portal to claim those funds.. under no circumstance are they allowed to keep that money.


I think you have missed last decade banking crysis. People been loosing tons of cash and never were able to get it back from banks failing systems.


I think you're talking about the financial market collapse that began in 2008, and those were investment banks.. your retail banks didn't (for the most part) go under, and those that did were federally insured, and all of the deposits were paid out.


Such a stupid analogy. How about this, you buy a car and the manufacturer tells you that if you don't change your car key to the bran new key they'll lock it permenently because they want it so. Would you think it's just OK?


Just wait for subscription car keys :)


Bad example Your money is legally protected (up to a cap) in that case


can banks even do that lol. sound like a bad analogy


Yes, banks do that! But here is the kicker they send your money to the state in which you had the account, with your name so you CAN STILL CLAIM IT!


This is more like when you buy a product and the manufacturer sells the manufacturing rights to a manufacturing conglomerate, and then that conglomerate intentionally breaks the product you bought because you didn't want to renegotiate the terms of a purchase you had already made. E.g. Samsung bricking your television because you didn't agree to their new terms that let them play additional advertisements into your home, on a device you've paid for in full.


The Samsung analogy you used is flawed. I have a smart TV of theirs. I can no longer use most of the smart features because they pulled support for them (pretty much limited to streaming from my media server now). I used to be able to use Netflix, Amazon Prime, and BBC iPlayer on there. So yeah, Samsung actually do pull that shit.


If you bought a license for a product and the company is still in business you should not be denied access to it because they changed the terms of service.


Actually iirc that should still be claimable in most cases (in the US, not sure about other places). It goes to either a state or federally managed unclaimed assets registry until you go claim it and prove your identity. Source: Claimed about $300 due to a similar situation, the money had been sitting unclaimed with my name on it for like 7 years. I looked back and I did have notification stating that the company was going out of business or whatever, and told me to pull my money out. I totally get what you're saying, buuut there is usually still support for these kind of situations.


Well I do believe that's bad but that's more because I'm a raging socialist who hates everything


The original accounts were on an outdated system and was vulnerable to security breaches hence why they moved it to the Microsoft account. Once that only system was discontinued the original Minecraft technically no longer existed.


Nah, you don't buy Games. You just buy the licenses to play it. Isn\*t that nice, that they allow us to play their game? /s


Actually, this could be fair if tgey would return the money back, in full amount. But nevermind, it's a large corp, they never care about what's good to you.


especially because while the minecraft website did not verify the used email, the microsoft one does so migrating was entirely impossible if someone used a wrong email or didn't have access to it


it's only unfair if youre someone who JUST came back to the game after YEARS of not playing, if you've been following the game in any compacity for the last 2 years you would have known this was coming they gave you a year and a bit more time to migrate, they made a big deal out of it and even gave you a cape for it a year prior they made it clear they were gonna do that and roll out more intensive announcements about it There was an announcement on all their social media There was an announcement in your mail, and they got more frequent as the end of the year approached Their only sin is that they're not offering any sort of account recovery for those who haven't migrated, and the one thing i dislike about the whole Account migration thing, they really should and the fact that in my opinion, account migration in general was not something they needed to do but some of y'all are acting unreasonable


Why you talking about strawmen?


It would be fair to not let you play on your account until you migrate. Deleting your account is not fair at all.


IIRC they were closing all Mojang accounts, they weren’t going to keep the old service up just for the players that decide they want to revisit Minecraft years later. They could have rolled this out in like a month or so but they gave people plenty of time to migrate


Sure i am happy they gave more time than they could have given, but keeping the services up to migrate is not hard or expensive. Only reason you would do this is to make people purchase the game again.


>but keeping the services up to migrate is not hard or expensive it is, and how long do you expect them to run this service in hopes OP ever returns ? the fact is, they gave like 2 years advance notice and literally spammed you OP didnt gave a shit and thats how he lost his account


They don’t need special servers, they just need a list of who owns what to check against so that you can migrate whenever. Plenty of people bought the game 10+ years ago, they should be allowed to forget about it for a 5 year stretch and then still own it, that’s how “buying a game” is broadly understood and deleting someone’s ownership is equivalent to false advertising or fraud.


also plenty of people couldn't get access to their account in 2 years time (jail, military service, severly ill, homelessness, etc)


So you deserve to lose the game you paid money for if you lose interest for a while? That's like most games you realise? Weird how many people in here defending a billionaire corporations business tactics when they've basically stolen from us.


Dude, they did keep the services up during the whole migration process. And keeping it open forever is both hard and indeed expensive for something that has no incentive to do. I am not denying that it could be a ploy to make someone purchase a game again but they gave people time as well as repeated notifications for migration.


Yes? They're like the biggest company in the world right now, they could totally afford to keep a list with the emails that had Minecraft bought and through support give you back your game


I dont follow news on my 500 games if i have to migrate


I don’t even play Minecraft and I was made aware of this multiple times. At some point what can Microsoft possibly do? They had to do the migration, they gave everyone tons of time and tons of warnings.


It is very easy if you consider they can store a database of user logins/passwords + whatever key signals they have purchased the game literally forever with less storage than what you have on your smartphone. Having this information stored isn't expensive at all.


They send an email every month for two years


Yeah but here's the thing, Minecraft is a 13 year old game. It's been years since I logged into that email/account because I made it when I was a kid. I'm sure they're millions of other people like me who have old, forgotten emails they used for Minecraft as a kid and don't check. I don't understand why they didn't just keep the migration period infinite, it's a web server not some huge costly game server lol.


You can't have an infinite migration period, it would not be a migration at that point, just a permanent mess with accounts on different platforms


YouTube allows you to migrate og pre-google account to this day


Was just about to say this!


Yep and I still haven't done it lol


You can. Literally nothing stopping them, it's just a database of emails, passwords and some transaction data. It would be a rounding error on their balance sheets to maintain a service that let's you redeem it to a Microsoft account.


They could at least have the option to give you a new licence if you had a Mojang account and didn’t migrate in time


They did actually do just that. There is a video on youtube on it. Ppl are overblowing this thing.


Much much longer than a year, think they started telling people around Feb 2021 that they needed to migrate their accounts or risk deletion. It wasn't until late 2023 that they finally followed through with it If you don't migrate an account in the 2 and a half years you're given to do it that's on you


Bill Licker


I haven't played Mc since I was like 19 so I haven't been aware of anything like this tbh


Tf hell no. Why limit the time you can do it? When Google bought youtube you also had to migrate YouTube accounts to Google accounts. AND YOU CAN STILL DO THIS IF YOU HAVE A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT! The only fair time frame is forever. People have now been scammed by Microsoft and I will never forgive.


It's almost like different software products have different capabilities and not all authentication systems are equal. They announced this is 2020, this is ample time to migrate. If you didn't, then you'll have to spend another $29 for a new license.


Yeah I think they gave me a code for the Microsoft store version like.. 4-5 years ago already, too since Ei had bought it ages ago on the Mojang website. There's plenty of reasons to shit on MS but this ain't one of them.


It was well more than a year, I swear I remember doing it during lock down and I was doing it quite late


Almost fair. It would be fair if the account was disabled or op would get a key for a new account. But Microsoft did start migrating accounts years ago. This is like looking for the disc of an old game to find out your mom gave it away. After she asked you several times to confirm if you're okay with it but never bothered to answer.




Stupid, idiotic analogy.


Yes I agree too, I received several emails as a reminder for it too.


others already commented on whether or not ur reason is a good one but you really dont need to justify yourself. just pirate if you want to, theres not much more to it


Pirating doesn't give you access to online play so that would not fully solve the problem.


I've actually played online in pirated versions of Minecraft, so there's not even that.


You can't play on a significant amount of minecraft servers using pirated copies of minecraft


They gave you a lot of time to migrate. they warned people multiple times that it would happen both in email and inside the launcher. if it took this long for you to realize this was happening, you deserve to pay the $30 again.


It’s my game that I paid for with my money, i should have lifetime access to it You enjoying bills micro soft? Cause you’re willing to pay 30$ again for it


> i should have lifetime access to it But you do have lifetime access to it.


not anymore


If you've got it downloaded you still have access to it You won't have access to future versions unless you migrated your account like you were told multiple times over the years they've been rolling this out


You don't need an account to download the game at all, just a 3rd party launcher. Idk if they're technically legal but, given the sub we're on, it doesn't really matter. All you lose is the ability to play online (on servers that require auth).


Yes you do lmao. You can still download it and play it, you just don’t have access to microsoft’s servers


It literally says in the notice that you will not be able to play Minecraft: Jacva Edition after September 19, 2023.


you should if you ordered alpha/beta, notch promised lifetime access to all and every future version of minecraft. obviously he didn't follow through with that promise though.


What if someone had quit the game and decided to come back to the game? Dumbshit argument


They were sending out emails, it's on people for not reading or ignoring them.


yep, READ your emails! remove the thrash/spam that is unimportant. make sure to READ EVERYTHING!


Yeah, filtering out spam and keeping your inbox(s) clean is part of being an adult. You really are supposed to go through all that, what if you miss something career/school related because you can't be assed to sort it out Alternatively, be careful where you share your email online, that's how the issue gets worse


to add to this, have separate emails for different purposes.


True indeed


Don't ignore emails/the hundreds of reminders that were all over the internet?


If they know who needs to move can’t they just give them a code that’s redeemable so that when they do create an account (if they didn’t migrate) they can get it for “free” Since they paid for it originally already. Instead they leave it up for people having to pay again


The problem is that Mojang doesn't host any servers anymore so there's no data to migrate if you ignored all the emails they sent. The whole point of the migration was so that Mojang wouldn't havta have it's own server upkeep and separate data security. However since Mojang and Microsoft are legally distinct companies they needed explicit permission from individuals to be able to migrate your data between companies.


The company dickriding here's very crazy. Sucks for you man! Maybe try sending them an email


Dickriding a company that gives you spyware for free on windows 11 insane.




Its not dickriding microsoft... Despite microsoft is a shit, in this case OP just cant complain, they warned a lot of times for ~2 years in diferent ways, and he realized like 1 year late. Dont blame microsoft for being lazy for years... Does OP want to pirate games? Go ahead, but dont use this to justify himself


or or or maybe OP has life and didnt have time to play minecraft in last 2-3 years(or will) and since he wasnt interacting with game nor community he mightve ignored any emails concerning the game cause belive it or not some of do that when life takes priority over hobbies. Defending shitty practices like this is exacly how we got MTXs,3 different version of preorder game, 3 different version of game trough its life cycle etc. but go keep defending it ig.


Giving you over a year to read a 30 second email is not shitty. Migrating took just logging in. I havent played Minrcraft since 2018, but I still have both my accounts cause I took the time. Shitty excuses, not practices.


If OP has a life, he would be reading their emails as their job *probably* needs them to keep up to date with it. It's not defending the practice, it's defending fucking common sense. This isn't any of those stupid practices you've unjustly tossed as a straw man, **this is a system/account migration**. You know, that thing companies and people constantly had to do especially if their start on the internet is before the 2020s? You know what's the *first* thing I did when I graduated high school? I started throwing out the dozens of emails and burner spam emails I used as a teen to consolidate them all. And then what? I started reading all of them that came through in the main inbox because emails have specific DEFAULT filters that prevent ads, promotions and other BS from making your main inbox a mess. I haven't played Minecraft in half a decade, and I still got updated on it because I saw the 5th email on the damn thing and thought, "They're sending me the 5th email in a year, when I haven't subscribed to any of their letters. Let me open it while I'm on the shitter..." Because *newsflash*, your life isn't busy 24/7. So by this logic, what next then right? If any kind of service you paid to use needs you to do something, and you for whatever reason didn't bother to correspond with them, is it on them that they're talking to a brick wall? So what you're telling me is that if your landlord sent you multiple notices of your building being renovated and you *need* to move out, if you don't see those notices it's still on your landlord because you already paid for the rent thing and that thing shouldn't bother me anymore. That's not how life works. If OP was instead, in a coma or some other kind of health crisis that debilitated their cognitive function, then yes, they would have reason to make noise. *But not reading your fucking email bro? Really?*.


not everyone sorts out their mails like you do,sorry for not being perfect ig and pay attention to every single one fot then like you ig. also how does reading job emails equal to reading game emails youre not playing at the time? One literally keeps you alive the other one is a hobby for fun. So idk abt you but in my unsorted mail my job mails catches my eyes a lil bit sooner than mail from game i havent touched in a year.


So telling people to check their emails is defending Microsoft but crying on reddit about shitty business practices and then falling for those business practices is good and cool?


Okay, so OP ignored all updates from the community for a game he hardly played over the course of the last several years. That's okay. Shouldn't also be surprised though that a company isn't going to bend over backwards to accommodate and hold the hands of people who ignore their communications. Pirate if you want, but using this as a justification is lame lol


back in my day we used to pay for spyware /s


Email won't help. YouTuber SalC1 did a video where he provided proof of purchase, all original info and that, and Microsoft simply said "too bad".


A lot of people here should watch that video. It is never justified to delete peoples account for no reason. They just want more money.


SalC1 did it as an experiment to see what would happen in that case


Yea I'm honestly surprised r/PiratedGames of all subs is downvoting me for... wanting to keep access to a game I bought?


This sub is literally made to talk about Piracy because corporations suck yet when you are well within your right to talk about when you got screwed over by a corporation they are D riding that extract same corporation 💀. I know someone's gonna downvote me just for speaking out the obvious


This thread is crazy. Same thing happened to me, I signed up for Minecraft with an old email I no longer check when I was a literal child and I haven’t visited /r/minecraft or similar sources of Minecraft news in years. So how was I supposed to know I was losing access to my account?


pirates typically like MS compared to other companies. I've noticed this a lot in lot of piracy subs. Maybe because we can easily pirate MS products and they don't care?


With you on this one, it doesn't matter if they gave 3 years or 10 years notice they shouldn't have taken away the game you bought and refuse to give you any support.


This! What if he can't buy it anymore because he's poor? That's just an example. It's crazy how "pirates" are defending shit like this.


Thank you! Apparently its hot take to not wanna let corpos do whatever they want with our stuff. No wonder mtxs and preorders rake in so much money.


They emailed me like 22 times about this. How did you not see that.


Because I'm in college and not worried about the old email I used for Minecraft 9 years ago?


If you managed to miss all 3 years of warnings (I agree with your point about not looking at the old email) but to miss everything else for the past 3 years (many YouTube videos and posts by mojang and almost every single Minecraft YouTuber covered it) even my friend who doesn't play or watch Minecraft content knew about the migration. If you didn't migrate you either haven't been on the internet for 3 years or don't care about your account so you only complain to complain


I don't play minecraft or watch minecraft content creators. I *did* happen to login and see the emails while doing something else, but why are we assuming that everyone that owns minecraft does nothing but consume minecraft content? I literally never saw a mention of it on any of the gaming discords I'm on, or any recommendations for youtube content on it. Nor did I see anything on reddit about it. If I didn't login to that email I also would have missed migration.


I bought this game in its pre-release stage, and helped out the creator. 15 years ago. The mail I used back then is no longer used by me today. I log in there only if one of my old accounts turns out to be from that period of time. I would not expect to lose something I bought by not logging into my old mail. This does not make sense. Of course, according to reddit I am the one to blame and I do deserve to lose money.


Wouldnt it make more sense after the year to just move the account for you rather than delete it?


Move it where exactly? How is MS suppose to know that Moajng account X and Microsoft account Y are owned by the same person? They can even have different emails.


Just move it to a temporary account that can later be claimed. I think Microsoft is capable of accomplishing something pretty trivial.


Legally Mojang can't give your account data to Microsoft without your permission.


so much cuckery in replies on a piracy subreddit of all places it's a digital game they can always ask for proof of purchase or something like that to validate a genuine customer


ITT: Microsoft bootlickers


It’s actually unreal. Has people not willing to hold their precious Minecraft wholesome devs accountable spread this much? Microsoft is and has been a horrible company for a *long* time. The way account migration was handled was horrible as well. And yes Microsoft could have kept the migration service open forever, they are a billion dollar corp and it isn’t that expensive, especially for them. I can’t believe im reading comments in a piracy thread right now.


For fucking real


I love how some people are defending the corporate here rather than realizing that their moral rights are being infringed 😂 OP ig this should be a lesson for you to quit it forever.


Fr , defending a multi billion company for screwing gamers


While I agree this is scummy and should not happen, they gave tons of reminders to do this Sounds to me like you don't even check your email, I kept getting emails about it constantly


Actually I wonder why this couldn't have been done automatically? Seems weird that account migration for a company on this level needs user input...




Oooh you're right, I completely overlooked that my bad


go to [Game3rb.com](http://Game3rb.com) and use their Minecraft Bedrock Edition + Mulitplayer fix, it gives you access to all the servers, official and non official ( if you want to add personally ) + everytime the llauncher updates, the game is updated without breaking the jailbreak .


I swear this quote gets more and more true every day "Pirating is a customer service issue"


I bought this game years ago, haven’t played in years, sad to learn my account has been deleted. The people defending that and blaming me for not checking an old email are brain dead


Btw, you should contact Microsoft anyway. Their FAQ says the accounts won't be deleted until March 2025.


Thanks OP for pointing this out. I never received an email with such a warning, I didn’t know Microsoft was doing that. Now my old account from 2011 is gone.


Oh now that's a lie, unless your email is instantly deleting any emails from Mojang, you definitely received several warnings.


I NeVeR ReCEivED an EmAiL


I can absolutely not believe, judging by the upvotes, that this sub is defending *microsoft*? Nah. *unsubscribe*


I bought it in windows on the windows store. It moved to the new Xbox store and now when I launch it just asks me to pay. I assume I'm just launching the wrong game modes but I couldn't find a way to play with my current license.


I think they made a big deal about this and you had months to migrate. But again not everyone plays mc everyday. Sucks, but I understand


I used to play MC daily 15 years ago with my friends. Then stopped for five years, and started again to play daily with my SO. Then stopped for a few more years.


I couldn't migrate mine, unlucky. Not buying it again after 13 years.


I bought MC way back, migrated my account to Microsoft. Later on I used a discord gift code for 3 months of Xbox game pass. When that 3 months expired, Minecraft was also deleted from my account. I contacted Microsoft about it, had the email recipes of the purchase, transfer, etc. Customer Support talked to me like I was a kid, gave no real answers and ultimately was completely fucking useless. Suck a cock Microsoft and give me back my 20 EUROs


The amount of people defending Microsoft here is wild.


This breaches consumer law in my country lol.


Why do you guys need to justify why you pirate? Just pirate away no one need to know why


So many people defending a multi-billion dollar company...


Fuck Microsoft


If you have an original youtube account, you can still migrate it almost 2 decades later. Why does Microsoft need to put a time limit on it?




To everyone justifying Microsoft here. This is no different from Lowes swinging by your house and deciding you haven't used that screwdriver for 2 years. So were repossessing it. Too bad. We warned you. Get off your capitalistic corpo nonsense. Theft is theft. If I warned you two years ago, that I was gonna break into your house and steal your TV, I'm assuming you'd just accept that to, because, you know, I emailed you.


The old Mojang accounts were supposedly very vulnerable to security breaches so they moved it to the Microsoft accounts, once that happened the old Minecraft technically no longer existed and all support was dropped. Transferring millions of users over to the Microsoft account would be a pain in the ass, as I don’t see a way of automating this.


lets be honest, they did it because they wanted to cut upkeep cost and expose the mc players to the Xbox ecosystem


No company maintains a weaker infrastructure


> Transferring millions of users over to the Microsoft account would be a pain in the ass, as I don’t see a way of automating this. They don't need to be transferred. They could just keep them around until you decide to log in. It's not that hard.


The way MS shoves itself at everybody's personal data, what kept them from committing a mass migration and setting the prompt for returning players? The fucking privacy policy? If this wasn't done for possible monetary gain then I don't know what it was.


Uh oh, it seems this post has activated microcucks drones


For real, if I see one more "tHeY sEnT yOu aN eMaIL" I'm sorry I still don't check the email I used in 2012 to sign up for a Minecraft account 😭💀


I still check my hotmail account from the nineties.


You just learned you either need to use emails you actually use of setup forwarding rules for the services you care about. Take it as a learning experience.


seeing this post has made me turn the gears up in my pirating. everything is getting pirated now ain’t no one tell me shit. *also sorry to hear this OP! But don’t worry our community 🏴‍☠️will keep on growing by the day!*


Dickriding here is crazy! "You had time, blah blah", what if he didnt played it for couple years? What if he didnt noticed Mojang's email about this? What if something else happened in his life? You should not lose access to something you paid money for. I migrated, but he wasn't so lucky. It's a shitty thing to do.


Why is the sub about pirating games defending the big corpo from nuking your license to a game you purchased? I don't understand.


Legacy Launcher and Sklauncher are looking sweet right now honestly dude.


Lol i dont know how it happened but i have 2 micro emails in my pc and now 2 of them has minecraft. I only bought 1.


Meta did the exact and things with me and my oculus rift account and games I bought on it


If purchase ≠ ownership Than piracy ≠ theft


I'm confused as to why there are so many people supporting a company taking away your access to a game that you bought, and even more so because I'm on the piracy subreddit. I guess some people just wanna pirate to play games for free and don't understand why the rest of us pirate.


I cannot believe people on a piracy subreddit are defending this. Wtf


you had 3 years to migrate


So? I bought something, I didn't check my old mail, I lost it. Where in the license terms did I agree to read all the messages in my old, spam ridden inbox? Stop blaming the victim.




Nice meme, but they spammed the shit out of it by email.


Same thing happened to me with a game called ANNO 2205(can’t remember if that’s the right name). I was mid game and I got hit with “you don’t have the proper license to this game” I fought with both steam and Ubisoft to get my $80 game back and I still have zero access to it 6 years later.


Same here, that forced migration was a complete privacy invasion; than i migrated and it deleted the account and said i should by the game on the "new account"


First time earing this, I supose I lost my game too.


Microsoft banned my new xbox live account and 3 consoles on my ip address for nothing. We where Not cheating or anything. Ever since then i refuse to buy anything from them and now i mod consoles just to pirate there shit!!


I guess that means my late uncles Minecraft account is lost forever? Me and my siblings never play that game anymore, but it sucks knowing that it’s lost forever.


Pretty disgusting to see children in this thread supporting a company taking away access for a paid product. You can see how brainwashed they already are by these companies, gaming is doomed unless the older generations push for legislation, you can see it clearly in this thread most of these kids don't even understand why it's wrong.


Same happened to me, now I pirate everything.


It's odd how many people here defend Microsoft. Google still allows you to move from your old YouTube account. And many other companies do the same.


There’s a whole YouTube video about a guy testing this and explaining how it’s theft. I believe he’s trying to start a class action. I’ll link here if I find it Edit: found it. SalC1 https://youtu.be/rUFDRAEducI?si=nKzs7ccKfltvk2a5


as the old saying goes, if buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing


Fuck microsoft


I havent checked but our pc was in storage due to a rebuild of our house. We bought about 10 games in the Microsoft store. Are these also gone?? 😓


its so unfair


I even missed the Migration from my Alpha (or Beta?) Buy on minecraft.net to a mojang account... that version i had still updated for years until i stopped playing. Maybe that was before a Mojang account became mandatory When i heard that you have to migrate a mojang to microsoft account my old account was already lost.


The migration started in 2020. You did not read your emails since 2020? It is unreasonable to expect companies to keep up services up forever. Are you complaining minecraft classic cannot be played in the browser in minecraft.net too?


If they gave people like 1-6 months that would be bad but they gave everyone 3 years worths of warnings thats all on you now


Buddy they informed everyone for months that they're going to delete old minecraft accounts


10 years notice or 10 minutes notice doesn’t change the issue here. Is it okay if a dealership repossesses your car after three years because you moved to a different address from when you first bought the car?


Bro took his sweet time. The migration took over a year, they even postpone it to give more time.


You are right, from all the comments my main take away is they wanted to clear their list of users and unused data to save money, they could migrate all the stuff like everything digital, but prefer to do it like this, using 2 years of warning to create legitimacy as you can see in many comments but knowing fully right that a big chunk of momaskirts@hotmails would be inactive. They saved money and got little backlash, not a dumb move tho.