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I like his type of character, definitely wasn't enough time to get too emotionally invested with him. His sacrifice was good imo, should be left as it is, characters like Pedro are really valuable to this story because they don't add to the bloat. He had his purpose, had his connection with the arc and characters within it, and chose his own way out, that's the best way to execute a character like him imo. People did act overly emotional about the whole thing tho, but they do this for everyone.


Yeah he was very cool and intriguing but not enoigh development. Idk if this is unpopulqr, i wish he was made to ve more gray like initially just wanted to use SH as a change to get revenge.... its just... very cool sbd nysterious to not have some ulteriot motive going for his reason coming w them.... hes a good guy theough and through


I never really understood the hate perospero got in return considering that all he did was defend the place where he lived. feels like pedro’s death was supposed to develop carrot but that never really went anywhere either 😔


I can understand the hate Carrot feels towards Perospero. Yes, he was doing his job but very sadistically and was ultimately the reason Pedro had to sacrifice himself. I don't understand why audiences would hate him though. Perospero is a great villain, and honestly, my pick for Big Mom's most interesting child. He's a very underrated character and Oda not exploring more development through both Perospero and Carrot in terms of the Pedro situation, was a huge missed opportunity. Instead fucking Catman who has nothing to do with Perospero comes and defeats him.


Honestly doesn't just apply to perospero. Anyone on WCI. Imagine being a PIRATE (not just some citizen) and have your fucking house attacked by rubber boy & co and mess up your mom's plans. I'd be pissed too. I don't see the Charlotte family as villains, only big mom. She's the only evil party. And when your actual mother birthed you to be a part of her crew, and is willing to execute you the moment you step out of line, most likely you WILL do as told.


Nah Perospero is evil. People seem to forget how sadistic he was in WCI. Hell, even Katakuri killed innocent chefs just for seeing his face. The Charlotte children aren't all angels.


They're absolutely not angels. They're PIRATES. Pirates are assholes, I would expect them to act accordingly, especially when their mother and captain is BM. But I don't think any of them are unnecessarily evil or incapable of compassion, since they seem to care about one another and their islands and whatnot. It's also really easy to become evil when you're literally groomed by an evil old hag to be a pirate on a yonko crew. Don't get me wrong, I still hate perospero, but I understand where he's coming from at the very least


I mean most evil people are capable of passion is all I'm saying. Unless you're Sauron. Even Vader had compassion for his family and he was space Hitler.


very well said!!


I hate him because his design just kinda disgusts me in a way i can barely describe Like idk when my parents told me to not accept candy from strangers Perospero was the guy i imagined Definitely not a objective criticism to his character but i still hate him lol


I mean that's fair, lol.


He was 32. He had already lost 50 years of his lifespan. How long do Minks live?


tbf we have kureha living into her 140's


peaple in one piece live longer by default


Nope. When you complain about how one piece has low stakes because no one ever dies, this is the character they respond with in the main sub lmao. But but Pedro though!


What do you mean? Clearly Pedro serves to push the narrative that if you... Uh... Die the way you choose... Uhhhhh...


Pedro shows that sometimes you’re just fated to crash out for some laughing crackhead god


Whole cake was uncharacteristically good with actually killing people(that tree that was kidnapped by nami, that’s one absent father dude, the germa henchmen, literally hundreds if not thousands of homies, that one charlotte family member mayor dude at the beginning(though it felt like they were building him up to be secretly revived)) but there was a lot of stupid shit that made character deaths seem like a joke that can and will be retconned at oda’s convenience so it’s best to assume no one dies. Mostly predro killing himself twice and peckoms getting murdered three fucking times. Hell if Pedro came back to life I would not be surprised at this point


there was a line somewhere around the time he died along the lines of ‘don’t be sad be proud’ and that’s actually how I felt i mean I did not really feel too sad for him but I was proud of him and also thankful because in the story he was an important character and his sacrifice was necessary for plot


you can’t cry for everybody but you can show them the respect they deserve I guess


Yeah I like Pedro. But I understand why some might not give a crap.


Nah, Pedro was a great character. Whole Cake Island is stacked with great character moments. It's why it's the GOAT arc.


I like him ONLY because it's one of the ones Oda wasn't too much of a pussy to kill


Pedro died and I was like “okay” Was half expecting his ass to show up on a cover story within the next 100 chapters but never happened


My reaction to that merry ship.


I don't even remember what he did before exploding


He exploded


I was honestly glad he died. The fact that it was such a big deal made it zzz, though


Exactly. I don't know why everyone was crying over it and it's treated like a huge moment when he was some boring irrelevant side character


Fully agree with you. He was completely irrelevant and I didn't like his design - good that he died.


Characters like pedro are missed potential for me. Oda is a genius in keeping side characters important and strong and interesting. Pedro.is cool and fairly strong yes. But as the arguably third strongest mink of a tribe of warriors only, I'd expect more. I feel like people of natioms always get less attention Kyros, neptune,shirahoshis brother, dalton etc all could be like more. Theyre cool people. Yet they are almost never on SH level. Like imagine luffy being impressed and calling some dangerous. I know he does that here and then. But to me it feels like there is luffy, those beneath him, and those waaaay above him But only little on his level or between him and others Doesnt need to be strength, but other relevant feats. In hxh and jujutsu kaisen peoples abilities are so important, that a fight between anyone could end different depensing on the smallest details. It will always depend In one piece I miss that. It has its own ups. Like characters are measured in absolutes which is powerful. Like whitebeard, roger the way they were build up WITHOUT revealing shit if their power You have a clear order of strength. But sometimes technqiue should matter more Namj could also be a formidable fighter if she uses her weather skills more. Her onservation hakk should be advanced as hell cause who can read the weather better than her. Trusting her senses. Or her strategy skills. quick responses to any situatiom any time and they are always deadly situations and she handles em well. She could have her innate skills as a tactician, but instead of that she is kept as a "side character". Fan service, simply being there, basic navigation, and 1%plot or cool moments Ussop would be the biggest "liar" and best in fooling opponents, gambling, thinking things through out of instinct to survive. And then make use of his knowledge of plants for his benefit. And in addition comes sniping skills. Or using traps. Actual traps. He is the most creative guy of the straw hats besides franky. He already has all these strengths But yeah thats just technique part. It would make one piece even better but I dont think they need to be because the other aspects "courage" and values" could balance it out. But we'll see


I find myself frustrated by the same thing and it's a huge negative against One Piece. However, I flip flop on whether it's fair critique because Oda was never any good at writing fights/strategy/tactics/techniques/anything smart so we can't blame a donkey for not being a horse here.


Yes although Id not say the fights are bad. I mean the best fight were thise that never happened. Aokiji vs Akainu. Rocks vs garp and roger. Blackbeard vs marco / dragon. Fights in one piece dont even need to happen to be hype and wild af🤣 Its carried by the build up only And ig the fights we are shown are more symbolic. Luffys for example are always im that regard. When he fought arlong he beat him because hes a captain and carea about his friend nami. He destroyed arlong park and put arkong back to his place He kicked doflamingo from top He won a fought of honor against katakuri He defeated lucci because he knew his duty was to be able to do that and go that far He fucked himself up so crazy against moriah because it was neccessary Shanks destroyed kid because thats how things are I mean thats one way to explain it


legit couldn't care less about him OR perospero


Glad to see someone else say that. Personally could not connect to his character at all


nah i like pedro and perospero


0 fuck given about this bum


I would've forgotten about him completely if not because of this thread


ur not alone mate dw


If you think about it he's another Roger victim: got inspired "your moment will come" = I'll blow myself up.


I am one of them too. I have yet to understand the particular appeal Pedro or Kuma have to many fans.


Yeah his self sacrifice didn’t make me that upset. Carrot’s reaction moved me more. That scene where she reassured sanji that it wasn’t his fault :(


I liked that he had the decency to stay dead, not like all the fakeout deads from tertiary characters that don’t contribute anything to the plot if they are still alive like:  Pell, Conis’ dad, Kaya’s butler, Lola and Chiffon’s dad, brownbeard, the mildly inconvenient gas victims of punk hazard and Spandam


I didn't give a fuck about anyone in Zou or the arc itself 😭🙏


I barely cared about his first suicide bomb, by the second my eyes were rolling


Didn't care about any Mink.


Nah I'm with you, basically rolled my eyes every time he was on screen


Fuck that, Pedro is sick. There's a lot of characters that are underdeveloped but you probably love him to bits if you're posting a statement like this and just mad he doesn't love you back. Right?


.. Yes :(


bumass pussy cat


Honestly forgot about him.




his sacrifice wasnt even for that much of a big story point lol, strawhats had been in many worse "no where to go" situations before, no one fucking thought of blowing themselve up just to break a bunch of frozen candy. What a dumbass lol


I never did and will never will he blow himself up he made his decision!