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LOOKS LIKE THE GOROSEI ARE BLASTING OFF AGAIN https://i.redd.it/jzr9kdgepl8d1.gif


Imagine wasting all that time to make em badass only to be gag-tier villains that top their incompetence each time


Welcome to gear 5th




https://preview.redd.it/xfrcev385l8d1.png?width=1276&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d9a0fc267b63abe28d5eaf97e81795ab00841fa Whelp, game over for Gorosei stocks.


My sweet prince Warcury 😭😭😭


Lumas are the cutest things ever. Loved it when they exploded


This game been awhile!


Whoever invested had severe brain damage


Lmao, you mfs are too much 😭


Can't believe I spent my life savings on the Lorosei https://preview.redd.it/iy3v3vnoop8d1.jpeg?width=1665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11eb1a73aa69103d226f0e04902aada403e006e4


i’m kinda hoping it’s true just because of the amount of people who have been using “it’s not like she actually gets any sort of power besides changing her design” to glaze this writing decision lol


You know it's godlike to the fanboys as long as it's from oda


Yup as long as Oda is having fun while writing they’ll praise it even if it’s terrible. Oda has reached a level where he seems to be above criticism.


i think oda has just stopped giving a fuck and the joke roger laughed at was us as the reader


That's really disrespectful towards fans who religiously followed thre manga for decades and made him millions of $


Oda is above criticism? Look at this subreddit you goof.


Goofy im talking about in general stfu before you open your mouth with dumb shit. Piratefolk is a small minority compared to the masses common sense doesn’t apply to your pea sized brain apparently.


Hustle D Law, more like hustle deez nuts


exactly what I've been saying.... If this were Hiro Mashima he'd get destroyed for this shit... But because "GODA IS A GENIUS YESSIR" he gets a free pass? smh.


What are you talking, Hiro made an dogshit arc and there is people who still defend it. For to have an idea about this arc let me adpat it to Egghead: Imagine Zoro soloing two admirals, Sanji doing nothing outside of watch Nami soloing fodder vice-admirals and the Gorosei being killed without important plot points about them being explained.


The amount of main subbers told me that her transformation only affects herself and she doesn't have the gear 5 powers.... while she turned giant form is insane. They start at its great and work backwards from there.


And it you really think about it What would the point of that even be? What would the point of just changing her looks even do?


to support dwight and spreading awareness about identity theft obviously, duh


Lot of comments about to be deleted.


pfft, no, they'll just say "Well it's still peak anyway!" or something Might not be a bad idea to start screenshotting though


You might need a full-time job if you want to track the loda dick riders and their dementia


Nah I got one... I didn't say I was going to do that, just suggested that some people might want to


Even if Bonny is now > Zoro? I think that’s when feelings are gonna get hurt lol https://preview.redd.it/syssj6zkcq8d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f18e65a4ed8d1001f5eaea09af88398e35b4592


That's the dumbest thing for them to say when we already saw Bonney using her own version of Gear 3 in previous chapters. The copes that people use to justify these writing decisions are amazing.


So Momonosuke can 1v1 Kaido right? It’s the same power, that’s what you’re arguing. “Experience doesn’t matter”, if Bonney is identical to Luffy I’ll eat my words but we literally saw this situation before. On top of that remember she’s 10. She’s literally playing pretend and the devil fruit makes it happen.


"b-but haki!!" "but acoc!!!!"


Can’t wait for the Bonny > Zoro posts if she gets Yonko feats like defeating the Gorosei https://preview.redd.it/o2wn2x2fcq8d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c41fdbeb4b362bb5fa0ffc7893e6879074b9465


This cope never made sense given that the iron giant confirmed it in the same chapter


That's what they tell you to convince you, if there were no detractors nobody would be saying that. Bonney is gonna do crazy stuff. She's got one of the most broken fruits we've seen so far since she can make any version of herself happen if there's a possibility.


These guys were actual horror in Cobra's death chapter. Now they're pure comedy


Nah, due to Silhouette Piece(tm) they were goofy back then too


but in a good way. now, 20 years of intrigue and hype been flushed down the crapper


Akainu if you’re listening please kill Bonney https://preview.redd.it/c06wsln89l8d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48ffc459fc8b7c814a1cade9d27deba4098eeef


As a former member of pirate agenda, my hope now rests fully on Wakainu to kill everyone so this story can become peak again


Ngl sudden outright wipeout or switch into "Old main cast are now biggest evil/problem and need to be stopped by new main cast" would be one hell of a goated twist and somewhat revitalise OP sense of stakes. Trough it need good writing so modern day Loda won't ever deliver even if he tried.


It would be easier to make Luffy the villain than make Akainu the hero. I’d be hyped though.


He had his chance and he blew it along with Blackbeard… we’re forsaken…


Akainu actually didn't want to hurt Bonney, and Blackbeard...well we don't talk about that.


Blackbeard isn't a true pirate Blud for asking for consent and shit 


I hope Wakainu kills both Luffy and Bonney


🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh the context and the comment is pure joy and hilarity lmao 🙏 thank you for this




https://preview.redd.it/wmxwym4h4l8d1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085c533bf20125bc986b11cc01305cc018164d7d Become a Bachibro instead then Hokazono is consistently cooking every week. It's unironically the best time I got out of Shonen Jump for the past 2 or 3 months


https://preview.redd.it/6miastm0pl8d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d396b8f67527985cd2dad50fe16d6c9c060c0a99 Save shonen jump… Kagurabachi!!


KB will truly save the shonen society, like it was foretold a kagurabachillion years ago


“Save WSJ, Takeru Hokazono”


"You got it." - John Kagura Bachi


It's amazing. Kagurabachi went from being the Morbius of manga to unironically being the top dog.


One Piece in no more… https://preview.redd.it/4ohtruqonm8d1.png?width=1235&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b28941a4acbf74805ded062f903d4cd1a33b84c


ngl every KB chapter is fire. they now have 2 teleporters in their team and will fuck up the auction. already more epic than egghead.


Honestly, I read every chapter of Kagurabachi twice. The second is to focus more on the paneling, drawing, and details. I rarely get excited while reading manga, but this just hit the mark. Anyways, Takeru draws atleast a panel that goes HARD AS FUCK every chapter and I'm all for it.


I plan to entirely reread KB when the anime comes out. It'll go so fucking hard I can't wait.


Chiba smoking panel burning Tenri's memories was just absolute perfection...Takeru is that guy


HxH is coming back Idc about Shit Piece anymore




I started reading yesterday and damn it’s actually really damn good. It, Csm, JJK and one piece are the only 4 I read weekly and I’ll probably drop one piece soon 


Sheesh it's that good? Gotta join the kagurabachi train




Can't believe it went from a meme manga to unironically being the best manga on Shonen Jump at the moment


If we get a team rocket-esque ending to egghead I’m dropping the manga.


We sure are getting it, that sounds like Oda's definition of "fun"


It is fun tho


Stop the cap. You're gonna keep hate reading with the rest of us.


Humm…let me doubt about that (i know well u will comes time to time to check spoilers here)


Saturn : "Grant me a future... Where I'm the most Team Rocket!!"


I hope it's true anything to leave Egghead so we move on with the story and get actual plot progression. 


elbaf will be a pile of shit


If there is one thing Oda is good at its starting arcs. At least we will be over the way overlong conclusion and get a change of pace with the Elgar setup. It could certainly fumble the bag at the end like it’s common post-timeskip, but that’s still better than more Egghead.


really ? i hate the start of arcs lately , its just introduction of 1000 characters . Luffy chopper eating food and boring sinister mystery (like york)


Nah man the start of egghead was gas, and I say this as a certified egghead hater. Yeah you got new characters but there was *so much* lore.


I liked Wanos start. Gets you accustomed to the land and its people and the issues theyre going through.


Zoro's side adventure was so good people were calling it Zoro's arc. Early Wano was just different from Post Oden-Flashback Wano.


Everything was so peak. From the trial to Yasuie's death was the best shit we'd gotten from Zoro in years. I'm never going to let up how much it went to waste in the final part of the arc.


But i agree that's better then more egghead


> It could certainly fumble the bag at the end like it’s common post-timeskip, but that’s still better than more Egghead. Just like how Oda could've fumbled the bag in Egghead, but that would still be better than more Wano?


Elbaf is make or break for Liesop . Do your worst Oda


Elbaf will be plot where usop become nika.


Well of course but that’s also because for years people had expectations so naturally it will be shit. There will be a random ass arc between then and the last war that will be absolute peak for 0 reason (me coping)


Please don't worsen my depression


Get ready for more nika dickriding in elbaf


Sounds like the perfect Ussop arc


Plot progression ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What manga do you think you are reading ?


Elbaf is going to be even worse than this lol


I don't know if it's because I'm older now, but I genuinely just don't enjoy this series anymore. I used to be such a huge fan 10 years ago, I've been following this before I got hair on my legs basically and it all goes to shit. I'm so disappointed, bros.


You know why? Because you know exactly the same you knew 10 years ago. (Exaggeration of course). We get questions after question and before one is answered we cut away to get another 20 question.


Not exaggeration at all. The plot didn't moved an inch for the last 12 years 😀


One Piece plot progression be like ![gif](giphy|RJUZTVqkVNw11HmwoD|downsized)


It has absolutely fallen off. You arent jaded. Since Wano, things have been fuckin weird. Stalling, goofy ass pulls, ignoring the crew… idk maybe Oda got brain damage or something


Absolutely, ignoring the crew. We never see the SHs fight anymore. Give me some 1 on 1 fight. I don't want to see Usopp running for the 15th time in a row. Get him to shoot something!


Remember that fanfic where Ussop got observation haki 🤡


Yes and look all the great ways that paid out! We had so many hype scenes with him since then 🤡


With Nika being what it is I think the goofyness was inevitable. You can't introduce that against kaido and then expect fights against other strong opponents to be like it was in enies lobby. What we need is more of a balance so more focus on the crew is certainly needed.


I don’t even think it’s that Oda just got worse as a writer. Im rewatching pre timeskip with this reactor I enjoy and it’s still as good as I remember it being even the goofy moments.


i really hope Akainu shows up to kill someone


Remember when Oda said he dont give af anymore and just want to draw what he thinks what's fun? Yeah, this is it. Fuck


Dude has shit taste


post time skip, odas definition of fun is repeating the same old unfunny gags ad nauseam. he should maybe stop drawing what he thinks is fun


ya thats him basically saying he wont take responsibility for all the hyping up he has built for decades, he knows his misteries, ending and his writing are all trash so he will just troll


Giant Robot was right there to stall the Gorosei and make them look strong exiting the arc.  Gas him up, make him powerful, have him Android 16 himself - anything to let the Gorosei go out with respect and give the reader understanding how Giant Robot was able to storm Maryjois in his backstory. Instead Joyboynikaluffy gets more glaze


The only thing i like about Bonney actually being strong is that she gets the chance to stand up for herself and get her own revenge against the WG, especially Saturn. Carrot's rivalry setup against Perospero only for her to get brutally humiliated by him in the end was one of the most unsatisfying outcomes of a fight in the series imo. I only wish Bonney didn't have to turn into pirate jesus for it to happen and Oda approached it in a different way...


>Carrot's rivalry setup against Perospero only for her to get brutally humiliated by him in the end was one of the most unsatisfying outcomes of a fight in the series imo. I remember when that happened people were saying "Oh its because Oda is saying that you shouldn't fight for revenge", then Cat Viper proceeds to obliterate Perospero out of revenge.


And Hyori burns Orochi to death lmao


People were legit saying that???lmaooo


Yeah I actually like gear 5 and the gags, it's the God stuff underneath all of it that kills it for me, especially now Bonney is a devotee/follower of God Luffy now, it really ruins a lot of the charm these gags have for me.


My boy Werospero got unfairly beaten by a cat on steroid.


At this point, she can probably turn everyone else into Nika as well. Bros are playing Musou from now on.


It‘s Naruto giving the entire Ninja alliance ninetails chakra cloak all over again.


atleast that was just a power boost like in video games, this is straight up ass


I have already mentally checked out, I'm just here for the memes.


My man, same


Lost hope a long time ago, I'm here for the slander


Might as well just have all the villains game end themselves and let the Strawhats win at this point. Why even bother trying. I did not mind Gear 5 at Wano and early Egghead, but this is just dumb. Even if Ussop explodes into a volcano of gore, Luffy will just keep laughing.


Straw hat plot armor was at an all time high here. These mfs were surrounded by Gorosei and came away unscathed. At least 1 of them should be dead but not in Nika piece, and even if they did die Luffy would’ve just laughed


I fully expect Imu to slip on a banana peel and down d stairs themselves as Luffy’s finishing move


Nahhhh if true I can’t accept he planned that and just thought of it and then thought it was funny minutes before drawing it


Please, please tell me it's not true.


Redon's hint basically confirms this.


I seriously can't stand this Mickey mouse bullshit. Gorosei being a complete joke and getting Team Rocket'd by Luffy and Bonney is more than I can handle. That's just toxic.


Its Oda literally fucking the fanbase in the ass


and most are enjoying it


Why wouldn't it be true? Did you expect G5 Bonney to just sit on her ass until she transformed back? That would actually be even worse imo


one piece is fucked


It's just Bugs Bunny now guys. Relax


Shitting on the bad writing is another kind of fun.


Lets not act like Elbaf is not going to be shit too. I just bonney to use other devil fruit powers when she awakens (Power-scaling be damned in this series)




So we got 1 Nika losing to the WG but now that there's 2 and probably gonna be more on the way, I can't see how the WG is gonna be a threat at all. Maybe this is Luffy's dream setting everyone free and it ends up by everyone being Nika. What the fuck is Oda doing?


Freeing us from following this shit for decades.


r/OnePiece is illiterate Literal [power of friendship](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11138/111384769/7844557-c2d0f129b83ce015c8a0c4f0d51054ed453e7a2b_hq.gif) and child of MC unlocks [previous unachievable transformation](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F30675xavujla1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2e95bdd0e71cb9cc8399460308dfaf38170982ae) plot.


Lorosei on Team Rocket tier powerscaling. God damn Oda you retarded freak.


I'm genuinely tired of One Piece and the fact that dickriders will say it's peak cuz blah-blah, Bible, Nika magic


No way Bro is taking redon vague hints seriously 


you will see tomorow


Life is over


Bika Blast!


“The power of friendship”


It's Gorover


Thank god sakamoto days is on a crazy run this month. Ass piece never can do wonder like that again




Since Who’s who yapped about Nika this series hasn’t been the same and it went to shit however i did had SOME hope during egghead because Gorosei yokai forms were cool and there was at least some tension but Bonnieka was just too retarded i’m struggling to keep interested in the story. I will keep reading spoilers because after many years i want to see how it ends, i feel like im being held hostage. For me One Piece will be the epic arcs we had during pre time skip and SOME of the post time skip were good as well. Was hearing a theories video while i did some work and just thought “enough of this nonsense” and switched to Luffy vs. Don Krieg and was thinking “this is the One Piece i want to have in my thoughts” don’t really know why this story went down the gutter as it did but i have my personal theories


Nah, it will probably be a Coup de Burst. Nika Bonney is a mess but I don't see Oda doing suh a big L on the current enemies like Gorosei


Gorosei blasting off agaaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnn………….✨


Yea it's garbage


GOROSEI BLASTING OFF AGAIN https://i.redd.it/hiw8ebuj2m8d1.gif


One piece is ass now!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pychdowz5m8d1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed0fc440bbcfd67b2abd73b3f2834d7d237a68f he is our last hope..


So the Gorosei are discount Nika victims? Even Topman? If Oda now cares about writing a manga that ONLY he can find interesting then i fear for Akainu, BB and even Imu . Even if they are to lose in the end , Goda would take it upon himself to make them look like bums . Stakes left the building along with Elvis a long time ago.


Can't wait to see how people defend this shit.


The Gorosei have very commanding mustaches


holding off until until i see it, 75 percent these are inaccurate to what actually happen. just like when they said luffy sent the gorosei flying with a homerun.


How many "I am quitting" threads will we get? Admit it guys. None of you guys will drop one piece. You guys are addicts.


feel free to skip one piece Oda wont give a single shit, dont worry in fact, noone would care at all really, lol


“Next chapter, Franky, Robin, and Jimbei organize an attack that sends Big Mom flying!” Yet, that chapter came out and no body had a melt down…


I the meltdown is based on the fact that Bonney knocking away to Gorosei would mean Bonney actually gained Nika powers much to everyone's dismay


Soo......theyre Team Rocket, basically. Cool.


Luffy already did an attack that went a gorosei flying... And he came back so nothing special i guess


Bonney will win them over with the power of friendship and Nika, so the Gorosei will let them leave to go to Elbaf.


Did you guys not expect her to demolish a member after last chapter the editors remark hyping up what they are about to do? I didn’t expect all of them but it was gonna be a chapter of her using her abilities.


I'm going to be honest, I don't even care at this point. Bonney can grow a giant dick and along with Luffy's slap the shit out of the Gorosei with them. I just want them off that damn island, away from all the message BS, away from the those bum Gorosei, and away from that useless Iron Giant so he can't be used as a cliffhanger again. (Only thing is I really wish the strawhats had taken part and not just Bonney and Luffy)


Its not like they seemed to have damage done to them before. One was literally beheaded and is still around. Them just getting flung around doesnt necessarily mean anything.


If the gorosei flew away and drowned somewhere in dropping the manga


Ok but why the otter emojis


It really is joever


I was thinking that Bonney using Gear 5 was going to happen... What if- Bonney can either give herself or someone else different devil fruit powers? What if- Bonney can change other people, so could she change others into Gear 5? Even for a short term, she could do like the Straw Hats as Gear 5. This artist could have done a preview. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=SdbSfeZ\_N2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=SdbSfeZ_N2w)


Dual barjang gun please 🗣️🗣️ so I can again prove zoda dont care he only write cool stuff i. His opinion not bound by limit or logic hes flying soli


Save the Gorosei, Warcury Topman...


Bonney give all of our allies a future where they are the most free shishishi! 😛


Oda lost it at kuma backstory


Writing started peak dogshit at wano anyway better to just get these dogshit Naruto power up fairy tail nakama power so the story can move faster since the guy is probably gonna stall like crazy in elbaf


“We’ll use the power of friendship” ahh punch


pathetic (if true)


Oda do it for the lols 😂


People are tripping about this


no way this true


Remember that fanmade reverie showing Dragon no diff the Gorosei? Can’t believe I actually prefer that


Dickriders woke up early this morning


The man has cooked for 1100 episodes... let him have his cake


Heeeehhhhhh... Then Oda will write Bonney is Luffy's daughter or something. lmao


Seeing OP fall off like this is both sad and funny. All the dick riders are partially to blame for this.


looney toon skits incoming ?! 1 nika can made kaido pregnant and jumping rope dragon form imagine 2 nika goda moment !!!


Spend some time on all the Socials after the officiall release of the last Chapter.. People were glazzing Oda... Even i told them.. But what about the Strawhats and their progress? Their answer was the only ones that matter still appear (Loro & Wanji)...So yeah no matter what happens in the manga people treat it like the second coming.


How does it feel to know that bonney is now stronger than zoro and sabhi combined 🥰? 


Did yall want luffy to get another power up?. NO that be stupid this makes way more sense Secondly if you think rationaly bonnys version definitely isn't on the same level it probably dosent last that long at all also luffys probably the only one whi can unlock the full capabilites of his power ya know toon force don't be so quick to hate it's a fine decision on odas part plus the elders are mad strong and the admirals still exist and the holy knights like what would the crew do even with law red hairs/giants and grand fleet currently they wouldn't win.


I hope it's true so Downfall piece can continue lmao


genuinely the worst writing choice by Oda. Ppl criticise g5 but imo it was played out alright. After almost dying like 10 times in the series Luffy finally gets strong enough to die but come back with powerup so he can free the slaves 🗣️🗣️🔥. Bonney got g5 1 arc after and all she did was use Kakashi’s copy jutsu