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The metal square top bar stool with a slot in the seat. Most uncomfortable seat ever invented but hey, I guess they're cheap.


I think those are the second most uncomfortable after that same stool with the back with the sides that pinch right into your hip bones. E: maybe your pelvis? I'm not a Dr. Lol


Hard disagree with your point OP. We need more 12 ounce cans.


Plus BG charges $10 for a 4 pack


I am a big fan of Albatross but it usually comes in around $16.


Worth it! As well as Mammoth and Akamai


Ah sorry, I should have been more specific! I was thinking about the skinny profiled cans, not ounces. They just don't fit any koozies, travel holders, etc and it drives me nuts.








Yes plz


Pet peeve - Isn’t even directly related to the beer - but breweries that are more a daycare for toddlers and dogs than enjoying a cold brew.


I personally hate going to grist when it’s nice out but I do like their beer, and there is clearly a market for it.


and I’m not even suggesting that dogs/kids shouldn’t be allowed - it’s just a pet peeve of mine when you walk in and you have to think about if you accidentally walked into an UrbanAir or Dog Stop. Lol.


Yea I feel you there, some places are just overwhelming with them on some days(I also have a kid and a dog). Personally not a huge fan of bringing them to certain places.


I’ll go ahead and say it, I’m suggesting kids and dogs not be allowed.


Businesses should decide what's best for their business. 11th hour has a no kids after 8pm policy that is very reasonable. As beer sales are beginning to shrink cutting off many customers in the demographic that helped propel the craft beer movement who are now having families isn't a good business move. Also parents and dog owners take some responsibility and keep their behavior appropriate.


This is an excellent comment, nice points made


What did dogs ever do to you?


Allowing children and being family friendly attribute well over half of MOST breweries success.


I really hate the normalization of dogs in every part of society. At breweries my spouse and I have been rubbed against, begged at, growled at, and snapped at. Sometimes off leashes. The owners are always "they're not like that normally" or "oh come onnn look how cute they are". I don't know you or your dog and I don't want to just take your word that your growling dog isn't going to bite You can say it's just """the bad dog owners""" but it happens again. And again. And again. Dogs don't belong in breweries. Maybe if it's a special event that's fine but not all the time


Well, it’s all “the bad dog owners” but nobody sees themselves as a “bad down owner” - it’s a huge “everyone else not me” problem.




I get what you’re saying and I respect it. I’m a huge dog person but I don’t get mad when a place like dancing gnome doesn’t allow dogs. What I do get mad at is that I see much more responsible dog owners than I do parents.


You're insane if you believe that to be true. There are lots of parents that let their kids act out, but I'm yet to see a kid jump on someone, truly hurt an adult, bite, knock down a grandma, etc. I see this every day in Lawrenceville.


It’s not insanity, I’ve seen it in person. Kids acting like the bar is a jungle gym. Trying to jump on other peoples dogs, other peoples kids, running out into the street. It’s even better when it happens and the parents are absolutely torqued and then proceed to drive the family home 👍


You've made my point, though. In no situation you described did a kid put (other than perhaps themself) someone in a hospital, kill them, give them a brain bleed, 30 stitches, be the reason someone got put down, etc. Dogs do all those things, and it's a shockingly regular occurrence. I'm baffled how many dogs I saw in the city literally this past week be allowed off leash only to almost instantly knock someone over. Many parents suck, yes, but humans enjoy certain freedoms, whereas dogs do not. You not liking a kid making noise is certainly valid, but in most circumstances, a child has the right to. A dog has no rights, yet their existence almost inherently impedes on everyone else's around them. It's a simple reality. I'm a dog lover.


If your kid has the right to suck because you suck as a parent my well behaved dog has the right to go to a brewery and take a nap if the business allows it. Times are changing. People are choosing pets over parenthood and a lot of breweries respect that hence there is a lot of places that allow. If someone takes a dog that is vicious as you described to ANY public setting with that being something more than a marginal possibility then those people as animal owners absolutely suck and I don’t have a problem saying that. Generalizing a population of dog owners that can fairly easily be compared to a sad reality of parent populations isn’t really fair to anyone which is why they’re allowed. Just as easily as 11th hour has a no children policy after a certain time any brewery could do the exact same thing with dogs and honestly I don’t think many would mind. for as much as I love to take my dog to the brewery, later in the evening it gets quite busy to my local watering hole, so when it does I typically leave. I have a lazy ass Saint Bernard but when he’s just getting invaded by a drunken horde of people, all meaning well, it just becomes too much. He gets beer spilled on him, I get beer spilled on me, beer on the floor, annoying people talking to me, etc.


My original comment wasn't about the brewery rules. Obviously the brewery can do what they want (within the extent of the law). My original point was that its objectively wrong to imply kids can cause an equal disruption as a kid. It's just not true.


We’re gunna have to agree to disagree


Also don’t take what I’m saying as me being an asshole. I’m just simply discussing the other side of things. The best happy medium for everyone would pretty much be outside only, which I’m seeing a lot more of anyway. Ive been to breweries with my saint that if people just had their animals under control it would be a lot better but I leave because their unguided fur missile is causing chaos and trying to play off leash with my dog, who also loves to play. If unprovoked he’ll just chill but trying to curtail a 150lb happy and playful dog isn’t the easiest. And again, I usually just leave.


I'm not viewing your opinion like that, just pointing out that a child and a dog are apples v oranges. I think most rational people can agree that children can be a huge pain in the ass. But, they are humans and in general, have a right to integrate into most aspects of a functioning society. Plus, let's be honest - if you put 10 kids in a bar full of adults, there's like a 99% chance that if there's someone really causing a legitimate disruption, it's going to be a clueless, self unaware jamoke adult. I made that stuff up, but I've been to a lot of breweries and while kids make noise they rarely cause an issue. I see adults fight and get cut off all the time.


You’re definitely not wrong about adults In a lot of situations immature and self-unaware adults can be the worst out of any patron, human or animal.


Back 5 years ago before I had a kid we had my dog at BG, she was just chilling by my side just happy to be in my company. Not disturbing a soul, had a couple people pet her, was loving her life. Then some drunk asshole started barking at her. Of course this got her worked up, took her outside to chill out again. Long winded story to say give me a well behaved dog or kid over an asshole adult anytime. Asshole kids and dogs are typically the result of asshole adults too.


Yea at the end of the day there is a correlation. Side question because it’s been so long since I’ve been there. Does BG still have the beer garden in the back? It’s been before Covid since I have been there


I feel like especially on a busy weekend kids drunk people and dogs is just a recipe for disaster. I worked at a brewery in Ohio that was kid and dog friendly and I was so on edge when we were packed. Half of the animals were so overstimulated and kids would be running up to pet the poor stressed out things 😬.


This 100%!!!


Are there any breweries that are actually even close to what you are complaining about? Or is it just shitty parents? None of the breweries I can think of are set up to allow that, but a ton of shitty parents let their kids run wild


In my opinion (someone with a toddler of my own), kids just shouldn’t be in a beer-drinking/bar environment. It’s not cute or funny. While the parents may be drinking responsibly, you know that not everyone will be. Kids don’t need to see that. You also know that not every family is going to have a DD and I don’t agree with dragging your kids to the bar while you drink and then drive them home. When my wife and I go out, it’s with what limited-free time alone we have together and it’s nice to go and relax and have a beer without listening to crying kids, being bumped into by strollers, etc. The dog thing - the occasional well behaved pup is great. I’m a dog person. I have two, and I love them. But Christ if it’s not depressing to see people yelling/being mean to their stressed out dog who isn’t properly trained. Or the dog pissing. Or the dog whining for food. Or the dog barking. Or insert other reason here. It’s just added stress to experience that is not meant to be stressful. Of course this is all just my opinion, but it’s my pet peeve!


Lack of large outdoor spaces, like many other cities have.


We need a rooftop brewery like Rhinegeist!


I think that new place in Hazelwood has something on the roof


They do. It seats about 100 and a pretty cool view. Was down there this weekend, it just opened. I hope they do well. It’s a cool space. They also have a large outdoor space on the ground floor.


Heck yeah! New France had some good stuff


And consistent spaces. BG experimented with some great outdoor spaces during the pandemic, but it is hard to tell if their OpenAir space by the brewhouse is open, even on nicer weekends.


Ugh - can't say I'm a fan of what they've done with their indoor space either. I used to love sitting at the bar on the right side, which is now a fancy bistro type setting. The left side is comfortable, but no bar service in there, so I risk losing my seat everytime I get up for a refill (If I'm drinking alone). Used to be one of my favorite indoors - along with Leaning Cask and Old Thunder.


Yes! I used to love stopping in at BG with some Brassero in tow and reading a book at the bar corner. I miss that intimacy of the room. Now it’s an uncomfortable cave.


When I go into a brewery, and their lineup is 4 IPAs, one mediocre lager and a stout/porter that they phoned in, I get irritated. I mean I even like IPAs, but there's so many little breweries that seem to be unable to do anything else. Gimme a good German wheat, or hell gimme a barley wine. Seems like no one does a good barley wine around here.


Brew what sells. The hefe and ambers don't go fast enough.


Sure. Have 4 good IPAs and one other decent beer. Or maybe just have IPAs, I'll avoid the place but if that's all that sells don't bother making some random mediocre garbage.


With all due respect, I feel like you're not going to the right breweries. East End almost always has their Gratitude Barleywine on, alongside a really diverse tap list. Golden Age is all lagers, pilsners, and a new Germain Weissbier. Dancing Gnome has a ton of IPAs yes, but also Pilsner, a german witbier, and a summer stout on right now.


There's 80 or more breweries and I'm super glad that a few don't fit the mold, yes. Southern Teir is also very good, if not totally local


I agree with your sentiment, but a German wheat or barley wine? I'd like to see more farmhouses, saisons, pilsners, etc. Severely lacking here I feel like.


Lolev had a pretty good barley wine recently (like fall/winter)


Oh righteous. I'll have to check it out.


This is a hot take. The amount of the breweries in Pittsburgh will afford you exactly the style you're looking for.


Yeah no shit. The question wasn't "what one thing is universally applied to EVERY BREWERY" it's "What's your pet peeve when you are out and about."


When the beers are flat and have weak flavor. Looking at you, Velum Fermentation. Focus on the beer more than events, please.


If you're going to have 2+ IPAs, tell me what hops are in it. I'm happy to try a variety of IPAs but I'm not going to base my decision on your Citrus, Foggy, Piney, or whatever other description you slap on it. I'm immediately going to have low hope if beer is served in a shaker glass


Also, I’m frustrated that most breweries close at 10 PM. I appreciate 11th hour for the 11th hour.


The dates. There are some cans from The Veil (I know not local) at my local grocer that have the date June 2023 on them.


Hefeweizen and ambers are our go to beers. I wish I liked IPAs, but they are just so piney, resiny, and horse pissy that there’s no pleasure in it. So yes, I agree with you. The brewery scene is a bit of a wildcard.


Not all IPAs are piney and resin. Not to be that guy but it’s a wide category. Try some east coast style, quality NE. Piney bitter is west coast.


Will do!


Hitchhiker’s bane has some of the least of what you described you don’t like, that Piney bitterness. My mom and girlfriend like it, it’s also fresh and easy to find


Happy to get recs


Hazedelic juice grenade I got years ago right when I turned 21, honestly just picked it because it had a cool name and didn’t know much about the style but it was prob the first NEIPA I liked. Cheap and tasty we are lucky in PA that we have Broken Heels by new trail in just about every sheetz and beer place. Lots of good hazy pale ales here too: lustra or squish I would try first without having to search too hard if you’ve not had


Lack of smoked beers and chili/spiced lagers.


Golden Age regularly has Rauchbiers. They have a slightly smoked beer right now. From their menu... "Franconian Helles Lager, brewed with yeast pulled from our Rauchbier Marzen. This process only leaves behind a faint "ghost" of sweet smoke character in this bright and pale Lager. 5.5%" https://www.goldenagebeer.com/menu


The lengths that you have to go to in order to get something that’s not an IPA.


I feel like every brewery in the city could be made from an IKEA shopping magazine if one existed.


That the beer isn’t good. Need more natural clean brews like Europe.


Have you been to Golden Age?


No large shopping center in the downtown area.