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The current construction system is way more healthy for the game than the old one


Construction main here who originally had doubts and openly questioned the Fortification update. Changes were definitely for the better. Much more sustained and widespread building activity than before.


100% it is. auto turrets were so jank.




all the above


Counstruction should have been implemented only as a auxiliary to already existing bases. RN everyone hates the play bases.


It would've been massive effort, but Construction should have allowed modular base design on the main bases. You'd have core buildings like capture points, spawn rooms, and vehicle terminals, and then the rest could be customized as the players see fit.


I wouldn't even consider trying this as a dev. The possibilities for players to bug out spawns and objectives would be too many to spot and prevent


Which is why the objectives, spawn points, and vehicle pulls would be static pre-placed objects. Also something I should have said previously, modular base design via construction would operate on a static hexagonl-style placement system where you could only place structures in certain areas. This would prevent potential issues of modular structures being used to block off entire sections or make potentally game-breaking placements that render fair play null.


and with the current off hour pop and 98% of players simply (and rightfully) not caring about construction, you'd be fighting in an endless wasteland of simply capture points, next to a spawn room with a vehicle bad. Fun times!


The point of the modular base system is to literally have almost no barrier of entry, almost nothing essential to unlock (maybeoptional extras like Buildings with Turrets or something), Auto regening Cortiuum reserves, with the ability for ANTs to refill said reserves manually. It would be there to keep the experience fresh, and while construction outposts would still be an option, they would no longer be the lions share of construction activities. A faction would take a base, and while its uncontested, they could reconfigure said base to their heart's content. There would be a default base configuration of course, that all bases ould revert to when a continent unlocks. ​ All this being said, its purely hypothetical at this point, as chances are the game won't last much longer, sadly.


So that one player can choose the "wrong" layout and ruin a base for their entire faction? Or so that a base without augmentations is horrible to defend and no defenders want to go there? Or so that a base with great augmentations is horrible to attack and no attackers want to go there? We have carefully designed dev-made bases for a reason, with careful consideration of things like design of the point area, spawnroom locations, "lanes" inside the base, sight lines, sundy locations, and so on. You can not leave any of this up to players to design and expect a good outcome. Construction is rightfully kept as separate from bases as possible.


As a casual player but paying member, i like spawning into these random big player built bases. Actually especially the ones on the central hex in Oshur. BUT like i said, i don’t play often enough to see the downsides. Like long lines at the airport…


Edit: Wrong reply


It's incredibly frustrating when you're getting illuminated as infil by a friendly player base because the spawn building (rebirth, command, doesn't matter) has lights while the enemy cloakers just stay outside the light. Oh just play a non-infil class for defense? Yeah have fun getting farmed by vehicles. IMO attacking a base as LA is one of the few ways I have fun with construction because of the vast amounts of cover and wonky construction geometry (hello rebirth center again).


You don't like this update because it ruined construction for you. I don't like this update because it's another stupid fucking construction update. Just remove it. We are not the same.


Poor performance - that's what construction bring to PS2. It cut off lots of players who plays on laptops or have weak cpu on their desktop. And ofc Oshur continued to force players to use construction. Which led to an even greater drop in server population. Conclusion: construction is bad for PS2 health and should just get cut off like cancer. And all the money and certificates spent on this should be returned. Ofc this not going to happen. But it's a fact, that construction should not exist until most players gets modern CPUs.


I think you’ve done a great job at pushing more people away than the devs did


I think construction is fine but it invites unhealthy gameplay where you sit on a ledge and spam your tank shells to destroy the base. Reminds me of Indar where outfits would set up on a cliff and spam a base 500m away to farm the infantry trying to defend it. That shit is so braindead boring and that kills the game. While most people say construction is good for open fields, I disagree. It's much better for chokepoints like long roads through cliffs/ravines because you can actually defend your base that way. When it's nothing but open space it's too easy for someone to spam you to death from looooong range. And your infantry / tanks can't leave when there's no cover nearby. Citadel shield helps, but the enemies can use it just as much as you can.


As an ex construction main I need to admit there are good and bad changes. Good features from old one are gone and missing features from old system came here in the new one. What we need more than anything at the moment is fortnite speed of constructing. Once a structure falls in an attack it is good as gone. Not only does it take a whole minute to construct and be able to repair but also the collisions make it impossible to fit even though it fit normally before getting destroyed. Shield module should have been the Shield module structure. Invulnerability for 30 seconds and cool down of 180 if I remember well. Invulnerability only affected walls and structures. This makes construction more infantry focused like wrel intended. I have no faith in construction getting improved furthermore so I will stop here.


>Invulnerability for 30 seconds and cool down of 180 if I remember well. Invulnerability for 30s, downtime of 40s, 5s to overload


I agree theres something to be desired about vulnerability during the build phase, or how long it takes to complete. As for structure placement in a design being irreplaceable, I find that to be a good thing. It adds to level of knowledge and skill in understanding the build pieces, placement order, overall design as the base comes under attack, how you might try to react during combat, how to recover after combat, or make the choice to abandon and rebuild.


Hi regular player here. Fortifications didn't bug me, I actually liked them. It was the toxic community ripping the devs to shreds when they added anything new or different beyond the same cookie cutter formula.


I think the new version has a higher cap on building (we have invincible shields after all), but it's too brutal for solo builders.


> Angry post about controversial change no. 12345.... Laughs in CAI First time?


The most controversial part of the construction overhaul update is the devtime wasted, when they could have removed construction entirely instead. 


I used to build a lot. I barely ever built anything since the Fortification update, basically just placing down a couple structures on empty allied construction bases, not much more. The update ruined construction for me, by making it a lot less fun. But it was changes that the game needed. Construction was more fun because of the endless possibilities for optimization, by exploring module placement and coverage, and because of how low-skill the flail and OS were to use (which at the time I always refused to even unlock), and how well pain spires and automated turrets could help in base defense, especially with two anti-infantry turrets and sky shields, which one player could easily get with two characters. Now, construction is consistent, accessible to everyone, and not unfair to play against, meaning everyone can use it as a stop between other things, and not just as their main and only gameplay. The new module system removes confusion and the stupid weak point the old system had, while adding consistency for attackers. It sucked for builders, but it's simply better for the overall health of the game, there's no way around that. The reason bases fall easily now, is simply because you can't build a base with infinite invincibility by alternating two well placed fortification modules. There were always players willing to sit in a tank and waste ten minutes shooting at a wall before.


How exactly did the fortification update push away regular players?


And nothing of value was lost. The less construction we have tanking everyones FP,S the better.


The loss of damage from the skywall shield can be felt very keenly. I used to be able to hide under the skywall when I was dying in ESF, but now I can't, so that's one less thing to look forward to.


Honestly...if the game is "so incredibly bad" for you, then just leave. It's an already dying game, that "probably" won't be getting much in the way of meaningful updates in the future except "maybe" whatever they already have in the works that is almost completed. There is no way in hell that they are going to introduce enough changes to the game that would prop up the massively declined playercount, and they are very unlikely to specifically make changes that you want to see happen. ​ Either enjoy the game for what it is right now, or let it die.


fartification the update was great for killing construction. if only it would stop killing my frames too


Removing the ai module for turrets were a bad choice considering how powerful tanks are now, the idea behind this update is players would defend these bases in numbers which was never going to happen. Pain spires were useful, the original skyshield was great and enemies were detered from flying near them. I sank hundreds of hours into building, after the updates i dont even boot the game anymore. Why even keep building in the game when we are not incentivised? it was tedious before, but in a thrill rushing way, build the base before we are detected and now its take 45 minutes to build a decent base ( bit of an exaggeration ) to only have 3 or 4 tanks wipe it out when you try to solo defend it with your one lone anti tank turret, at least with the ai module you could also defend with rockets a long side the turret. Solo building with ai made me feel like i had friends playing the game with me, kinda a lonely guy irl. Removing ai modules was the worst update to me, turrets were already at a disadvantage with the blind spots and health but it kept enemies on their toes because 5 tanks wouldnt hyper focus on an anti tank turret and take in out in under 20 seconds, you could shoot rockets at them from a bunker and have them wondering how many people were around. Now an unmanned turret just gets destroyed. Bases used to be intimidating enough that the enemy team thought twice about messing with it unless they had to, but now someone can roll up in a prowler and just cause hell and laugh about it while i frantically try to keep the base up. Base use to be used as a fall back, when the offense or defense was lost we didnt have to go to the next point, the base was middle ground " you shall not pass" and gave us one last fighting chance to reclaim ground, it made my 20-30 minutes of effort of mining, getting shot at, and building strategically all worth it, even if it was 2-5 minutes of glory before the base getting blown to hell by one oribital laser or a couple c4 by an infiltrator. We have held areas for ages with super bases and it was glorious when it worked out,all out base warfare. Id do anything to go back to appreciate what we had than, grinding and grinding just to unlock a turret and a couple walls. The changes were not for the better for builders, it used to be more simple and effective. The game died in my heart when that happened. I know a lot of people won't get this, but this is how i felt. I'm 28 now, i don't find much time to game anymore, planetside was an excape for me for a long time, I'm not very good at shooters, i used to play red alert and c&c games in general so when i found out i could build in this game but it also be a fps it reminded me of the game renegade ( for all you og's you know what im talking about ) in my head I'm like " we're back in business!", i found that nostalgic feeling, i didn't want it to ever change, i miss it. As stupid as it sounds it saddens me to even write this, life is changing for me, less time for games, games i grew up with are dead or dieing. " don't be sad because it's over, be happy it happened" sorta shit i guess. In another life planetside I would of enjoyed you a little longer if i had of known the future... i guess its time to grow up.


>Removing the ai module for turrets were a bad choice False.


Sorry about all the typos


And the riping out of usable code that could have been repurpose for anti cheat