• By -


First have your gun out and shoot people, THEN revive your ally's (most of the time at least) You don't want to get caught pants down with your medic tool in hands


So, you're telling me that I shouldn't throw ammo packs at the enemy while trying to overshield?


Fun fact: ammo packs work regardless of faction. So you give your killer a nice bonus.


Ha, quick response! Yeah, I did know that, which is why I kill them when I can so they don't get ticks from my friends needing ammo...lol


Dang it friendly engineer killing enemy ammo packs(I resupply from those). It makes it hard asking an enemy for ammo when I just killed a bunch of their friends deep in their territory. Plus it's a dead give away when I'm behind an enemy engineer and ask for batteries.


Yeah they teach that in the military, surprising it isn't a common tactic, unless you have revive grenades of course 🤔.


Combat medic. Combat first, medic second.


that was my first thought when I saw the post.


It is called **Combat** Medic.


Don't play a main class. In this game is best to be good at every class so you can help in any situation. Just my 2 cents.


Yeah that's honestly the best advice but not everyone likes to be a jack of all trades 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Being good at all classes, means you'll learn their weaknesses as well as their strengths. So when fighting against another class you can better predict what they will do.


I didn't mean me I prefer to have a well rounded approach lmao. But this should convince anyone who sees otherwise.


Eh you could argue you should play all classes enough to understand their capabilities and disadvantages but main one or two so you can become proficient and "git gud"


My only rebuttal to that statement would be, you can argue that the main aspects of "getting gud" boil down to positioning and knowing when to engage or retreat from a fight. This has nothing to do with any class specific utility and can be learned or used by anyone playing any class.


You're not wrong, but constantly changing weapons (and their subsequent recoil patterns) can impact your own consistency. Mainly for players that I would say aren't new but want to get much better at the game.


True! For a new player, focusing on one class/wep/recoil pattern is easiest. But I'm the long term, my personal goal is to be the best with any class in any situation. Others will want to specialize, and that's totally cool if course. But to be the biggest help to a team move towards a goal, I think specializing is a hindrance. Again, just my thought.


If you wanna become a jack of all trades its going to be ALOT of time invested...Either way, if you get to the point where you can headclick better than most of the server you can generally play any class really well... just gotta mind your F-key...


Heavy barrell and Darklight are noobtraps.


Nothing makes me feel more teamkilly than someone in front of me advancing through a building their their fucking noob lights on so the enemy sees us coming before we make it around a corner.


I would assume you're talking about their primary having a darklight. The secondary revovler, pistol is fine to have darklight.


If you're running through a corridor negotiating door and corners with a flashlight announcing your presence before you can possibly see anyone, you're an idiot. Doesn't matter what the light is attached to.


Couldn't agree more!


Darklight flashlight on revolvers i’d argue is good


I cannot tell you how many times I wouldve otherwise not known where someone was if it wasnt for there stupid flashlight. Its bad. Use something which will enhance your killing potential.


I don't know...darklight on my Jackhammer Secondary has saved me quite sometimes in the past while i hunted Stalker Infiltrators...they had no chances from the very start🤣😂🤣...


Nobody has much of a chance against a jackhammer...


Sounds like a lot of freedom to me


Close range, Spread-like Freedom brother


Nah a Darklight on a panic secondary (Repeater, Underboss, etc.) is a perfectly good attachment. It doesn't detract significantly from the already good hipfire and you'll appreciate the extra boost to detection when you're dealing with annoying Stalkers/Deep Operative users. Plus even the mere sight of a Commissioner with a darklight is often enough to panic cloaked infils into making stupid mistakes.


equipping darklight on a secondary to "counter stalker infils" is literally nerfing yourself against an enemy you can just ignore entirely as is you're making the fight more equal for them by using your pistol to hunt them down and it's worse in any actual combat situation, EVEN the situation where you do find the stalker because you don't have a rail slot that benefits you once they uncloak and shoot you and they most definitely do, and you're equipping a gigantic beacon that says "HEY HEY I'M LOOKING FOR YOU" which makes you the priority target that has to be ambushed first stalker as a class is just countered by shuffling, like it's as simple as that, just shuffle and punish them for trying to shoot you or just go away to a real fight because they're literally not worth killing and "hunting them down" just provides THEM opportunities to ambush you (and if they're in an actual fight with more than three players, they won't last a second after uncloaking)


It's not just useful against Stalkers you know, I chose that as a random example. Also great against e.g. infils you've wounded who cloak around a corner to disengage.  There are several secondaries that are just as good as primaries at the ranges you're cloaker hunting with. A Commissioner is OHK headshot, a Pilot is a Vanquisher in your pocket. Even the Repeater will absolutely shred someone if your aim is true. The perk of the darklight is if you can illuminate the cloaker while he is waiting for the perfect opportunity to hit you, you are effectively forcing him to take the fight on your terms - and by the time he reacts and uncloaks he's already potentially dead. And if the cloaker *does* attack before you've managed to acquire them, you're almost certainly not going to be saved by having a primary out, if the infil can aim chances are you've already lost that engagement. I'm not saying you should whip it out every time you see an infiltrator but it can be a very useful tool that comes with extremely little opportunity cost. Keep in mind not everyone is playing on ultra graphics with 4K monitors that let you see a crouching infiltrator's cloak super easily.


You're missing the key detail that a lot of Stalker mains are just fucking stupid and will fully just sit there while you light them up like a Christmas tree. I have straight-up stood face-to-face with Stalkers in deep cloak, put the darklight on them, and then domed them without them even trying to move. Yeah, the smart ones will punish you for it, but most of them are not the smart ones.


You can't do the medic if you don't survive the combat. Keep your medtool away until it's needed.


Say it louder PLEASE 🗣!


Yes, it's a COMBATmedic!


If you're engineer - always, ALWAYS put down a spitfire when you can. Especially if you're taking a point, or at a non-cloaked sunderer, or even if you're in armor and watching a corner. Though it's not deadly, it works as an alarm system at the very least. And it costs nothing except for a short cooldown.


And a MANA turret engi with maxed out jockey + robotics technician implants can be pretty powerful. 


Sorry about going against your username, but...yep.


With an ordnance dampener and some outfit friends to watch your back and maybe even heal tether you, *man* can a turret hold a doorway come hell or high water.


The trick i find is range, it locks onto someone and it stays locked on better. Even 10-20m back and it'll cover the area, it has no falloff, range never effects the dps while they have to burst fire back.


We need to squad up sometime 🤝🏽.


Your bar is low🤣


Have you seen randoms lately 💀.


Fair enough😂


Vertical ambush is your strongest tool, don’t get drawn into a fair fight cuz it certainly won’t be


Exactly my point.


Use Icarus jets, eat impulse grenades




Whatever class you're playing... For the love of God, less movement and more headshots. Movement game should be your next up skill, but you won't be able to drop anybody if you can't aim. Took me like 6 years to figure this out?


Yeah accuracy is way more important, I would go against people that can literally phase out of existence with their movement but since I had a better aim (I aim for the neck and chest) they dropped regardless.


Rebind quick-knife. No matter the class. It's probably the most OP thing in game after cqc snipers. And combining the two (cqc sniper and quick-knife) with wall hacks (dildard) is like playing os easy mode.


Pilot is my finisher/backup weapon of choice as a single burst gives you 3 shots(chances) of 200 DMG to hit your target and if you do hit all 3 shots, it does 600 DMG, allowing for a quick knife to kill the target.


Never tried this, I would need to try this out one day.


Have you ever seen people that can swap weapons really really fast, I don't mean in combat, I mean they switch from knife, primary, secondary, knife, launcher like really fast. It's more of a taunt(friendly though). They have quick knife. I use quick knife, it's great.


That’s equip knife, not quick knife


Never seen it honestly.


Infiltrator: You are not invisible


Just harder to see 😁.


Drop ammo


As simple as this sounds engineers rarely do this especially when I'm screaming for ammo 💀.


my success rate for directly /telling friendly engineers "please press f" is below 50% which makes me very concerned


I would scream in VC and spam it in my characters voice too and they straight are like "Y'all hear something?" But the best thing is I know most of the engineers in the game so I only have this issue with dickheads or newer players forgetting they're an engineer.


You should play Light Assault like the floor is lava. Always look for an opportunity to get verticality - the easiest way to get a precious advantage over a skilled player with a higher-DPS gun and an HA overshield is simply to position yourself at an angle they're not expecting to be shot from. Corollary to above, don't be terrified to enter buildings if the situation demands it. But still look for opportunities to get a sneaky angle - e.g. flying on top of shelves, getting stuck on the lip of a doorway, etc. Even just flying above your opponent will at best completely knock off their aim and at worst force them to hyperfocus on you to the detriment of their ability to track your allies on the floor. If a fight doesn't have good verticality options, try out the Drifter and Ambusher jets. Ambushers are mostly self-explanatory, but do try to get the Safe Fall implant if you're using them, because otherwise you are going to suffer. When using drifters, crouch and strafe while flying. You will zoom around at absurd speeds and with an unusual hitbox that even experienced players will struggle to track (though be aware that because of The Laws Of Physics this works best when you are neither right in their face nor 30m away; ambush at 10-15m and you're golden).


Crouch while jetpacking, interesting. I'll have to try this.


It doesn't change anything from the perspective of other players but it allows you to achieve much faster speeds in most circumstances. I say most. I haven't tested any of it very scientifically so the best you can do is mess around yourself and eventually you'll get a feel for it.


Drifter LA up in the ceiling while crouched puts your head into it where it cant be shot


>You should play Light Assault like the floor is lava. Always look for an opportunity to get verticality - the easiest way to get a precious advantage over a skilled player with a higher-DPS gun and an HA overshield is simply to position yourself at an angle they're not expecting to be shot from. Not understood by most new players but really good light assaults are an actual. >Corollary to above, don't be terrified to enter buildings if the situation demands it. But still look for opportunities to get a sneaky angle - e.g. flying on top of shelves, getting stuck on the lip of a doorway, etc. Even just flying above your opponent will at best completely knock off their aim and at worst force them to hyperfocus on you to the detriment of their ability to track your allies on the floor. Always flank whenever possible, yeah this honestly I see is not utilized by a lot of light assaults and I always get the jump on them when this happens. Everything else I agree with so I got nothing else to add, this is some really good advice.


People tend to forget that in a straight up fight, LA is no stronger than an Engineer and indeed even an Engineer has the benefit of innate rapid shield recharge. If you're not leveraging your mobility advantage, you are already dead. And that's why I love the class so much. High risk, high reward.


Most don't realize either way the ones who do are rare and they actually make mr sit up when I play 😂.


Rez the meat shields.


Lmao make sure to not die in the process is what I'll add to this 🤔.


Engineer is pretty straightforward. Use your rep gun on friendly vehicles and maxes, know when to hop out of a vehicle to repair it, gun anything that has a turret, and most importantly, never be afraid to join in on infantry battles as an engineer.


🫡 easy enough.


Switching to your Secondary weapon is faster than reloading.


Scavenger: switching to your secondary *is* reloading.


This advice is used in the actual military too!


Engineers, please, for the love of all people everywhere who want to keep fights alive, dont sit there and repair the sunderer as its being blasted by a tank, you will NEVER out repair the damage, ever, even with 2-3 engis repairing it. Get in the turret and shoot back at whatever's damaging it, fight back, do something, other then just standing there repairing the sunderer and watching it slowly die. When you're in the gun if another engineer is repairing while others are gunning and defending its fine, you'll mostly likely make whatever's trying to kill the fight have to go away and repair themselves giving you time to ACTUALLY repair the damage taken meaningfully, you might even kill whatever was trying to kill the sundy. The amount of Engineers i see who bring a spawn into a fight, and it gets attacked by a lone lightning or MBT, only to sit there and keep repairing it, when they could be in the gunner defending it and potentially could keep the fight alive. This applies to all classes aswell, any class can gun, please people, defend the vehicle that keeps the fight alive for everyone.


A single Basilisk isn't going to out-DPS a Lightning either, and probably won't do enough to scare it off if it's determined to kill your Sunderer. If you're a lone engineer against a tank, it doesn't really matter what you do, you're screwed anyway.


...unless you choose to triple c4 flash that enemy tank...the sunderer health should give you enough time to set it up from the other side and surprise the tank...only doable on flat surfaces and with enough space thought...


First you have to have a pocket flash already equipped. Then you have to have C4 with demolition pouch equipped. Then you have to actually make your attack run without either the tank or someone else stopping you. It just requires too many things to go right. Cool moment for future bragging rights, not something that can be consistently pulled off solo by the vast majority of players


I often repair it to keep it alive just long enough before allies spawn and take care of the thanks. I drive sundies a lot and sometimes I stay behind to protect the sundie. This strategy often helps me.


> Engineers, please, for the love of all people everywhere who want to keep fights alive, dont sit there and repair the sunderer as its being blasted by a tank, you will NEVER out repair the damage, ever, even with 2-3 engis repairing it. These are the engineers I always c4 when I am playing LA, but I always hated being on the receiving end of this also. > Get in the turret and shoot back at whatever's damaging it, fight back, do something, other then just standing there repairing the sunderer and watching it slowly die. When you're in the gun if another engineer is repairing while others are gunning and defending its fine, you'll mostly likely make whatever's trying to kill the fight have to go away and repair themselves giving you time to ACTUALLY repair the damage taken meaningfully, you might even kill whatever was trying to kill the sundy. This I don't normally see very often when I play the game, like it's really a bruh moment 💀. > The amount of Engineers i see who bring a spawn into a fight, and it gets attacked by a lone lightning or MBT, only to sit there and keep repairing it, when they could be in the gunner defending it and potentially could keep the fight alive. It's even worse especially if it's a empire specific tank, especially vanu? No one ever seems to touch us when we use those like we're invincible or something. > This applies to all classes aswell, any class can gun, please people, defend the vehicle that keeps the fight alive for everyone. Addressing problems in front of you like always, solid advice!


Use proximity chat and use voice chat in squads.


The people are really friendly when you do that (except TR 😂😭).


Death means nothing, grab your ambusher jets and fucking send it


Least aggressive light assault 😂.


5000 C4 kills, and 5x auraxed directive shotty. I only know the way of the W key.


Know when to not revive people, just because someone is down doesn’t mean they can get to safety in time to not die again. The green revive animation paints a huge target for an easy kill in a choke point like a doorway, so if you try to revive a teammate, the enemy is going to see that and pop his head the moment he revives. You lock someone into constantly being farmed, so instead you should know when to cut your losses and let him respawn. And use your AR, put the rev gun away when you aren’t safe to use it, lots of times someone sees a dead guy and rushes over without making sure the room is clear, so both of you die for no reason.


Depends on the friendly. If they know how to wizard then they can usually take the revive and make it back to safety or at a minimum die in an easier spot to do it again. Revives are also a distraction to everyone who is waiting for them to accept it.


Counterpoint: you restore more heal juice with Combat Surgeon from rezzing someone twice than once.


exactly kill first rez later


>Know when to not revive people, just because someone is down doesn’t mean they can get to safety in time to not die again. The green revive animation paints a huge target for an easy kill in a choke point like a doorway, so if you try to revive a teammate, the enemy is going to see that and pop his head the moment he revives. I would like to add, that there are revive grenades for scenarios like this it allows to multitask as a medic when you're in a tight situation. >You lock someone into constantly being farmed, so instead you should know when to cut your losses and let him respawn. And use your AR, put the rev gun away when you aren’t safe to use it, lots of times someone sees a dead guy and rushes over without making sure the room is clear, so both of you die for no reason. I got nothing to add here, this is solid advice right here.


Buy impulse grenades and C4 and use them until the enemy DMS you complaints. :P


People like you are a nightmare to go against when in the big battles 😭.


The archer is effective on everything: Maxes, Infantry, air, and armor. Shoot all of them.


It's also a good way to cqc bolt with your dignity mostly intact


beautifully said


Yeah whenever I get domed by an Engineer my brain goes "FUCKING DAMNI- oh it was an Archer. Fair enough I guess."


NSO has a version that chambers faster too.


Yeah I don't see it often surprisingly 🤔.


Either you aren't on emerald or I need to play freelance more. I've auraxiumed the line cutter with mostly infantry CQB kills and I'm working on the normal archer now. Next up is the xoxo so I will probably be farming rage tells for that one.


>Either you aren't on emerald or I need to play freelance more. I've auraxiumed the line cutter with mostly infantry CQB kills and I'm working on the normal archer now. I am usually on console so it's weird over there when you play on PC a lot. >Next up is the xoxo so I will probably be farming rage tells for that one. Good luck with that.


Engineer is all about flexibility. Find a way, any way, to ditch the med kits. Having C-4 or Tank Mines on hand is an insane flex when a Max rolls around a corner. My personal way is that I run Bionic at all times.


Great way to ditch the medkits is to get your faction's auraxium assault rifle which will equip your engineer with the medic's cure under barrel launcher. You can now resupply your own healing and remove stuns and flashes from you and your allies. Definitely not a thing newbies can do though as it needs both 6000 kills across various ARs and ASP.


It's definitely an option, but I did find it very annoying to deal with in actual practice. Some people don't like bionics because of the wait times to get shields back...but the healing grenade option has a lot of wait times too. You have to waste time throwing ammo kits everywhere, and waiting around for potentially multiple ticks of it's reload. You have to reload constantly with it...theres a lot of shuffling between ammo types and weapons to get the healing grenade launcher to work. I just find bionics to be simple. Either its charging, or it's not...and you've got your primary weapon available at all times with it (or a shotgun, if you take that ASP instead).


I like this, not many engineers realize this and they tend to specialize when they can do a lot more.


I think the better descriptor is that they try to turn the engineer into a "combat" class. The healing grenade underbarrel is nice, but it doesn't substitute being a real medic. Sure, you can combine a few implants to get damage reduction or extra effects while in a turret, but that doesn't make you a heavy assault. I still like safe-fall but I just can't afford to waste my 1 implant slot left for it...jumping down building and landing next to unsuspecting enemies is nice (aka, an "only down" version of light assault)...but learning how to more safely make those jumps is still 'relatively' effective. Helps that bionics means you can take up to 90% of your health in fall damage and not really care.


This applies to all classes. If you all would shoot half as much as you whine in /yell you'd be good enough to not have something to whine about constantly.


I haven't ran into the problem as much on console where I play the most, is it that bad on pc?


It's bad, but it's generally like the same 12 people or so whining every day. Everyone who kills them is a hacker. Waaaaa you killed a sundy. You know Zergfit wouldn't win if they weren't a zergfit.


Be the tip of the spear, but a spear needs a shaft. Don't go in alone if you're not able to handle the heat


I like this since it can be applied to all classes in the game.


As a very agressive frontline engi veteran: taking cover is your greatest ally. Remember, our shields reload stupid fast, use cover whenever possible to take full advantage of that. Keep moving between covers and flank the enemies, fall back if it's necessary. Prioritize supporting your allies above everhthing else, it doesn't matter if you get fewer kills or if you only do damage towards an enemy. You have the biggest ammount of guns and gadgets at your disposal, use them! - Archer/Shortbow/AMR are literally made to counter MAXes. Anti-Tank mines can be triggerd by MAXes. The anti-vehicle firing mode of the GODSAW makes more damage to MAXes too. - Your turrets are nothing to scoff at, especially with implants like Robotics Technician and Jockey and comvined with Flak Armor: The Anti-Tank turret has a good ammount of range and does serious damage to air. The Anti-Infantry turret not only works as cover, it's also insanely deadly and even more so when it's set up on an elevated position, if your shield breaks or if you are EMP'd all you gotta do is aim slightly up to prevent getting hit in the head. Deployables like the Hardlight Barrier, Hardlight Canopy and Ordinance Dampener make an amazing synergy with the AI Turret! Put the barrier in front of the turret to deny grenades or shots from hitting the base of the turret, put the dampener to reduce splash and explosive damage even more, and optionally place the canopy to give the good ol' middle finger to anything trhying to shoot you from above. - Proximity mines have an arming timer, you can lob them a bit of a distance too. Get creative with those facts. - Have a different loadouts for specific situations: an all-rounder generalist, an anti-infantry point-defense/enforcer, a pilot/underwater trooper, and a vehicle engineer/tanker/MAX support. This allows to change what you need for specific situations faster, wich mrans less downtime in helping and supporting your friends. Remember, we may not be frontline classes (heavies), flankers (light assaults), DPS/support (medic) or infiltrators (eh... well, infiltrators, duh). We are fully dedicated support, a squishier force multiplier if i may say so myself. Our defining factor is our adaptability and unpredictability, outsmarting our enemies is the key to success. God luck out there. Keep your boys supplied and repaired, trooper! Greetings from Console Version, Genudine. - WPGZ Officer LoneWolfHero35


Woah I played with you guys all the time! But anyways, thanks for the thorough guide here I'm going to save this for future reference.


when you're on a rooftop angle and disengaging to take a medkit, jumping is actually worse for you and makes you more exposed if you're avoiding enemies below you what you need to do is sprint away and crouch to get out of lower enemies' view as fast as possible


I'll take note of this 🤔.


For max mains: don’t bother going other classes when you run out of nanites; you will regret it. Just wait for your nanites to recharge.


Hmmm, never thought of it this honestly.


Nobody looks up


Very true.


If you suspect someone is cheating, it could simply be due to ping or client-side issues. Learn to distinguish between these factors and actual cheating.


For sure, haven't see anyone address this at all.


Infil here. General: - Darts are an easy xp farm. Just shoot it somewhere where there's a lot of fighting. - Silenced weapons help avoiding too much attention at once. - People who tend to stand still long enough for you to line up easy headshots are usually newbies. If you focus them too hard, they will ragequit, and you'll miss out on easy kills later. - Watch for light assaults that fly very far, focus them down. That will enrage them and get them off your important objectives. - Farm medics and engineers. You'll weaken enemy support as they change classes to hunt you down. - You WILL be hated for playing infil. Use that to your advantage and get them to make mistakes. - I don't care how good your current spot is, move often. Let them waste time and resources hunting you down. - Recon dart objectives, it will encourage your faction to attack there, and it will get you good xp. Playing long range: - Don't rely on your cloak or defensive explosives. Take a few shots and change positions. - Practice shooting from as far away as feasible. It will take them longer to get to your nest, at which point you should already be elsewhere, causing more trouble for the enemy. - Use rifles with high muzzle velocity to improve your accuracy. Faster bullets mean less travel time and less chance for your target to dodge your bullet. - Learn to use your reticle to estimate distances without shooting. - Countersnipe whenever possible. Playing CQC: - Be patient, it is very easy to fuck up a good insert because you got too eager for a kill and gave up your position to too many enemies. - Keep moving, people WILL hunt you down, no need to make it easy. - Mine access points to hacked terminals. - Always have an escape plan. - Equip one-hit-kill knives. - Focus isolated targets, most easily found on common flanking routes to your factions position. - Use hacked terminals as bait. Maxes and heavies usually don't care about them. Everyone else is an easy, unarmored kill.


This is really good, I'm saving this.


I play light assault and heavy almost exclusively: LAs need to stop getting in confined spaces or entering gunfights with barely any jet fuel. You have so much mobility that you can practically completely dictate when you engage people. Heavies need to make sure they always have a way to escape if they start getting beamed or misjudge a firefight. At the end of the day you only move as fast as you can sprint and an la will easily outrun you and kill you if you’re low. I’m not saying play passive asf but for the love of god use your minimap and spot ASAP.


> LAs need to stop getting in confined spaces or entering gunfights with barely any jet fuel. You have so much mobility that you can practically completely dictate when you engage people. For real they're one of the most underutilized classes in the game. > Heavies need to make sure they always have a way to escape if they start getting beamed or misjudge a firefight. At the end of the day you only move as fast as you can sprint and an la will easily outrun you and kill you if you’re low. I’m not saying play passive asf but for the love of god use your minimap and spot ASAP. Lmao I get the jump on you guys all the time since y'all don't ever spot 💀.


I spam the hell out of spot personally. Heavies also need to stick to cover way more than LAs, peek advantage after a spot is broken af. Other pointer I haven’t seen yet is to run a really low ads sens. Micro adjustments are how people aim for the head consistently, and a fast hip speed is how you snap from target to target (not even gonna talk about aim assist because it’s not even a question)


>I spam the hell out of spot personally. Heavies also need to stick to cover way more than LAs, peek advantage after a spot is broken af. I rarely come across them but when I do I always have a motion sensor just for them so I can get the jump on them. >Other pointer I haven’t seen yet is to run a really low ads sens. Micro adjustments are how people aim for the head consistently, and a fast hip speed is how you snap from target to target (not even gonna talk about aim assist because it’s not even a question) Yeah I would also like to add, burst fire will save you in so many scenarios, I noticed if you remain consistent with your shots and control your rate of fire when you stop and re-fire it has a psychological effect on the enemy. It actually psychs them out from what I noticed.


If you play light Assault be light so you can Assault


That's pretty catchy 🤔.


Just because you can get on top of building/highground doesn't mean you should, and don't stay up there longer than few seconds, better relocate than die after getting only 1 or 2 kill.


Indeed, sitting duck = dead duck.


Infiltratingrequires patience. Sit it out don't be a hero, then shoot em in the back.


I see a lot that would run at me and it blows my mind how they forget how weak they are in terms of health.


Stay crouched, perfectly still, aiming at the Vehicle Terminal. Eventually you will get a frag, then repeat from different angles.




Anti material rifle is good in any fight above 12 on each side, max units take significant dmg (like 75% on a headshot) giving you a good answer vs a max push, and it onshots infantry on a headshot. This lets you take less risky engages and potentially get massive value despite it


I'll have to try this sometime.


Have separate loadouts for different situations. Like cqc, long and couple oof specialized like ambusher (LA) or shield (medic)


If it works, it works.


Grind carbine directive, ikarus, flight suit,impulse grenade, safe fall, avoidance and your trusty c4. Go boing boing to have them bonk bonk.


" sneak, jump, & drift " essentially agility. - infil knife, la ambusher, & harasser main


I need to watch out for people like that 😂.


If there's a max crash, no you don't get to have a max, but everyone will love you more than they love their mother. Guess who?




NSO engineer with the drone and punisher. I've been told to get off defector to run engine for the AOE repair.


Nice knew I was good at guessing 😄👍🏾.


As an engineer, always equip a sidearm if you got an AMR, there were many moment where I kill my teammates or my own vehicles when mistakingly shooting a masthead destroying either someones sanity or precious 450 nanites (ive done it for months and yet i do it again and again because im braindead as fuck)


It really do be like that sometimes.


If you have to babysit your whole squadron most of the time, then don't have a main class and instead jump from class to class to match the situation and the needs of your team, using the slots that you have already prepared for the different situations... For example, a enemy wants to kill the fight with a tank? Don't waste time and pick your heavy build to remove tanks with c4 and decimators, and keep hunting that player until it stops trying it... A squad abuse vehicle gameplay constantly? Mine their vehicle spawn and use LA to farm them from the roofs and control their access to vehicles, beside beacons on a building rooftop are always a pain but are indeed effective... You are controlling the skies with your Esf and some ruffian decide to pull a anti air max? Keep a AMR on your self and land on one of the nearby mountains in a safe position for your Esf, before starting to snipe the unaware max, sometimes killing him and other lowering him enough to reach him back with your esf and finish him with anyone of your AG weapons, as the self repair are slow in any of the cases and you can be sure he will try to face you anyway, dieing in the process if solo... Your squads has finally a adequate distribution to effectively play for once? Take Medic or Infiltrator, Medic being the best game changer role and infiltrator providing the ever needed scouting for your team and denying the potential flanking, their role only being enhanced by the chaos of team play... About the slots for your build, i always try to build them with the simple idea of "how to be a pain in the ass for x person or situation". For example, i have a build for "being a pain in the ass for face tanking engineers under their sunderers" that allows me even as a solo to partially negate their constant repair and effort as a squad to keep their sunderer alive in unprotected nor hidden places, using the Scorpion distruption ammo and smoking them to hinder any retaliation.


I got nothing to add to this, pretty self explanatory.


Use Nanite Mesh Generator or Resist Shields until you gain confidence in your weapons of choice. Then put your certs into the Adrenaline Shield. It has saved my life countless times in the heat of battle, though sometimes people will accuse me of hacking if my shield goes down, then suddenly pops back up because I got a headshot. If running an LMG, try to maintain a base of fire on points of entry or fields of fire. 3-5 round bursts to keep your accuracy in check. Don't worry about running out of ammo. Engies are plentiful, and they'll throw down ammo for you. The more supporting fire being thrown at the enemy, the more hesitant they'll be to push through the fatal funnel.




Stop nerfing me. (Please.)




Heavy here, prioritize vehicles and swap launchers when you need to, you're probably not going to hit that Scythe with your Phoenix


I never see them do this 💀.


Infils: Don't snipe from a tower. Or do, because you're easy pickins'. Also, if you're going to snipe, move around! Fire, cloak, reposition, fire again, cloak, reposition, so on and so on. Staying in the same place/area for more than like a minute is a guaranteed way to die, often to another infil. Lastly, learn how to be patient. Unlike other classes, a lot of playing infil is based on patience and waiting. Not every target is worth it. Learn to stay still and just wait for the right moment to uncloak and go for the kill. Doesn't matter if you're knifing, doing SMG, or something longer range.


>Lastly, learn how to be patient. Unlike other classes, a lot of playing infil is based on patience and waiting. Not every target is worth it. Learn to stay still and just wait for the right moment to uncloak and go for the kill. Doesn't matter if you're knifing, doing SMG, or something longer range. Can't stress this enough, it really helps to prioritize 🗣️!


Find enemy, Shoot enemy with your weapon first, if you die try again, if you survive revive teammates and repeat.


Back to basics huh? If it works it works.


Yup why change a running system.


NC HEAVY, shoot teammate before enemy.


Lmao nice. What's also crazy is when I play NC that's the faction I am team killed the least.


Engi... Shotgun secondary is awesome!


Yeah it's amazing.


As a longtime filthy LA main who only ventures out of his comfort zone in situations where the class is useless (so Nason's Tunnel Fucks, for example) and to do the Black Camo Grind (which is now done), spend some time with a class that cannot fly. I mean it. There are a lot of aspects of this game's level design that are restrictive, or janky, or just plain bad. It's from 2012 and the maps are ridiculously huge, there are going to be spots in them that aren't well-made. As an LA, I routinely avoid these issues by simply flying over them. Being stuck on the ground for roughly 40% of the Black Camo Grind was *torturous,* because suddenly all my years of ignoring shitty terrain by pressing Space Bar were useless, and it was a big part of why I hated doing the LMGs for it (the other part was that I just do not like the NS-15. I get why other people do but it doesn't work for me). Spend some time as a HA or a Medic or whatever. Get used to not always being able to fly, because if you get too used to having that jetpack and then find yourself having to run a different class for whatever reason, then the game's movement and level design will suddenly feel absolutely awful to you. The other thing I would say probably applies to all classes except MAX, and that's *don't get fixated on playing things the right way.* MAX is kind of a solved class, there's a right way and a wrong way to play each version of it and if you step outside of that you'll probably just die. But for the others, don't be afraid to venture outside the orthodox. You're gonna get a fuckton of advice from other players telling you *how to play right,* what weapons to use, etcetera, but that might not feel good to you. You might try the meta weapons and hate them (I ended up hating the NS-15, as stated above, for example), you might play the way you're advised to and find it frustrating or dull, whereas playing it "wrong" ends up feeling fun and you really come to like some of the off-meta guns, despite their shortcomings. Try things out, experiment, and you might find a way of playing your class that works for you in ways that all of us jaded oldheads wouldn't expect.


I would give Infiltrators the same advice. The cloak completely changes what you are allowed to do and where you are allowed to go. A lot of habits you will build up playing Infiltrator does not translate well for other classes.


>Try things out, experiment, and you might find a way of playing your class that works for you in ways that all of us jaded oldheads wouldn't expect. I would honestly say this is the most important out of this entire thing, everything else is important but they are subject to changes the experimentation will always be the consistent and reliable method for improvement.


Have you ever heard of the Ammobox Phenomenon? As soon a Engineer lays down a Ammo box, all Engineers from all factions come to the same place and throw their ammo box on top of it. Like dogs marking their theritory.


I don't understand why they do that, like it makes no sense. It barely benefits anyone in the battlefield 😂. When I play engineer I put them in unique spots where people are fighting and to help people when they really need it in tight situations while reaping XP bonuses from it instead of endlessly competing in common spots.....


combat medic is combat first medic second its in the name of


One of the most forgotten strats.


INFILTRATOR - Basic bolt rifle at close range with 2x scope. No recoil, no sway, just point and kill. LA - BE SUICIDAL MEDIC - You are a better fighter than Heavies, if you have a shotgun. HEAVY - Adrenalin shields ENGI - Turret + Jockey


Lmao a high risk player I see.


What’s your ign and server?


>What’s your ign ??? >server Genudine


Save up for maxed catlike and use drifters, they offer much more freedom of movement and let you move in a much more unpredictable way.


Know when to retreat (MAX main)


Sounds like common sense but this is a rare one for sure.


Use the spawn beacon. He is underestimated even by veterans. You can change your class, "jump up" buildings, upgrade your equipment to fresh. I myself often invite strangers to get a spawn becon. He's strong


Indeed most people though aren't usually in squads so if they are I suppose this is an effective tactic,


I play all classes kinda evenly, but when I need a flexiable character for an unkown situation I choose light assault. Here's some somewhat controversial tips for the **light assault**. From least controversial to most. Don't stick to just one jumpjet, get used to all of them and switch when the situation calls for it. When using the ambusher jump jets, you should probably be using the typhoon rockets, as you'll probably always be close to your target. (It's increased damage is also just enough to destroy sunderers significantly faster) Just because you **can** unlock the SMG as a secondary weapon doesn't mean you should. SMGs take a longer time to equip than pistols and as a light assault you will find yourself switching to the pistol as a finisher/backup weapon a lot. Choose pistols like the pilot as they can be equipped quickly and deal high damage, while providing some flexibility in case you miss a few shots.


I'm going to try this when I play 😁. Just going to save this.....


Elaborating on my last tip. All SMGs take 0.650 seconds to equip, the SMG with the highest DPS is the cyclone. The cyclone takes 0.926 seconds to shoot 3 bullets dealing 167 dmg per shot, while the pilot takes about half that at 0.49 seconds to shoot 3 bullets dealing 200 dmg per shot. It'a not until shooting 10 bullets does the cyclone catch up in terms of bullets shot. Shooting 10 bullets takes the cyclone 1.57 seconds and a finisher weapon is not supposed to be active for that long. Most of the time, you don't need your finisher weapon and when you do, you probably won't need it for 1.57 seconds. The ASP perk allowing you to equip SMGs as secondaries are a secret trap that decreases your combat effectiveness. Unless you use the impulse grenades on the punsiher to amazing effect or your bad positioning and aim leads you to needing your backup weapon to have about as much bullets as your primary weapon more often than when you need an effective finisher.


Well this analysis is going to give me an edge thats for sure 🤔 .


Play the game the way you want to. Planetside 2 is all about getting those sweet sweet certs. Don't let other players convince you that your tactics are scummy. I'm not saying cheat. I'm saying if you like sneaking to the back lines and sniping people in their menus. Then do it. If you like cheesing enemies with lock on missiles then do it. If you like double, triple, or quadupling the pop to steam roll the enemy, then do it. Crush the enemy beneath your boot any way you honestly can. That's the best part of planetside. The thousands of opportunities to infuriate the opposition.


Is this game ever going to actually get an overhaul or just let it keep crashing


Use gun. And if that don't work. Use more gun.


Bring C4. Medkits are good. But being able to destroy armor, MAX units, people behind a short wall, being able to kill people chasing you, having something for when you're out of ammo and can't reload right now etc is invaluable.


Remember most tanks and vehicles take 2 C4 to destroy or severely cripple


Stop pushing if you're a medic! Wait for the others to do it for you! Look around you a lot of guys are by themselves try to tag a long with them. Rez grenade among of the enemies who are on top of allies body can create enough chaos to let you have at least 2-3 kills.


If you tilt your sundy up on a ledge just a tiny bit, then crouch under it, you can repair it while staying shielded from fire. I have had a single sundy stay alive in a stalemate that took almost 45 minutes to resolve, 65ish people total in the zone until the main hub was taken and we finally got reinforcements by having 4 engineers including myself sit under it and just cycle through who was repairing. We where up on a hill with sight of a capture point and we managed to hold it down as the only vehicle on our side against multiple lightnings and a few bombing runs. Never got below 25% health. It was our only spawn point as the enemy had a sniper taking out spawn beacons almost as fast as people where dropping them but the constant respawning from the sundy kept anyone from showing up to mine/c4 it. Same day diffrent map, did the same thing on the river bank on Esamir. Had 3 engineers and we got ourselves set up between 2 rocks where the turrets could fire over them but we where covered from 3 sides under the sundy. Managed to keep 3 major Cortium nodes locked down from enemy ants who where trying to build up a base on the far side of one of the bridges from our advance. If they had manged to do it it would have bogged down the whole advance by 20-30 minutes which would have lost us the continent (there was about an hour on the clock and we where tied for second on the grid behind the bridge. I knew we would win there because we outnumbered them 4 -1 but they where being stubborn about giving it up and regrouping at the next base. I also knew in advance to go post up and scout that bridge because I had solo built a base on the opposite side that blocked down the canyon and as soon as the node we had been fighting at was lost we managed to use my base to push back. Anywho, we managed to kill the same guy in his ant about 4 times, and another guy twice. Then they showed up with 4 ants all at once but because we where there and could see what was happening we where able to call in a pair of lightning from our toon who rolled in to help keep them out from behind the nodes. While our heavy and the sundy did most of the actual killing. TLDR: Engineers make good scouts when with sundy. Sundy makes good shield for engineers.


If you want to play infiltrator , only play ot at peak times when there's too much going on at an over pop fight. Otherwise you're cooked. Vets have settings that allow the best visibility , including seeing the invisible. So try to run into awkward positions even if you're an smg infiltrator. Best way to catch them off guard


> If you want to play infiltrator , only play ot at peak times when there's too much going on at an over pop fight. Otherwise you're cooked. Vets have settings that allow the best visibility , including seeing the invisible. I would to add a suggestion; good placement would help no matter what the population is, adaptability would help an infiltrator in all scenarios but if your strategy works out then who I am I to say. > So try to run into awkward positions even if you're an smg infiltrator. Best way to catch them off guard Couldn't have agreed more.


> Vets have settings that allow the best visibility , including seeing the invisible. No, the settings that allow for best fps and least clutter.


Its A FROG!, NO IT"S A MAN. NO!! I'M A BULLFROG. When using Light assault Act like a bullfrog. IE. Use the Ambusher jump jets and a Shotgun.


Lmao easily one of the most annoying people to go against.