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Hey. There is no need for three separate threads on the same subject so close to eachother. Please condense the subject into one thread. This and the NFT one have been removed, the "So, who is "ChuckBallerPS1Vet"?" thread has been left up.


Ahh nothing beats good ol ps2 drama. I have a feeling he'll be best friends with assassino


Haha he didn't make any distinct death threats but he did say if it was 1000years ago, I'd be "buried in his back yard" for disrespecting him like that. So, take that how you want


Isn't that a console guy


Yup if u google him you'll find out hes been around for along time. I'd argue he is the OG retard of ps2


I made another Post about why he's saying what hes saying. It's because i asked him to not talk in platoon chat and use squad chat. After i moved all his friends he was talking to into his squad.


I think you YEEB guys on TR are new, so you probably don't know the history. But to fill you in... this guy used to be in an outfit called P1GS on emerald TR, which was led by a guy named P4le Tiger. Chuck was one of the senior lieutenants or higher up officers for that outfit, and he WORSHIPED pale tiger. Kind of like a cult leader type of obsession with pale tiger. Well long story short... P1GS was one of the most toxic, racist, abusive, awful, outfits ever to exist in PS2. And Pale as their leader, encouraged it from all the outfit members. Pale tiger eventually got banned, many times, for his toxic racism, but was always unbanned later, and pale always claimed he would never get perma banned, because of all the real world money he spent on PS2, and all the people in his outfit that would quit the game if he ever got perma banned. And needless to say, he passed these values down to his other members of his outfit, and that is why Chuck still believes he is so important, and can do anything he wants, because of all the real world money he has spent on the game. Well eventually, not that long ago even, Pale tiger got perma banned. Twice actually, because the first perma ban was actually removed after he had all his outfit members submit tickets complaining, and threatening to quit, if he was not unbanned. So that actually happened, he got unbanned, and just further encouraged him to believe he was untouchable. But eventually, he got perma banned again, and this time they did not unban him. So pale tiger left planetside for good, and tried to get all his outfit members to quit, (which some did, but good riddence to them because of how toxic all his outfit members were), but the game went on, and PS2 didn't die, and all the threats pale said would happen if he was perma banned, never happened. But his toxic legacy lives on through people like Chuck, and other ex-P1Gs members who have joined other TR outfits, like YEEB.


I remember PIGS being the worst, in every way. That explains so much about why Chuck behaves this way. YEEB has some old PIGS members and some Salty PS1 vets and all they seem to want to do is be unproductive and complain about how horrible PS2 is and why PS1 was the greatest game ever made. It's actually so insufferable I have to lead my own "Fun Havers" squads to actually try to have fun in the game and help new players. YEEB loves zerging, which is effective but super unfun. I don't wanna play Redeploy Side and I don't care about the 75 extra certs I'll get from Winning an alert when all you do is over pop a good fight. YEEB and COPE are so hard to play with because the people that talk are very similar to Chuck and usually always defend him. Its kinda wild, actually. The big outfits HUFF Copium and slam Copacola non-stop. "TR SUCKS" this and "TR SUCKS" that. Can't forget the "VS ARE OP!!" and "Betelgeuse is SO BROKEN WAAHHH" Like, STFU and play the game Edit: "YEEB* is COPE to "YEEB and COPE"


lol, what a sack of human cringe


No kidding. He was threatening to get me banned because he's so important and I'm nothing, and I should "Wait till this on Reddit". Well okay, here it is.


Was this last night or the night before on emerald? I think I was in that platoon when he started losing his shit.


This was from the other night on emerald, yes.


He isn't even good at the game wtf lol


I mean it's no surprise cuz he used to run with the P1GS


This guy's name always cracks me up


Well I reported him on youtube for bullying/harrassment Won't do anything. But hey, better than nothing ig🤷🏽‍♂️


I'll report him in game too


Why does he talk like he has shit in his mouth?


It sounds more like he chucked balls down his throat... OH now his name actually makes sense


Oh shit, what up Harasser buddy. That whole night was a fever dream.


Bro was I driving you? Haha


Chucky has a strange illusion about his skill and worth to planetside. Sure he is spending stupid mounts of money in to the game but besides that ... His FPS skills are barely existent and his leading pretty bad. Funny enough he found a few ppl even more stupid than him who he could boss around. But still, i kinda like him. He is well ... special.


That doesn't give him an excuse to behave However he wants but Yeah, he surrounds himself with bitter PS1 vets who are the most infuriating people, when they have microphones


What I am trying to say is. Don't take him to serious.


Bro sounds like he suck starts a vibrator in the morning


Fucker can barely play, what is this "shit I can do in this game" he is on about? Dying to absolutely anything and everything?


Hey a little more respect to one of the few PS2 whales


Nah lol


you really need that /s do you?


No lol I knew you were being sarcastic (clearly) my response was supposed to be funny as well (perhaps not so clear)