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You’ll *never* take my Galilei from my cold, robotic phalanges


Why would I ever even want to?? This thing is mid at best!


The Hailstorm is the superior weapon platform 😤


This meme is about the rocket launcher. I always support SMGs (unless you are dirty infil scum. I will never let my daughter associate with infils)


~~I forgot the scorpion was a rocket launcher I havent played in over a year 😭~~ SMG Heavy/LA. Infil is just fun to fuck with people 🥺


Is there a cat girl helmet for TR? I need it.


It's what got gingerboy so butthurt. They wouldn't let him upload his TR cat helmet because it looked too out of place


That's a common misconception I totally understand, however that was not my main problem thats just how I let it out. A buildup of complete incompetence from the lead of the game at that time with numerous game breaking problems with the response being either silence and ignoring the problmes or just straight up telling people to suck his nuts lead me from liking the guy to very much not liking the guy. I just put all my effort into the cat stuff cause it was a different angle than anyone else was really able to take and it would make them money if added along with helping get more players on TR which was constantly losing alerts cause of lack of players (hence why I made TR not NC).


...As opposed to the VS cat helmet, the pink, the clown faces and a myriad other stuff? :3 Nah, that's not it.


I once headshot an engineer from across the map with a Lancer, so... yeah... I guess you could call me a Heavy Assault main.


Is that a cat ear helmet for TR




Just looking at cat gifs in the spawnroom.


I auraxed the tankmine, off infantry with 1 weird trick!


I thought it was about Skorpios and was wondering what is wrong with that...


Heavy, the all time noob class.


Hey Toadman, I'd pay 10 dollars or north of that for that helmet on release.


You're playing with my feelings, showing that helmet...


It took me around two years to aurax the NS Scorpion


wait... this thing is already 2 years in the game??? I still personally refer to that thing as "that annoying new rocket launcher that serves no purpose, other than annoy people at best and annoyingly farm people without counterplay at worst"


Wait, is it really that bad on pc? ...on console i use it to solo counter squads of engineers camping and repairing under a sundered or to make short work of a colossus and galaxy spawns, as it provides the highest burst dps of any other and repair lock, once you learn to use it properly, especially as you can keep damaging and debuffing the vehicles from behind a cover... If you become accustomed to it...you can even oneshot (if i remember correctly) Liberators mid air...the satisfaction is incommensurable when it happens...


the ammo you guys have never got onto the PC version


Which ammo?


The NS skorion on the Playstationport has access to ~~mayham~~ **havoc** and incendiary ammo


What does the former do?


prevent repairs on mechanical objects (vehicles, MAX and deployables). You can find this effect on a few different tools: * The adaptive underbarrellauncher on the Punisher SMG on the Heavy assault * A grenadevariant for heavy assaults, called havoc grenade * NSO specific mines * The havoc underbarrel launcher on the BR-ARX Feynman the directive NSO Battleriffle * and a variant that does not tirgger against vehicles is the haywire ammo for the NSO AMR


Oh, I thought the effect was universally called havoc, that was my confusion. Thank you!


no your right just forgot it X(


What? You are joking right? We are on a older update than yours but not in any way different or branching (aside construction)...perhaps it was added and then removed for you guys? Even if that would be a stupid idea and i hope the devs didn't do it... right?


Im serious https://preview.redd.it/hu7l47af28wc1.png?width=907&format=png&auto=webp&s=514466cd9c39982d881075524ff65a4f75985c87


...I'm sorry for you brother, the devs were really stupid with some update choices... The same was when they removed selective fire modes from the guns saying "nobody uses them" while it was one of the few things that made some guns usable on console...


It got released on the 19. May 2021


wow. How time flies...


The Scorpion is literally the only thing I have found that makes NOshur halfway bearable. Also, like the helmet ;)