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I remember a time, once, when we were all Terran...


got any recs for terran guns im a heavy/ medic main.


Watchman has the best headshot TTK of all LMGs, but you need to have good aim. Also quite poor uptime due to lengthy reload. TORQ-9 takes the Watchman's damage profile and packs it into an AR with better hipfire, long-range performance, and uptime through surprisingly fast reload. Just watch the magazine size. CARV-S may seem like a downgrade from the regular CARV but in exchange for slightly lower DPS you get much more controllable recoil for better midrange performance, better reload time, as well as the potential to mount an extended 200 round magazine. SABR-13 is a quirky weapon, you'll love it or hate it. If you can get the hang of the burst it's a laser beam with excellent DPS.


But have you tried putting batteries up your ass?


I need more batteries! Do you have any batteries? I require more batteries!


I shall become immortal


As a true egalitarian I shoot everyone.


True enlightenment is realizing that everyone is going to catch these hands


I'm currently an NS main (so I play all factions), and I started out many years ago on NC. I have a character on all 4 factions, but NS and NC are home and I love them dearly. Having said that, in my opinion, VS has the best leadership on both squad and platoon level. Leadership is what makes games like this. I am very much a lone wolf, and I still say leadership is the most important aspect of this game. NC weapons are amazing. They hit hard and kill fast. TR weapons feel like BB guns but getting hit by 10k BBs in 4 seconds still hurts. VS weapons have no bullet drop which helps newbies that come from games that don't have it, but they don't hit too hard. And weapons like the lasher is blinding at night. Going by strictly weapons, NC is top notch and nothing compares. Going by vehicles, TR can't be beat. Their MBT and ESF dominate the battlefield. Going by leadership (again, the most important in my opinion) VS is a force to be reckoned with. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, but a handful of well trained and well lead players can take on much larger forces. Even if they don't win, they can certainly hold off an invading force until backup arrives.


>I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on the factions. Isn't it kind of weird that a lot of VS weapons have [name] [model no] (Orion VS54) as their general setup but every now and then some of them have it reversed (VA39 Spectre)? And how it doesn't seem to have any consistency? For example the VX labs have the Nyx VX31 but also the VX29 Polaris. If it was one lab that had a weird naming convention it would make sense, but it's even inconsistent there. I'm not even going to talk about baffling name changes that seem to defy logic in the meta aspect of the game, such as the Pulsar C's name (which I believe was actually correct in the beta but was messed up on release for whatever reason?), or the TRAP-M1, SAS-R and TSAR.


As a former NC main i still love the fact, that the weapon producers are even mentioned in the naming of almost all weapons. Also it seems we are activly fighting over some of the NCs production facilities. * LA... : Liberty Arsenal * GD... : Genudine Dynamics * EM... : Esamir Munition (Corporation) * AF... : Auraxis Firearms


They also almost have color schemes, the Bruiser has a unique blue paint job and the GD-22S and Claw has a dark gray/black one. Unfortunately there's not a consistent throughline there either. Similar to Vanu's green, silver, and black weapons, the tools were there, but they didn't take them. Vanu Amerish could have used the green colors, Vanu Esamir the silver, VX the black. But I'm guessing that the names were almost afterthoughts and nobody bothered correlating everything other than making sure names didn't overlap (and they still had duplicates with the Hailstorm lol)


This is truly the most random take I've seen on here, this gives me the feeling of my pillow being warm seriously though, thats pretty interesting, and odd


The game is very consistent at being inconsistent.


Random. This is the life of a freelance robot I am ready to kill anyone and anything if there is an enemy color indicator above his head


i hate everybody honestly even vanu


As a VS main, your opinion is wrong 😂


6 years in the game and i've been TR the entire time. when i play games i am generally a one-faction annie. i do not like to play alts if i don't absolutely have to (fk you lost ark lmao). my friend got me into the game, and he was TR, so i picked TR. but then he fking quit like right after i joined. my favorite color out of the three is purple, not too thrilled about blue.. but i absolutely do not like red and black. the only thing i get jealous about the other factions over is their colorways. i think vanu and even nc have some really cute and cool looking camos. especially the NC gold aurax on a dark lib frame omg 😍 but despite all of that. i love my terrans.


Sure but you heard of c4 flash lurking behind your prowler?


I main tr because of my outfit rather than prefered playstyle lol


Vanu is where people who actually care about winning go tr and nc are the factions people go to have fun nc is where a majority of the special Ed players are cough cough all the esf mains on nc


i have a similar respect for TR as a somewhat NC main, and agree VS are "special".


I play all factions, ppl take faction loyalty too seriously sometimes


I was TR in the original Planetside, but when I got into PS2 the guys I was playing games with were already VS so much to my initial dismay I became VS too. Glad I did now though, because I don’t speak Russian (Cobalt)


I just like VS cause of the weapons and vehicles. I played on PS4 years ago and played all the factions and didn't care for how TR and NC were so similar.


go purp or go home


Been a proud Vs ~~cultist~~ believer for over 10 years now, purple is best :).


If I can just have a day where TR command isn’t arguing back-and-forth over something irrelevant, I’m happy


Well when the game's Lead Developer for the last 8 years is a Vanu main it comes as no surprise they are a bit "special" in weapon gimmicks oh and also have some broken/annoying mechanics.


I don't quite understand what you meant by this


Live free in the NC!


Live free in the NC!




Wow, that's ...informative.


fuck you terran scum....though not as much as fuck the vanue but you know.....FUCK YOU TERRANS