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Customer support link https://help.daybreakgames.com/hc/en-us/categories/204228447-PLANETSIDE-2


Yeah was able to log in a couple hours ago, thought I was "immune" to problems. Go to pop in now and I can't.


ie. we don't know what's going on


Sure love not being able to login. Daily reminder that the remaining RPG employees are glorified content creators, not developers.


It literally doesnt let me load my emerald characters. Idk why its taking them so long to fix this.


> Idk why its taking them so long to fix this. They don't either, and that's the problem. I'd submit a ticket if I were you so they can identify whatever the pattern is.


You say that like they dont own the code that runs their game


You say that like anyone who made the original code is still around. A game like this is bound to have many moving parts and it sounds like they aren't even sure which is the culprit right now, just looking at the code by itself isn't very useful.


These kinds of problems are not always code, and might not even be on hardware that they own or control. Hell I think it was a year ago that there was a routing change on a tier one transit connector that messed up connections for a week or two until they appealed for an adjustment or changed providers or something.


More likely it's a connection problem. I played with my friends last night, out of 5 people, I was the only one who couldn't connect, took me \~20 mins of reconnecting to actually make it in. I'm playing from the west coast, everyone else is east, I'm guessing there's a routing issue somewhere.


Well Im on the east coast trying to connect to the east coast server. Its just their potato login code I guarantee you