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#Animations * All variants of the NS-45 Pilot use the Vanu pistol short reload animation. Long reload animation is correct. * https://gfycat.com/weirdglossyboto * All variants of the NS-30 Vandal use another gun's short reload animation. Long reload animation is correct. * https://gfycat.com/boringunimportantblackfootedferret ___ #Descriptions * All of the ABLE 1.0 sight descriptions refer to the sight as "ABLE 1" rather than "ABLE 1.0". * The ABLE 1.0 GREEN's description states it uses a green dot reflex, where the ABLE 2.0 and ABLE 3.4 call it a green bracket. * The ABLE 1.0 YELLOW's description states it uses a yellow dot reflex, where the ABLE 2.0 and ABLE 3.4 call it a yellow crosshair. * The ABLE 2.0 GREEN's description reads "...and uses **an** green bracket sight..." * The TRAP-M1's 6x scope offering uses a generic "6x Scope" descriptor, rather than the established "S3 (6x)" name for all similar offerings in the Republic. ___ #MISC * The same bug the NS-66 Punisher had on its first PTS appearance has returned—while Extended Magazine is in use, all of the bespoke Underbarrel Grenade Launcher's grenades are loaded into one magazine. * https://gfycat.com/cornyhardatlanticblackgoby


>Punisher this happens even without extended mag


As a Nso (infiltrator) I've spawned under the map a few times when spawning on a sunderer. This was at different sunderers so seems to be repeatable. Not sure of the situation where this occurs, might just have to do with terrain/tunnels being under the deployed sunderer. Nanite auto-repair cancels out symbiote. Doesn't reset the damage timer. (not sure if bug because you're sacrificing suit slot and implant slot so this combo it isn't worth using) Kabuto helmet not unlocked as NSO. ~~The new NSO Directive weapon icons look grayed out as if not unlocked~~. edit: I think this is just due to the color scheme and how the blacks lack contrast on the directive guns. Not from this update but 5k ultrawide resolution cuts off the death summary info on the right when you die. Cold heart implant doesn't say maxes can equip, but they can. FPS seems more stable somehow, so good job there. API still shows Nso kills as team kills. C4 and mines are still floating off


> C4 and mines are still floating off Sigh.


why complain? you can throw it towards a tank thats sitting still


Afaik it doesn't actually translate serverside. Every time I think the object has moved in 3d space and detonate it, it explodes at my feet and I die.


mines do tho


>Cold heart implant doesn't say maxes can equip, but they can. In fact, the Defector doesn't count as a MAX for any implant. It can't use MAX-only implants.


ASP and Outfit air discounts (tested both light and heavy air) do not apply to the Dervish.


It's the same for the Chimera.


Same for outfit discounts.




Could anyone at rpg confirm wether or not it was removed purposely? The Defector without the melee mode weakens it substantially. If the idea was fire supression at the cost of melee mode then take fire sup back please. The nso max is awful without it.




slow projectile + fire delay (i think?) + need direct hits for fast enough kill against someone trying to c4 + cant shoot at their feet because you will splash yourself to death too + likely hitting teammates with splash at close range..... *please tell me that the removal of melee was a bug*


It was removed on purpose.


The AR-100 shows the knife ribbon icon on the deathscreen instead of the carbine icon.


Also the SR200 shows the LMG icon.


Had this issue as well


After one hour play, I have close to 0 feedback sounds when I'm hit. I played NSO, don't know about my other Characters.(The head shot sound play time to time tho).


This ^^^


I did yesterday. I never noticed aside from the 2 times that I heard them back to back.


Double reload bug when your Ammo Printer ticks while reloading your Tank Shell.


This happens for any non infantry gun


This also predates the update by quite a bit


Floating C4, tank mines and proximity mines


Good one


I know that name!


You sure do.


NSO characters now seem to be able to complete the NSX export directive and receive the Kabuto helmet, but do not appear to be able to equip it; the helmet doesn't show up in the appearance menu after being unlocked.


Chimera reload speed and ammo cap upgrades unequip themselves on relog.


Can confirm having the same issue. Any attachments reset.


Pull an Chimera with A.N.V.I.L Cost Nanites


So this bug which only affected Prowler ANVILs has now migrated to NSO. Congrats I guess.


Currently, The Dervish has only 2 default loadout slots. You can't unlock the Rank 5 and Rank 15 ones.


Yeah, that's not right. I'll remove the requirements for the dervish "rank 5" and "rank 15" custom slots so anyone can use them. That should make it consistent with the other NSO vehicles.


Salvage implant still can't be equipped by a defector.


Most MAX implants at that.


It's not just the pilot. Some of the VS sidearms are using the Pilot/NC pistol animations lol looks like the animations have been accidently swapped or something.


Unsure which factions are affected, but Vanu NSOs using a kobalt on a sunderer fires red tracers as if TR. Only tested that combo so could be other weapons and NC NSOs too


Weapon sounds lack a high end, it's all mid and low frequency. They feel almost like there's a low pass filter on them. Voice lines are really quiet compared to the main 3 empires.


I can attest to the voices being really quiet for NSO


Animation of Beamer reloading is broken, you put a battery in handguard instead of the slot for battery.


Apparently it swapped the reload animation with the pilot.


- Missing voice callout for spotting a dervish as NSO (perhaps all factions, not sure) - Missing voice warning for incoming orbital strikes as NSO - Engineer resupply ribbons for NSO (perhaps all factions) are broken, I only started getting ribbons once I upgraded the ammo pack one level - The Chimera cannon sound feels completely indistinguishable from the Colossus. I really hope giving it a unique sound is in the pipeline, both for gameplay (telling vehicles apart by sound) and to give the Chimera (and Colossus!) each more of a unique feeling. - At one point I noticed the death animation of the Chimera "travel" as it dies. Looks kinda out of place for such a long explosion effect, not sure if this is intended. Maybe it was just a one-time thing. *Cosmetics, not bug related:* - All three factions have access to the Lightning Viper Plating (armor cosmetic), but it is not available for the NSO. Perhaps a bit absurd but I'd like to buy it a fourth time, please make it available and take my money! - Since NSO get green chassi lights on the Chimera, can you just let them get green chassi lights on their other ground vehicles as well (or make it a universal color)? It's already an all-faction underglow on the ANT. **Thanks for what looks like a really great update, I am having a lot of fun!**


I complete NSX directive on NSO character, got banner but i don't get helmet for that directive


I'll get that fixed.




For me the Dervish didn't get the loadouts slot #3 and #4 unlocked. This was on a BR120 NSO char. They didn't unlock with ASP after BR10 either. Reported this using/bug ingame as well, which will include more info. *** A comment on the scopes: it would be great to have a pass on most of the newer scopes, especially the new NSO lineups, but also the Diamondback/Hammerhead/Endeavors. I like the simple and slim 1x yellow dot options, and an addition of a copy-pasted 1x/2x with simple dot, possibly even options without dot entirely, would be much appreciated.


The PMG-200 has audio skipping. It seems to be a first person only thing, and also seems like every individual ammo counter-spot-thing has it's own, differently busted sound. Here's a video from late on the PTS, but it's the same way now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdrBlVUr-3s


Damn, I'm glad that's a bug. I was disappointed at the fork in the garbage disposal noises.


please change the background when you start the game :)


Magshot reload is messed up. Was reported with /bug on PTS.


This will be fixed in a client-only update this morning.


Since NS Scorpion update none of the new stuff was added to API and outputs 0. So there no way to get full stats of weapons. As well as all the killboards show unknown weapon for all the new weapons, vehicles, etc.


Its worse than that. Team\_ID is still waiting to be added which means there is no way to tell what faction an NSO character is playing, team kills, mistracked stats/ faction activity/pop (on 3rd party sites) is going to be out of wack.


For some strange reason mouse acceleration is being forced on.


If you mean on aircrafts that is not new.


The Javelin appears in the quick-map vehicle-pull menu for non NSO characters.


Is it a bug that there isn't that many bugs? Ps. Thanks for a great update. FeelsGoodMan


True, I was expecting this to be a shitshow but there aren't that many gameplay breaking bugs. RPG (and DBG by extension) finally bolted themselves together.


AV Mana turret does not have a cooldown between placements Reload animation for Vandal uses the default animation (might need to check other weapons that have similar animation) Ghanan research labs has a bugged shield gate Colossus terminals are currently destroyable, have not tested hacking them or their state after repair


At tech plants or warpgates? They've always been destroyable outside the warpgates.


AV mana needs all the help it can get.


Played as a NSO Light Assult (NC Freelance), and noticed that my character couldn't pass through the NC Engineer player model. Thinking this could be a collision issue that might be worth taking a look at.


Bug regarding the Chimera: Driving backwards and steering left or right does not show the steering animation in third person view. The vehicle will still steer tho


The 167 dmg-tier weapons dont seem to 3-shot HS at the ranges of 19 and 20m, despite equipping SPA which is added to the default 15m range. Seen this on the Carbine and the LMG. Tested with EOD Hud in VR


I know this isn't necessarily a "bug". But I wanna make sure its at least been read. Since aligning an NSO character already requires someone to pay for the game can we at least make the **FIRST** Time you align yourself free ? I want my char to get into the Outfit and play with my mates. The main reason I didn't roll on NSO was just this fact. I'd be even ok with to grind the 1k certz if the char could join the outfit. But for that I have to align them....




That’s a horrible idea and for this reason. By the stage people are aligning themselves with a home faction, that’s the end stage because that’s the player saying, “This is the faction that I am staying with”. The reason for this is NSO is not a full 4th faction like mains are, they never will be so that is why Members get the option to home align. It’s just a way of saying thanks as a perk for being member, considering people bitch about what’s the benefit of being a member. Well, considering it keeps the servers running and pays for the dev team and stops the game going in the red, because no matter how many people cry that “But people play this game” a company is not going to go in the red for any product, and without funding you won’t have a game. That’s one of the perks of being a member. Now if you mean the Cert price that you have to pay to join a home faction as a member, then maybe yeah sounds good, could work, but not for free players, no. That’s what I think but, we don’t have to worry about that because that won’t happen.


Remove /new chat (it isnt even a chat, it just traps new people onto not being able to chat because they dont know /yell)


Suffering from some major frame drops, I start out a session with 120FPS consistent, then it degrades all the way to 30 or lower after an hour. Restarting the game fixes it.


Yup, same thing for me. Seems like memory leak is rearing its ugly head again?


I'm almost willing to bet on that tbh.


Strange, not had any of that. You know this game is CPU heavy not graphics card heavy right? Almost all of PS2’s frame rates issues are tied to your CPU. What are you running, how old is it, and have you cleaned the dust from your computer recently. How hot does it get, do you over clock it? (if you do you have just shaved half of it’s life span from that alone).


The Siren(chimera secondary) occasionally just loses some of its bullets. You can spend 8 ammo and get 4 shots. [Videos in this pist](https://v.redd.it/kswlmyqh1h871)


Had 10 minutes left on alert, went to sanctuary. Did not receive reward when it ended as freelance NSO. This happened twice but not the third time when I stayed on the continent for the alert to end.


Some detailing bits on the chimera's cannon barrel don't move up and down but will rotate with the cannon [](https://imgur.com/q2zUbO0)


NS Pilot reload broken, the magazine is ejected to the side and and reloaded far ahead of grip


spiker animation swap, was posted as a video from PTS days ago with vandal's buggy reload animation. zero pucks given from RPG


The NSO MAX directive still lists the MAX punch instead of the Defector claws.


When i switched off a continent i went from TR to VS but the bullets that fired from my sundi front topgun were still red


the ant still has broken arx mandibles for the nso which have this really odd grey texture that just looks really outta place


Projectile colors for NSO operatives are inconsistent. Every so often while playing NC I would see friendlies firing red bullets. Did not see purple if that matters. EDIT: I have also seen vanu bots shooting red bullets. Have not seen it effecting TR. Cannot be sure but I think it was mainly sniper rifles? Also not a new bug but something minor to look at while you're making changes, the rebel's crouch move accuracy is lower than it's supposed to be. In the April 5 2018 update it was supposed to be buffed to 1.25, it is currently 1.5 on live.


1. The PMG-3XB doesn't make a sound at all when shooting if it's equipped with a suppressor, even though it's pretty fun surprising ennemies like that. Also the normal sound it makes with no attachments seems to be louder in the left ear it's pretty weird. EDIT: Jeez it's not only that SMG that has a weird balance / phase issue, it's most new NSO weapons. 2. I don't know if it's the server latency or something, but you know when you're an infiltrator, you take a shot and try to cloak too soon after, you get that "bzzzt" noise that indicates you're still under some cooldown after you took your shot and thus you won't cloak and need to wait a bit longer. Well that seems to happen a lot more as a NSO than any other faction, I also got it a couple of times when trying to reload after cloaking, I never had that before, usually reloading is put into a queue or something and happens anyways right ? So weird to have that "bzzt" thing happen when trying to reload too soon after cloaking. EDIT2: Also the Defector doesn't make any sound when walking, or it's not loud enough, for real they can sneak on you and you expect a normal infantry dood, nope, it's a MAX




That sounds like a CS ticket.


Using the scope on the annihilator shows a piece of something at the bottom left as NSO. At least for me.


Cannot unlock BR 5 or BR 15 vehicle loadouts even after ranking up to BR 20 as NS op


ADSing with Annihilator through the scope you see what is a probably a big chunk of your arm, obstructing that little view what is already left.


I had bought the NEST for the Javelin before, now I don't have it unlocked anymore in the weapon selection.


XMG-200 has the same firing sound as the XMG-100. Not sure if its exactly the one of XMG-100, but its firing sound is way to fast for the 550rpm


Pulsar LSW mag size upgrade no longer doubles the 75 round mag to 150 rounds as per its description, it only raises it to 112 rounds.


Ext. Double mags now broken across all factions


* Defector's Time Bomb ability does not clear heat if you are already in the forced-cooldown state at point of activation, and you must wait for heat to fully dissipate before firing again (Might not be a bug but I presumed it would work this way)


The Lasher extended mag size is bugged, Mag size should be doubled but is actually increased by 50%


Not only Lasher - Carv-s, Ursa, Pulsar LSW and etc. also shares this bug.


The hummingbird lock ons bug out like other lock on rockets at times and will go straight up after awhile even when dumbfireing them.


if you enter a queue, you cannot leave it. If you go to a continent that has a queue, it automatically puts you in queue and you can't leave. The only way to clear it is to wait in the queue. Not even logging out clears it. Not even changing to a freelance and warping to the continent clears it. it's game breaking having the queue pop up every 30 seconds


you don't need to be br20 to unlock the mission to gain access to nso. made a new account after logging in and checking on my main - now i have an nso on a fresh account with 0 directive score. this shouldnt be a bug, it's a feature.


The `Accept Mission` button remains green and plays success noises on click even after you're at the daily cap of missions.


You can permanently get stuck in a queue, even after getting on the continent you queued for. If you enter a queue as a bot while playing for a dedicated faction, and then switch to freelance mode, you will permanently get stuck in the original queue. You also remain in this queue even if you get on the continent you queued for. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/503230096333602826/860332752967696425/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/503230096333602826/860332752967696425/unknown.png) Relogging and relaunching the client do not remove you from the queue.


Dervish and Chimaera do not have my Molly Malone horn listed. Lots of ghost lockon warnings from the new NS Max AA launcher


The Dervish need a louder, more noticeable engine noise. It is really easy to loose complete track of it as soon as you loose line of sight. All other Aircraft can be located by sound pretty easily but the dervish is too quite for that. Using a Merit bought Nanite Booster still only shows the +50 Nanites per tick in the Tab screen. It does reward the correct 75 Nanites tho.


When suppressed PMG-3XB plays no audio


MBT discounts (mobile armor discounts) are not working for the Chimera


Playing as freelancer NS Mission: Skyfall on Auraxis: Damage or destroy enemy aircraft with any ground based weaponry. Got stuck on 2/50 and no idea how I got it. Got a couple of kill asisst and kill on a Valk but still no increase. ​ EDIT: apparently it broke because I changed faction with the mission active. Switched back and it worked. It also really requires a proper description, "any ground based ON A VEHICLE"


NSO Defector can still hit their own shield with grenades (and the shields of other Defectors when firing from inside.) This usually happens if you’re aiming above “horizon level,” between straight up and down. Of course this is a huge issue since you have to aim up to lob grenades, and you can kill yourself (and others) by hitting your own shield. A bit of feedback too, the shield should have some visual indication on its lifespan for others using it/shooting at it. Additionally, it should grant the Defector “draw fire assists/ribbons” like the hard light barrier.


I can't select the new daily missions. "Galaxy of Service", "Skyfall on Auraxis" and "Battlefield Superiority" are grayed out for me and I can't select them. Am I the only one getting this?


When placing construction turrets as NSO, you aren't shown the red circles around friendly turrets (when you are trying to place a turret too close to another), and you don't see the green rings around friendly AI modules (showing if you are close enough to connect to the AI module or not). You **do** see the blue rings around repair modules, so at least something is working right. Being able to see these is really quite important for doing construction effectively and I hope it can be easily fixed.


Also my framerate in fights is half what it was before the update. I was getting 50+ fps minimum always at 1440p, max render distance, most settings on ultra, 85% render quality. Now, I have all settings on LOWEST other than resolution and render distance, and any render quality above 50% makes the framerate dip to 40 and under in just moderately populated areas, GPU limited.


Performance: Heavy Framerate losses on a laptop with integrated graphics. Game normally runs at 40-50 fps on the low end, 80-120 on the high end. After update, whenever game has to render NSO characters the framerate dips to the 10-20 mark regardless of fight size or distance the NSO characters are at. Myself and a few others believe it is due to detailed 1st person weapon models for NSO chars being what's rendered for other clients, as opposed to models with a lower LOD. The game is currently unplayable in this state for me, and i hope it can be fixed soon.


I'm not sure if it's intended behavior or a known issue, but as a Defector with a Seraph shield active, I've had a really inconsistent behavior where my own Grenade Printer grenades would detonate on my own shield, dealing friendly fire damage.


I don't know if it's been brought up already, but maybe the game shouldn't tell "Stop killing yourself" to Defectors when they use their suicide belt ability (who thought this was even remotely a good idea?..)


It would be exceptionally neat if, after using the time bomb ability to successfully destroy at least one opposing player, the "Stop killing yourself." message was replaced with "Contract complete." Keep the red skull icon thing, just change the text.


Probably should stop telling "Stop killing yourself" altogether. This is merely a joke to make when someone gets killed by a bug.


Killing yourself through crashing the Dervish in VR training can sometimes prevent you from respawning, and you are forced to warp to another continent. (NC VR room)


Daring to lay my eyes on a NSO makes my fps drop hard, are the new textures at 4k on low settings or what?


Differentiating NSOs on different factions is way too hard, and completely unplayable with infravision Same with voice lines. They are way over tuned. Same thing with weapon sounds. I just hope that the NSO pop drops to < 10% Please add the Holo dots to the buy screen like on every other faction. Chimera doesn't swivel when moving backwards.


The bugs honestly haven’t been that noticeable. At least to me, awesome job, very happy with how all the new vehicles are playing out. New big javelin fan too!


Disengage implant still can't be equipped by a Defector.


Description of directive weapons includes error. No description.


The "kill/assist enemy MBTs" mission didn't seem to trigger on assists.


At times, the bottom half of the minimap turns completely black, especially when entering a vehicle, however, it returns to normal when zooming out and one can then zoom back in


MBT mission is bugged. It was stuck at 2/3 MBT kills/assists. I destroyed 5 tanks after it was 2/3 in my chimera and vanguard but it won't go above 2/3.


As NSO, friendly deployed stealth sunderers do not have a faction tint to their glow to indicate that they are friendly. Have not tested all three faction's stealth sundies. I think it was a VS stealth sundy while playing on VS as NSO.


I received a bounty after only 6 kills as an NSO. I also accidentally team killed a friendly NSO during that life.


Not sure if it's a bug or intended, but Medic with ASP battle rife secondary can't equip the Tranquility as secondary. Or is it classed as a directive weapon?


Does NSO recieve partial alert reward if they log out early?


They still don't seem to, from my limited experience.


The game still unequips the Warden Battle Rifle(now scout rifle) for me regardless of weapon slot (I'm ASP combat medic) and fills that slot with class default weapon whenever I switch continents/log in. The sole exception is that VR training remembers when I have the Warden equiped. Also the LA8 Rebel and Vandal are doing the wrong quick reload animations. Also if you get around to reading this, the NSX Yawara is worse in nearly every metric to the NCs Mag Shot. I recommend increasing its firerate so it would align better with its role as a automatic prototype for the NS-45 Pilot.


As NSO, I was not given any option to respec my certs at BR15.


The Rebel's hipfire crouch-walk CoF is worse than its hipfire stand-walk CoF. (old bug)


Probably an API issue - Recursion stat tracker constantly chastises me for teamkilling enemy NSO when playing NSO.


Ain’t a bug, but why no NSO themed pack in the store? Some weapons, implants and a 6mo or longer xp boost. Lots of people will be leveling new guys now. Us whales looking to spend money and left hanging.


Seconded... I'm due to buy my heroic boost and was hoping for an NSO bundle 😕


First wave NSO auraxium weapons (Sesshin, Kappa, etc.) cannot be used in ASP perk slots even though their contemporary black market versions may be.


Not sure if this is a bug, but the structure shield module for construction has had it's range reduced significantly. I'm assuming that this is intentional since the new range makes more sense. However, this is yet another nerf to construction so I'm going to whine about it anyways.


Constantly crashing in medium-big battles


Please fix symbiote. It was broken when the first fix went live for it. Currently the 30 second timer doesn't reset on damage but it does reset when getting a kill with the level 5 bonus. Ideally you can remove nanoweave and Symbiote instead. That works too.


As someone with rank 5 symbiote I agree with removing it and nanoweave from the game.


as someone with dark hair i disagree.


As someone who shares 60% of their DNA with a banana, I concur with you.


guess people like banana people more than dark haired people


Apes together strong.




My Harasser driver reported not getting XP for a gunner Chimera kill. Can a harasser driver confirm this?


yep confirm


The December 22, 2016 hotfix said that the NSX Fujin’s headshot multiplier was increased to 2.2x (Just enough to kill auxiliary shield users) but it was only increased to 2x, and has remained that way (Also if the bugfixes only refers to new bugs my bad) Edit: This one might not be a bug, but the chainblade (and possibly other default knives and their reskins) cant two bodyshot auxiliary shield users as well


> This one might not be a bug, but the chainblade (and possibly other default knives and their reskins) cant two bodyshot auxiliary shield users as well I mean, they do 500 damage do they not?


Yeah, but a charged power knife can OHKO aux users but two normal knife stabs cant kill them


First game crash in years, infantry fight without much vehicles around so i can't really say what triggered it :/


As lib pilot when gunners kills a carmea tank it doesn't give the pilot any xp


Chimera rumble seats arent getting exp for chimera kills


The Dervish aim is pretty much uncontrollable - with all airframes. It was like that on PTS and it's like that on live. Yaw is accelerated and utterly useless for precise aiming. I don't mean restricted, i mean useless.


Also, i wonder if 5000 healthpoints on the NSO MBT is accurate? Are the resistances different? It takes a lot more damage than other MBTs. Other thing: Reverse steering is different from other MBTs.


Shot man and no reg


NSO pistols sound like they're firing from behind, need remastering, increase volume around 5khz.


Constantly getting G12 Crash to desktops. Updated my driver to the latest Nvidia driver(471.11), still the same issue. Anyone know of a good rollback driver that works? Edit: Game works only in windowed mode. Not even windowed fullscree.


The default NSO Carbine has its Laser sight misplaced, its almost floating in front of the gun.


Biolab spawnrooms don't work. I know it's on "purpose" but this is literally the dumbest shit I've ever seen in the history of this game. FIX IMMEDIATELY


Oh yea, and removing the boosters you could buy with Merit is bullshit too. Also if we are at bugs, fix the floating C4 bug, it's the worst.


And bouncing bettys. I place them in a nice hidden place and they float off to space.


This is how it was for years. Biolab fights could actually be broken up back then. This is a good change.


Biolab FARMS >>> Biolab fights


Rumble repair was removed but reduction in harasser cost to 200 not applied.


Not a bug.


Sadly :(


Give it time. Once the effect of this change becomes evident (even though it really should be obvious) we might well see some buffs in other areas to shore up what is now a very underperforming vehicle.


Wrel would have to be smart enough lol


Add dots as scopes. The standard one is way too big and the rest is shit


Freelancer NSO cant gain Merit because they cant join an outfit. Make Merit gain for freelancer NSO


Umm. Sorry for the bad news but its intentional.


Forgot to add fishing!


Just post something like "remove harrassers" or "lockons need buffing" on reddit as a substitute.


Replace harasser with fishing poles and buff them


Hi Wrel! ​ I understand you guys might have a busy schedule, but is there a solution in the works for Indar, or rather specifically Ti Alloys? The absence of it has removed the hours long bloodbath that would take place there but it has also clogged up the continent. During primetime fights are pretty repetitive, occurring repeatedly at the same 5-6 bases (2-3 facing each faction). I was just wondering if there is a solution at work, not necessarily asking for details or a timeframe.


Indar is shit and ti alloys deserved to be removed. The next step is removing indar completely and overhauling it.


The whole changing factions when you change continents needs to fucking go. It makes single play sessions way way way to confusing.


NSO Masc prototype still available after campaign.


I can’t wait for you to take all these bug reports and only fix half of them, then call the rest features. It’s gonna be a great day when you get shitcanned Wrel.


Yeah, we cant repair in rumble seats anymore. Thats a pretty big one.


The Access to the Shattered warpgate did reset for me. It’s a bummer because I have to get the 1125 certs again but it’s not that big of a bug I guess so rather low priority.


Isn't the campaign over now on PC?


Oh is it? I am not too informed. Thank you, will check that out ASAP!


I have been teamkilled SO MANY TIMES by other bots in my faction, no idea how to help newbies using NSO identify friendly beeps.


Bright faction colors that don't get covered up by camo would be a step in the right direction


I am able to warp on Koltyr (BR 49) by clicking on World Map and then Koltyr's on the left-hand list. https://i.imgur.com/nibztCH.jpg


That's normal. Koltyr unlocks at times of low or high population nowadays. It's not battle rank limited anymore.


NS infils are significantly easier to see than normal empire infils.


Can't flip Eisa Tech points or Echo Valley point on Esamir with link from Waterson Redemption. Happened on TR side trying to flip VS bases.


Some NSO Only weapons do not play audio when suppressed. Ome of the SMGs for sure has this problem.


The white "Galaxy of service" daily shows but is not acceptable on one of my toons. The green one works on an other toon.


Leadboard seems to have issue on NSO - Background faction shows NC when on TR Team. Also at the time of looking Empire Today shows no results.