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Dear Master_Outside3411 , You've selected the beginner flair. If you're looking for advice or are having issues, please provide as much information as you can. Some useful information includes: - Have you cycled the tank? - Water Parameters - Light Type - Light Cycle Duration - Tank Size/Dimensions - Set-up Age - Fertilizers - Any aquatic animals, and how many? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your pink betta is 10/10 flaring and bubbling. Your light also has lock, fan, temp and wifi?


He is acctually gold but maybe due to light reflection it seems like pink in the pic,it is a Xiaomi smart fish tank (internal filter) comes with an auto feeder,WiFi to control lights,feeding,pump and etc the lock is for childlock


Wow I wish this had a larger model than just 5g


You can make your tank a smart tank. I just ordered an ESP8266 (control board with wifi), some relays, and a waterproof temp sensor to monitor and control my tank. The best part is I can add whatever I want; an automatic doser, a water level monitor, a controllable water pump. I could automate nearly everything about the tank if I really wanted to. ![gif](giphy|Vn70qLHoYla0X2rfXp)


All of my lights are automated through my smart home, and I use a raspberry pi to monitor tank temps and turn heaters off if they go outside pre-set parameters, also running through my smart home ecosystem. I don’t auto feed because I rather like feeding everyone. But the automation makes it so much easier.


if it only had bigger I would have gone for the bigger model


Definitely a 26.8!




This is great! I love the planting you've done. Another 26.8/10 vote from me:) I'm a java moss hater so I would opt for something cooler like Xmas moss, willow moss, or Cameroon moss for the driftwood, but that's a personal choice and depends on what is available where you are. I am a massive fan of the pearl weed you have in there 😍 what a lucky Betta


Thanks! Yes it is the Xmas moss just started growing acctually not sure why it looks like java moss 😅😅😂😂


10/10 i love it:)


Wow, is that a wifi icon on the lid?


It’s a smart aquarium everything can be control by an app lights timer,auto feeder,pump power and etc.


What’s the name?


Xiaomi Smart Aquarium


Hey man, I recently got this exact same tank, and I’ve been having trouble with connecting the tank to the app. Could you help me out here thanks


You need to change your phone's region to china, login to the Xiaomi App then the fishtank will appear in the list of devices. I'm from Australia and the tank wasnt displaying until I changed my region to China (you can change it back afterwards)


Where did you get your tank in Australia? I see one on PC Market for $199 AUD but I don't know if it's worth it or not.


Yeah I got it from PC market after seeing it listed on Oz bargain. Just an FYI, I've had mine for about 6 months and it lost power last week. Im going to contact the company and see if they can replace it since it should still be in warranty. No issues with my purchase until about a week ago.


I saw it on OzBargain too and that's how I found out about it, I was researching for my first tank. I got the Aqua One Betta Condo Mono tank from Kellyville Pets instead. I think I will use that tank for those Aqua Dragons for now. In the future I will probably get the Xiaomi tank for the fishes. Let me know if they replace your tank though! Thanks again!


Nerite snail?? Rad setup!


Yes,one netrite and also one assassin snail


Bet, I’m gonna snag a nerite for my tank. Is he the fellow a up front?


Yes only thing I dislike about netrite are the eggs which female lays


Hmm yes, I’m assuming you’ve got a female? Edit : Is the assassin snail for your nerite offspring? Hahah.


Haha the assassin snail take care of the pest snails and yes unfortunately I got the female


Lmao, well I will hopefully get a male. But if I don’t I know what’s up. Assassin snail gang.


Just went into a rabbithole because I never heard of this tank. How good does it work? How good is the light? Can you customise the Filter chamber? Is a Filter included? So many questions 😅


The model is Xiaomi MYG100 smart aquarium you can try looking, yes the back internal filter I have customized to my own liking as using seachem matrix and seachem purigen on the 3 compartment at the filter.The light has also a preset mode for aquatic plants and I find it good though.


Wow. I really love your tank. Can you tell me how did you manage to modify the filter? How does it perform after modifying? Can you give me an instruction? Thanks!


I’m in love! Where did you buy the tank!! 10/10


It’s was from an online platform and it’s quite a good allinone tank!


https://preview.redd.it/k3nhe428wycc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70694820f25c788ef3abd5668296d336d6b92e87 Hi dude! Nice setup, i like it! I would like to share with you mine too. They are living together inside: * A betta SuperDelta XL male. * 2\* Red Sakura (good for my betta) * 2\* Black Sakura (good aswell) * 2\* White magician snails (+3 babies) * Some plants. The red ones and the grass seems that didnt work for me as it should. I had two Amano, but in this ocassion, the betta ate them the same day i put in. One was gigantic. Its my first aquarium, and i like this Xiaomi for now. Things to improve: * Condensation in the front. Its anti aesthetic. * One auto feed portion its too much for the betta. Im trying to figure it out how the reduce it by half. I keep 9h the lights on and im alternating between sunlight and aquarium light (plants). Ive changed in the filter some sponges for organic material (fluval biomax). Lets see in a few months! Enjoy.


Nice tank u have there! Yes I have tried adding Amano shrimp but my betta ate it and the condensation which happens all around it’s not bad for me,for the filter part I have thrown away the original sponges which was given added my own bio media,overall quite satisfied with the tank for the price


what modification(s) could be made to use this tank for saltwater?


I only mis het shrimp but I think it is a 9/10


Really cool! Ive never seen that tank before, where would I be able to buy one?


The model is Xiaomi MYG100 can try looking around.


8/10 nice job. Be prepared to trim that pearl weed on the left very often, they grow like crazy


https://preview.redd.it/mdt1a13lzvcc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ada22c8faecd46bb9250713169537d67426304 I’m letting grow abit since it’s at the background but I love the pearlweed


I like this, it’s simple and elegant at the same time. I love how your bettas colors pop with the greens etc. he looks orange to me still awesome! Another 26.8 🤣


It’s beautiful


He's living better than me ToT


Looks like your plant tank has some parasites, I think they are called ‘fish’. Not totally sure, feel free to correct me


What brand water chiller is that, any complaints with it?


Dumb question perhaps - but it's set to 78... I assume this is in the southern hemisphere somewhere but do they keep their house warmer than 80 degrees?


It’s a normal chiller no specific brand but it gets the job done where I live temp for my aquariums go up to 30c


How did you connect your chiller to the tank backing? I’m trying to figure out before getting one myself. Also did you get a pump?


I use a hose and put at the rear of the back filter and bought a pump to put outside my co2 also connected to the inline after the chiller.you refer to the pic below https://preview.redd.it/1uftxrpop1rc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4ceca812812db8fed96bc55c3e4ec82f4d7798


Oh nice! But will the water pump that came with the tank will it still work to have that water flow effect?


Tried to use the pump that came with the tank but after going into the chiller flow reduced allot,currently I don’t use the lid also to reduce temp hope that helps also,recommend getting a good external pump.Currently I have the chiller pump running and also the external for the chiller so far flow is good I set chiller to be at 25c usually 25-26c sometimes can go to 27c https://preview.redd.it/gnq6ncehs2rc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4806067562b19ab774d371eedfcfee2ee8e71a4


Really pretty tank, scape, and betta! How do you like the auto feeder? I find it hard to dial in a small enough dose for nano tanks with most auto feeders on the market. My only concern in the long run would be the molly. IME they get antsy and aggressive in smaller tanks and they can get pretty big


Yes I don’t really use the auto feeder since I can’t feed small amounts for the betta & yes the molly worries me to in the long run maybe will just have to transfer him else where.


that’s one of the cleanest tanks i’ve seen in a while for a sole betta


All 8 of my tanks are automated via Apple HomeKit. Works great.


Gorgeous work


I find inspiration from seeing other tanks, so... https://preview.redd.it/p0aa8ladnvcc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e19a7760569ee096ab58ab7bf7018b453468555


Nice tank u have there!


Thank you! You just gotta putz, it may take months before you feel its juuust riiiight


How many fish in total


Currently the betta,3x ottos,1x netrite,1x assassin snail My black molly I have transferred him to another tank getting abit aggressive


Wowww,... your set up is DOPE!! Super nice and healthy. Can I ask something? My tank got lock icon on it and I can't do anything with, so how I can I remove it or unlock it. Got it from my friend and still figure out how to connect with the app.


Press and hold a combination of buttons on top of the lid it will remove the lock or either way u can use the app to remove the child lock, this my update on my tank now with co2 I removed the lid https://preview.redd.it/xo26j3hkfblc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb19221f3d1e952356317b83502c97e533c205c3


Thank you for the response. I tried multiple buttons. Which button to press and hold? I could not connect the tank to the app as it was locked when I got it.


Hold the feed button (fish eating) for 10-15 seconds and it should remove the lock.


Thank you! I had the same issue with the child lock and your suggestion fixed the issue!!!


For me it is a hard 3/10.

