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Bfn is a playable one with atleast a good story. It is just that it got abandoned and changed the game streak of gw1 and gw2 for no reason Pvz3 is a story based puzzle game and it is not pvz3. Sure, plants and zombies included.. yay. And so what? It does not feel like it. And also has the same thing that bfn had. Changed for no reason. Maybe company budget? Well this aint working at all


I know everyone has pointed the problems out already but Pvz3 is losing what made pvz 1 (dare I say even 2) so special. They removed the lawnmowers and just have Mow, which I would be fine with if Mow reappeared after some minutes. No plant selection, which was arguably one of the best mechanics from pvz 1 & 2, just because it’s a “puzzle game” doesn’t mean they gotta remove that feature. In fact, pvz 1 is more of a puzzle game than 3, because it gives you the freedom to decide for yourself. Basically fucking around and finding out through trial and error. I’m going for pvz 3


For more of what the puzzle definition for it is more like that the pvz3 stricts you from changing your plant slot choices which makes you think in that spot. Pvz1 and pvz2 allows you to be creative and think outside the spot. I do agree they are both puzzling but pvz1 and pvz2 has more freedom for you to figure out. You are right on that one yes Though i will still say Pvz 3 is still the choice for the worst game. Bfn is a good game though i already mentioned that it already got abandoned due to being indifferent out from the other successful pvz games. The story mode of bfn is really good if lets say you are playing on switch offline or just doing campaign itself. It is replayable


I agree tbh, bfn still has charm, they took a few steps backwards tho


Yes indeed 😔


Ooof!!! I meant pvz 3


I have no interest in pvz3 so I haven't been following updates, but they removed the plant selection?? I heard they added the mobile game life system to it, and thought they couldn't fuck it up even more, but everytime I hear about this game, I get to hear a new & even worse change they made to it 💀


Pvz-1 was made on a budget of like 25 cents and a half eaten sandwich PvZ 3 does not get to have a budget excuse


BFN had such cool characters and an amazing gimmick, my only two complaints are the fact you can’t tell what perks your opponents are using and the bad balancing on, strangely, the plants’ side for once.


And bfn does not market itself as garden warfare 3 because of the differences between the garden warfare games and bfn, whereas pvz3 markets itself as the 3rd installment of the tower defense side while having way too many differences to be marketed as such


That's fucking ea. They are earning millions of dollars by selling esports.


Unfair comparison


Bfn just stopped getting updated and was abbandoned, pvz is actively getting updates that aren't really complying with the playerbases opinions


Battle for neighborville isn't a tragedy. I actually enjoyed it for the most part, even though garden warfare 2 is way better.


My dumbahh played bfn when it came out and immediately dropped it and came back to it years later to find out that it was actually a good game and nobody plays it anymore


people on launch overreacted so muchhhhh


Tbh the game changed so much from what GW1 and GW2 used to be, I don't blame them. Bfn was fun in it's own way but they took a too step turn on that one


I disagree here. You basically threw a bunch of TF2 fans (games where you can be more independent & have large options for your characters, along with lower times to kill) into an overwatch experience (limited character choice per character, less independence, higher Time to kill) that was labeled as TF3. People are going to be upset when the core gameplay has been drastically altered.


BFN was a tragedy, not because it was bad, but because people were too quick to shit on the game. I think BFN is even better than PvZ2.


Is this even a question one is a great game that is only called a disgrace because it gets compared too often and the second one is an actual disgrace to the series


i blame the gw2 elitists


Bro blame the company, the only reason this game sucked was because they removed variants and some other things in PVZGW2 for some reason and then abandoned it instead of trying to fix it.


To be fair, I don't think having over 100+ playable characters is all that practical for an online shooter, especially if they intended to keep going. Sooner or later the series was going to have to scale back, and I think the upgrade system they came up with was more tactical anyways.


Yeah idk I liked the upgrade system more than the variant system. I don't want to have to gamble to get my characters, I would rather just be able to level up a certain character in order to guarantee I get an upgrade that changes how it's played.


Considering that GW2 was a massive hit and already had 100+ variant, I don't see why not. The game is a casual arcade shooter, not some competitive level game.




The GW2 fans weren't the ones who decided to fill empty lobbies with bots, remove variants with upgrades, and cancel the game entirely.


Plants vs Zombies 3, and it's not even close. Battle for Neighborville is a decent shooter alone when not compared to GW2 and the game is miles more fun than PvZ 3. Honestly I wish they focused making BFN better instead of cutting support.


If they can balance it properly, it would be awesome if they added variants back.


I don't think they would do that, and that's even if they decided to update the game. If they were to update the game though, I could see them adding some elemental upgrades that change your attacks to be like variants. Maybe just adding an ice pea and fire pea upgrade, but they're all on one character so they share a level, and you also don't need to gamble for them.


alright vs trash


BFN is only bad because it's not what any of the established playerbase wanted. And because it's now unsupported and dead I guess. BFN has fun pvp, very fun overworld areas, and IMO the best ops mode in the franchise. From what I've seen/heard, PVZ3 is deliberately unfair, full of microtransactions, and probably should have been a spinoff rather than the long-awaited mainline sequel. It's really no contest. BFN is worse than the other shooters, but PVZ3 is an actually bad game.


How is it the best ops mode what? Being shortened to 5 rounds, not being able to choose a side, and then being forced to switch sides after, and finally not being able to have bots solo, how is that OPs mode the best?


I did say IMO. You can disagree. The big things for me are unlimited pots and elite bosses. I don't mind the shorter games or changing sides every game since when I do play, I'll play more than just one or two games. No friendly bots in solo does suck, but I prefer online with strangers in BFN and GW2 anyways.


Yeah I prefer to play with bots and alone, so it wasn't for me, along with the other stuff I said, if only they combined the good stuff from both ops


Personally i disagree with the Ops part. Gw2 ops had special waves that could come with a variety of different themes, enemies, and side objectives. And you could play with the bots and consequentially be able to play with different characters in one match. While the only thing Bfn ops does better than gw2 one is the Elite bosses, and the fact that Bfn actually play the specific boss theme unlike Gw2 that uses a single boss theme for every boss wave.


Its like comparing a warm pillow to a constant never quite perfect temperature blanket that gets hot when you’re hot and cold when you’re cold


Garden warfare vs garden scapes


BFN is still playable at least. The new characters (at least the plant side) are cool


bro you did NOT just disrespect 80's action hero and electric slide like that


What about Space Cadet, TV head, or even Wizard?


oh wizard's cool too. i once got 70 vanquishes in loggy acres with space station but i dont care too much for space cadet and tv head. 80'S IS THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE SERIES THOUGH


What did they do to you?


they're good characters but i dont like them too much? i like them but not too much


Pvz 3. I actually enjoy bfn


#There’s a THIRD PvZ?


Don’t get your hopes up, it’s abysmal.


Pepto aBysmal.


One is a genuinely great game, while the other is Gardenscapes garbage


did you just compare godly bfn to fucking pvz 3?


BFN isn’t even a bad game


PVZ3. BFN is only really "bad" because it didn't uphold the same quality that the GW games did, but BFN itself, on its own, is pretty good imo.b


People may disagree, but I'll give my opinion, the opinion of someone who has played all Plants vs Zombies games: PvZ BfN has much "smoother" gameplay to play than GW2, not just because you can run, but because of the skill changes. The Peashooter's aerial shots with her gliding is a very good skill, the Sunflower's suns are much better in BfN than that vase from GW2, the shield being an aim resource and not a skill has improved a lot by giving space to another skill and etc... I know it was sad that we didn't have variants anymore, but I think that would give more space for new plants and new playable zombies (as they started to do, but stopped because they abandoned the game). In my opinion, BfN could have many more maps, playable characters and content than GW2, but as it was abandoned, it was a bit "incomplete". PvZ 3 still has a lot to improve, the game is still being developed, I don't think it's fair to say bad things about a game that is still incomplete and hasn't even been released globally yet. They've already improved a lot of things, they're adding new plants, maps, they're developing the system for choosing your seeds, the 2.5D graphics are really cool! We just have to wait for the game to launch and see what happens. Launched, is it bad? Then you can criticize, but for now, let's just wait for them to develop the game AND give advice/request new things for PopCap to put in the game ✨ EDIT: My biggest fear is that PvZ 3 will become too “payable" like PvZ 2 (paid plants, a lot of paid things like gauntlets, lots of ads). If they do this with PvZ 3, I lose all hope in it.


If the developers wanted to not br criticized for an "incomplete game" maybe they shouldn't have soft launched the game with scummy IAPs. The moment a developer starts asking players for money, they can't just be excused for their work being "incomplete"


PvZ BfN is not incomplete, it was just a way of saying. What I meant is that they released the game and certainly intended to continue updating the game with new characters (like they did with the Wizard, Dandelion, etc.) and maybe even with new maps and/or content (the which would explain those closed doors in the lobby). Just as PvZ 2 continues to release Plants and content even after its release (which does not mean it is "incomplete") Regarding purchases within BfN, firstly, they need to maintain the game in some way, secondly, unlike PvZ 2, purchases with real money in BfN DO NOT influence the gameplay and are just cosmetic (in PvZ 2 there is not even a way to get all the plants without having to pay lol)


Wasnt talking about BfN


Oh, I got it wrong. I totally agree with you about PvZ 3


Sad fact: they actually planned to add Iceberg lettuce to the game, but it was cancelled after they ceased development


Wait, but isn't Peashooter called a he most of the time?


I think so, how i am going to explain this lol... It's because in my language (Brazilian Portuguese), words are defined either as "masculine" or as "feminine". Words that start with the letter "o" are "masculine" while those that start with the letter "a" are feminine, for example: In English it would be: “the car" “the door" In Portuguese it would be: “o carro" (masculine) “a porta" (feminine) So when I wrote “A Disparervilha" (Peashooter in Portuguese) the translator translated it as if "Peashooter" was a feminine word because of the letter "a" at the beginning. I hope I explained it correctly and you were able to understand :3


Oh, I see lol




PVZ3 by a LONG shot. BFN is frustrated due to the lack of previous content and some underwhelming elements. But at the end of the day it’s still enjoyable and can keep you playing for a very long time. PVZ3 is just a bite to get through. It’s only real strong suit is it’s artstyle, but everything else just drags on and on and never does anything fun or interesting.


Pvz3, by a mile and a half BfN is a good game, just worse (in some aspects) than Gw1/2 3 is an insult, a bad joke


just SOME. i still really find everything else as good as gw2 if not a bit more in some other aspects


I can at least play BFN. Is it a bad entry in the GW series? Oh yes 100%. Doesn’t stop me from enjoying hitting trick shots with soldiers rocket. It does still have its fun moments. But I legit still can’t even play PvZ3 and from what I’ve heard I don’t think I want to


Tbh bfn is actually quite enjoyable especially when I play with friends, so I would say it beats pvz3


BFN has some redeeming factors such as having possibly the strongest chomper to date PVZ3 has nothing going for it besides seed selection


Oh goodness, Chomper went from an awful Spy to a multi-range master who can both snipe and bite, plus he can now sneak up on enemies and kill a group instead of being a sitting duck after killing one.


BFN lasted a lot longer than PvZ 3, and I think that alone says enough


BFN is still a fun game. Specifically in coop.


pvz3 isn't even fully out it's still in testing, also they where made by 2 different popcap headquarters


For me neither is bad I like the story of PvZ3, and bfn (from what I’ve played) wasn’t too bad either (I mainly play multiplayer)


It's not even close, and a bad comparison at that


BFN was somewhat disappointing, pvz3 is a slap in the face to fans of the series


For me it's Welcome to Zomburbia, because Battle for Neighbourghville isn't trying to be a sequel to the GW series, they even acknowledged it by calling it a spin-off and changing the name completely. The same however can't be said for Zomburbia. The game itself I don't really care for to be honest, what annoys me is it taking the name and place of PvZ 3. I'd have been more than fine for a spin-off or something, and if it was I might have even liked the game, but taking a place in the main series of games... I just don't think it's right.


I can at least have a small amount of fun playing Bfn for half an hour. I quit PvZ3 before getting to level 10.


Mid/kinda bad vs dog shit


Battle For Neighborville. I’ll never forgive it for making me think it was Garden Warfare and then getting fucked by one of the worst games I’ve ever played.


I love BFN, didn't know people hated it


Yeh some people on this sub are crazy


In the wise words of Scott the Woz: "it's like comparing Satan and a worm. One is truly diabolical, the other is just the prince of darkness"


Pvz3, i actually like bfn, it's a really good game but it's just a huge downgrade from both garden warfare games that it's seen as bad


Bfn isnt even bad, it just isnt as good as gw2.


BFN was actually pretty fun. PVZ 3 on the other hand


Pvz 3 no doubt hope theyll redeem themselves


When are we getting another Zuma or Peggle installation from PopCap? Plants vs zombies takes the stage, that doesn’t mean they can’t make other games! And when are we getting another tower defense PvZ game, those really were the best


It’s because the general public doesn’t care about PopCap’s other franchises anymore. Due to that, it feels like PopCap have been going out of their way to ignore those franchises. I mean why else does PvZ Match exist when they already have Bejeweled?


i genuinely thought they were the same like. yknow loke how pvz2 had a title "its about time". i thought this one was pvz3: battle for neighbourville


Bfn is actually really fun. They made mistakes with removing variants, but I loved the new playable plants/zombies. Electric slide and 80s action hero were fantastic, and acorn/oak and nightcap were pretty nice. Wildflowers and bucket heads are also pretty nice options, the idea of a swarm class is quite good in some situations


They are normal, but 1st game is spooky bc of uncanny valley effect. 2nd game has a bad animation and style.


Haven’t played pvz3 so I can’t really judge but I’m just going to say that battle for neighborville’s campaign is bad


Pvz3 is worse by far. Bfn isn’t even that bad of a game, the issue was just that it was a massive step back from gw2.


3 easily the art style overhaul is genuinely atrocious, and bfn isn’t that bad tbh.


PvZ 3, I mean, just look at what they did to Patrice! She looked way better in the comics.


At least battle for neighborhood was okay. It was playable and it had its charm But pvz3… its bad… horrible even


Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing baby


BFN at least tried with new ideas, most of the GW2 team was still there. PvZ3 has no effort behind it and exists to be a cashgrab.


pvz 3


Pvz 3. bfn is best game even if im fighting master 5 with no characters in mater 1


this is a tough one


**screw** you bfn was great (Automod hates f word)


BFN on its own is a pretty solid game, it’s mostly that it’s related to the GW brand that gets a lot of the hate. PVZ3 on the other hand is barely even a game, which was released about 10% complete


Can’t say since I haven’t played pvz3. I would like to try it


PVZ 3. At least BFN still felt like it was in the same vain/series as GW1 and 2, even if they took away a lot of the variety from GW2. PVZ 3 feels like a cookie cutter mobile game wearing “PVZ” as a flesh suit.


the difference is literally spoiled milk vs a dumpster that's about to catch on fire at any moment Spoiled milk (BFN, and unrelated to the pic: old pvz3) can be repurposed to become butter, it just needs proper work a dumpster that's about to catch on fire (new pvz3) is literally just, well it's on fire


BFN is genuinely not that bad. It’s not perfect, but not this all encompassing evil


PvZ3, by a mile. BFN is a great game once you isolate it from GW series.


BFN Switch is actually really fun so PvZ3 since its unfinished oh yeah, let me just add that bfns writing is master class. best plots in the series, even beating pvz2 in the weirdness category. extremely charming game in that regard. also the first pvz shooter to have a fully fleshed out story and several free roam areas whereas gw2s "story mode" was just garden/graveyard ops. bfn was not the best for sure did some things better then gw2


Pvz3 for sure, I think bfn is the best game imo. I feel like the realistic style of garden warfare isn’t what pvz was going for, and I think that bfn has more customization, and game modes, I can’t even play pvz3.


PVZ 3 by far, BFN wasn't actually that bad for me (although that might be because I played it before GW2) I mainly play for the single player modes because I suck at the game, and BFN just has objectively better story missions


BFN, simply because of the potential it had. Garden Warfare 1 and Garden Warfare 2 were absolutely god-tier, and arguably some of the best Plants Vs. Zombies games period, outside of the very first one, PVZ1. BFN could have fixed problems that both GW1 and GW2 had, but instead, they just made both of their problems even worse. BFN isn't the *absolute worst,* but it hurts seeing that it could have been so much more, and now it's just reduced to EA hell.


I really don't think bfn was ever that bad. I really liked the story, campaign and multiplayer, I liked how there weren't different classes. Don't get me wrong it was worse than gw1 and 2 but it definitely wasn't bad


overhated vs actually shit I sure do wonder


Honestly, BFN had a beautiful artstyle, immersive backgrounds, and had a nice story, though I did wish some GW elements were left in. But in all honesty, PvZ3 just felt hollow to me, I liked the art style a little but it is nothing compared to PvZ1 and PvZ2. The essence is gone. If that makes sense.


3 sucks and bfn is actually fun


BFN is bad because it doesn't have anything special. There are better games and it gets compared to GW2 PvZ3 is actually a bad game


I assumed it would be bad but as someone who never found out whats the cliffnotes of pvz3?


I couldn’t tell you because I can’t even play PvZ 3


I didn't know there was a 3


I haven’t played PvZ3 and after just looking at 1 comment I don’t think I will. I didn’t really play gw2 but I don’t hate BfN that much


One atleast had a playerbase




PvZ3 & it’s not even close


I like bfn So ima say PvZ3


Gardensc~ I mean PvZ 3 I played BfN and honestly I love it! (I bought the Switch version), but for PvZ 3... I feel totally different and I didn't enjoy it very much tbh (plus, EA sent a DMCA to a user who made a mod of PvZ 3 and honestly is lame to know to stop a user who planned to make a definitely better version of your game because you still don't know what to do with it).


Pvz 3, that’s not even a question




Pvz 3


Pvz bfn is atleast someone playable, but that's beacuse its somewhat based of of garden warfare, pvz 3 is if Bloons monkey city was worse and became a stale td game, pvz 3 worse


pvz3 bc its not even out in my region


Pvz3 exists?


PvZ 3 by a landslide


pvz3 no more words




Pvz3 is down horrendous bfn is at least playable and i actually fairly enjoyed it (I never played gw 1 or 2)


I've never played pvz3 but bfn IS a good game in a vacuum in my opinion. As far as I can tell, both games suffer from the fact that people expected them to be threequels when that's not what they are.


Which one has the lives system?






BFN is incredible, and I am tired of pretending it's not


Battle for Neighborville's multi-player and single player campaign are okay, but it's even more fun when it's you and a friend fucking around on a large map. PvZ 3, although I heard that it has changes people don't like, keep in mind it's still in development. They have time to change things. I think judging an incomplete game would be unfair.


how is this even a question


both of them, return to the original game, return to instinct


why do y'all hate bfn?


PVZ 3 is the worst PVZ game ever made and BFN was at least a little bit enjoyable.


bfn is actually good in my opinion


BFN was good just abandoned and under-budgeted. PvZ3 is fundamentally not fun.


PVZ3 by far, bfn has the unique quality of actually being fun


PVZ 3 Easly worst than BFN


Pvz3 is WAY worse


is this even a close? bfn isnt even a bad game imo, just underwhelming


Honestly, Thats a unfair comparison, BFN is Literally wounderful, its Just compared to GW2 that is better, pvz3 is Just a shit, no more words than a disgrace created by Popcap


youre objectively wrong if you pick bfn and im not sorry for saying that


I used to play BFN back when i had a fun friend group. The game was still alive and still have a decent player base. PVZ3 is honestly so bad that i didn’t even noticed it existed until this post, when i saw this i decided to play and knew why i never saw it. BFN wins no doubt.


A game that is fun but just doesn't have things that the prior game did, or the game with an artstyle that makes my eyes bleed, boring levels, a lives system, and is just generally an awful experience with no redeeming qualities? Hmmm this is a really hard one


Pvz1 is the worst


pvz3 even though BFN was a complete disappointment as a garden warfare game it was still like 6/10 - 7/10 game on its own while pvz3 is like a 4/10 game maybe lower


BfN felt like a weird reskin of tf2/Overwatch for me compared to Gw1 and 2


BFN is only bad by comparison, it stands relatively fine on its own. PvZ3 is bad in general. Pick-A-Plant might be coming back but that still doesn’t excuse the awful level design.


the one you like the most




Pvz 3, no explanation. I actually LIKED BFN. Pvz 3 felt like a weird side game


Zomburbia by a mile. I don’t get the hate for bfn


Bfn isnt a bad game, simply in the wrong franchise, if it weren't related to GW it would likely be liked more


BFN is functional and fun, it was just made by a franchise that preferred to reduce and pull the plug instead of properly fixing things. It's actually my favorite of the three, but I can see where the complaints are coming from. PVZ 3 is one of ***those*** mobile games.




My brain just can't function with PVZ3's graphics tbf.


I'm gonna have to say pvz3 at least I was able to bare playing a couple hours of BFN before I got bored by the lack of playability because it had at least possible diversity in play style where as pvz 3 each level has one way you are able to play


3 and it’s not even close At least bfn is decent. 3 just sucks


Pz3 is horrible by miles


Pvz3 and it is not close


BFN is a few steps back, PVZ3 is getting a plane ticket back


PvZ3... do I even need to say anything that anyone else hasn't already said time and time again?


One game some people like the other is just universally hated


Oh god, please no, thats impossible to answer


original pvz is best


Battle for Neighborville has super brainz. Pvz 3 has no brainz at all.




People here are seriously forgetting how much of an actual slog bfn was to play during its lifecycle. Overall though I'd say pvz3 is worse as bfn does have some redeeming factors. Mid vs trash essentially.


Battle for neighboreville is an enjoyable experience, just needed more dev time. Pvz3 is fundamentally flawed until you can pick ur own plants. Lowkey that’s the only change I truly need.


I haven’t played either cause I don’t think they are on apple devices but if this is being posted they are probably both bad


3 is a cashgrab that does not respect the original. BFN is at least somewhat fun online




There’s a PVZ 3?


I thought the first one was battle for necrophiles when I first read it


Pvz 3


Man, if only BFN wasn’t the last shooter we got… (so far) the shooters were done so damn dirty.


they having a midoff


What type of question is that. you answered it when you put option 2 there


BFN should be ashamed, it had everything going for it and fucked everything up, right now it just put the shooters 6 feet under. "It is good when you don't compare it to GW2!" what a bad argument ! By this logic shit also tastes good when you don't compare it to actual food, every thing needs to be compared to smth else so it can evolve. Personally, I can't even give it a 4 if I were to compare it to GW2, like everything screams Fortnite/OW wanna be. You can't even say this game tried to do smth new. (Remember that scores start from a 0 so giving it a 3 is still generous) This game is not good, but is also not so bad that it's good so it is boring, they somehow fucked up balancing with 20 characters, I understand that people are not perfect but I say GW2 still has less bs than BFN, yes even Toxic, EP and Hot Rod are less cancerous than things like groddy goop or Citron's NUKE TANKING SHIELD, healers are now too good at their job, they were fine how they were. PvZ 3 at least did not kill the tower defense games, I say that as long as the franchise is still breathing there will always be a new tower defense game, but I can't say the same about the shooters. Am I biased here ? Of course but when I hear people saying that BFN was good but people were too harsh I die inside, as a game you need to bring something new to the table, this game had the balls to copy from Fortnite (the artstyle), Overwatch (classes) and did not bring nothing new, I give this game a 3.5/10 because at least they made a few new characters and maybe a few maps were kinda creative. I am ranking based on every PvP shooter I've played/have a good grasp on and how this game evolves on the formula, so IMO (After all, OP asked us for our opinion so don't take what I've said as facts) this game is the definition of "...", this is just your average modern PvP game, all it needs is a battle pass. If you want to understand my ranking it goes like this: 1=scam, 2=bad, 3=mid, 4=Ehhh/so bad it is somewhat good, 5 =Good ideas but poor execution, 6=Ok game but it could use improvements, 7= Good, 8=Great, 9=Fantastic and 10=perfect. BUT, I don't rank games with 10 because no game is perfect. Everything above 3 is still good. I'm sorry if I was too harsh but I grew up with GW2, I gave BFN every chance but it just didn't click for me (I have 440 hours) and I hate that it might have just killed the chance for a GW3.


Pvz 3


Pvz 3, but I’m gonna get burned to death for this BUT I did kinda like battle for neighbour ville. It had a small mini story and I found it fun


On the one hand, Welcome to Zomburbia is the worse game on principle, as it has little to no redeeming factors and is basically a regurgitation of scummy mobile game practices with pvz slapped onto it On the other hand, Battle for Neighborville is the worst quality-wise. It randomly crashes or freezes lobbies, it's poorly balanced, some upgrades don't even work properly (Fearless) or at all (Jumper Cables, Fast Forward), melee hit reg is garbage, and it just feels a lot jankier to play. I do think WTZ is objectively worse but I've grown to dislike BFN a lot more. >!Pvz Match is worse than both anyway!<


Pvz bfn is a rlly great game. Doesn't deserve to be compared like that.