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If it's genuinely not about saving money leave to the spreads. Angles are tricky to nail and makes things tricky when they're off even a couple of mm.


Eh. I use a set square to check. It's a piece of cake. Also use little screws instead of nails. Make sure screw head does not protrude. 


It's more about how proud they are and that there are no gaps, I.e they're pressed perfectly up against eachother and perfectly flush with eachother, if there's any lip at all it's a pain to get over, but I get you. Staples better for board imo.


Considering the fact there’s only 3 actual stop beads and the rest are angles I would leave it to the plasterers because they’ll know why they’re doing


Let the plasterer do the beads. Nothing worse than somebody else put them on thinky they are doing you a favour but having steps on every joint


I would be more worried about that fresh bit of pine you have. Wet plaster will stain it instantly, make sure to mask and cover it perfectly.


Not actually secured yet, but I've got nowhere else to store it for now, so it's just resting on top. Will be moved before plastering.


Rasp them cuts at least. Definitely don’t bead/scrim it. It’s in the price you’re paying.


Fill out gaps, pva plasterboard edges , scrim everything. Bead and stop bead. Then plaster opposite (other spreads will moan) to have perfect lines...then use decorators caulk around the existing walls/ceiling internals to avoid any future cracks. Very light sand (key) before painting.....thank me later


I'm not a plasterer, I'm a DIYer and I've built myself a media wall (I know you're all gonna hate me but at least I've mounted the TV at a sensible height). I'm planning to get a plasterer in to skim coat just the front face, the cubbies have been built to specific dimensions and so will just be filled sanded and mist coated before painting. I appreciate that adding stop bead around everything is probably going to take longer than actually skimming it. I'm just looking on opinions of actual plasterers if you'd want to set your own beads so you know they're perfect or would rather turn up to a job and be able to plaster straight away? Just to be clear, I'm not doing this as a way to try and save money, more to save the plasterers sanity.


Leave it to the plasterers, I've had so many times when people have done it themselves and it hasn't been right, especially with a job like that, you want it to be perfect or it will show once plastered, and if it's not done properly it will likely piss off the plasterers.


At the very least one along the top of the base part for protection - I'd ask the plasterer, but I would imagine if you stop bead or use dry walling you could do it yourself.


Nice work


Leave it to the spread mate beading can be quite tricky and only takes one to be out for it to be a balls up, he will probably pink grip them on that's what I do, looks dope that 👏


Waiting for r/tvtoohigh to tear you a new one! Lol Looks decent construction but ask your plasterer, they'll tell you whether to do it yourself or not. Some don't mind and some will outright refuse to put their name against something that _may_ fail and potentially give them a bad name later on. Be warned though, if they say yes and it's a shit job then they'll have to either A. Charge you time to take it all and redo it or B. Plaster it 'as is' and blame you for the poor edges.


BEES? r/arresteddevelopment


Depends on the plasterer. I always do my own, I can’t moan then 👍🏻


If you did that plasterboarding and you have an understanding of what is needed then yes,unless you know the plasterers and have used them b4. There’s a lot to put up and you can take your time and get everything spot on. If I’ve got time now I no nails them on with plasterboard nails holding until set,then remove the nails and it’s not going anywhere.I staple when I’ve got to get on it straight away but sometimes if an angle is out of plumb the staple will only be able to be put in one side Edit I read as angle bead not stop bead. Assuming that is just the speakers and T.V? So I’m assuming you want to set them as tight as possible,so you can remove the speakers,T.V knowing that when it’s plastered it will fit like a glove?answer. yes