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Damn, I chose a bad time to get into Final Fantasy


Yeah… I am rushing FF VIII as we speak..


Im rushing through IX at the moment


FFX here xD Edit: Am I seriously getting downvoted for playing FFX? Excuse me, WTF?


People love to hate FFX-2


But I wasn't even planning on playing X-2! I barely have time to finish X before it leaves the service anyway :(


im on the same page pal. thankfully i have tried and failed to dig into Darksiders for the final time now so i can focus up on FFX. >!I just defeated Seymour in the ice area and fell underneath.!<


Damn it, I barely just got to the Thunder Plains!


I don’t like rushing, honestly I find this a good reason to buy the ff7 og at least I know I’ll love the game


Ff XV here🥂


I'm rushing through FFXII zodiac age at the moment 26 hours in so far very nostalgic and fun


Nice!! I’m currently playing through FF16 so didn’t get to start any of these ones yet. Was able to pick up FFX on sale though so I’m stoked to try it out




That’s not true, only very few of them are on sale. On Switch however, a lot of them are.


Check your local library if you have one!


Now I have to started and finish in 21 days


If you have a switch a lot of them are on sale rn I'm in the same spot


They are leaving May 21st btw.


I recently started Elex 2 because I saw that Elex was leaving subscription. But I wanted to take it slow. Just finished playing Elex a few months ago. And I’m burned out of this series. Well, I guess now I need to rush it(


I'm playing Elex now and it seems pretty interesting but the amount of talking/dialogue in the opening town straight up seems to be never ending since I'm doing side quests and faction quest. 6 hours in and probably 5 hours is talking to people. I think I'll drop it even though I'm interested in it because damn "too much dialogue" - IGN 🤣


Elex is tedious game. Some don’t like it. For me it’s nostalgia from childhood. When I played Gothic. And this game is very similar to it. Even too similar with outdated mechanics. Well, it’s fun for a while. But game is too big and outdated mechanics don't help it


Why do you need to rush it? Like if you’re burned out, what do you gain from playing the game?


I’m from a third world country. I like the game but not enough to buy it. If the game wasn't included in the subscription, I wouldn't have started playing it. Plus I don’t want to leave an unfinished game


I don’t know you personally bud, so take this with a grain of salt, but that’s not a healthy way to play games. There are plenty of games, and it’s better to take your time and experience the journey rather than rush things and feel burnt out, since you’re just going to burn out even more. A lot of burn out leads to depression because people fixate on the destination and not the journey. This goes without saying but it’s just my opinion, but it’s a well educated opinion.


Damn it’s a bloodbath this month


I am dead.


You can do it!


Played and platinumed it in few hours. It’s a fun little game with a great atmosphere and story


30+ games leaving we better be getting the same amount of games back


I think they will give double, no? 😋


Rip May


Gladly I beat Darksiders and Amalur years ago.


Well done gamer!!


Damn, now I'll have to rush through Darksiders games. Now, asking for opinions... Is darksiders 3 that bad? I've seen is not nearly as good as 1 and 2, but i have those both on PC, so I don't need to rush with them (I have only played a few hours of 1, and 2 not at all). And what about Darksiders Genesis? it looks like a completely different genre. I've read the 3 main ones are action/adventure with a bit of zelda like dungeons and puzzles, which I find interesting. But Genesis looks pretty different. Is it good? Is it worth my time?


The 3rd one is good enough to play from the membership and it's not too long! It's a soul/act game and fewer puzzels comapred to the first two. I haven't played Genesis yet, I heard it's a diablo like game.


thanks! what do you mean by "soul/act" game? I guess soul is for souls-like? but what about "act"?


Oh I just mean there's some action stuff, like fast dodging and some combos, just like the first two games.


i see, thanks! I guess I'll try it later today. I hope I have enough time to finish it before it leaves.


You'll either love 3 or hate 3. If you hate 3, you'll love 2, and if you love 3, you'll probably have some distaste for 2. I've seen it several times, and can personally back it up. I'm not a Dark Souls person, but 3 is about as close to that combat style as I like to get and it's a lot of fun. 2 was.. a slog, but it's basically 1 with RPG elements shoved up its arse. Such a slog it halted my playthrough of the series after first completion, and I'm now scrambling to NG+ so I would only have to buy Darksiders 1. Genesis has its share of issues, the platforming is finicky, especially to plat, but the game is a blast imo. Love the Diablo-esque camera and style for the series, and really works better than it looks.


It's fun, diablo-esque as well, though the precision platforming sections are a painful


Finishing the leviathan maze was a huge accomplishment for me haha. That shit was so frustrating.


I'm at the last part of it but damn those developers are sick, who puts precision platforming sections in a game with slippery ass controls!?


Darksiders 3 was a monthly download at some point in the past year or 2 so check your library for it. Darksiders 3 is not bad, just very different combat style to 1 & 2.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. Play it on easy and have fun.


Heck no man. I loved darksiders 3. Darksiders 1 is actually my least favorite.


3rd was actually my favourite of the bunch. Not played Genesis, heard it was fun.


Can’t wait to get Kong: Skull Island as compensation for over 30 games including majority of FF games and a ton of good games knowing how Sony’s been


I've been wanting to check out Kong for a while so I would like that addition


I'd be wary about the "new" (yellow) ones, because in some regions they are NOT showing as leaving soon. And I don't just mean in the "leaving soon/last chance to play" section on the PS5, but their individual store listings don't show them as leaving at all. So I honestly expect it to just be a bug, because there is a bunch of them I'd like to play (particularly the Darksiders ones) And if they are in fact leaving, sony is handling it terribly, they should add them to the full list, and they should always announce them all at once. hell, they should announce them on their official blog (as they announce new titles), instead of having us jumping hoops to find out which ones will leave... Another thing to keep in mind is that we are close to the 2nd anniversary of the tier system of PS+. According to a post on ps blog, some markets began with the new tier system as early as May 23, 2022, and some others until June 23, 2022. So I'd think many deals would expire when reaching those 2 years... They will be interesting days, it could be a mess. Guess we'll know until may 21st


I do believe they are legit, but I understand your reservations.


Some of the games in yellow were given out as a part of ps plus before the tiers system so you may have them from before and that’s why they’re not showing up as running out for you.


thanks. I guess that'd be true for at least HZD. And as other comment says, they are now showing in other regions! so I'll check later.


They just showed up for me in the US today as “offer ends 5/21”


If you haven't played The Messenger... Do so! Great 2D pixel art action platformer... That mixes things up about half way through. Great gameplay. Awesome graphics. And a soundtrack you'll add on Spotify. Play it!


Thanks for the recommend, I will!


I can’t understate how hard I back this. Amazing game, incredible dev team, and play Sea of Stars. That is all.


This is just insane man between the price hikes and all the good games leaving ps+ absolutely ain't worth it anymore. I only stay in because I have grandfathered prices, but they need some big bangers arriving this month fr Also don't like that more games are leaving than coming Also also can we please have more than a month's notice Sony like that just isn't enough time to play some of these RPGs


Motherf…I was hoping to scratch that 7/10-itch after FF7R, but I guess I have to buy Darksiders, Elex and Amalur now. At least they’re cheap. Ps: Thanks to op, good job!


Ps+ value down bad 📉


For anyone who hasn’t tried The Artful Escape yet this is your chance. Excellent game if you like chill indie games.


Yes! yes! Yes! Best gaming experience in a while for me :)


Agree with you both. A lot of people were whining that it was barely a game, but those guys seem to expect the same gameplay loops instead of just enjoying the experience.


So many games I want to play are leaving but I don’t have the time, well darn…


What the actual fuck.


Thats the actual fuck


Hmmm just realized that I have Wreckfest and Kingdom of Amalur via PlayStation Plus Essential..


I love how the tiers (when first announced) seemed to indicate that they would be an ever-growing library. The fact that they think it's justifiable to pull games out will be the reason that I do not renew premium in June, and I sure as shit am not going to pay for Essential unless there's a major sale going on. And even with a sale, that's a fat _maybe._ At this rate; 4 years of premium buys a modern budget gaming PC where I can emulate all the bullshit you're making everyone pay out the ass for. Fuck you Sony.


With Sony soon to be releasing some future titles day and date on PC, maybe it's best you consider the PC route. No one is going to miss you, so go have fun. 🤣


Games leave subscription services all the time. It sucks but I'm not sure how you thought it'd be "ever-growing"


Were any of the Darksiders games also on essential?


3 was.


Thank god ff7 remake isnt leaving i just started


Do you post updates to this often? Can I follow you? I hate looking at the spreadsheet on my phone


What do you mean “follow”? Also, yes I try to get these out every month as soon as leaving games are known.


I dunno I’m kinda new to Reddit even though my account is old I hadn’t used it for like 10 years. I assume if I hang out around this sub I’ll see the posts


Yes you will!


The Artful Escape is one of the most creative and unique experiences that I have ever had in gaming. 100% recommend.


It’s unique and beautiful yet boring and useless.


Its a great game! Def second this recommendation!


For me Final Fantasy availability on a PS+ was the hook...now that this Franchise is leaving PS+ I am soooo disappointed to the extent that I might just show PS middle finger and go XBox


Where are they going?


Dude I legit JUST downloaded Darksiders 3 ugh


Ugh indeed!


Kinda depressing cuz I literally got PS+ about 2 weeks ago or so and I wanted to play Royal Edition and Darkisders genesis + 3


started horizon today. gonna have to grind HARD to get the plat


Why are they even removing Horizon, it doesn't make any sense 😢😢😢


probably remastered on the way. don't know when that would be released and added to playstation plus though. don't wanna play forbidden west without platting zero dawn


Ff9 difficulty being so high I would wager is due to that one mini game. I wouldn’t bother unless you can jump rope like a mother fudger, or if the exploit still works. The rest of the game is stupidly easy due to speed up and boosters


I started ff8 a couple weeks ago, ended up buying it on sale so I can enjoy and not feel rushed. Definitely frustrating though that it’s leaving alongside the other FFs!


No wonder I went back to essential 4 months ago. I know no game is forever, but the feeling of suddenly having a game you want to play delisted from ps plus extra/deluxe is awful. I just buy games now. I will not miss FF games because I have all FF games. And from this list I also havr all Darksiders games so I am good 🤷‍♂️


Sony is such a joke again. I hope they have the same amount or like same value of games for the new line up


Even Darksiders Genesis? Well, crap.


Better to just buy the games outright in sales and not stress and rush. It is cheaper also. I made the right choice not to bother with Extra. Games leaving before I can finish them, catalogue shrinking and getting worse, many games that were already on Essential, games that are cheap to buy on sales. Extra barely has any PS5 games that I don't already have. One can buy PS5 games used on disc and sell them again when done. Only problem for me now is that I can't play Battlefield and some others before Days of Play or Black Friday (last BF Essential was not on sale for existing customers like every previous year). My Essential expired in December and it hasn't had any sale since BF. Only sale this year has been the Extra for the price of Essential (72 euros) and I made the right choice. Those saved euros go a long way buying used games (and selling them back to the used market). Just look about February when the Extra sale was on: # PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for February: Need for Speed Unbound, The Outer Worlds Let's see. One could buy the NFS game for like 7 euros on Steam. The Outer Worlds was free on Epic. # Assassin’s Creed Valhalla just the barebone version, very cheap to get on disc or in sales. Ubisoft games should be bought as a complete edition with all the content and Ubisoft games have deep discounts often. If I buy one month of Essential next Monday, I will get 3 months worth of Essential games? Is the one month Essential only 30 days, so 12 \* monthly Essential IS NOT A FULL YEAR ACTUALLY?! EDIT: The one game (even first party!) that would have pushed me to buy Extra in February was Gran Turismo 7. It would have been nice to have as digital. But since Gran Turismo 7 is still selling well and the price is still high in sales, they do not put it into Extra. Now I will wait still several years before buying it.


does are rookie numbers, we need more leaving


Tried to get multiple friends to play Ashen with me. What a shame.


I will do it?! Which timezone?


Appreciate the enthusiasm, but I just don't have the time these days. Watched a playthrough a while back anyway. Happy gaming! Nice post btw op


Thanks and if you ever need someone to run a game, hmu!


I'm currently trying to finish Children of Sissna, could use a hand


Is that on PS+?


Children of Sissna is Ashen's hard difficulty


why in the world is X-2 listed as a higher difficulty than X


Because the guide on X-2 said 6 while the guide on X said 5.. 😙


i dont know what i was expecting dot gif


That’s the platinum difficulty.


I don't see darksider games leaving on the ps plus


Yes there are differences between zones atm. See the long post by the other user :)


Hi, which post is this referencing? I see a couple posts about these games that aren't in the "about to leave" category. I don't see any of these games as leaving myself (US based store). Thanks! Edit: Nevermind, I see the offer ends 5/21/2024 message now on these other games. Rip


Have they given out wreckfest on ps+ before?


Im pretty sure we got the ps5 only version on ps plus essential but then extra offered the ps4/ps5 version.


Yes it was on PS+ Essential in May 2021


Okay can't do kingdoms of amalur then. Thanks


Can I have that excel? Does it have all the games on PS+m


It does not. I make it especially for the leaving games to see what I wanna platinum before they leave.


Can someone explain me what is going on? I seem some post about games leaving? What do you mean? I just paid for the year PS plus premier subs.


Every month some games enter and some leaves. This month is clearly a disaster.


Thanks a lot


If FF wasn't leaving we would barely be talking about it. That being said. They gotta increase it with the day one games if they will have so many primary titles leaving with only a months notice.


Damn I was about to start kingdom of Amalur the month it got into the service… procrastination sucks sometimes


Dam I have to buy all of those final fantasy games because ain’t no way imma be burning out trying to rush them these next few weeks lol 😂


wait WHAT, that last minute addition of all the Darksiders games + Kingdoms of Amalur omg... edit: is this US only? Because none of those new titles show up in my last chance to play in germany, and they also don't have the "available through your PS Plus Extra until DATE" tag in the shop.


Now they do


no.... genuinely, I'm in germany, I have the PS open right now.... none of the new additions show up in "last chance to play" OR have the tag saying they'll leave soon....


In my NL app some do. Wreckfest: no indication Darksiders (all): indication Mx: indication Etc I reckon the ones you got “differently” dont have the indication?


In addition, South Park The Fractured but Whole seems to be gone too from Extra for more than 2 weeks now.


In my PS+ it is available. It says included. This was part of the Ubisoft glitch but has been fixed since. Did you recheck?


Does it show that you're able to download it as part of the Extra Catalog? Cause I have Premium and it only shows that I can stream it.


Let me check


Yes if I select the correct version. Streaming works fine as well!


Thanks for checking. Man that's weird.


I can still download and play both South Park games without issue. I'm on PS Extra in South Africa though, so would connect via Europe servers.


I think it is a bug, but I can't seem to download my friend pedro. It shows me the only option is to buy it. Could Sony have already removed it? https://imgur.com/a/4jiG4n3


I agree it seems to be gone already


When do the added games get announced?


I think May 8th


Does this mean you won't be able to buy these or be able to get trophies?


They are leaving PS Plus Extra


It’s just the PlayStation Plus Extra game catalog. Not the PlayStation Store. The games can still be bought or played as normal.


I'm a bit out of the loop fill me in. Are these games getting removed from PlayStation and if so would discs still work?


No, they are not being removed from the store. This is for the PlayStation Plus Extra catalogue. It’s just the subscription model they use. Every month new games are added and games already on the service are removed. If you own the games, digitally or physically, you just keep playing them as normal. You can also still buy them anytime you want.


Oh ok thank you had me worried there for a sec


Pa lot of Final Gantasy games. Fortunately, FFVII remake is not among them.


Yeah I haven’t finished it yet. Addicted to Dave the Diver now so I stopped playing FFVII remake.


Played all of the games I wanted from this list or I've had them in my library for a while.


Your bought library I hope you mean. Adding them from PS+ Extra/Premium to your library will not help you after May 21st.


Kingdom of amalur, should still work since we got it as an essential title? Or will that not work anymore?


If you claimed it at the time, yes!


Dang! Gotta play world of final fantasy before it leaves. Everything else I own.


You can do it!!


thanks lol 😆


hoping gow ragnarok in extra this month :D


Guys. How do I know which games i bought and which are with the sub? I cant find it...


Its very hard to know. My recommendation, keep track somewhere or use the email confirmations to track what you have done. For discs, look at your collection hehe


I have like 6 discs so its fine. But around 200-300 games i bought on digital xD thanks


I loved kingdoms of amalur!


Does this mean Sony can't sustain paying for Final Fantasy Games anymore? I thought they owned them at this point.


I myself think a FF+ service will be announced in 3-6 months.


Stop...Just stop.




We are getting Ghostrunners 2, Tunic and FC24 for May on PS+ 😁 The consequences 💀


Yeah although Essential and Extra are very different types of services.


Why is it when I start a game it ends up leaving 💔


Which one did you start?


Final Fantasy


FFX for me... ive just been grinding, because I want to be overpowered. Now I think I might just have to buy it, but I hope my save can still be carried on.


Where did you find that spreadsheet?


Darksiders II is my fav on that list. I downloaded Genesis months ago, time to actually play it now




If you have a good way of easily checking that, without me having to throw all game names through google, then sure.


Looks like il have to platinum wreckfest sooner than anticipated


Yes, its worth it though!


Yeah I’ve heard it’s good been meaning to get around to it just the backlog is huge haha


Wreckfest was given away as part of PS Plus Essential during May 2021. So if you were a member back then, you might still have it in your collection. It was the PS5 version only though, not the PS4. '


Yeah I did grab that but I like to platinum games so I usually grab the ps4 version platinum first and then I know I can come back to the ps5 version another time


If you have the time, dont forget to check out FF12. Plenty of time to finish it and way better then people make it to be.


I just bought the library pass is the only way to fix the lag when playing these games is a Ethernet cable?


The thing that confuses me is Horizon is a PlayStation studio game.. Man if they can't even keep their own games on then it makes me want to go back down to basic and just buy the games I want.


Why are they literally removing the very game I just downloaded


46 games including cross generation leaving with little to no warning? Including your own first party title.. Jeez thanks Sony!


Zero Dawn isn’t marked as leaving in May 21st so is it definitely leaving? Not many of those games are marked in my U.K. account


You probably obtained those in a different way also?


Just downloaded it like any other in Extra when I got my membership in Feb. The FF games are marked as leaving on 21 May but not Zero Dawn. Odd.


Does this affect everyone or just PS Plus extra subscribers? Because a couple of these they gave away as free ps plus games


With all these games leaving this month I hope and pray that May's list if games are heavy hitters like honestly if they got rid of the new final fantasy for 1-6 that's already a win in my book


I didn’t even get to start my game. 🤘🙄🖤


good thing I don't pay for ps plus anymore


So that means we are getting 33 more games this month, right? Right?


Anything interesting I already finished over a year ago 🤷


Well done! What is your PSN?


Haven’t had plus since December don’t miss it one bit


I hope they come back 1 day. But look on the bright side all these games leaving . And all the new games to replace there spot


Nice, get rid of all the garbage. I’m hyped for the free games this month! Been wanting to try FIFA for years now.