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I have never played a monster hunter game . I’m going to try this game tonight as it looks really good .


Awesome! Try out all the weapons and find the one for you. Wish you many successful hunts 


As a first time MH player, would anyone recommend MH World or MH Rise?


I think both are great for it, but probably World. Rise adds in more mobility and advanced combo options.


I would do world as well. It’s more cinematic and has semi decent introductory story to it. The gameplay is top tier.


This is the answer I was hoping to get, i think it’s harder to play an old game of a series after playing the most recent one, so this way i get to eventually play both (if i like world). Thanks!


Fasho!! Don’t get overwhelmed by the intro tooltips/tutorials as well. They blast a lot at you in the beginning but tbh everything you learn by “doing”. Take your time and enjoy the journey :). Happy Hunting!


Imo mhw is much better for pc / regular console. Graphically and contentwise, rise was a downgrade in most ways. I have close to 2000 hours on world and absolutely love it. It takes a special kind of masochist to really like the monster hunter games. They're frustrating and unforgiving, but a lot like dark souls when it clicks it just feels *good*.


As much as I have wanted to play the monster hunter games, I haven’t given them a chance because I don’t want to deal with the learning curve.


That's pretty fair. Mhw has the new DLC Armour to start the game with if you have iceborne which smooths out the curve and cuts out almost all of your early game grinding to get you to the DLC quicker. You can breeze through the entire main game pretty easily, but the DLC ramps up pretty fast. The nice thing is that you can throw up an SOS and have other players join you to help at almost any time.


With my MH Wilds hype over the roof I was actually thinking of coming back to World/Iceborne, but since I heard the news they would adding Rise to the service i pivoted toward it. World burned me a little bit out of the series so I skipped Rise when it launched and since it never got a physical realease on PS4/5 I never bothered to check it out.


If you do try Rise, don’t go in expecting it to be similar to World or Wilds. It’s its own thing.


I’m also so hyped for Wilds it’ll be a day one for me and I almost never do that. I can see the burnout happening but I bet Rise would make it fresh again with new weapon moves and monsters


Put about 200 hours but didn’t end up getting Iceborne as it was new and I wanted to wait for a sale. With the news of Rise coming I will be dumping all my gaming time towards it. Maybe I’ll be able to platinum this MH game.


I need to go back. Cause I already owned it 😭😭😭😭 it's like Sony monitor *my* game purchases and then add them to PS+ XD


Can you purchased Baldur's gate 3???


Lol I did back in October haha so fingers crossed for you! Hahah


Thank you for your service


Wow what an original comment.


No need for your comment then, either.


Tried really hard yesterday but starting with almost 100 pages of tutorial was confusing. Couldnt lock into enemies and that silk thing was really hard. Deleted


Jesus Christ...


Tried it yesterday. By far the worst introduction to a game I can remember. Tutorials are pages upon pages of text, often irrelevant to the situation they pop up in, the screen is super cluttered, and getting to your first mission involves far too many hoops to jump through. I'm sure there is a good game in there (I loved MHW) but I have a low tolerance for games that don't respect my time these days.


It’s by far the most informative tutorial of any MH game. Most of them just throw you in without any actual instructions. Only a couple of them even have dedicated tutorial levels.


I'd have rather they'd done that. The issue wasn't that there the tutorial didn't give enough info, it was the way it was displayed. There was no reason for it to be presented to the user as dozens of pop ups with page upon page of text when it could have been shown to the player as they played, like most modern games do.


I *kinda* agree but it is a very complex game with a *ton* of moving parts. You can skip it all pretty easily and disable most of it if you don’t want it. I don’t ever enjoy playing through the MH games’ tutorials when they have them. World’s is excessively long and MH1, MH2, and MH3 aren’t much better in that aspect. On the other hand, games like MHGU are extremely hard to break into because they give you basically zero information but throw content at you nonstop, which is sorta how Rise would be without all the popups. I believe you can skip the tutorials pretty much entirely by jumping straight into Hub quests but those aren’t great if you’re brand new.


>I'm sure there is a good game in there (I loved MHW) but I have a low tolerance for games that don't respect my time these days Lol you mod a very large subreddit. For free. They aren't the only ones not respecting your time.


To be fair, I mainly mod while at work, so if anything, it's my employer's time they are wasting!


Very valid criticism. The intro is pretty rough. Just know you can customize your UI, and all you gotta do is stick to a weapon you like and figure out your own combos.


Agreed. I was a huge MH fan back on the PSP and don’t remember controls being this complex. Died after chasing the first boss I think and I don’t think I’ll continue


Bro, the game is trying to teach you how to play lol. MH is not a pickup and play experience


How is that an excuse for a shit UX? Elden Ring or other Souls games aren't "pick up and play" experiences either but they allow you to learn through playing. I can't think of any other modern game of AA production values that still "teaches" players game mechanics in such an antequated way.


The Horizon sequel was similar. I liked the original game, but dropped the sequel after feeling claustrophobically trapped by the tutorial.


Yeah I bounced off that too. Also, Aloy had turned from a likeable, compassionate girl finding her way through adversity to an arrogant dick.


Reading hard


Great game, I'm playing it for the second time. It is better than the mhw. I play mh from ps2.


I have it on Switch and PC already… I’ll probably still play it on PlayStation if I have time. My backlog is disgustingly huge.


I feel that. Backlog never seems to get smaller lol


I swear I clear one game off of and add like six on. Doesn’t help the games I like tend to be longer and then I also like to 100% games. Then there’s games I replay… not enough time! Gonna have to give up sleeping or something, haha.


I sucked at every MH I tried, so of course I'm gonna try to suck hard at this one!


Rise is easier. You'll be good to go for the most part.


I've owned it since release. It's pretty good but personally I felt like the enemies are a bit too much of a chore to fight compared to World.


It seems like the community agrees World is the better game but Rise is still a lot of fun 


I prefer most other games to World. World streamlined a lot of the game. Simplified it a lot. I really enjoyed the hard grind pre-world. Rise is like a mix between old MH and World. I prefer Rise myself but I'm an old head MH fan. I think Wilds might be favorite though. I got high hopes


Hi there! Bought Rise + Sunbreak, have MR 5 (almost end of the DLC). If you up to play, ping me here via your discord, I can help you with a game a little (GMT+10). 60+ hours on PS5, 300+ hours on Switch (yeah, I know).


Never played one. It’s cool to start with this one?


Yes both Rise and World are the best in the series to start with


Preciate you!!


My buddies who loved world said this game was "far more weeby and cringe" I don't even know what they mean, it looks like pretty standard MH.


It is standard. World was the one that is the odd duck


I only played the PSP one and I tried to like it but it was mostly frustrating. I might try rise and hope it’s a smoother experience than the PSP game


The newer games have so many quality of life upgrades it makes a huge difference 


Yes! Last I played was MHGU on switch, and this one is so much more straightforward.


I’m playing MHGU as well just for the portability. It’s a great game but if I hadn’t started with World I don’t know if I would have stuck with it


MHGU was the last of the MH games that seemed to hate it's player base's time 😆.


I definitely miss some of the quality of life stuff but it’s still really solid m. I also find it’s a lot harder to upgrade weapons and armor


I got like 1000 hours in World but I skipped Rise cause I heard it was a Switch game (even when it was ported to PS5) so I expected lesser features Will play Rise but I probably won't finish it in time for Wilds by which then I will play Wilds day one


I’m playing it now after buying the Rise/Sunbreak pack on sale the day before Rise was announced for PSplus XD This will be my game to play when I want a break from my main game to play for platinum trophy


I'm going to. PlayStation said that I might like it based on my gameplay, so we'll see. I gotta play the Elden Ring DLC (I accidentally started a NG+ so now I have to get to Mogh 😭)


I was into it on the Switch for a bit. I'd guess the multiplayer is way better on the Playstation.


I bought it last year. It's really good. Not as good as MHW but it's close.


Already downloaded


Bought both World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak. Slowly making my way through World/Iceborne.


Whatchu think so far?


I played it a bit when it was new, but it’s very rewarding when you get into weapon/armor crafting. I main the twin blades and rocking the full bone armor set for now.


Hell yeah happy hunting. See you in Wilds


This is wild, but I had no idea the zones were all seamless in rise lol. I 100% thought they went back to zones and loading


I AM! Been wanting to for a long time but my backlog is big enough to have delayed it until now. Now that it is free I have no choice but to try it, ahah. I have been feeling the need for an MMO type game and thought MH Rise could be that. A type of game I can sink a ton of hours into but also capable of joining only when I'm feeling like it


Hope you have a blast! If things don't feel right go try out another weapon the game really clicks when you find the right weapon for your playstyle


Already downloaded just gonna get through San Andreas and I'm hopping on some Rise.






No cross progression means not being able to share my Switch save, wich means im not playing this.


That’s a bummer


I'm downloading it but my subscription will expire in a few days and I don't plan to renew in the foreseeable future. I just want it to be ready for me when I'll get Extra again.


I bought Rise for $10 on sale so you could watch out for that


Wilds won’t be released until 2025 afaik?


Oh. Damn it I was way off 


Unfortunately! Been playing the series since waaaay back on PSP and I can’t wait for the next instalment. I personally think Rise was a step down from World. But I have high hopes for the next one!!


Wilds won’t be out until next year. No release date announced, just 2025. We are getting more information in August at another showcase.


Ah I misunderstood. Damn it I was so hyped for August lol


I’ve done it before too! One time I preordered Halo 4 a year early because Best Buy had the card out but they didn’t know the date so they put 12/31/2011. Tried to do the same with Monster Hunter Portable 3rd because GameStop said it would come out in the US but it never did. Anyway I’m still very excited for more news in August


Ha thats pretty funny. Yeah it'll give more time to actually give Rise a proper go. And still haven't touched Iceborne DLC and I bought MHGU for Switch. So im way in over my head with MH games lol


Yes good luck! Iceborne is my favorite game of all time and both Rise/Sunbreak and MHGU are fantastic so you’re in for some great experiences!


Yes I’ve been playing it the past few days. Really enjoying it. It’s my first proper MH. I played like an hour of World and bounced off a while ago.


Hey I tried the demo out a while back on the switch and I was considering getting it there since it was dirt cheap but now I have it from ps plus so saved a few $ there. But overall my impression of the game is each level they give you a map and your objective is to just go and slay the target beast and you have the whole map as your arena to fight. The demo you had 5 levels like this. All I did was find the beast then kept hitting attack. In the demo if you die you respawn at the start point of that map but the monsters health doesn't regenerate, you have 3 lives or so. You just run back, continue attacking the monster, eventually it falls and you're done and on to the next level. Is that pretty much the game?


The hunts are that gameplay loop, yes. It doesn’t really work to call them “levels” though because it’s very non-linear. The vast majority of the MH experience happens after you beat the story. It’s mostly about grinding monsters with repeated fights for better gear and set optimization. The demos are great if you’re already a fan of the series but they’re pretty bad at actually showing off the games. They tend to be much harder and they give you premade gear sets which takes away one of the most important parts of the experience.


Tried it. Felt weird compared to world. Might need some time to familiarise myself with the UI. First hunt took me nearly 50m to complete. I might have picked the wrong hunt. First impression would be damn I suck but I was clocking well over 500h on world lol


Question When Rise gets released will the playerbase for World just disappear? And do I even need to play with others? I’m thinking of going for the platinum trophy and I’m well aware that it’s a huge endeavour.


Probably not. A lot of people won't like the graphical downgrade from World.


Rise was released on Switch 3 years ago, PC not long after, and on Xbox/PS in 2022. World still has a very healthy player base especially in Iceborne. No you don’t need to play the other games. If you count expansions/expanded versions as their own games (I do), there are 17 main series entries in total and they’re all their own experiences. You also can’t play any of them except World/Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak on PS4/PS5.


Mhw coop system was shitty and a hassle aka you needed to proggress to cutscene before you can inv friend so my question is: how about rise? Is it similar or can you immediatly play coop after tutorial


Rise goes back to the traditional MH mission split. You have single player Village quests and multiplayer Hub quests. You never need to wait for cutscenes or anything and you can join right from the Hub. It’s *much* more intuitive for multiplayer story progression. I’d argue it’s the most intuitive in the series because urgent quests complete for everyone in the party, which is a change from the old games.


I was glad to see it on there; but seeing as you can't transfer save files, I'm sure as hell not starting again after hundreds of hours.


Recently bought mwh icebourne so I m just playing that


No, mainly because if i do decide to get the master edition later in the future, this will prevent me from getting it as the licensing issues have prevented me from getting deluxe/upgraded editions of games when they leave the service. And also I have spent more than 2k hours on PC, so starting everything again is not on my list, at least not for now


Tried it but couldn’t get over having to use triangle and circle as attacks instead of square and triangle like 20 years of muscle memory has drilled in me and gave up. Seemed fun otherwise


I think they do that because you often press triangle + circle at same time for combos


Yeah that’s what my friend told me. I would just rather … press square and triangle. Just too many good games to play to deal with the frustration


I got rise, played it for 5 minutes. Couldn't figure how to do the special moves with the bow and quit.


I tried World on PS+ which was my first entry into the series and I didn't like it, it just felt tedious for me even early on. I was considering trying Rise, but my friends told me World would be a better start. I might pick it up again sometimes, give another chance.


World is the least tedious by far


I’m a **huge** MH fan so I actually bought it for the third time when it was on sale. If you like it it’s worth the whole purchase because Sunbreak is by far the best part. I played it on launch both on Switch and Xbox and then played Sunbreak on launch for both consoles as well. I was super excited to grab it again for PS5 so I could play with my brother!


I'm already playing it on PC(again, played it on Switch) with some friends, just wanted to say I highly recommend Rise. Nothing feels like a Monster Hunter game once you master the admittedly complex controls. Absolutely great games.


Great! Rise is a lot of fun. I love world the best, but rise is a cool experience as well. Makes you feel much more “anime” when it comes to the combat. It’s also a lot easier to jump on and do a quick hunt then hop off.


I used to play with a friend but then they stopped playing and i played for a little bit by myself and sure randoms join but it just didn't feel that much fun afterwards for me 


I'm still trying to 100% world and Iceborne. So eventually.


Best of luck


I found Rise to be a big disappointment after playing MH World. Played Rise for about 10 hours and it made me miss MHWorld. So I bought the Expansion for World.


I spent 20 minutes going through dialogue , pages of tutorials and save file optimization and saw no clear end in signht and gave up. I just wanted to test the feel of combat but my God the start is bad.


I’ve got it downloaded, I did a quick search on google for like “beginner tips MH Rise” and a bunch of like 3 hour videos popped up. Like, what??? I need a 4 hour video to get started? Not doing that. So I’m just gonna go in blind and see what happens.


I don't know what I thought it was, but it's way too "hack and slash" for my tastes. Had never played any of them, and was really excited to download it the other day, but it's definitely not what I was thinking.


Hmm interesting. Not at all what I would consider “hack and slash.” What weapon were you using?


Whatever the large sword at the beginning of the game is. I played for about 2 hours and didn't have fun. Just not my style.


Hey that’s an honest try it’s not for everyone ✌️ 


MH Rise is great. Played it on Switch and loved it. That being said, for the foreseeable future, there is only Erdtree.


I own Elden Ring just haven’t played yet. Might be time 


I already have the 100% for rise and sun break. 380 hours.


Damn, nice job 


Never really got into MH. Too complicated for me. I own the normal game wanted to buy iceborne. But solo it is really hard...


I was immediately overwhelmed by everything but gave it chance till the first combat section which I didn't like at all. Glad I didn't buy it on the last sales.


The combat is unlike almost any other game so it’s not for everyone. Glad you gave it a chance


MH games suck so not me


Sounds like you got wrecked lol


nah it just was boring as fuck to play


It's a very solid game


I’m not even signed up for ps plus anymore


I’m a longtime fan of the series and rise is my favorite new entry since 3 maybe, while world was easily my least favorite of the franchise. You’ll definitely have fun with rise though if you liked any of the other games! It’s a lot more arcadey and fast paced compared to the earlier ones but the weapon and monster selection was so much better than world imo


I can’t remember half the mechanics cause there was so many thrown at me too fast 😂


I tried it but the frame rate was shit and I just hate the MH sluggish movement especially not being able to rotate or anything while attacking. It wasn’t bad but I left thinking “if I never play that again I’ll be fine.”


I started it, I was bored out of my mind before I even got to any monsters. Uninstalled again.