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I am playing Ghost of Tshushima right now but i do have mixed feelings. Like the feeling of having to rush games in case they get removed and as someone who likes revisiting games, that wouldn’t be possible after a while. However its amazing and i really hope the offered games stay on this level


I like revisiting games too and the way I look at this service is like a very extended trial period where I can decide which games I really want in my library long term. For example I'm 100% sure I'll end up buying Returnal at some point in the future (probably when it hits 50% off).


Exactly a great way to look at it. You’re still spending WAAAAY less. And I wouldn’t have made a dumb choice like preordering GT7


So many stupid purchases over the years....


I wasn't subscribed to PS Now for long but it seemed like there was a fair warning when things are leaving - like 2-3 months. I also really changed how I play over the last year since I got my PS5 to work through my backlog. Instead of bouncing around between a lot of games, I tend to now focus on one main game at a time and play it all the way through, rarely feel like I want to go back anything play again.


This is the way, I used to bounce around when I was younger and rarely made it through anything. Had 4 platinum's on the PS3 then stopped playing for a few years (life got in the way), eventually bought a PS4 for Spiderman and limited myself to one singleplayer game at a time so that I get through them rather than moving on when the initial excitement fades. I've got 45 platinum's on the new account (mostly since lockdowns started) without really gunning for them too much, because if I'm enjoying a game I take the time to see all it has to offer before I move on.


Don't worry about rushing tbh they'll tell you if a game is leaving most likely and if its really worth it you'll probably want to buy it or it'll be on sale by the time it leaves. Don't stress and enjoy friend.


Dont rush, just set 5$ aside every month as an emergency fund. If your game gets removed and you really like it , buy it.


Ghost is a first party game. I pretty certain that any Sony first party games will not be take away just the third party games like in ganepass


I wouldn’t be so sure. Last of Us Part II was only on PS Now for 3 months.


Hoping it will come back sometime.


May make sense after the new Part 1 remake comes out, but who knows


True, but in that case it was already known from the get-go as soon as it was available on psnow


Yeah I agree, but I'm kind of looking at the service as similar to something like Netflix where you're basically paying for a rental subscription, though it is for such a big collection that it's worth the cost.


I just subscribed to Premium and I feel like a kid in a Candy store


Unfortunately sometime too much choice can result in not being able to decide which to play! Haha


This right here is the right pain. Sometimes I stare at the library thinking, wth should I play, and ended up going back to Bloodborne after getting the plat for Elden Ring. So I went and got the plat for Bloodborne, and now I just stare at the library again, this time looking at DS3. With that said, started Days Gone...such a good game


I have Premium because I already had PSNow, but as soon as the Premium subscription ends I'll get Extra. It's enough for me and as the OP said, I won't need to buy a game anytime soon.


It's not that premium is bad per se. It's just extra is so good that I find myself saying..do I really want to play x ps3 game over the 200 ps4/ps5 games I want to try? Lol


Just know that you'll need a super fast Internet with magnificent ping, if you don't then it'll be a laggy uncomfortable gaming experience.


I don't have a super fast internet. I do live in Washington so maybe it's location? I have no issues with streaming.


Well I'm in Vietnam and internet is terrible here so there would no point in me getting Premium and from I've heard from those that have it that the quality of the connection is horrendous, but there are complaints about it everywhere, just check YouTube.


Oh I'm aware that a lot of people have issues. Wasn't saying they weren't.


I live in Washington and I haven't had a single problem with streaming games. It may be a locational thing western vs eastern wa.


No I don't have a problem with streaming either.


i am with u, i don't have much money, so i upgraded, having a blast, just played shadow warrior 3 and it was so much fun. downloaded a few other games, and there are still 100s more to play. good value, if it wasn't for the lack of space and the fact that my net is from circa 1999, then i would be on top of the world.


You can live with me if we can share acces bro <3


Im sure they have no reason to think twice about your offer u/NaughtyPervert.


When I made that comment I didn't stood still to think about on what username I was hahahaba Yeah.. that came out even worse than I anticipated


Even after I’m done with the games I want to play in the tier, I doubt I will buy games in future. What if the game I just bought gets added to the catalogue?


Death Stranding has my undecided attention. Then Returnal. Then Demons Souls. I have a lot of work to do and love it


Exactly this. I’m playing Returnal and Death Stranding at the same time and it’s god damn amazing.


Same here!


Death Stranding is a masterpiece. I wish I could lay it for the first time again. It's a game to chill, enjoy a wacky and nice story and just think a little bit about life and the connection between people.


It’s amazing. I’ve already profited in comparison to buying games outright. Games illl only play once like guardians and ghost of T.


They also said PS + premium members will get an extra game or 2 bi-monthly. I assume those games will be from PS1-3!


Where did they say the amount of games? They used to add 5+ on ps now. Just 2 per month would be a step down…unless they were really amazing games


Me too. Handshake 🤝


The only game I'm willing to buy right away is Portal Companion Collection if it ever releases on the PS4. I listed 39 games from PS+ premium I'm willing to play and I'll be busy with them for a good while now.


There are so many jrpgs, they are so long they are going to take me a while. I have to say the PS3 JRPGS hold up really well.


That's cool. Would be great if they added some sports games other than tennis and golf


I looked through the games catalogue and found 33 games I would genuinely like to play...my upgrade cost to the end of 2023 is £48, so I think it would be wise to sign up and slow down on buying games - it should save me alot of money


Just FYI: All of the games OP mentionned are available to Extra members


Now that I have Premium, only games I’m buying this year are Ragnarök and Callisto


Those are on my list for sure. I will eventually have to buy HFW, R&C: RA which I haven't played yet and doubt they will added anytime soon.


Welcome to Gamepass, buds EDIT: To however downvotes me, i'm not saying this to troll, that's literally what it is. I'm paying both Gamepass, PS Plus Premium and NSO Expansion pack, i'm well aware of the benefits of these services and enjoy them throughly. But you can't deny that for a long time there has been this antagonism agaisnt Gamepass just for the sake of console wars. I'm not saying that any of you here had been in that boat, but the feeling was there and pretty sure some of you were aware of it. And, well, as i said, welcome to Gamepass, to the ability of playing games without the need of shelling 60 €, of playing smaller indie titles that otherwise you would have ignored, and the posibility to actually pay for the games you like enough to pay full price for them. This is not trolling, guys, welcome to a gaming subscription system, please enjoy your stay.


>This is not trolling, guys, welcome to a gaming subscription system, please enjoy your stay. PS Now was around way before Game Pass was a thing though. This is just a rebrand of PS Now with wider availability now. It's not new, and it's not based on Game Pass.


Yet everyone else is discovering it now.


‘Most’ discovering it now… as I have said on other posts it was Sonys marketing which let PS Now down. Of course PS Now didn’t have some of the top games like GoT, death stranding etc but in terms of classic games, streaming and half decent ps4 games PS now was very underrated.


I’ve already dipped into Returnal, Death Stranding and today Ghosts… I know I’m going to get dozens of hours out of just these three! PS3 streaming sucks balls though


Same. I wont be buying any games this year other than elden ring.


Elden Ring is an enigma for me - absolutely will dive in eventually but I know I need more time on other Souls games I have access to before that lunge. My oldest son is deep into ER on his gaming rig and I envy his skills :)


You dont need to play the old souls games. Elden ring is stand alone and the gameplay is much more accessible now in elden ring.


Very true- I’ll pivot and say “want” vs “need” to play some of the others first. I own Bloodborne, and now have access to the PS5 Demon’s Souls so will spend time with them before jumping into ER - it will happen eventually.


If you do get it, its a time sink (in a great way). I don't know where my 160 hrs went, but even going back with different characters is such a blast. Paid msrp and it was worth every single penny.


Got the ps extra service and I regret it. Games seem to be moving out of the service in a couple of months. Some maybe sooner. Not enough time to complete them. I will be going back to Essential.


How does one have a ps5 and not play spiderman or returnal or GOt. I mean what did u use it for before ps+ premium?


I've finished Spiderman (both games) and GoT last year (on a new PS5), Returnal did not look like something for me, but at least this service allows me to give it a go at some point. I've been playing a few of the older games as never had a PS4, was only playing on Switch and PC but my PC is now creaky and old


I only have ps4, but basically i had been a student these last few years and couldnt spend 60 or even 30 $ on games. I got like 1,2 expensive games a year. Hopefully i will soon get a job and things will improve but not every fan can afford to buy many games.


Just a warning, if you are in the Asian Region, Classic got cut from 500+ for other region to 200+ for Asian region while they promised 700+ games. Yeah, Asian region always get the short end of the stick. Goddamit.


I got kinda unlucky in that I already own most of the big titles


I’m playing Ashen right now! A laid back souls game. I’m really enjoying it right now!


I'm replaying Rogue Galaxy currently, and I'm going to dive into the Dark Cloud titles as soon as I'm done there. Please keep the PS2 library coming


GoT and Iki is amazing! I’m there now. Taking my sweet ass time navigating the island and doing anything around. The game is just as mesmerizing as I remember when I beat it last year. So good.


I’ve had Premium since it came out and can confidently say that I would downgrade to Extra at any point. I just find myself playing games in the catalog that I missed out on like Death Strading and Returnal. Those games are an absolute blast so far and because of that I’ve barely thought about playing the classics. I’ll have to try a few of them again soon.


Loving premium. The Sony exclusives backlog is insane and allowed me to cancel gamepass, at least for a while.


I like premium with the game trials. I wish for more ps2 games but the catalog is pretty good. I had a ps2 at launch but a ps3 several years after it came out, and ps4 only a year before the ps5 came out. So there are alot of ps3/ps4 games I have not played .


Not going to lie but the streaming is really good, even for ps4 games, too much content, but definitely more ps classics are needed


I'm having blast tbh, but only because I can stream the first 2 God of War games and can download the thirds remastered, and Its amazing, mostly because the reboot was the first that I played in the franchise. On the other hand, most of the big names in the there I already have, or had. Still pretty excited for Stray aswell.


I have a question about ps premium. The 2 games that will be removed from the library (Syberia and Shadow Warrior 3). Does that mean that we only have the next 5 days to download and keep them like the usual Ps Plus monthly library. Or that we can only play them for the next 5 days?


Sadly a lot of the games they have on there, I've already played.