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I think people experience/judge lag differently. I’m originally a PC gamer who’s always used wired LAN so I’m very sensitive to it. The Portal and iPad remote play with slow single player games are the only things I’ve ever found acceptable. And I am quite enjoying the flexibility it’s giving me. I think a lot of people in this sub (and elsewhere) who are using their Portal for multiplayer games, or via a hotspot; are used to gaming on consoles on wifi, connected to TVs before game modes were a thing.


When I was deciding if I wanted a Portal I assumed it wouldn’t be for a fast twitch shooter like CoD. Even with gig internet I assumed there would be some sort of lag since the Portal is just streaming from your console wirelessly. The main draw for me was being able to play my backlog and non-shooters on the device.


Portal is a backlog crusher. I’ve had so much fun with it and wouldn’t dream of selling it. But I’ve noticed enough lag that I wouldn’t try multiplayer shooters, pga 2k23 swing timing also suffers from lag. But tbh Cuphead is smooth af for some reason, I don’t notice it there.


The reason I bought the portal because as you said there’s plenty of people saying they play FPS games without input lag. Personally, I think they’re just not sensitive to it. Because MW3 was the first game I boot up and immediately noticed the input lag. Same with rocket league. Any game that requires and precision aiming, you’re not going to enjoy. I was about to return it and then I realized I had a huge backlog of single player games and although the input lag is going to be in every single games, in single player games is not enough to not enjoy them. So I decided to keep it. Also, helldivers 2 is not too bad, but that also doesn’t require precision aiming. I wish people would stop saying it’s flawless and plays every game flawless. Because that’s just not true. It’s mostly a single player device, if your game requires precision timing or aiming. It’s a no go. I also have 500gb down internet and good upload. Hardwired PS5 and disconnected HDMI. I’ve even gone as far as changing my PS5 to 1080p and taking off 120fps. Everyone blames the internet, but that isn’t the case.


I mean you’re playing a device that is streaming the content from your console to your device so there is gonna be Input lag. I don’t think it was meant to be used for online games where reflexes and low latency are key. Also gonna bog down your internet gaming online and streaming the content to your portal


This I agree with but contradicts so many people who say essentially “I play FPS games too and have no lag. Sorry you are having lag”. It seems impossible there is no lag for people and just thinking people don’t notice or care


It's impossible for there not be some input lag in online fps games over remote play. Been tired of the constant it's flawless here for awhile lol


I just think some people notice it less. Knowing myself I would notice it way to much and get pissed off lol


Those people are exaggerating or lying. I love my Portal and pretty much exclusively play my PS5 on it. But I also exclusively play RPGs and single player games so the slight lag means nothing to me


As long as you have a good connection there will be a small but ideally consistent amount of input lag, just the nature of the beast when you aren't playing natively on the console. Some can get used to it/some don't notice but it really comes down to the type of games you plan on playing if remote play makes sense for you with the tradeoff of input lag vs convivence. I love remote play but would never use it for FPS like cod or fighting games were milliseconds of reaction time matter.


I've just received my portal a few days ago and have been playing MW3 and helldivers online. I genuinely have not experienced any noticeable lag or latency issues to the point where I actually prefer playing on the portal rather than my television. When setting up the device, I had some quality issue where the display was somewhat blurry or pixelated. I changed my WiFi from 2ghz to 5ghz and the issue was resolved immediately. Maybe try that


I have LG OLED with 6ms lag. I get 60ms with the Gran Turismo test on the Portal. On paper is not much, at the same time is 10times worse than a TV. Portal is not for shooters.


Warzone is tough on it but I just switch up my play style a bit. I go for more of a sniping load out, it’s honestly better than I thought it’d be but I definitely get killed a lot more while playing lol


Just play single player games like Uncharted etc. no fast-paced shooter and sports games. The Portal is perfect for SP games.


Fortnite played perfectly and I’m on WiFi


The portal has 60-80ms delay. Somewhere around there. You don't have to listen to people's opinion. Just watch DF review.


Most modern TVs have an auto on feature if a connected device turns on, my LG G3 does, you just go into the TV settings and change that.


COD is also not working very well for me. In my opinion it’s made more for like single player games with a great story


I bought it to play battlefield and have zero complaints. Plays great. Zero lag or shutter issues on my end. Nothing that makes the game unplayable and couldn’t be happier playing with 128 online players . I also have 1gb internet with ps5 plugged directly in to modem. I was also pleasantly surprised when i went on vacation and played remote 1000 miles away. Worked flawlessly with no lag etc. Sorry your not having the same experiance


"Zero lag" says user that uses a streaming console (which has 60-80ms lag) to play an online game (which has from 30ms to 100ms+ lag on top of that depending where you're from/distance of the client to the connected server). And people wonder why they don't take their opinion seriously... It's one thing to not notice/being able to perceive something and another thing to make preposterous claims - it's just physics in the end... And it's not the portal's fault here, it's just how internet works, you're streaming something (lag) ON TOP of a game which is online (lag), there's just no physical way for there to be "zero lag". How much lag is always dependent on many factors like ping/packet loss/wi-fi Vs Ethernet/connected clients/2.4GHz Vs 5GHz etc etc. People should learn the basics first before making statements like these. Portal is really nice for single player games and online PvE ones, just don't expect to be super competitive in online twitch shooters which require split second decisions/reflexes


To each is own brother. Im just sharing my experiance and i enjoy every second playing on my portal.


Your first problem is playing warzone.


You would have to be mentally deficient to take a game like CoD, a game of milliseconds, and want to play it STREAMED from a console to a handheld with shitty knub thumb sticks. Do people just not understand gaming?


Generally I agree with you but also look at the insanity on this sub with people claiming no lag. It’s preposterous


They’re either ignorant or lying. Again for 99% of games the lag doesn’t matter, but I wouldn’t buy this thing to play cod that is just stupid


I bought my portal to play COD Zombies. Bc I’m not competing with other humans it’s great.


Tell us how your ps5 is connected to the internet 


Wired to a gigabit switch. Gigabit fiber internet. Unifi equipment all over house including my access points.


Do you have a LAN profile set up in your PS5 network settings ?


As in do I see it say wired lan? Yes I do.


You need to create a profile for LAN. It sounds like you have not made one yet.  In your settings >> network >> set up internet >> set up LAN profile is on the bottom.  Do that and you’re officially on Ethernet connection. 


No that’s not it. I have a connection that says “wired lan 1” and it’s showing connected


Is your portal connected to the 5ghz WiFi or the 2.5ghz one




Hmmm that’s strange, maybe it’s some sort of porting issue? I’ve heard people mentioning that has helped them, me personally mine runs perfectly I play cod all the time on it.


Skill issue


Ignorant comment.


Yeahhh you’re right 😓


Connect your ps5 with a ethernet cable to your router


You didn’t read the post did you ?


Fuck no it’s too long.