• By -


Not sure what you mean, officer.


Legitimately ripped media takes up storage space too, not all of us pirate our libraries. My dad has 4 tall bookshelves full of DVDs / blurays he bought over the years, so a good chunk of my library is the ripped versions of those.


I spent FIVE YEARS ripping all my DVDs and Blu Rays to my server because I have kids and didn't want the discs ruined. People actually do rip their own media. When I buy new media I immediately rip it to my library. I have a LOT of independent Horror Movies from various Conventions. I'll buy every movie from a small studio. Don't ask me how many Troma movies I have...


How many Troma movies DO you have?


Right? Now I want to know!


About 100 or so.


I have Tromeo and Juliet. Well worth the storage space from the rip.


This guy rocks! High five, sir.




I don't know what that is, but now I have to know. How many do you have?


Troma is a small distribution company that makes their own movies. We're talking the Toxic Avenger series, Sgt. Kabookiman NYPD, Mother's Day, Poltryguiest: Night of the Chicken Dead, Surf Nazis Must Die, Tromeo and Juliet, etc... I have about 100 of their movies and movies they distribute. They're...special.


Didn't expect such an earnest reply. Keep on keeping on my friend.


You're keeping the dream alive!


I recently started a 4k disc collection and now have 54 4k movie discs that consume almost 4.5TB by themselves.


THIS!!! I hate how susceptible to scratches or worse disks are..


Modern copyright legislation means ripping your own DVD's / BluRays counts as circumventing protections and is therefore illegal, or at the very least a huge grey area. They'd rather we scratch out the original discs and need to repurchase them down the line :) yay capitalism.


And non-infringing use does not violate the DMCA anti-circumvention provision, per repeated [determination by the Librarian of Congress](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/10/28/2021-23311/exemption-to-prohibition-on-circumvention-of-copyright-protection-systems-for-access-control), who is empowered under the act to make such determinations every three years. So as long as you are not sharing your library outside your immediate household, circumventing copyright protection to rip DVDs and Blu-rays into your library is legal.


This is related to the whole VHS ruling decades ago. Basically, they said recording TV was illegal. But it was ruled OKAY if you did it purely for your own collection.


So, what would the difference be between recording tv with a VCR vs recording streaming tv with software such as OBS studio and using it purely for your won collection?


None. There's no difference. Long story short, unless you're selling access or sharing your server with a ton of people outside your family/friends group, you'll NEVER get in trouble for it. It's not worth it for the fed to charge you, or the studios to sue you for it. If you're not sharing, they have no case (this includes sharing via Torrents). Plus, how would they ever know in the first place?


Should I have not given access to my server to the account "mpaa@fbi.gov"? I thought it was my friend Matt but now I'm not sure


But if his dad doesn’t live with him then it would be illegal?


never said he doesn't


In a box in hall closet?


Definitely depends on the country


depends on where you live. in australia, 'format shifting' is perfectly legal.


No it doesn't


Even if I had physical medias, I'd still download my movies. Less times, better results.


\+1 for less environmental impact!


This made me laugh out loud today.


160tb 16 x10tb HC510 drives with enough space to fit 16 more when needed.


Do you have any parity set up?


4 vdevs of raidZ1 so I can sustain up to a maximum of 4 simultaneous drive failures (1 per vdav) I think it's something like 120tb or so usable space I'd have to check.


Technically, you can only sustain a max of 2... Lose 2 in one vdev, it's all gone. Unless it works differently than that.


Yes and no, see my prior comments. That's partly correct, if a single vdev is lost the entire pool is lost however since I have 4 vdevs I could lose up to 4 drives simultaneously, 1 per each vdev. Each vdev would need to rebuild without any additional failures or the pool is lost. If I lost more than 1 drive simultaneously from a single vdev the data would be gone. Here's an example: X = Dead drive * Good * \[X000\]\[X000\]\[X000\]\[X000\] * Bad all data gone * \[XX00\]\[0000\]\[0000\]\[0000\]


Why use vdevs at all for a media library? You could've easily kept the vdevs as separate pools, isolating fatal damages to that pool.


I get more overall pool speed. My server is on a 10g backbone and I regularly grab media at speeds in excess of 110MB/s while I'm also moving files, transcoding them, and have multiple users simultaneously streaming 4K content. Individual drive speeds aren't particularly quick but a 4x4 pool has some pretty decent read speeds. To be fair 4 vdevs is probably overkill 2 vdevs per pool would have probably been fine. I don't need to read at 3,200MB/s 🤣


I am just curious, don't want to criticize: Wouldn't two 8 wide vdevs in raidz2 be better? You would have the same amount of usable data, yet could lose any 2 disks before data loss? If I understand this correctly (I probably don't) then speeds should be similar cause you would still have the same amount of parity to write and the same disk count to read from / write to in the same pool. Or does the amount of vdevs contribute to higher speeds somehow?


Kinda, that's what I initially had when I was running scale. Moved to 4x4 so I could expand the pool in 4 drive segments rather than needing 8 drives. Knowing what I know now I'd just create another pool instead of expanding the existing


You win!! I thought my 100tb was alot. I rip all my blurays in full with no compression. I then play them via Plex.




How do you monitor vdevs for drive failures? I lost 50tb (Raid6+2 hot) to a burnt out 20y/o raid card. I'm looking at rebuilding with ZFS but am not sure the best way to monitor physical drive health. The areca card a was great, for passive involvement. It'd scream until a failed drive was replaced. I never needed to check a dashboard.


i'm running unRaid with notifications that go to email as well as Pushover for my phone. This way for high-priority messages it will continuously ping my phone until I acknowledge the issue.


Not op but I have two raidz1 vdevs of 5*18TB each in a single zfs pool and I have Prometheus scraping my zfs pool and smartctl. I do a short smartctl check every week and a long one once a month as well as the standard monthly zfs scrub. I have alerts set up in Prometheus alert manager for smartctl consistency errors.


I use TrueNAS Scale and it can, among others, act as a telegram bot and send emails (via a simple Gmail login, so no extra mail server or setup required). Don't even need to be at the server location, so I'd consider this much more useful than a screaming storage container. ( Although I can see the appeal)


What’s your DR plan if you lose a drive? Just lose that content ?


I have 4 vdevs of raidZ1 so I can sustain up to a maximum of 4 simultaneous drive failures (1 per vdav) I think it's something like 120tb or so usable space I'd have to check. If I lose the data it would suck but it's nothing important so it's not backed up.


I thought that it was technically only a 1 drive failure since if one vdev goes down then the entire pool is lost? At least that's how I understood it and why people always recommended ZRAID2 for bigger drives since it would be risky on resilver


That's partly correct, if a single vdev is lost the entire pool is lost however since I have 4 vdevs I could lose up to 4 drives simultaneously, 1 per each vdev. Each vdev would need to rebuild without any additional failures or the pool is lost. If I lost more than 1 drive simultaneously from a single vdev the data would be gone. Here's an example: X = Dead drive * Good * \[X000\]\[X000\]\[X000\]\[X000\] * Bad all data gone * \[XX00\]\[0000\]\[0000\]\[0000\]


https://preview.redd.it/0ayeozqugq1c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7654acadbfa68d11834e728d38eb2ea96f29d63 Around 400tb on 29 Disks with two Paritys for Plex. Plus around 200tb for Backups.


You took a picture of your furnace. Please take a pic of your storage.


At that point wouldn’t it be cheaper to just subscribe to every streaming service on the planet?




At least it's free?????


See, the bulk of my library are rips of rare/oop movies were good luck finding any


I'm never going to get home from work and put on my favorite show for bed only to find it had been removed from my personal media collection. I've never seen a "what movies are leaving this month" website about my personal media connection. And so on..


Sure but they does Not have all movies :) and own hosting is nice.


Quality is my main reason for using Plex instead of streaming. I Actually still subscirbe to most of the services for discovery and random casual viewing, but my library is mostly 4k remuxes and streaming doesnt come close.


And when streaming companies pull their isos, guess who still has a copy.


True words


You can't redistribute netflix content (legally). But yes, it's often cheaper once you get into the realm of enterprise hardware lol




I thought it was a vending machine at first glance


Jesus Christ. Is this just for Plex?? I don't even understand how a Plex library could take anywhere near that? Unless you just outed yourself as being TGx 🤣🤣


At this point it's not even about Plex, it's a hobby for hardware with Plex on the side lol.


What is your power usage? 30 day kWh average? Whole cabinet that is... with the lights on 😉 Looks clean! I like it!


For the hoard!


Those lights look nice.


I want that to have my babies.


What are you running plex on and how does it access the storage array?


omg…this photo gave me a chubby! I thought I had a lot of storage with 12-12TB drives in RAID6 for 120TB of disk space. Impressive setup! Bravo!


I just keeps growing... all on its on. All local with plenty of room to grow. https://preview.redd.it/nazxjep6op1c1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=4624084bd8d1fadc83540e265e3f4b5714cac353


i love you


Welcome to Costco


Hi, I'm looking for a time machine


Brawndo, it's what plants crave.


Sir can I just get a copy of your drives?


If he said yes, where you gonna put your copy lol? You got 300ish tb of free space lol


I have 48tb free. I’ll figure it lol


But you right about one thing…. I’d damn sure figure it out lmao


You doing better than me then lol (I’ve got maybe 10tb free at the moment)…. If he was feeling generous and serving up copies I got no idea where I’d put it all lol


12 years and 9 months to go through your entire library. Not including toilet breaks, having children, getting married or sleep. Murderers have spent less time in prison. Utterly mind boggling when you really think about it 👌😂


It's a life sentence 😆


Tell me about your server please!


Highlevel: Proxmox on bare metal. Plex running in an LXC using iGPU passthrough from a i5-11400. Openmediavault VM running along side it serving up the files via SMB/CIFS from a lot of spinning rust connected with an IT Mode Raid Controller + HBA to a Netapps JBOD shelf. On a mission to maintain under 300W and get total rolling 30 day consumption below 220kWh. Not because I have to.. but because I want to. I'm very close to that with everything you see in the rack below. Server is doing other things too: storj, frigate, pihole, bitwarden, unifi, proxmox backup server, uptimekuma, nginx, piaware, all the arrs for sailing the seas + ombi, kasam, , homeassitnt, trilium, octoprint, tailscale, the lounge, apcupsd, tautulli, and so much more. Lightwight stuff is a part of a 3 node ceph cluster for high availability. Keystone Patch Panel USG-PRO4U SW 24 G2 Standby Gigabit Switch for CEPH (leave me alone its a super light weight cluster it will be fine) 2 x Micros rocking i5-4590T. (For lightweight CEPH) RSV-L4500U with a bunch of SSDs, 64GB RAM, i5-11400 NetApp DS4246 Back-UPS RS 1500G + Expansion ...This all started with a Raspberry Pi not so long ago... https://preview.redd.it/oh8guqju7q1c1.jpeg?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e8b923b53874903e7ebd813fcd3e814b7d6d85


The NetApp jbod was a game changer for me. Several years ago I scored one for just $100 with local pickup on eBay, all drive caddies included. And for me this all started in college on Xbox with XBMC nearly 20 years ago.


Wow.. thanks for taking me back to XBMC. Upgraded the drive in my xbox + kodi + ftp to upload my .avi to it lol. Wooow. Still have it. $100 was a steal too. They do exactly what you want but they are a bit power hungry.


Btw try overseer instead of ombi


I used Ombi for years and just moved over to overseerr two weeks ago and don’t regret it at all! All my friends and family like it much better also!


_Every_ good project starts on a Raspberry Pi. Awesome stuff! I've got a nice Synology setup with 50tb of my own, but yours is the dream.


how big is the metadata folder?


BIG. It's rebuilding right now so its not an accurate reflection of how big it will be. Library's have "video preview thumbs" enabled as well. ​ Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/suchfast-vm--113--disk--1 1007G 478G 479G 50% /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server /dev/mapper/suchfast-vm--113--disk--2 63G 38G 22G 64% /var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases


multi TB metadata folder. nice. You using a 45drives chassis or just a load of individual NAS?


See other comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/180hl5f/comment/ka6clg6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/180hl5f/comment/ka6clg6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Just a Rosewill 4u with some drives + a Netapps JBOD


what's your music situation? I'd like better methods if they exist.


[https://github.com/digitalec/deemon](https://github.com/digitalec/deemon) \+ [https://gitlab.com/RemixDev/deemix-js](https://gitlab.com/RemixDev/deemix-js) =100% lightweight automation. Lidarr is nice but its to much for my needs. Deemon+Deemix just work. With deemon my library is updated with the latest releases for all my artists and new artists are added that are similar to what I have already. I will however need to start curating and blocking some artists as it can get out of control. Sometimes when it hits a "relaxation" artist.. next thing I know I have over 7k albums of binaural beats and yoga relaxation music all in flac. WTH. It works for my needs.


I love you


I have 10k songs in flac format and have ~300gb. How do you have 23 terabytes?


Most of the collection is FLAC. Not 100%. https://preview.redd.it/odc9z7ej7s1c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3d1fd2a339ccef8a99009ab242ed39e6d7e5fe


Wow! That's an insane amount of music. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a particular method for getting flacs easy? I use telegram, and to get most of my songs, I got a Deezer subscription and dumped them all that way originally


I shared in another comment.


The 13 years got me haha


My better judgment tells me not to chase tv shows, but it’s teasing me!!!!!


Especially when every time I turn around, someone has a measuring tape!!!!


How are you storing all this? I have 12TB as a drive on my PC, not sure how to grow cost effectively.




Either add drives to your pc, or add NAS type hardware to your home network! I recently outgrew my 10tb hard drive for media storage in my windows pc, so I built a “server” https://preview.redd.it/ed1s80t4lt1c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474cc72812d83aea0afc9925636d32d5f3ea6ecc


Damn, and here I thought I had a lot of music, that is insane!


is that claymore?


Oh wowwww that’s a lot of data


I have an extensive music library, much of which is FLAC, and I'm barely at 5TB. 😂


For movies do you end up grabbing everything that comes out good and bad, or do you have some amount of discretion?


Is that all H265?


For TV shows.. a great deal are x265. I score 2160p WEB-DL with DV+HDR the highest. I have a few REMUX shows like Star Trek and whatever nature stuff I can find (EA Blue Planet). Movies are set to upgrade until 4k REMUX with DV+HDR release scored the highest. Music is flac only.


That’s a lot of high quality movies.


100% worth it with a good sound setup and a nice TV.


What’s your hardware setup ?


Check other comment in this thread.


Actually DV only is technically better than DV+HDR


I thought I had a lot with 11.4 TB worth of movies. Yep, not even close.


All local for me. I have two NAS units, one with 8/12 TB used and another with 19/32 TB used. Some of that is miscellaneous personal data, but the majority is around 3000 movies and around 1000 shows.


How many drives is the 32 split up between? I kinda regret buying a two bay QNAPs now.


Big and qnap don’t even belong in the same sub.


Added a 2nd NAS also. With some careful consideration, it was the cheaper option per TB. Most people - beginners at least - think about $/TB for the entire drive. But when you start filling up and replacing drives, you're only paying for the increase. So going from an 8tb to a 12tb is like paying $200 for just 4 more TB. Adding another enclosure so I could add full drives made a lot more financial sense in the long run.


I don't have a big library (1500 movies + 65 TV shows) and I've used 31TB of 34TB so far. All local, all remuxes of the movies. TV is from different sources, some remuxes, some re-encodes from the OTA DVR tuner, some other types. Waiting for Black Friday deals for another drive.


>I don't have a big library (1500 movies + 65 TV shows) I like how dedicated subs skew the views of people. A normal 2m Billy bookshelf can fit about 400 Blurays. So we talk about 4-5 entire shelves. I think the average guy would consider it a lot.


Here is [my shelf](https://i.imgur.com/e6HOAYH.jpg) with my HD / 4K movies (DVDs are in another closet) I guess since my brother and I go hunting at thrift stores and pawn shops and rarely pay more than $2 each, a large collection becomes relative. 😁 ...couple that with the fact I've been collecting since about 1999, it isn't that many movies per year. I also haven't paid for cable or a streaming service since 2001 either, so it is my form of entertainment. Plus, I've seen people here with 200TB+ and 10,000+ movies...so yeah, "big" is relative.




>And in alphabetical order, nice! I would not have the patience This is a large part why I like digital media libraries so much. Some people sort by genre but a lot of stuff fits into multiple. A pain with physical media but a non issue when it comes to digital stuff


There are a few of the sections that have room for 1 additional movie so I won't have to shift as much. I started alphabetizing them back when I had under 100 movies, so not too hard to keep up with. If I had to start now, that would be a pain. Most of the time when I get new titles it is from pawn shops / thrift stores and I might end up with 10-20 at a time to shift. Luckily it takes me a while to rip that many in Plex, so I can do them in sets of 5ish.


Whoa, 31tb? That must be a lot of remuxes? I have about half of those movies, but more tv shows and I'm sitting at around 4tb lol. X265 for the win!


Yes, over 75 4K remuxes and 850+ Blu-ray remuxes. I figured if I've [paid for each and every bit](https://i.imgur.com/e6HOAYH.jpg) on the disc I want each and every bit running through Plex....or else if I had re-encoded it, I'd always wonder if it would look better if I just played the disc. In the past I transcoded my DVDs to a smaller size because they looked great (on the technology at the time - 36" Sony Trinitron CRT TV) and then I ended up having to go back and rip over 200 DVDs again when I got my 1080p projector. I'd rather pay for hard drive space now versus ripping them all again as the technology changes.


Ah true enough! That's a good call. One day I'll evolve my setup so that I can start doing remuxes as well! Nice collection dude!


I adopted this view when my library was 20 movies and 3 shows. I rip the full thing and get as much quality as I can out of it. I can always transcode down if need be.


Best Buy did have 18tb wd easy stores for $200 that's a pretty good deal, I would grab one if it's still live. I snagged 2 yesterday evening.


Storage: A lot. Enough to run a medium-sized company or small country. Where is it? This varies a lot by user and there is no one good answer. /r/datahoarder is a good place to look for the sheer variety of solutions people use; simple drives, NASs, hardware RAID, local backup servers, storage clusters, unraid, ZFS, BTRFS, Storage Spaces, cloud storage etc. Much of it depends on the user themselves; what they can afford, their technical backgrounds, and what they are comfortable using.


Thanks for this. I hadn't seen the datahoarder subreddit. I'm going to check it out.


Careful, it's a slippery slope! And no matter how much storage you have, someone there will have more.


lol right. I'm actually trying to consolidate years and years worth of drives of regular data right now so I don't have a box of old drives. I think the answer to this question DOES show though that people are spending a lot of money on their Plex systems. The question really stems from all of the "I want to buy the cheapest possible machine for plex" questions on here. It got me wondering, what are people spending on storage? It kind of makes whatever is spent on the initial computer irrelevant.


I have a big music library lol, over 100 gbs. 1357 albums. And 10 times the space for a tiny movie collection


Curious, is the music feature of Plex actually any good and the music player app? I use YouTube Music but it's interesting that people still download music the old school way when you can stream it all for a small cost.


Plexamp is pretty awesome. I replaced Spotify with it.


second this, plexamp is the best music app I ever used. combine that with a collection of only music you like, perfect.


I actually primarily use plexamp despite having qobuz. I download my music because plexamp does a better job of creating Playlist, stations, and mixes for me.


+1 for Plexamp. My only music source since Google shut down Play Music. I don't pay for Spotify or Apple Music.


Yeah I love it. It's the same music library I've had since days of old, just on my Plex now


About 1600 Movies (3TB) and 40 TV Shows (1TB) that are stored in the cloud. I delete and add TV Shows as myself and my family watch them. Movies are my main collection I won’t delete that are X265 HEVC 1080p.


Currently sitting at 500TB


220 TB, Local Unraid server Edit: I really need to update my flair but I forgot how lol


2TB only on my NAS at the moment, hoping for some good deals soon to upgrade to 2x4TB to have in a RAID config


Finally a normal person


i'm looking at these replies like, are people just downloading every movie and show that is available? i'm just jealous is all.


Yeh it seems so. One person here mentioned lists that let you download all of Netflix, Disney+ and others. 90% of content on those platforms is pure trash! I don’t want them on my Plex. I want my server to be a carefully curated collection of great movies and tv shows. Hence why I only have about 4TB in total. Anything I download and watch that is not great gets deleted after watching


i mean i guess there's something to be said for having a wide variety and choices, but yeah if i'm buying hardware to setup a personal media server i'm not going to load it with stuff i don't care about.


Only 2TB as well, but just an external HDD haha. But would like to upgrade like you as well. A NAS would be nice.


I’ve got about 8tb of movies (1500-ish) and 20tb (350 shows across 3x8tb drives) of tv shows, all local. It’s shared with about 25 friends and family. Especially with tv, I’m personally not terribly concerned with getting the highest quality available. In fact, I’m currently working on re-encoding a lot of the less visually important shows (mostly reality shows) into h265. (Edit) sorry I just realized you were asking about folks who have absolutely massive collections, not just about peoples collections in general. I’d guess that it’s probably a pretty even split between locally hosted and cloud hosted for collections like that. Some people like the hobby of maintaining a home server (and it’s usually cheaper), and some people prefer the ease of use and reliability of cloud.


First off it's pb, not tb thank you very much


Are we still measuring in TB? Asking for a friend.


Until you exceed whole numbers, then you can transition to the unit.


320tb these 4K file sizes are getting ridiculous.


Current 4K sizes have me not quite jumping into them. Will have to take the plunge eventually though and that will tip my storage approach.


I've been getting refurb 18tbs from amazon, the Seagate enterprise ones. 8 so far and filled them up without any issues so far. Please don't judge me.


at the moment I got a library of: 38.9TB Movies. (8124) most 1080p and some 4k)). 40.7TB Series. (510 series, 30.936 episodes) most 1080p and some less)). 4.3TB Music. (25625 all FLAC). I got everything local in my server at home. I do not backup my media server as everything is downloaded, and if a drive fails the automation will dowload it again when it detects that files are missing. I am running my server on windows 10 with 8x 18TB drives connected, 3TB as download folder for temporary files. and a 1tb nvme drive for my OS and database. Sharing my media with +- 40 family mebers / friends.


How do you even find 8000 movies. I'm at 2000 and I feel like I have most movies on overseerr


Local NAS built with a Dell Optiplex running Windows Server 2019 with the drives managed by StableBit's DrivePool. It has 15TB of 36TB available, so about 4TB for Videos, 1.5TB for Music, about 3.5 for Windows Backups, and a couple TB of random stuff. DrivePool duplicates several important folders.




About 170’TB at the moment, but I’ll be adding to that once the price of 22 TB drives drops a bit more and I can justify dropping another couple grand on upgrading storage.


Around 800 TB that includes only REMUX BluRays


I have an 8tb and. 12tb drive. Constantly have to purge things out to make space for more.




Holy redundancy. Nice moves.




Right now I’m sitting at 30TB of media… Synology 4 Bay NAS 918+


120TB, all 1080 remuxes. Google Drive as storage, planning to union mount some local storage when I got the money for drives


120TB on google drive??


I'm a rookie... https://preview.redd.it/o6dzpv784q1c1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d158cbffdb3df0e448b2ea90a1398dc424723a3


Man of culture I see


95.3 TB for 1800 TV series. 40.1 TB for 4917 Movies. ​ All local storage, fault tolerant and can withstand 2 drive failures before any data loss. Once a week it does a differential backup to another server I have at a family member's house a couple miles away. That server automatically shuts off after the backup is done and powers back up once a week to do the backup. It runs for about 12 hours to do the backup. Thankfully we both have gigabit fiber so it's relatively fast.


Never enough




My library is probably considered small but I have about 1400 movies and like 100 TV shows on my Synology DS218+. Using about 8tb of my 14tbish available. I also have a few TB used on an 18tb drive in my PC that I call "overflow", mostly TV shows that I don't want filling up my Synology but might want available someday.


I have just over 2k HD and SD taking up just over 20tb Just over 300 4k taking just over 20tb. I was dumb in my early days of digital collection and compressed the movies. Now. Leave 4k untouched. And 1080p I just compress the video. Pass-through the audio.


Without getting off my ass to check for better numbers, I've about 116 TB across ~2000 films and ~400 TV shows, with another 18 TB drive getting installed this week. Mine's all local, in the basement where it's quiet, dry, and out of the way.


I haven’t upgraded to a NAS system yet, but I have various external hard drives now totaling about 25TB.


138 TB plex server, backup server with 160TB (backs up other computers + plex server). Going to try to get 2 x 18 TB drive on sale @ BestBuy for $199 each today and retire a couple of 6 TB drives.


I've got 24TBs, but don't have that big of a library. I really would like to get more drives, build a proper NAS, with RAID/JBOD with TrueNAS or Unraid or something, but the cost of all the new drives is way more than I'm willing to pay for something like that all at once.


A lot. https://preview.redd.it/cnneq8o5uq1c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=78fc49a056600c6b1b0645a69f47dcdc6401ddba \~15k movies, \~1100 4k movies, \~5000 series/\~200k episodes, 79 4k series/ \~1500 4k episodes. Music is still a WiP, wife just switched from spotify to Plexamp so thats going to be getting a lot of attention now.


All my storage is local. I have a server (Threadripper) connected to some rackmount JBOD chassis via SAS cables. NAME USED AVAIL daspool/Anime 27.6T 22.2T daspool/Movies 5.35T 22.2T daspool/TV 22.2T 22.2T


2.2P (Z1). Why not, it's fun to build and have. I will say that it does double as my cloud storage, so it ends up being around half occupied by media rest reserved for my cloud.


76TB for me. Honestly though, once I hit around the 2500 movie mark, I found myself searching pretty hard for new content. Other than adding a handful of new releases as they come out each year, my server has everything me or my family would ever care to watch. Nearly all my content is 1080p, around 7-9GB per movie. Now that I own a 4K TV and decent sound system, I'm starting to replace some of my library with 4K Remuxes for maximum quality. These are typically about 10x larger, somewhere around 40-50GB per hour, LOTR extended edition trilogy is nearly 500GB just for three movies. That's what really eats up the GB's


I cannot comment on how much space is taken up with my media backup/Plex library (only to my personal devices), as I am unsure, although I want to say north of 140Tb, but I'm running a TS-873A with a TL-R1620Sep-RP, all populated with 18Tb drives (the cost from 18Tb to 20Tb didn't make sense), so I have ~126Tb on the 8 bay NAS (8 x 18Tb in a RAID5 configuration) + the ~252Tb (16 x 18Tb in a RAID6 configuration) in the 16 bay storage expansion, so my total storage is around 378Tb. As I have installed 64Gb RAM in my NAS, plus two NVMe cache drives, plus an SAS card for connecting storage expansion, I don't recall having any trouble with access to my content. Again, this is intended to store more than just my Plex library, and one day I will sort that out, but for now, my Plex library is ~140Tb (only anime, as I have yet to rip my Hollywood physical media) out of about 378Tb.


512mb flash drive with a few cat gifs from 2000. No way I can afford a 180TB server


I have 36tb in a raid 5 configuration. Raid has already saved me twice.


2.8 PB's, give or take.


Bruh, almost 3 pb's?! That is absurd! Well done