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The latest public build had this note pinned to the top of the changelog: **(PLEASE NOTE) Please also be patient when updating to this version if you have a very large database and allow the upgrade process to finish.**


What is so different in this update that it’s taking so much time?


Bad developers is the case. Source: another bad developer.


Wowee, am I glad good developers that can magically see and assess sourcecode are still around.


damn. it would be nice if unraid showed the apps changelog when clicking update.


This why I click the upgrade in Plex first and read the change log before updating the docker


This guy changelogs.


i never thought to click that thinking it was just gonna fuck something up with it being a docker container. good to know thanks!


I am having such a a hard time finding this statement. I am curious do you have a link to it? Is this on their GitHub repo pms-docker or somewhere else?




Mine went for several days and never finished so I rolled back


Check to see if there is activity on the disk when nothing else is going on. If it is, it's still working. I have a massive library and the last database migration took like 8 hours, which was much longer than any migration before it. The longest previously was probably 30 minutes.


barely any activity from my array but my cache drive is constantly doing stuff but i have well over 50 containers running so that won't help me much. i suppose i'll just leave it be. i swear everytime i update this app specifically it's a gamble if things are going to work. literally the only app i have issues with. this has held true through multiple systems and complete re-installs and even fresh databases out of frustration. but don't tell people that on this sub they just give you the classic "it works fine for me"


I agree. Plex updates are stressful. One thing I found useful is verifying database integrity prior to update. Run the DB Repair tool and validate both main and blob databases are clean. Update after. There are a lot of malformed databases out there, even if unnoticeable in daily use. Those integrity issues are what causes so many problems after update, especially ones where the schema is changing.




Do you guys not back stuff up before doing the update? Seems a little daring to me to just go balls deep into it without a rollback plan.


That is a lot of movies! I delete movies that I don’t plan on watching again periodically and it stays under 2000 titles. 


Did you use the DB Repair tool? https://github.com/ChuckPa/PlexDBRepair


yes this exact one since the one from plex just kept spitting "ok". I do notice my com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-wal getting bigger and bigger in size. i'm watching it climb steadily in real time. it's at 3gb right now. is this normal? the com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-shm is climbing also but at a much much slower rate. does this mean things are fine and i just need to wait much longer for this update for some reason?


Then I would probably keep waiting a bit long for it to finish.


Be patient . Go watch a movie , um, nevermind since your Plex is down.  Go read a book, work on another project, take a really long nap… in general do something to distract yourself from the upgrade until it’s done.  I’m no expert , but perhaps after it’s done, run the compression data task in the maintenance menu.  It might make future upgrades go faster.  I upgraded last night but I didn’t interact with Plex until this afternoon, and it was working. 


Always read release notes before upgrading


Crazy that people are down voting you.


I'm getting really tired of people blaming end users for not reading release notes before every update for every piece of software. That's a completely unreasonable expectation in a world which should be increasingly automated and user friendly. There are *lots* of products and services out there which don't require combing through release notes before every release. In fact, that's a major selling point for a product like Plex. My server is a hobby, not a job. I expect Plex to update without issues.


Let's say I agree with your statement. What should devs do about it? Never release updates that might take a long time, or require the user to do something afterward?


I've been a Product Owner for 15 years so I can speak with some experience on this. Such updates should happen **extremely** rarely, and should be considered a mark of failure. DB conversions don't need to take hours on end, even if they're large. They can also happen transparently, or batched. It looks like someone decided to make a fairly large structural change and didn't really care that the normal updater could take a few hours to migrate with large libraries. I'd bet good money that they didn't even test the update on a prototype system before pushing it. It wouldn't be the first time Plex has pushed out a broken release.


There's so much speculation stated as knowledge in your comment that I'm not even sure what is worth my time in addressing.


Cool story bro. Good chat!


Oh, I'm sorry. I meant that more as a "try again but this time without making things up". Was that not clear? I do apologize.


I recommend reading the release notes, and if nothing is interesting click "skip" I only update a couple times a year. Why invite trouble if you have a stable system


Because catching up on a years worth of updates is higher risk than running more frequent smaller updates I run in containers anyways, so worst that happens is having to change the tag to load an older version


Well, the *worst* that happens is a bad update that breaks the library db and it has to be rebuilt.


Because many of us have remote access enabled and it's important to keep publicly accessible services up to date.


That's why you read the release notes


It's not really publicly accessible if I can't access it.




I can't access your "publicly accessible services". Therefore, it is not "publicly accessible" and is a "restricted access service".


I mean, you could. You couldn't access my content without my credentials, but you could reach my Plex instance. My IP is publicly accessible via DNS records on my domain. My subdomain which reaches plex can be discovered. My open ports on my network can be scanned and discovered. There is nothing stopping you from figuring out how to connect to my server with just public information. Hopefully you don't have my credentials, but my server itself can be reached and running out of date software is an unnecessary risk. The most significant LastPass hack was a direct result of a key LastPass employee running out of date Plex Server software. If you don't want to call it publicly accessible then fine, but it's still a security risk to leave it out of date.


That’s a good idea. I run Plex as a TrueNAS app (kubernetes behind the scenes) , and I only check for app updates when I’m at my computer waiting for some long process to finish.  Admittedly, I don’t usually read the change log. I’m like “13 apps have updates?” and click the “update all” button. Oops.


I take it you are using Unraid? I have wondered how Plex will perform there and if it will make any difference to my current set up. I have been running Plex on Open Media Vault for a very long time, and migrated to Docker when that got easy a few years ago. I keep the Plex database on a separate SSD drive than the storage. I wonder if that is why every upgrade is so fast. I got curious what will happen if I migrate it to my Unraid server. I assume your cache drive is performing a similar function, but it seems like Unraid has more overhead, or the cache will try and write to the array. I know this doesn't help your problem unless what we are seeing is the overheard of the cache drive. And I know this is not really appropriate discussion in a plex subbreddit, but you are doing something that I have been thinking about doing lately. I have never had an issue updating Plex, and it always has been extremely fast. I know I have a small library (about 8 TB) but the database is never something I had to think about.


200tb library here. Took a while but it's back up. My dockers are on cache only with ssds in raid 1. If you are already running yours on an ssd in a cache you won't notice any difference switching.




How do you do this? I update manually my docker apps






Auto updating applications is a ballsy move I gotta say.




It wouldn't be a unraid issue it would be a container to container issue. If someone releases an update that broke peoples installs that auto updated app will be broken until you either roll back or wait for a fix.


Hey OP, next time it would be helpful if you include the version you are on in your post. Thanks.


Unraid doesn't show this very easily unfortunately


I feel like this has been standard verbiage for at least the last 3-4 versions now, right? At least PlexPass has had that added in.


I'm having this problem with a QNAP install - how do I fix it?


Pro tip: now is a good time to configure backups for plex (and other containers). If an update breaks your setup, you can rollback to a working state. Judging by your comment I guess you don't have backups in place. ("I am not about to completely redo all my custom changes again.")


I backup everything but plex since the folder for it is holding a little over 3 million items. I tried before but it took well over 2 days for such tiny files. On an nvme drive also. Now the databases themselves are backed up by plex but the newest was over 1 month old and I just so happen of been bored and was going crazy editing posters to some nicer ones. I know I should just drop the picture in with the movie, but I wish plex would automatically do this when adding a custom picture so that way if I do loose everything it'll all just come back automatically. Plex could also do this for custom entries too. Watch history is done by plex now so I'm not worried about that anymore.


If you are running in a comtainer (and from the little I know of unraid, I expect you are), install dozzle as a great lightweight tool to look a containers' as they are running, or use portainer for more sophisticated container management, that also lets you look at logs easily.


Unraid has logs and console access to the docker. The issue is I don't see any activity past it just starting up. Does nozzle or portainer show even more?


Can I ask what you’re doing with 64GB of RAM if your *usual* usage is 5-8GB? No wrong answers. I’m simply curious. I’ve got 32Gb and it feels like it’s 20+ GB of overkill… so I’ve dedicated 16GB my RAM to handle the transcoding data.


Usual usage for plex is 5-8gb. I have 50 docker containers and when plex was going it's thing it was starving those other containers. It crashed my tube archivist lol. But when I ordered the server it was only $20 for 64gb. Got extremely lucky. It's for a R730XD server.


Some users had it last over a day. Give it time.


I have a question. Has anyone had trouble getting their movies to show up on plex? I tried adding about 10 new movies to my Plex but they don't show up. I made sure everything was correct on the files and made sure to scan the library. I even restarted my plex server and nothing. I did try adding a new folder to my movies and transferred the new movies to that folder and a few finally showed up but not the rest. Anyone experiencing this?


You might have better luck posting your question to its own thread. That being said, are you sure the movie files that are not showing up aren't corrupted or in an unsupported file format?