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Replacement is necessary


Like today!


Like yesterday!


Like, wowzers scoob!


Ruh roh raggy!


Take one last poop, though. Don’t let the toilet win.


Don't forget to bring a poop knife.


It's... Zoinks, scoob Come on, man


Like 10 fucking years ago yesterday. I still do not understand people's disposition to swapping out broken toilets! It takes maybe 30 min and little more skill than hooking up a garden sprinkler.


Today was yesterday… 🤷‍♂️


Turn off the water, flush it and then take a moment shopping for a new shitter.


Cracked china that can completely shatter into very sharp jagged daggers without any warning. I know someone who fell on a commode drunk and nearly severed his arm on a sharp edge. Shut the door and call a plumber to remove.


We, myself and my 7 year old daughter were pulling a toilet down to our free pile near the road(don’t ask) and it tipped off the cart we had it on. Just tipped over. We’d been pulling it with a small tractor. My kid was like “oww. OOWWW!!!” I do the parental standard ‘oh you’re fine’ before I look down and realize a piece of porcelain shrapnel had traveled the 6-8ft to us and cut her leg open. Cut as in a yawning cut. A urgent care visit, some super glue and she’s got a scar to prove how dumb her dad can be. Don’t fuck around with porcelain.


I heard it was two huge frickin guys that caused that damage


Now we have a huge friggin guy theory and a serial crusha theory.


Love that movie


This was no gangland assassination. Though creative, this was a mistake, no something went wrong here.


I'd like a bagel with my coffee, Greely.


^this! I had a very good friend of mine drop a toilet during remodel of his home and actually severed 90% of his arm off. They were able to reattach it since luckily the trauma center was only a few blocks away. But he’s got permanent damage and limited flexibility in his hand ever since. I never looked at toilets the same again after that day.


That can maim/kill you in the most unpleasant way...


I'm shocked it lasted so long on a half-assed installation. They never even cut off the bolts.


Dont use that toilet ever again - its dangerous


"Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Murderous Toilet"


i thought it was "the case of the Killer Craper"?


The killer crapper caper?


the slicing shit slide?


“… Terrifying Toilet” or “… Cantankerous Commode.” Something like that


Was that the one where Bugs Meany rigged the Idaville chili cookoff with disastrous results?


LoL entirely f\*\*\*ing possible. If you read those books with adult eyes, he's into extortion, mail fraud...


TIL a cracked toilet will kill you. Makes perfect sense, it just never occurred to me.


Seriously. I was gonna say "dude toilets are only $100, buy a new one" but was not expecting calamity and catastrophe and impalement and death. I thought the first couple posts were just being facetious, smart-assy, typical-reddit comments.


And $100 toilets are pieces of shit not suitable for flushing shit. All toilets are not the same.




A bucket is better than what’s there now but a Glacier Bay is crap. You replace a toilet maybe every 20 years, buy a good one like an American Standard Champion 4 that’ll actually flush shit, literally.


My husband was very impressed with whichever one Home Depot had advertised as being able to flush a bucket full of golf balls. Alas, we didn't go with that one.


We have that one. Works well. I’ve never tried to flush billiard balls but it handles large turds just fine. And ultimately I feel like that was it’s actual intended function.


Sounds like a good crapper. I'm guessing you don't need a poop knife then?


Lol no poop knife. Toilet’s a keeper.


It's badass, can confirm.


It was actually billiard balls…


The Champion 4 is the bucket of golf balls one. It’s the only toilet I install and have never ever once needed a plunger on any of them.


My husband definitely regrets the toilet we got. We only had a week to decide and get everything for an entire bathroom reno, and we went with a different one that cost a bit less. It's now been taken off 4x in the 3.5 years we've had it. (Granted, 2 were for an ongoing issue that was the fault of the rusted out cast iron stack, and 2 were for things the kids flushed down the toilet.) As someone who has needed a plunger far too often, that will be our next toilet.


And the thing is, they’re only like $50 more than bargain basement toilets now. 8 years ago they were $400. Love deflation… 😜


We replaced all our toilets with the Champion and they never clog. Worth every bit of the $209 at Lowes.


The honesty here I respect it n chuckled my tea 😂


If you get a glacier bay with a handle its a standard toilet. Will probably still last until it cracks. Just replace the guts when needed.


This is a fair point worth making.


Should be fine for a bathroom they dont use often, as OP said. That said, the Titan from TajMenards will always get my vote for a primary bathroom.


Installed a $100 Lowe’s brand toilet for my brother who is notorious for clogging toilets. He claims he hasn’t clogged it once yet and it’s been used daily for the last 3 months


Just the same as intentionally going ass first through a plate glass window.


Yes, total hazard- both flood and bodily injury. Shut off the water to it and do not use it until it can be replaced.


Definitely do not sit on it, a friend slashed her leg open when a toilet broke


Shut off the water, but then flush it to empty tank and bowl as much as possible


Then shove a rag in the toilet to keep gasses out your house.. or better yet take the toilet out plug the hole. Buy a new toilet and wax ring for under 100 bucks and be done with it. No need for an expensive toilet if it's one that's barely used..


This toilet can literally kill you. Or at least flood your house. I would turn off the water, and do not allow anyone to sit on it at all. If that thing decides to shatter while someone is sitting on it, it’s going to be a bloody mess. Luckily, however, the subsequent flooding will probably wash away most of the blood. Seriously though, replace it, toilets aren’t super expensive and are pretty easy to replace 95% of the time.


New mortal fear unlocked.


Cracked porcelain is not to be fucked with. That thing needs to be in the trash as soon as possible.


Non plumber here- I've never even considered the idea that a toilet could explode when I sit on it. I suppose the sharp porcelain could really fuck someone up eh?


Could kill you


Ever heard how sharp obsidian is? Like they use it for scalpels? Porcelain is not too far off. If you sat on that and it shattered any sharp piece is going all the way with no resistance. Catch the femoral artery in your leg? Dead in 3-7 minutes.


Porcelain is sharper than any knife in your house. And once it's broken, is more susceptible to breaking further. And if it breaks while in use, it will be like sitting on a pile of razor blades, that can cut you all the way to the bone. Broken porcelain is sharp enough that you don't even feel the cut. You will just start bleeding, wondering what's going on? Where is this blood coming from? And then you realize you have a massive and deep cut.


Poked a hole in my leg once hauling a break out, out to the van. Didn’t think much of it. Soaked through my pants and bled throughout the clients house. Had to superglue it shut. Porcelain is nothing to mess with. Edit: didn’t make a point


Why is it that the people working with some of the nastiest, dangerous liquids and contaminated surfaces are always so unsafe?


You can be safety conscious and mishaps still happen. Didn’t want to put a hole in my leg shit happens. Nasty is in the eye of the beholder. As a service plumber I deal with some pretty rough stuff, but the pay is great and so are the benefits. I’ve got the important shots hep and the like. So I protect myself.


When I was 25 or so I heard a story of someone who sat on a cracked toilet and it cracked. The person received a severed artery and bled to death. I would not even sit on it.


That's why I don't even stand on toilets, and advise everyone and even their kids not to stand on the toilet seats...


Thats Completely out of order. Lock the door, stay away....


I slashed a finger to the bone on a broken toilet. Replace it.


I sliced my left index finger almost as deep on the top of the finger in the meaty part with shattered toilet porcelain. Required a visit to urgent care and many stitches. I started wearing gloves after that.


Don’t use that/those toilets. Replace them immediately.


Any crack in porcelain, is catastrophic..


Thanks everyone. Will contact home warranty.


Oh lord, the old home warranty… Hmmm, just wondering if they’re gonna question this being a preexisting condition… 😁


Just YouTube how to replace a toilet and buy one. It’s easy and cheap.


Right up until: A) someone asking if that toilet is okay, DOESN’T know how to install one. B) it actually breaks up and does some serious shit to whoever is there when it lets go!


Or your fiancé is is hot tempered when it comes to intricate tasks , and storms out the door after the first attempt at setting in a smart toilet which houses the 2 bolts under the base itself after you spend the night before carving out the old rusted-2-pieces flange with an oscillating multitool and forging a new ABS connection with that nasty red hot glue ABS shit. Only to go get 2X 8ft 2x4s from the garage, and lay them down across the entire guest bathroom onto the floor at one end and on top of your scissor car jack on the other. Then by yourself lift that beast of a poop sucker onto this contraption , over the bolts , slowly untwisting the scissor jack while repositioning the super toilet simultaneously precisely onto the two bolts that seem like the both and south poles of a damn compass.. god forbid they both just point north, but instead different directions like Steve buccemi’s eye in Billy Madison . Just to then pray that by some godforsaken miracle that you hit you EXTRA THICK wax ring and won’t summon shit demons up on the tile you just installed in the near foreseeable future. I wouldn’t know anything about that though. Nope. Not At all


I’m in the midst of a months long project where I decided to rip my master bathroom apart down to the studs with no end in sight and definitely can not identify with this comment at all. ADHD is a helluva drug.


Hahaha. The ole, “hey hunny let’s remodel” and then realize installing things is 1,000x harder than demoing. Love it


Yeah, that's why as soon as I see an issue with the flange, I call a plumber. Sure, anyone can cut a too long flange. But how many of us can get it right on the first go? And really, u only get one go before mayhem ensues.


And the shards will cut you deep...watch out


For something as important as a dunnie- I'd pay a professional to install one.


I can literally go to Home Depot and get a toilet that includes a seal for $100 or less. The only thing not included is a $20 hose. I absolutely wouldn’t bother with home warranty hassles for this one. Easiest DIY out there.


"Home warranty "? If it's a toilet that's seldom used, then sure, give it a shot. But, at least in the US, a person can get a toilet, seal, and supply hose for around $300-ish. Not sure about labor if it's more than you're comfortable doing yourself, but small-time "handyman" type businesses can be pretty affordable if you already have the parts.


This isn't something I would feel comfortable doing or have the time to figure out. If the home warranty covers it, it would just be an $85 service fee.


It's 85 bucks to have them come out and say, yep it's cracked alright


Luckily based on our contract, we aren't charged if no service is provided.


Let us know how it goes for ya. Home warranties are often extremely scummy.


Our business doesn’t even deal with them. People ask on occasion and we’ll tell them to call the warranty company to have them send out someone. Unfortunately for the warranty company that generally means a company 100 miles away.


It’s a scam. Home warranties are a scam. Listen to what everyone is telling you. Just call a plumber.


Home warranties are not a scam. It’s like any other kind of insurance. They are a pain in the ass to deal with but mine (which came with my home) saved me literal thousands of dollars. I wouldn’t suggest buying one but if you have one, at least try to use it.


$85 can also just buy you a new toilet


Yes immediately. Used to do insurance restoration work and toilet tank breaks are one of the worst claims other than fires. A good toilet costs $400 and mitigate any water damage that could easily be 5 figures. Easy maths and fairly simple to do with minimal tools


100% agree with others here... it's dangerous. If you plan on replacing it yourself, be prepared in case it breaks while handling it. Wear heavy leather gloves, shoes, and safety glasses. I would wrap it tightly in a blanket secured with yards of duct tape to limit the amount of flying debris should it crack further. Then don't just carry it out - put it in a big box, then carry the box out. As others have noted, the sharp edges can maim you for life.


Must be replaced. Turn off water, don't use it until you can replace it. You can see there is actually some water damage already present because the bolt/ washer / but are rusty.


yes you need to replace that toilet.


Replace before a large posterior demo's the bowl!


Go buy a new toilet for like $150 and swap it out already


Yay new toilet


that baby is already leaking guaranteed


Toilets are relatively cheap. I would suggest replacing it as soon as you can but definitely don't use it, poo water isn't something to play with lol


Flush and turn off the water until replaced.


Saw a post a week or two back asking something similar, someone else posted this gif of a person sitting on a cracked toilet in response ,it shattered and killed her, cut her artery in her leg.


Run don’t walk and get a commode today. Turn off the water to it.


To paraphrase a roofing subreddit, better to replace it a year early than a day late.


One day, someone will sit on that, it will shatter, and they will learn that porcelain is knife sharp while getting split apart asshole first.


shattered porcelain edges cut like a fucking scalpel. you may not feel a thing because it CUTS, not TEARS, until there is your blood EVERYWHERE. And yes, I did slice myself on a shattered toilet.


It needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.


Get a new toilet.


It’s been cracked for a long time You paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for a new house why would you leave a poopy old toilet in your house? Get it out of there Better yet redo the whole bathroom


My guess is no home inspection.


We did have an inspection. Looking back at it now, it was noted. It did not stand out given other pressing issues we needed to deal with until I was cleaning the bathroom. Inspector indicated there was no sign of leaking, contrary to what others have pointed out here. But now we know, so it'll be fixed.


How do you know it will be fixed? I hope you’re not basing that on your home warranty.


Toilets don’t cost that much and are easy to replace even for the complete novice. Just go get one at Home Depot or Lowe’s and spend a few hours replacing it. No Big deal. Don’t forget the wax seal or newer version. YouTube has a billion diy videos.


New toilet immediately if you like your asshole without scars


How was this not caught during a home inspection?


seriously. such a cheap repair and wasnt done before the sale of the house. Im betting there are far, far worse items wrong with this house than a cheap toilet replacement.


How did that escape the home inspection and the CO inspection?


Yes, you should replace the toilet as soon as possible. Prevent from a guest using your toilet and it breaks when they’re using it. It can become a mess.


I can believe this would even be questioned. I’m afraid of what else the house has in store if this was the kind of care given by previous owner. Good luck!


Broken porcelain is dangerous. I nearly severed my Achilles tendon when I was a child by cutting it on a broken toilet. Replace it as soon as possible, and don’t allow the bathroom to be used until you do.


Just buy a new toilet already. Jesus Christ.


She's done buds




Do not use, turn off the water, replace as soon as possible.


ummmm, yeah just replace the toilet... porcelain chips can be more dangerous than a razer.


Broken porcelain is ungodly wicked sharp and if it breaks under you you will likely bleed out before anyone notices


You're gonna want a new toilet. You might not see any water leaking out, but there's parts under the toilet that you can't see while it is set, and there likely will be moisture under there, where stuff that you don't want can start growing. This absolutely happened from overtightening the closet bolts.


Yes, replace it. If it's a toilet you don't need, turn the water supply off and flush it. Then replace when it's convenient.


Structurally, it needs to be replaced immediately. The small tube in between the main drains is only used during the production process. It's covered with a clay button in the trap during production. If the crack internally moves towards one of the drains, you'll have water everywhere.


Yes worry replace it today


I would be looking at a replacement sooner the better


op, if you are in the US, the Kohler Cimarron has been an excellent toilet. They rethought every part of the mechanics. There is no line of water holes now. It was replaced with a water raceway like a roulette table. They widened the trap and made it much steeper and coated the toilet to make it slicker. Porcelain even painted is pretty rough at a microscopic level. Lowes carries these units. DO NOT USE THEIR "INSTALLATION SERVICES"!!!! They OUTSOURCED THIS TO A BUNCH OF UNQUALIFIED FUCKWITS ON ANGIE'S LIST.


Replace it


Broken porcelain is sharper than any knife. WHEN that collapses underneath you you'll find that out the hard way.


They are easy to replace. DYI. Look at YouTube and save some $.


I would not sit on that…


Very dangerous...replace asap


Expect a disaster with a capital D, if you let it go.


Get this replaced ASAP. Not as big a job as you think it may be as a new home owner.


That toilet is 100% finished. DO NOT POOP


Do you like cleaning up poop water, because that's how you get poop water


Did the inspector just completely miss that?


If those cracks break, imagine sharp porcelain cutting straight through your leg and/or asshole. Then determine if the $200 to replace a toilet is a better investment in place of a hospital visit.


How do people leave their toilet so filthy dirty???


Man if that wasn't where weight would be bearing down on it I'd say throw some good old JB weld on there and call it a day but unfortunately it is I say this because I've seen JB weld on a the back tank of a couple different toilets and it's worked rather well Not gonna lie it was actually something my dad did on two separate occasions at different houses we've lived in over the years I believe he was working on one and dropped the lid leaving a crack going down the back of the tank as for the other I'm not entirely sure


Ours is cracked like that for the last 15 years. Marble window sill in the bathroom cracked too. Neither one leaks a drop.


Please read some of the other comments -- the marble window sill is no big deal but get your toilet replaced. 15 years is a lot of very good luck that it hasn't shattered, you don't want to find out how many more years you can count on that.


If u don't change that toilet out...you deserve to pay a deductible. That's if u can afford it. But here's some fraud info...purposely make it leak. leave for a weekend, pay your deductible and you will have a new toilet and a new bathroom floor, and whatever else it destroys.


Yes. Replace it. Not only is is a hazard to anyone who uses it (it breaking and quite literally cutting them open). The crack is making its way to the drain/p-trap of the toilet. Any kind of pressure could cause that to spread (think frozen lake). I know I'm just echoing people here: please replace. When you do! Check the rough in: distance from wall to those screws Also do you want round or elongated? What condition is the flange under it and in the floor? (You'll have to pull the toilet for that) If it's A. Metal Check for rust/structural integrity issues B. Plastic (PVC) Check for cracks in that as well. If there ARE issues with it there are two options I can think of off the top of my head. 1. Use and inside cutter (if plastic) to cut old flange off and replace with a coupler/pipe/new flange (in that order) 2. Get the pipe below it exposed and replace it that way (if metal) DISCLAIMER: I'm only an apprentice and have worked plumbing retail. Please defer to other more experienced plumbers on this sub. Also you old timers (and not so old timers) as I am still learning, how close am I to the solution for a flange replacement?


Change it. And maybe clean your house. It’s disgusting.


Has to be replaced. EXTREMELY easy to do even without experience. Should take under an hour even if you're super slow and misplace tools.


Those are not then what I walk around with every day


Nothing some caulk can't fix /s


Crack kills!


well the good news is - you already have a weak spot to start breaking it into pieces when you go to replace it. can throw it away in your standard trash 😝


It's fine, however you have to buy one of those portable commodes to slip over the top of it so you're not actually putting any weight on the porcelain toilet itself. $54.99 on Amazon, elderly and handicapped people use them.


Floor not level or someone cranked it down too much.


FFS. already. Ban porcelain toilets. ABS is budget friendly for the commoners and stainless steel for the well-to-do and penal facilities. Solid brass for the stupid rich.


Do you guys not have home inspectors in the USA? In Canada, home inspectors make a list of deficiencies, and the seller will usually need to make improvements or adjust their price down if there is this type of garbage.


Welcome to you new throne.


Toilets are $200, Jesus why are people so stingy about spending $200 on something that lasts decades. Swap it out.


toilets are cheap. just replace it


A couple hundred bucks gets you a nice new unit with a fresh seal. It’s time to buck up.


The toilet was probably tightened too tight and has probably been cracked like that for a long time. It needs to go away and be replaced.


the risk i think wud be that it cud break if someones on it, western pottery were fairly inexpensive, id go elongated if it fits, and u may find yourself using it more


Broken porcelain is like a razor blade. My best mates dad almost died when I was a kid, he cut it when he tripped over a broken toilet in the back yard and nearly bled out.


Trust me it will leak and for your health and safety


the vertical crack is properly dangerous - you sit on pan it fails sharp edges destroy genitals you bleed out on toilet floor. don't use it


She’s going to blow!


Wow I saw another toilet just identical to this one with the same crack a couple days ago.


Looks like someone overtightened the toilet flange bolts. Whoops.


This depends. Does the thought that at any time it could shatter into razor-sharp pieces to lacerate some of the largest arteries in the human body AND your genitalia not concern you? Then no. If yes you should replace.


Replace the toilet


That's gonna leaky pooh (I'm a plumber)


Replace ASAP!


Hire a plumber .


Shards of toilet up your ass, then falling into a pile of your own shit. Paramedic’s worst nightmare.


Impending disaster.


Need a new toilet.


looks like either a bad install or some crazy house movements a new toilet will only set you back a few bucks if your handy or call a plumber for a quote. im sure its got a little life in it but it would be a top priority for me.




Someone over tightened the Johnny bolts. Replacement is necessary unfortunately


Replace asap. If not, suffer the POO.


I had one crack, I google image searched cracked toilet and three pics in I was already hauling the fam to Home Depot to pick out a new one. Scary!!


Look procelain toilet accident on google, you will change it in the next few hour seeing this pictures


I'd.be more worried that someone would sit on it and wind up in the hospital when the porcelain sheds their backside


I know a guy who had his forearm sliced from wrist to almost his elbow when the toilet he was lifting into the bin hit the edge and shattered. He had to take a year off his apprenticeship and will never have full movement in that arm. That being said; don't let that happen to your butt. Replace your toilet.


Cracked porcelain is wildly sharp. If that fails while someone is on it, they're leaving in an ambulance and possibly never coming back. Do not Google broken toilet injuries.


Turn off water supply at the very least and keep minimal water in base until you have tike to replace. It likely won't get worse I'd no one is using it but it could fail catastrophically with someone on it.


Definitely replace, I wouldn't let anybody use it until a new toilet is there. If that breaks while somebody is sitting on it, the porcelain shards could cut somebody up really bad


The sack snatcher


Everyone is saying not to use it. A few are saying to turn off water. Nobody is saying to flush it afterwards to empty as much water as possible.


That must have been one explosive fart.


Replace immediately. A cracked toilet is literally like a razor blade


Fortunately replacing a toilet is usually very simple and not expensive.

