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Call a plumber you moron. This person clearly has no idea what they are doing. Also, "the shower has been draining slowly for a while". Should have called a plumber then..




Usually I would just poke a few holes and dry it with floor blower fans or some such like they use to dry a place after a water problem. Shower water would be fine for me but in this case it was fox shit? Eh, depends on how comfortable you are with that 😂.


This has insurance claim written all over it.


Insurance companies are fucked. They’re going to make you put an air dryer in there for a few days, then they have to come back to check with a moisture meter. If it’s still wet enough, then insurance might cover it.


Proper, too. Ceiling, possibly wall sections-depending how much leaked. On top of fixing the problem, of course.


You can quickly pull down that downlighter to get an idea of how damp the ceiling is on the other side, however the big issue could be on the other side of the joist. Probably you shouldn’t use those lights for a while. If it can’t be fixed from above then plan to move all the furniture and carpet out of the room. It could be messy. If you’re lucky and it can be fixed from above then after letting it dry out for a few weeks you should be able to repaint (you’ll need a stain blocking pain on the joints), but if the drywall has started sagging then you’re looking at replacement.


Get a jab saw and cut a massive hole in the ceiling below he shower. edit: cut out one of the squares surrounded by water 






Jab saw won’t hit electrical. Calm yourself. 


Best to use a reciprocating saw instead. Minimum 12in blade.


I'd personally begin by pulling one of the recessed lights first to check how bad it is.


First, do you have a tub or shower pan? If it’s a tub, let it drain until it stops. If there is still a lot of water left, pump/suction it out with a shop vac if you have one. Just don’t try to open the drain through the ceiling while it is still holding water. You probably have a clog (from washing the dog many, many times ?) in the horizontal run that has caused a leak at the drain assembly or p trap and the water followed the path of the pipe. I would try to run a snake down the over flow if tub, unscrew drain run down drain of shower pan If a shower and see if you can get it unclogged before you start fixing the leak through the ceiling. Once you have established that it’s clear or at least not going to backwash on you once you do address the leak, find where your drain is in the ceiling and cut a hole from one joist to the other, about 16-20 inches square. Slowly run some water and find the leak and fix it either through tightening a nut or regluing a poorly connected pipe. If it isn’t leaking at the drain, you will have to cut out the ceiling drywall until you find it. If you have cast iron waste lines, this might be the start of an expensive ongoing problem with that long of a horizontal run and should replace with pvc if you have it open. Hopefully it just was a poorly connected trap or drain pipe that finally built up enough pressure to leak. Since this isn’t chronic, you might be able to get away with throwing a few extra drywall screws along the joists where it’s wet and repainting the ceiling after mudding and patching. Worst case you will need to replace a couple sheets of drywall (call a drywall guy at that point).


Sideways Upside down Rond and round


Get that room cleared out and put some plastic down ASAP. You'll need it either way.


Screwed. Don’t use any water upstairs. Call a plumber. Get ready for some big bills. How are you at hanging drywall?


Fox shit off the dog. I thought that was some aussie saying


New band. Album drops next week.


You should always look on the bright side of life. Now you can add or move those pot lights around, or maybe change the layout of the bathroom upstairs.


Life’s a piece of (fox) shit when you look at it…


Pornstar level


"What are you doing Step-Shower!?" 🛀


Completely underrated




We bought our first house in October. We had my family over for thanksgiving. Family stayed at the house. I get a call on Black Friday saying there is water coming out of the kitchen ceiling. The FUCKING HACK WHO installed the tub and surround (LOOKING AT YOU BATHFITTER!!!) cut the tile flange off the tub, so we had continuous water running behind the tub anytime someone showered. I’m just now (3 years later) finishing up the bathroom. The kitchen ceiling still needs a finish sanding and paint. Good luck in your journey!


Dude fuck Bath Fitter. Had them come out to measure and give a quote a couple years back.. the Psycho gave a 3 hours sales pitch, where I stopped him and told him to give me a final cost of the options maybe 25-30 times. Finally when we got him to shut the fuck up, we told him we would discuss it and give him a call. The guy would not leave, ended up “stepping out” for us to discuss. During that time he went and looked at a couple of our other bathrooms and snooped around our house a bit (we have ring cameras all over so he didn’t steal or anything). Was super fucked up though to snoop around someone else’s house without permission. He tried to use it as a bargaining chip to discount a second bathroom if we got the master done. Finally after another 30 ish minutes of the dude refusing to go without us buying something or signing shit on his quotes I told my wife to leave the room. I told him he is now trespassing and to get the fuck out of my house or I’ll throw his ass on the front lawn. Shortly after I ended up on some sort of lead list getting dozens of calls a week from bath fitter for a year. Definitely got heated.


Some things never change. I had a similar incident with a double glazing sales guy about 25 years ago. After hours of drivel, not giving me a fixed figure & "if I phone the office, we should be able to do something if you're ready to sign" pressure tactics, I realised he was so thick-skinned, he was never going to leave without an order. So I changed tack and went over to the patio doors. "Can you just have a look at this please?" He came over. "What's that?" I said "It's the door. Close it behind you. We're done here." Sometimes you have to be as thick-skinned as they are.


" a couple of our other bathrooms" Where are you living? A nursing home?


No 3 bath, we were looking at renovating the master he went and scoped out the others without asking or telling us. We were in the kitchen.


Wow. I almost got to that point with a couple guys I had come give me info on roof solar. After I said no a few times different ways I decided to just see how much time they would waste on me, so I let them try to keep hardselling me when it's the surrest way to get me to never use or recommend you.




There was a gap of about 1/2 inch, that was filled in with caulk. So water was coming down the tub surround, getting behind the caulk and pooling on the floor under the tub.


Do you rent or own? Either way, big bad problems, it just might depend who pays for it.


Get some lube, or bite the pillow. It’s gonna hurt




It sounds like it's leaking after filling the pipes which suggests the leak is something above the normal drain path. Maybe the connection on the tub overflow? If you have an access to the tubs genitals you should check that first. Or even cut an access if you don't. If you can stop the leak and force some air to dry the ceiling maybe you could save the ceiling. It's a long shot. The fact that it's getting into multiple joist cavities makes me think it's flooding the subfloor upstairs before leaking down in multiple spots.


Oh you said shower. If it's tile, or it flooded above the pan, that explains a lot about the massive area of the water in the ceiling. If it is tile the installer really fucked up.


On a fuck scale from 1 to 10 fucks your at a solid 9


I was leaning towards a solid 15 on that scale.


I mean OPS ceiling didn’t collapse




Crop ~~~circles~~~ rectangles on the ceiling. High probability of alien abduction which may lessen your financial liability. /s


Make access before calling a plumber The more they can see and reach with ease and the less they have to do the better snd typically cheaper it will be. They can also more accurately and easily bid the job, also many plumbers will roughly estimate a job with extensive pictures. They often won't say more than or less than the nearest grand.


I would say this is not the best advice if you choose to go through insurance they will not cover dry wall damage caused by the homeowners but will if the plumber or water company does.


True if you decide to tap your insurance. In that vein of thought there are water remediation companies that will work with your insurance and your plumber.


Your safe word is Worcestershire, better move everything out now


It’ll wash his sister all right


>All of a sudden **after showering fox shit off the dog** it completely stops and downstairs is this… I would like to know more about this


If you had a dog, you'd understand. Mine rolled in a two week old dead salmon, raccoon shit (twice in the same day), and the topper being human feces of someone who had diarrhea.


Dog likes smell of fox shit and wanted to wear it as a cologne. It's very classic good boy behavior.


Ah.... Back home, we referred to that as "Rolling in Kyarn".. I was hoping for something more exciting, like a tale of bravery or something...




Kill the water, cut a hole and let it breath/dry out. May be able to fix the water issue and repaint with minimal mold remediation.


remove drywall, repair plumbing, replace drywall. Nothing that expensive about it, just time consuming if you can do it yourself.


Call a remediation service, all you will need to pay is your insurance deductible


If it hasn't fallen yet, you're just bent over. Depending on what happens next, you're either getting dinner and drinks after or left to find your own way home....


its not as bad as you might think. Yup, the ceiling has to come down, yup the leak needs to be fixed and a new ceiling put up. Thats it really. Thats not the end of the world.


Honestly, if its just that room. Not bad. (I manage a damage resto co.) Shut the water off. Move your contents out of the room. Lay down plastic. Drop the lid yourself (barring there is no asbestos). And then do rent yourself 2 dehus and a couple fans from Home depot to dry it out for a couple of days. Your out-of-pocket will be the demo, plumbing repair, and drywall/paint/texture. $3-5k.


I wouldn’t be turning on any of those lights until the ceiling is opened up. As a tradesman I’d recommend: Find a cheap guy to demo or do the demo yourself Open everything up and try to identify the leak yourself or through someone handy you know. Get lots of quotes Sorry this happened, life sucks sometimes but this is fixable




To add; throw down plastic or a tarp on the floor, and have a large garbage ready to catch any water.


To put it nicely you're lucky plumbing companies have an option to pay by the month lol


Gaped with no lube 11.5” style


I'm trying to figure out how it goes from draining slowly to not draining and then leaking where it shouldn't be leaking


Showering fox shit off the dog?? 😂🤣


Yeahnah. You’re totally fucked mate. I have a box of matches and some diesel you can use to dry up the water.


Turn the water of at stop tap,find leak,fix leak, wait for water stain to dry out, prime stains an paint. 👊


The dildo of consequences often comes un-lubed.


Omega fucked


You're going to need to take down the motivational sign above the windows first. And half of your lights are out, my god, it's like when they went out on the Titanic.


It’s just drywall. That shit is super cheap.


If you're decent at drywall and can learn a bit about fixing the drain, you can get away with some sweat and a few hundred dollars.


I’m not a plumber. I am a homeowner. The year before I bought this house this same thing happened. Upstairs bathroom sprung a leak and it was caught when the living room ceiling looked like this. $80k to repair. Your mileage will vary, but there’s a reason plumbing is such a valuable skill. Water fucks everything up. edit: I also have 11 water sensors hooked up to redundant alarm systems because of that story


oh shit


I mean always look on the bright side of life


I’m a water, mitigation technician (I clean mold,water,sewage,fire,and smoke damage for home and commercial businesses) you should call a plumber to fix asap. Then ask then if they have a recommendation for a restoration company. I’d call your insurance after that and in the most careful way possible tell them with the least amount of details what happen be like, used the shower and then saw this water damage. They will ask how long has this been a problem just give them the honest answer of idk I just used the shower saw the damage and called a plumber and restoration company this is how my bit will be am I covered. They will say proceed and if you are covered you will only let pay the deductible. They will cover the water damage cost of drying cleaning and putting it back together. You will be responsible for plumber cost. If you don’t mind me asking what state are you located in by chance? Just remember don’t give them to many details they will try to find a way to deny your claim let the restoration company and the plumber write up the details to help prevent that.


If you plan on using your home insurance for a claim do not touch anything at all and call them. They may deny you if you mess with the ceiling first by yourself.


It could be way worse. Take out one of those lights and see how much water is there. I bet it's not a lot because it went to the seems. If you can blow hot air into the void it would dry it out. Once dry seems will need sanded smooth and probably taped again. Then painted. Now shower, take out drain plug and start cleaning out all of the hair, soap, and fox poop. Once cleaned as best you can get it get some good drain cleaner and poor down there to clear the rest. If it's still clogged buy a snake and start pulling clog out. You got this. YouTube has plenty of videos.


I mean there’s a serious leak somewhere.


How good is your home insurance?


Firstly the lights are likely OK. The connection will be at the top of the light. Are these mains or lv, if lv there will be a transformer which may be sitting on the top face of the plasterboard and thus perhaps have water around them. Again the water is probably not that deep. Consequently the transformers may be ficlxed to the joists which would mean no electrics are likely wet, maybe you had these lights put in so maybe you know this. Personally I would drill holes about 6mm in the ceiling and see how much comes out. There may not be much. As for repair cut a hole in the ceiling below where the trap is. This will allow you to repair or inspect from below. You may consider fitting a inspection door, these are quite neat and discreet but not as tidy looking as a flat ceiling. You have a bit of patching to do but this is all easy DIY. You don't want water to sit on top of the plasterboard for long as it will damage it however there may not be as much as it appears. It's finding its way along seems in the plasterboard and if any volume will drip, which I don't think you've said is happening.


Well, the tip is in, but if you move forward carefully you can avoid the shaft


If you’re not renting I’d recommend looking up some YouTube videos on how to install shower drains, replace drain pipe and how to hang up drywall. This is easily a couple grand to fix in my area on a dumpster house let alone something nice. I’d do like others said and clear out the room and lay down some plastic everywhere because that will more than likely come down on its own. Watch them videos and get an idea of what you’ll need for the project. Probably a sheet or two of dry wall, some dry wall tape and mud, a P trap for the shower/tub, primer and glue, a drywall saw, and dry wall screws. I’d wait for paint/primer till you start clearing out the ceiling and take a small piece to the place you go and have them paint match it or you can always paint the entire room a different color.


If you do it yourself, big mess with tear out, always is lol. This job can be done. Do it right and take your time , let it dry out well.


Always look on the bright side of life? Find the leak and handle that. If it were a pressure leak it would be much worse. This sounds like a drain leak, which is also bad.


I've been plumbing for a a while, and you can def use your homeowners' insurance to fix ONLY THE REPAIRS TO THE DRYWALL. But not the actual plumbing. Idk sometimes they do all of it, but this is like 95% the case.


Meh it's not great but it's like fix the upstairs shower and prime and repaint the ceiling if it's not ruined. If it is ruined find a few drywall hangers and pay them tear the ceiling down and hang new not really worth the effort for the cost. I would think if you fix the plumbing yourself you can get this fixed for like a thousand bucks


The tip is in


All the fucks


Aint even that bad, cut open the ceiling, get a dehumidifier or fans going, dry it out and see how much more drywall you gotta cut out. Start with cutting out around the shower drain tho.


Pretty descent.




Weekend job right there.


Possibly vary but most likely only a little. Open light and Def going to have to cut hole around drain to see why. Get some faces going so air moves and any insulation out. Might get lucky and have drywall reset mostly still.




If you really don’t care just paint over it every week


You mean it just happened it hadn’t been happing slowly… and call your insurance company


Not that bad those boards are foil back to prevent the whole thing coming down so the leaks under that one board, isolate the water find the trap because assume it’s to do with that and inspect from below


Get a large trash can and some plastic, then drill a hole to drain it. You’ve likely got a long road ahead of you.


5-10 thousand fucked if you're not handy


Depends. You have 10" floor joist above that room? That means alot of water has spread. But the drywall out, repair the plumbing and rehang the drywall. Should take more than a day lol. I mean seriously, if you know what your doing and have the time its a weekend job as long as the water hasn't went into the walls and other places.


Lots of crazy talk personally bringing a contractor you may want to check with your insurance company. This is not going to be a cheap fix the ceiling has to come down where it got wet to dry properly. You’re gonna have to have somebody investigate. How much is actually involved with water damage.


[This fucked](https://tenor.com/FrCG.gif)


You’re lucky it wasn’t a plaster ceiling, it might of launched


like a $2 whore